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<br /> '..... .�.._.__ �: ., — _
<br /> .. " .-�____. ... ..._ �„tW�` 3iLaa��.�.��'.uY.. � _ _ _- — -. .
<br /> -�.._.=.,.�r - -�+� � , . _ • . ' E'a11i 110� Ot �OI'EJLOI' E�OtS�Od �t�IC plDFO!!��'�i0�eY0f11Mf� �
<br /> �• T�,F,[�� �� �� t110 iltiPfO�Yl�'m t S
<br /> .��IIh1[+OdAOR OG�b01+OJL�[i Q�!'ZD�t�f0�![�t.�.f�G�i0GQ1tA'�i�i�ttlCil��1#��OQ1�0�� L
<br /> �b�t8ii S�c�rity I�enL.Alkot tbe fae�ota�is�wrod to in tbis Security Inawment as the'F�oparty.' �
<br /> ° BORROWB[t COVENliN1`S thit Boei�owai,s;ls�riuUy a�eisad d the asnte he�eby oa►veyad anci 1►�the risht to ,
<br /> �tans acd con�y she Propercg a�a w.t t1�o Piropaty,�s.unenc.vm6�ec�ea,e:o�c tor encumbranaa ot rea�ra.SormMer
<br /> xsn�nta sa��n'il de[end�enetdly.the titla to the Property spinst dl ciaims at�d damande.�vbject�o any�rotnb�r�ao,ee �
<br /> _ _ ot�.� - ' .. - -
<br /> TtIIS SECURTI`Y INS'$R13MENT combirxs uai�oraz cave�ats ior oatiou�l uee aad aon-�mifon�covea�nts witti� _
<br /> !in►ited variatloas�y jurisdiation w conatitutea nni�orm aecurity instrummt cuQeriag real prnperty. `
<br /> — - - - - iJNIFURM COt�II�AI�T'S.:Burco�rer and Leadar_cov+ensat�smd a�ree�follow�
<br /> -- i.Paymeat ot.PriscipaeT and Iatsrea�Frep�pment aad Lte Chu�Hosm�ra sh�lt promptJY P�Y�Aan due -
<br /> _ tbe principd of aad iatetescan.th�adebs avidenooa by tise Nou and my peep�ymmt aad tata cLar�es due under tt�Nota
<br /> � �aads fos Tuas.saA�Insuranvo.Subject to spptiwble Is�v or to a Mritua kaiver bq Lender.Bomokes ef�alt
<br />-^-= Q�y to I.ender oa tt�daY��Yp�Y�ents sne_duea andat the I�tot0.until tha Nota is paid in full.a sum('F�ujda"�iar..
<br /> J-_�� (a�Ywly taus and a�snteuts.xlrich snsy sttain'pczQtitY over this Secexity.�nstrumeat�s a lien oQ.t1�Pnoper�y(b).
<br /> �-'=�- ya�ilY Ie�AOtd pysr�entt�.or.Ecuund:reatts an,thd Pr+uperEy.�f anj':�,ic�YeutY hsz�fd or property insuratwe promivm�
<br /> -• fc1��Yarly�lood ineauanuo pneniivms�itanys�(e)yeuly�aeorcp�insu�anoe preraiums�it anY;and(i)=ny sums psyabta�
<br /> ��' i�;gotroNec to i,ender,��.��vit�thd provisiat�s of perrt�rapl#�6.iA�11au o!tt�a pyment of mott;a�e insunt�
<br />� __ ptemiusns�.Tha�e items.are e�lJ�d"Hecro�r.Itema�-Laader msy,at any tima.eoUact and hold.Funds in�n unount not.,
<br />_= to;cu�eed the ma�mvm;.unoun�s letxlar for s�fedualig rehted mortp�c twa may reqnire for SurroMa�s escroN.
