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<br /> - - i7.Tiarfer�f tlie�rnpa�ty os..De�d(di!Tateeat ia 1�oaewa..If att or any p�re of the Pe�apercy�,r mY intec�t in it :
<br /> rn
<br /> is sdd ar vantfe�ced tot if�beneficiat intetrat in 8ortowe�'is eoW a mwsfemed and&xrower Is not a a�turnt peieon}�witbbat .
<br /> i.ender•s prioe written oonsent, L�ender may. at its optioti. raNirc icnm�diate peyment in tu'il of di swc�s secueed by this
<br /> � . Savdry MstrunKr�.However.this option sin113wt bc exencjsad l+y l.ender If�encise�s prohibitod by federd!sw a�of the dat�
<br /> ' of this Saatrily Guttumeni. , ' � '
<br /> if t�ender eaercises this option.Lendar ststil giyF 8ormwqr notfcc of aa:eler�tion.TNe notice shaU pmvidc a periad of not �
<br /> tess tT�an 3Q Qays fmm the d�te the notia�is dtliian�ii�or maited a�ithio which Bomowu must pay all swns securai by this .
<br />. Security_Lutrumcof.if Hasruw�r fm'is to gzyr,ttkse swts prior to the eapisatia�af this period,i.eader may invoke anp remadies _- .
<br /> pemdtted by this Sec�ri lnswment withc�ut fatttres n'stice or demand on Horrower.
<br /> lg, Hamwer+s �t �p Reipq�te, If' 8orrowwr.rtieets cettain conditions. Borrawer sh�li ha�e tho right to have
<br /> enforcetnent of this Seairity Ir►suurt�ent discar�titMxd�at any dme prior to the earlier of: ta)S days(or such ather periad as
<br /> applic�le law may specify for oeit�tatemenE}�'fie��e�sile of the Pmputy pucsuant to any power ai sale contained i» this _
<br /> Sa:uriry Instrument:or @)rntrY of tt j�dg�e aiff+t�in8 this Security tnst�ument.Those cond'mons are that Hocrower:(a)PaYs
<br /> Lendcr all swns which then would t�d�e undes,this Sotvrity InsttumeM and the Note as if no accelerati�n had oxurred:!b?
<br /> cuns any defwit of any other coven�nu oa�agnaanmts;(c)paYs�II expenses incurred 'm enforcing this Saxtrity[nsir�metu.
<br /> including.iwt not liRUted to,reasonabk suot�ys'fees;and(d)taices stich achon as I.endcr may ieawnabfy require ta assure
<br /> that the tien ot'this Security Insuumrnt;Ler�;'s rig6ts in the Propetty aud Bormwer s abligution to pag the sums seared by
<br /> this Security ?++ ��*+P*�* shail�contiouoc.-u�t�ed• Upon rcinstatee�ent by Bomower. this Security lnshument,aad the
<br /> o6tigations secured hereby shap nemain fuUy.�eff�etiVe as if no aa:eleration had uccnmed. Howover.this right to rcuutate shall
<br /> i10[3�Iy lA II7G Cs7SC Of BCCC�C�B[101]11I1dEF Q0i8�78Qft�7. �
<br /> 19.S�le ot Natr Cbiu�t ot�I:aan�SetMati: "i'he Note ot a partial intcrest in the Note (mgether.vvith:this Security
<br /> Insuua�t?inay be snld a�or mmre tiates.�wi�hoat�ior notice to Bomower.A sale may resWt in a c6ange in the entity(kanwn
<br /> as the"�n Senricer")that coltocxs montbSy��ytnents due under the Note and this Security,Inshumen�T6ere atso may 6e aoe
<br /> -c���:il�augc�ottlie Lu-a�Se+vi�-u�c331kt3.�ta a safe o€tt�e i�v�a.i€tbt:.��a eh�sge of tha Lo�S€aLZ�r.8csrrucr..-r ii�t.�
<br /> �tVP��TI"`..C1f 110[1CC O�tI1C Ch3i1?,�!tl�rrmahr.rP y�����b`�?E 2?J�V�ari�.�ppiica6le law.The nntice will state the p�zce aa�d :: :�_:'_
<br /> ,'�add��the new l.oa��Servioerar�xt'tt��a@dtess to which-Pa,�a�en(S.shou3��ie�ade.The notice will a[sa coatain-�:gthe�'" �.
