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<br />•: ,�iq�t�ii4r�o jo��e tiq�i{�d.`�t�optidn d�e�dek�a�i�i�wraioe aow��e(i t�s a�uwt�oit�ir}�rW-, - �
<br /> � it L�ir�t.tw�i�rr)l�n+rWi b�r�irr�er+rlipioMed�lyi I,eider s�i�beooMiel sr�i116ie i�d i�b61�ii�i:las�lwr ii,l�►. ;
<br /> � ie p�aria�re*i�Ni lo w�i�Ria Mw�e iMrroa�da.t•ar eo pvijde�br re�eve.iNW ir�e�t�or�a�/ye . .
<br /> ' i��oe tadc it t�OO��or�►ttL�!►wriMei�rob�e�t batw�eeR�onv�rer s�d Id�ter ar�p�iieWle fr�r. ; `. • . •
<br /> . �.�tlMs.l.e�ler or it�a+e�t asy mdra ieroo�de mt�ia�oai�pd it�peaioas d d�e PtopeetY.t.endx tIM11;*ivs ' .
<br /> _ .-� 8at�a�r.notioe�t die tboe aEot`piorro�n taipactins ipe.cl�!ie�ze�a�rbie c�e��_�.� ` `. ,.
<br /> � .li c�i,�.1'Ae pooeed�ot an�►.�d o�td�!��.a�a�•in oonineaion«itM�►. �
<br /> . qcr�demo�tios oc otLdr.takini�+oY P����Y,��O0°��°0�in Ifa a[ooademntion:!oe 6eeeir�►aMiAed a�d . �
<br /> �ha!!l�pid ta tmdes. :_ - - � ; . - — . : . � _ . .
<br /> In tbe�veac o�a�ont ald�os or the rmpacy,the pn�eea:�11 be.ppl;ea w tue wm��eauea bir tl�secnrity�c.: � :
<br /> whet6er or not tbm due.wriih any eue�t pdd w Bor�aMe�.In d�.e+rcat of a p�tist t�kio�o�the Prppaty In w6iclt tba f�ir
<br /> mukd value of Wc�opatY i�amediat�ly befa+e ebe qdos is equd w a�atet Uan ihe amoant of tLe wm��ecvRd 6�r Wi
<br /> Saa�rity�ne�t imme�dg befa�e tbe b�13na.unte�s Borio�ner�t Ltrdet ad�vlu a�Ce ia rvrido�,tbe wa�teoaeed 1ry
<br /> tbis Savrity I�tuaiaiot slaU �e roduoed by tbe�maunt of tbe p�r�oeeds muiti�lied.6Y tbe followio�factiao: (a)t6e tot�l
<br /> �moua�of dre�swm aaa�c�ed to�medjstdy bdae the atioj.dividvd bY(b3 d�e fair meirst v�lu�e of d�e Rope�ty imo�edialdy
<br /> befnre tbe 1�13a�. llny 6aiance s6�U be ppd w Borcu�vet. ta tbe eveat of r p�fial t�t�d'die Fiiope�ty in�hich tLe fir
<br /> nudca vtlnea�die�o�aty inmedi�tely eeYa+e aro utar�tt tus ah�n.t6e amuuot of tLe ams,ea�na immeai.tel�►t�ef�c t6e
<br /> .tai�n�.ooless Hatm�er�d.La�der utbeeMise aatee in wra�or antasi appticable!sw atbawbe poavida.tl�pR�nceeds s1nU .
<br /> �t 9pplied to t�e sm�secu�ed 6y this 3ocurity I�aiment wbettrer ar aoat the wms at�e t6en due. . � -- .
<br /> If tl�P�tt�is�ned by B�rrowers ar if,.after nodc+�6y Isndes�Borm�er thrt the oondanooc.o�as ta m�t�an----
<br /> .�ward cs seq�e a cl�im,foF dam�s,Haaower fails w respond ta Le�der wit63a 30 days�tter the d�te tLv notiae is.�i.vea,.
<br /> _ Lao�kr ic amtixizod ta adteCt and apQtS'd�e Ptnoeeds•at its aption.att�r to trs�apoa or�ir.of d�e Ptapatt�r�or tnt6e s�ms ".
<br /> - . --:gac�ed by uu�Sxuat�r i�ivment,v�ther a mt�t,mdoe. , ` • \
<br /> • 1,/dess Leoder sod�ormwer otherxise sstee irt�vritina, a�y applic�un of pu�x�eds tn paincipl sk�il not extmd or '
<br /> `.:poatponc We due date of tbe montbly Qaymeds rcfa�ned w ia peagnphc 1 aad 2 os ch�age the pmouot of sucb paymrats: ..,. .
<br /> . 1!.�4��Nat Rde�ed;Forbe�rs�oe E�I.esder Nat s Wai�a:Exta�cion of the time for pymrnt or roodi6apim �
<br /> af�of tbe sums socand by this Sa�rity lasuument graipted 6y Lender to aay sacroessor in i�of 8onaweir sball
<br /> , .:�ot oper�te�eo teteax the li�bility of the ori�nal Bormwer or Borrower's�ors in inte�I.ender sh�tl oat 6e nqt�ied to
<br /> ��