<br />:s;;; � accouat wxlec the[ederal.Re�.F.st�tt�.Se .tt'�i'nooednrrs Act o[397��Is amended�+nm tisne to tir�ia 12 U.S C. -----
<br /> - -S�esio�r 2601•et a�+q_4"R�SPA`?,emta�s��w tht�t appties to tT�e Fuads e�ts s Iesser amoun�If eo,Lm�de�may. -_
<br /> - - st ang ama aolIect aad twtd:Funds ir�;�a.s��ewt Lo esoeed ibe Ieseer unoimt.�I,mdte may e�mate ttta unawti�af::: ___- —
<br /> Funds due oa tbe b.sis of cumeat daa����10 sscimaus oi e:pead'm�rea of fuam F.acco�v�temsoe��a�viee in. __--
<br /> _ , _ �,oordatjoe with applicsMb lap.. � ;;- , -`-� ,
<br /> The�uads shalt.6e hald�in an iastitutioa R�ose dep�aits a�e insurcd by,s fedesst s�ency.ipstrumeata�ity.ar entity �--
<br />- {ii�cluding I.ender.if Leadat is such m institation)or iA any�Federal Home Loan 8atik I.endec sbs11 appty the Fur�s w �"'_�
<br /> P�Y the Famw Itema Lendet may aot c1�at�c Borra�ver foc 3�olditi�and applping.the Funds.annuslty amly�iaE tGe ____
<br /> r �:�.::�.r;r,�' � eacroM account,or verifyiag the F�CtoM Iteme.unlesa I.endat M3�a Borcoxer mtanst on the Funds and sppliwble!aw -�----�-"
<br /> . � >s�.;;:-, -.r -
<br /> ,��.:� >�. :�ermits I�ender to make such a char$a HoWCVer, Lestdat msy require Borrawes to pay a ona'time clurge for an. �-
<br /> ��• -- -- ��-
<br /> ,;6-"-,;,'". _ �� independeni tral agtate tar ieporting sesvicx used by Leadet in cont�etion with this lo�n,untesg appliea6le taRprvvides ,�,�:-.�.:.
<br /> a �, r,...��
<br /> , •���;;r,:...,.::.� - otheexise.Uttleas an agroemant is msde or appticsble law rtquires inter�est to be paid,Lender sha11 nnt be roquiral to ..,y�f`;;,�;
<br /> ``�: _ :: ..; .: psy Borrower any iaterest rnr nrnings on tha Fonds.Borco�rer and Lender msy agree in writis►g.hnwever.tlut intercst �•:�;� = -
<br /> �`Ks¢� �'r'," ;�:` �....
<br /> .r, .�� �'�{� � , s h s l l��e p a i d o n t h e Funds.Lender shsll g ive to Borrower,without char ge.an annuaf accounting of the Funds.shoaing �:�„ �.��
<br /> � a+edits snd debits to the Funds as�d the purpose for which each deirit to tha Funds was made.'ILe Funds are plalged as ���.a �,��',
<br /> �i=` ;� t 's`'� �•`
<br /> 15 r r.. ,,.L4�...... � �-
<br /> . ,�, , c xrt.� addition�laecuritS►fotallsvms�ecundbyttuaSeeuritYlnstrumen�. k..��_��.
<br /> '�����`: '�4�`t�'` If the Funds hold by•I�endes exceed the ssstgmats permitted to be he��y applicable law,Lendor shali accou�to r-__,—-
<br /> �{, � �`�
<br /> '" � ,,-; , �,_� , Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance�sl�e requirements of a t�le la�.If the amount ai th�Funds hetd "�`'�
<br /> _ `i� ►:,fip,..�...: �s4�dr� �, ���,-
<br /> _ :�,��'±:,., - a,:3�;:3��'- . by l.ender at aay time is.notsutficientto pa,�':t�F�Cro*►.Ite�ess Mhen @z�:'$s�er.mag so notify Bosroaer in�vriting„�. ��..�., �:
<br /> :�'+ � , _. ;�,��, ..' aad.in svch c�se Borrower shall Pa�,wl.�eea:s,,.���ssioun�ae�a's..*�r`.c'cs±�a��4'i�tTi��a:mcy.Hocrower shall maice t ':, ,�'�
<br /> . � ,, .,. :..;;;:.�.`P`;`,i � up tho�cienay in no mare than t�reSce ina€�u`�,��ay�nents.��P.:eir�er�s�e��nz�:�',.. � .
<br /> '.y. :, ,: �:<:�,,:�,:,.i Upon paYment in iull of ail sums sec�me�.�F ri:is Socurity Instrumer�.�:�e�er�u�:`�r2"romptty retund to Borrower . ' . ';-.