<br /> :;.'.•;��:�reqnired.by app2��T�L�,6e.: ;• . . ':...:;�::
<br /> ' :;Pi�::�rdoLLS Sa�o�.:�er'sfuL uac cause m�.�reri�i�.�ttiti;p?�t?o�;��s,°,:�s�.�sai,�tc�e.oi reI�a,:af any
<br /> `.;:i�=�-`;�a�,::�on or ��t��:�:n^�:°��9ver shal�:;rinf d�;n4r�atlo�r;ta�i,y�e;�:s���s��;,.��g�affearifig the ,
<br /> �' �"yr:�'�s.�w�l:�on of a�,.�.,.�;s�}t,i•-;-=�a?�i�aw.The gr2oedis�g twasent�n�esshati��otap�ri';�7��i�.��resen�.use. or
<br /> .', s�r�w:�ti�;�r,�;�':+�f scnaEl-.r� -��es e;�dous Subsranees�,t�ar ar�.gc�erally recognized ta be�ropriate to normal
<br /> resi�r��3s�se.s:s.'�...;�crw��te�pfalre Propercy. .: :
<br /> Bz.e�;�,�s���sa�pti�gir�L�nder written notice of arig�anvesfigatiun.claim.demand.lawsuii or ather action by�any
<br /> gove�or r+e�ti�tory agert�cy or�private party involving the Froperty and any Hazallous Substance ar Envimnmental iuw
<br /> of which BorrowerGas actval tmowiedge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authariry.that
<br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substa�ce affecting the Property is nec�essary.Borrower shall promptly talce
<br /> all necessary remodial actians inaccordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph�20. "HazarQous Substances"are those substances defined as toaic or hazardaus Substances by
<br /> Enviconmental Law a�d tAe following substar�ees: gasoline. kerc�sene. other flammable or toaic petroleum products. tox�c
<br /> pesticides and hefiicides.voiatile solvents.materials cuntaining asbestos or formaldchyde.and r,�dioactive materials. As u�ed in
<br /> ihis paragraph 2d."Environmental Law" means fedcra!laws and laws ui the juriuliction where the Prapeny is tocated that
<br /> relacc co hea�th,sufety or crnim�tmental prutcctian. ' �
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bartawer and l.cader further covenant and agree as follow�s:
<br /> 21.Acceler�tbn;Remedies.Lender shall p,ive natice to Bo�rowsr prior to acederation tollowtng Borrow�er's 6r+a�ch
<br /> ot any corenant or a�+eenxnl�in this Securlty i�dvment (but nat pr�or to aacder�tinn under p�rag�ph 17 unlrss
<br /> appUcabk law peovides dhen`L�e).The notice shell specify: (a)the default;(b)the action required to cu�r the defaWt;
<br /> (c)a dxte,no/tess t6an 30 days•trom the date the noNre is given to Bor�ower,by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> (d)that tailure to cum the det'ault on or betom the date specifted in the notice may resvit in accderation of the sums
<br /> secured by this Securily It�trument and sale of the Praperty.The notice shall tu�ther intorm Bortower of the rfght to
<br /> ret�te after ac�oeleeation•And the rlght to bring a court acilon to acserl the notrexistcnoe of a detault or any other
<br /> de�enqe ot Borrower to acceteration and sale. Ii the default is not cured on or 6efore the date spociRed ia t6e notke,
<br /> Lender,at its aption,may.reqai�e fmmediate payment in fall'ot all sums secured bv t61s Security Iastr�ent withoat
<br /> furths�demand and may fm!olce�e power af sale aad any ather semedies permitted�e�applicable law.Lcader stwll be
<br /> erttit(al to coikd All expenges incui'i'ed 1n pursuing the remedies proti-ided in this paragraph Zl,ind�ding,but not iimited
<br /> to,�rasona6k attmneys'tees and cosfs ot tiUe evidence. - '
<br /> I�tbepower of sale 1s invoked,Trustee shall record a a�otioe oP detault in e�ch caunty in w�id�an5 yrar,t of the
<br /> Propert�8s located and sl�a[f ma�copies ot such notice in t�e mannerprescribed 6����plicable Iaw to Borrawa�;and to
<br /> tlieutfi�ecpe�sons pr.escr�'be�bv appliwble taw.ARer the time requirod by appl�Q���,Tro.stee shall give publi�notice ,
<br /> , ot sale to tde pe�sare�and te the manner prescri6ed 6y applicable law.Trustee, witbout demand on�orroN•er,'s`h1+11 sell
<br /> the Property a/pdi�u auetion to tlw highest bidder at the time and plaae and under the terms desip.n9ted in the notice ot
<br /> sak ia one oe more�rcels and in any ordee Trustee determines.TruSts�e may pastpone sale ot all or a�ry p�nei ot the
<br /> � Property b,� public announcement at the time and place o!any previousty schedulc�sale. l.ender o�its designee mav
<br /> pur�l�e ttre property at s�ny sale. �
<br /> Fonn 8028�9/90
<br /> Psae 9 0l A
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