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<br /> � . Sr.Bazard.ae Ptup�er�y lis�es�oe Hoc�o+�er ah�tl tteeg�he impe�vemants noK eri�tia�or Aa�e�ttec acac�aa. � 4
<br /> f6e Pe+n�erty�iae�red�pit�et las b�r 6re.basard�iacluded�vit�ia the�et�t'e:tade8 cova�a�e_�n1+a�!o.i;er�,
<br /> tncludit�ttoode�or floodi�.for�Rhich IAnder s�eqdires i�uance.Tdis ineursnoe ahill�e�wntatned�a the�amounts . � ,
<br /> snd iar the�paiads s�t I.eodv roquie+as Tlre i�eanos cuniu provi�the imuraece ebali be choxa by llaio�cet
<br /> subject tc►t.eader's spprs►val�rl�ich abtlt not be uoraeomWy Mithheld it Bae+owa faits w nuiptin�ovees�e descdbed �
<br /> above.I�enaer msy.st I�endee's option.obbis cov�e.w gnatect I.ender'a ri�in th�s Froperty in a000ndanc�xith
<br /> � �pb'�t - . ` t < . —
<br /> All ins��ranc�e poticiea a�rmewats sl�l be=ar,ceptabte to-Lendec ufd aMli inctud�t standatQ mott�t�e ctauee.
<br /> I,ender s�U �sve the ri�t to 6dd the policies and rene�ral�.It Leader requures. BatroRer eball ptomptlY�ive to
<br /> - -- - - 1 a�der aU saceipts bt pid p�+e�niinna u�d ra�wrst n�asioe�Ia tl�e evmt oi ta�.Bor,co�rer shs1l pva prompt.ratice tathe
<br /> i�ursax carriet�ad I.eade�:L�ader may nulce pe+oof of iQes if nnt made P��P�F by Borroxer.
<br /> - Unleee Leader and Bort+4xer otbaaiae a�ree ia xriqn�imwsnoe p�viceeds s1u11 be sppfied to t�eatoratioa or npair
<br /> ot tl�e P�operty d�ma�ed.ii ttie ms�ocationoc rr�air is ecanomtqlly fasi62�aad Lender's aecurity is aat lessened.It tf�e
<br />_- - n�toradon or repris ia twt econotniplly fa�'bteoe I.endet's secucity Would be les�ed.the inttuanoe pmveeds shill lx
<br />_ apptiad to the�ms sec�xed by thia Sectnity Insttumeat,Nhether or mt tt�n du��vith sny azceaa paid to Bomntret.H
<br /> Borroxa abwdom ih�Pioperty,or does not amw►er�rittun 30 dsys s notioa trvm I.enckr thst t1a i�curia i�as
<br /> ' atferad to settla a d�im,then Laider snsy oullect tbe i�uranoe proeeed�.l.endtt may uae the proca�ds to repair ar
<br /> L �e.store ti�e Prnpectq or to pay sums aocund by this Seanity ImKrummt,�vhet6er a j aot then duG Tlx 30'dsy paiod��riti
<br /> - be�ia�hen the xiotice is pva�. . .
<br /> Udess l.e�der ud Bo�mw�x otba�rise s�C+ee in�rritit�.any appiiwtioa o�'pr.xeeds ta pri�cipl st�alt aot�Ytend ar
<br /> ' postpone tha du�date oi the moatblY P�Jfinents referred w in Pa'��taPhs 1 and 2 oc.rt�nge the amount af the paymenta
<br /> If wjder pus�raph 21 tbc Pt'oPMI►is aalu�r�by Leader.Bomoker's rip,ht to my insurancoe policies and pcoce�eds - - -
<br /> - -- : cesuitin�inom.dinaa�e w t6e Pt+operty prior to tbe aoq+niaitton shall p�ss tu Lender to tht cmnt of t1x snms sxwre�i�g �
<br /> . tbis Securitp I�rumEnt immedisuiy prior to tbe aaqin�tion. � ' �
<br /> 8. 6.Occupa�ay,Pn�cvatio�,lNsiateastioe sad Ptotectian of the Pnoperty;Borruwe�s Loas llpplicatian: —
<br /> �Z' I.essehold�.BorroMer shell oanPy.a�tabliah,md ose the Pmperty aa Borro�res'sprineip�i teside`nce Rit6ia si=iy d�ys =
<br /> � atter the eucirtion of ttiis 5xnnity Inewmeat and sh�U ooatinue to oocupy.the Frv�rty.�s Bormver's priacip�t
<br /> � reaidence for at Ia�st vne}'eu sfter the d�yte ot occupaac.y.unlesR Les�r]ec other+vise ag�raes w�vnting.�+hich,conxnt aliall
<br /> r:�� mt be mu+e�onably xithhtld,or unlss��iivatingciraumstancase�ist Rhich ats beyatd&xrnxet's coa�uat.BarroRer =
<br /> . -�: a� ` sLall not destroy,damage or�mPeir tl�idtopertY•a11aRr the Pcoperly to deteriv�ata.or aommit waste on the Prnpertx _.