<br /> ". s;,'�:t:����:f,�;;'�'.;'::'�..;. any Funds held by Lender. If, undar Qua����D, Lender shall acquire r�r s� t�is�roperty, Lender. Pnor w tha � , � � �
<br /> _ ����;':.;�'" '�;. � acquisition or sale oi tha Prnper[y,st�1t 2pg�;a.+�j'Funds hetd by L,ender at tho tiz��u�f acquisition ar stle as a ctedit ' '�,
<br /> o � . �,`,�'. :':;'�: :! . aga�nst thesumssecured by thiaSec�n�.nsts�lment. � �.: -
<br /> ' "`: `:;- ��:''':`,;$:� 3. A I�atton of Pa n�ents.�:s�less a E;cable law rovides otherwise.ail me»ta seceived b Lender under ' ��-�:
<br /> =� ' '.;`I<,�:s;� PP Y PP� P I�Y Y
<br /> �' . - . :.., paragraPhs 1 and 2 sh�tl be apptied;first.ta,an�prepaYment charges due under the Nnte;second.to amounta payable � � ' •��
<br />-- - � � ,�::
<br /> under paragrsph 2;third.to interest du�faur..1�.ur$rincipal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. � �';''• :,��:.___
<br /> 4. Charjes; Liena. Horrower shall pay aLC raxes.assessments.charges.Gnes and impasitions amibutab2e to the � .' - �
<br /> . . ' ' Prnperty which may attain paority ovec th3s S'ecurity tnstr�ment,and leasehutd paymenu or ground renta, if any°�. � �._ ���
<br /> .: •- $orrower sha11 pay these obligetion�i.i�rhe manner provide�in paragreph 2 or it rtot gaid in that marrner.Bott+o+ver '•� �
<br />-- � ;':::, ` •'��rs. . shs31 psy them on time directly ta tIx�parsoa o�edt paqmen�.T�mower shall pmmptly furnish to I.ender sU notias of �
<br />- .;g%:;;,.-.;; . � :' amounta to be paid undet this pazaga�h.If Bnn+oa,er maYe's these payments directly.Borrower ehall pro�»ptly furnish � . .. ,,��
<br /> �. �'!n(•.- .'•': .
<br /> y J '. �sn r•. . . to l.ender receipta eviderscing the psyments. . -. . . -�-_-
<br /> '�� � $orrower shsll promptly discharge any Jiert a hich has priority over this Security fle.strument unle�s Borrower:(a) -., -•.-
<br /> !�,.�
<br /> __- ��':�•'�,;,. . �grees in ariting to the paqment aE t!ss obligstion secured by the+lien in a manner acr�zable to l.ender;(b)contests in �_:'. ;`�
<br />_ '�; �"� g o o d fai t h t he lirn b y.o r d e f e n d s a�i n s t e n t o r c e m e n t o f t h o l i e n i n,l e g a l p r o ce e d i n g s a h i c b i n t h e L e r W e r s o p i n i o n f • �:�4
<br /> -; ':.�r,,;'�:s . . .
<br /> - ,�.,:� �v .
<br /> '�'�i� o te to vent the enforcemen'tu�'the 1ien,�or(c�s�ocures irom the hot8et of the iien an agreement sstisfactory to � � . . .s
<br /> -F .. ;4;r:. p� p� �. . _
<br /> � : � .,�:. ••� :� Lender subordinsting the lien to this Security°Tctscrument.If Lender determinea that sny part ot the Property ig subject ,, .
<br /> •�, t o s l i e n w w e h m s y a t t a i n p ri o r i t y o v e r t h�s 5 e c u ri t y I n s t r u m e n t.L e n d e r m a y g i v e B o n a w e r e n o t i c e i d e n t i f�r i n g t h e E , _
<br /> �; . =;;�°�.'?".;:;:y;;r� . � lien.Bornower.shall satisfy the lien or take one or mote of the actions set iorth aboae within 10 days of the g�ving of ;
<br /> ,� .,rys },.. ,
<br /> �;. k:` tlOtiCC. ► .
<br />`:�:. �� , • � . .
<br /> .�., , fin!�i !/!� �
<br /> �.�. �fpl�a�ouo+ ..w:e•e 1n�tid+: •
<br /> =.n.��� • � . • , i ' ,.
<br /> , .
<br /> . y .
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<br /> .=W.�---a-r.�c----�. .._ � ..j;`...!b� . . . . ' . . . .
<br /> �-._:'�%t',��..:�... .. . � ,.. � . . . . - . . . - ...__ . . . .
<br /> _-��6i�.�}a,:: , . _ -� . .i. i....•`M1T'•r- . . . . . ,
<br /> '•1 i�,.W: �Ll. �;
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<br /> -��..� . • . . . . . .� . a�.sWY1r.,sts1'}.�'��.'#� - . ._...__ �. .. _ ...,,. . , '
<br /> —' -- �l:" . • - . • . . . . . . , ' . ' ' . _ ..
<br /> �. . -. ,.
<br /> • a.y�._� .,.
<br /> ___ ' tr[' ��-�._.._•..:... .. .' ;_' v_"'� ' '""_'_"_.-__. __ - __'--'_ _ " ' _ _. ._ • ... ... . .
<br /> _ ���_ .. ' "Y���i,��#'!� {� � 4.1'FFiir�w�`^• . • _ _
<br /> _ , - • - -.t.,"`.; r 'i' ,-�.*�• . . .. . � _ � ... • .
<br /> - �.i..-�'i;'„i��,: - � =..�..i_{: ..:� :"•'�:�.7s�� ' �. �� '.'p.i;.'2.t-:!� - ' , - '
<br /> _- .�..... .�i'...ti.l� �-" al , '
<br /> .. e��lit.3Ltv t��i_� %.l��.s �.3+4..~• . ' .. .� . . . . ' � .
<br />