<br /> a
<br /> �x:;�••�--;���=, � Borroxer sl�alt bc iA defauit if u�y lodejture sctior�or.�ncadiag,whether cis�a'riri�miaa}.is begun tfiat in L�ender's
<br /> �'�'�'� "�'��� faiih' emt oould cesWt in forfeiture of tbs Fropetty or oti�erxisc triattsrialiy impair the lien craud by tLis --°�
<br /> .� � .�� S� N� =�
<br /> ,.�'':°.a:._•-- —
<br /> �.�tt�:..:,�:. ,� :. •:t' Security Instrument or I�etide�s seadrity inoeres�. Sorrnwer msy cure such s defavit and reinstate.as provided in � �.;�-=
<br /> f «;�.:�:��,.:-_ ;- P�&'aPb 18;'by causing the aetion or pcoeading to be disinisscd,with a tWing that, in Lender's good faitti �-_=--
<br /> :;.:,r,�i.�,�,. �,` det minatiotr.P,'�ectudes forfeiture of the Bonower's interest ea t�e Propertyt Qt othec material impairmrnt of the liea. ---- -
<br /> �°x ,-�. .:'�::�=,; crated by this Seccurity I�iument or I�ender's exusitg intenst.�Bomnwer�11.�r�so be in deiault if�Borroxer,during -_
<br /> n °
<br /> �,��Fy� ',1'- ;�� the loan application pnuar�,.'..gsve msterially faise:ur��accuratt informstiva.«i��'ststements to Lender (or failed to =:— -
<br /> °=''z�����:: :. �_ ptovide Lendet with ang a�aterial informstion)in cdr�.r�ction with the tosn�`r�:r,�.��ed by the Not�.inclodin�,but not ����=
<br /> r;aa;i -�.,t..;��•;�" _�— _
<br /> _�:".�`��rr`�.,i:' 1�mited to,repn�entatiorss pnncermnY Bono�reds aavp�ncy of the Property as a�rinci�aZ.cesidenc�.lf this Sec�rrity =--- -
<br /> ���`- `'�"'���j�=` " Instrumeat is aa s tasehold�Bomower sha11 com ly�h atl the visions of the teas�I�L�ri�wer u�res foe title to ���---
<br /> ' -�.-<<.,.r . P R'a �1 � , _
<br /> � ..::,�.'�.;�",;�t ' ths Ptopertp,t�tt�hotd tnd tha fa title ahslt aat ma�e untess Lender agas na tTie r�ea�i�.*�ritinpY , _
<br /> "` '�: ' 7f:P�nora�aa o!�.andes'a Ri ts ia the Pro ; .If Botrawes iaiis ta . vrm r�P�i�enan�art�a enu a 4"'
<br /> if����
<br /> tx�"f 8ree!ri � , . ��r�-��-
<br /> .' �=?�';�;�'^t;�� c.�n�inad iit i'�s$ecutity Inst�umen h�or there is a l�proceeding that may sig�u�can'tgy a€fect�c�':�rights�n the
<br /> u
<br /> ;;,.>:f�� .� .., : 8 ,,.. �: � ._Y
<br /> ,.� ,; . Property {�,di:as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probata. for condemnation ar fodeit� or ta'��rSficrx lawa or r
<br />'•:::.�,�:;:,.` � .` ngulations?,�=1.ender may do and psy for whauver is necessary to protect the vabe of s�e Propert�and Lender's [ ' . � �_;,
<br /> ;; ,. ' rights in the�C�etty.Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien wdi:ch has priority over this i • .;
<br /> �;4f,,,.��� :,:. . Security Instrument,appearing in court.psying reasonabls attarneya iees and entering on the Pmperty w make repaiss. R� . .. �^`-.
<br /> -��<f�;,r<<.,;. . , Although Lender msy take action under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. � ': .:._.
<br /> :�.�=-�;�{:,�:-.'�. Any amounts disbu�sed by Lender under this patsgraph 7 shall ba:ome addiuonal debt of Bornower securod by this � ". �*�_-
<br /> .'�`<�"���'� �• � Socurity Instrument.Untess$orrower and Lender agrer to other terms of payment.these 2..�nountg shall bear interest � ':
<br /> �`� ��� • . %;= trom tAe date ia�'disbuese�neat at the Nate rate and shall be payable.with interest.upon naricx from Lender to Borrower � _. � . � °��•��.+:�
<br /> ;� ;:, ,�
<br /> ` ;.,'," • ' �,;f>11, req�estiaB�Fraent. ;: } ; .,��.
<br /> ,:;�}�;�:" ` ' 8.Mortgi�e Insuraace.Ii I.ender raquired mortgage insursnce as a wndition of maki�g the toan s�ecuf+ed by this �' . ,-•'•
<br /> +e .
<br /> ?��'�<.;-' Security Inste�ir.ent,Bortnvrer sha11 paY the premiu��eqwra#w maintain tlse martgage insurance in ef�e,ct.If.for my 's . . ,. ' = �:
<br /> ,-.. . _
<br /> _ ., :� � t�zson,the n;a�age ir�rance wverage required fiy L.endec lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borroaei�shsil psy the � . .: ��
<br /> - .:' '� '_. premiusns rr�,iic�d w'obtain ooverage substantiatly er,suivalent ta sf3e mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a eost ' '. • . ' ��:'
<br /> � . substantialtp c�}�ralent to tho oasst to Borrower of the mot.Gga�:ir..surance previously in efiect.from an alternate � .. . .
<br /> t
<br />: ';v;,,� ' � �rur#gage.in�r approved by Lender. If substantially eyux»,i�� mortgsge insurance coverage is not avail�bte, �... . �;�_"
<br /> , r• T�;�ibwer s�;�l pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-taE►�'t�t uf thei�rly mortgage insutance premium beiag ' •
<br /> ���:" '��F, ia�i�•6y Aa;snzarer when the insurance covenge lapsed or ceased to 4�a in affe�C.'�:ender will accept.use and tetsin these � � �
<br /> 'y.'�`,;, ,,, �.. p��rnenrs r� � loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. L�ss reserve payments may no longer be required. ` ,
<br />. � ,ii. . i:,.•:.. rr'�.. . ' . �
<br /> .:j.,;•e �-._;fi.c' . . e . .
<br /> . �.44+��,�1�' ,� , ' •
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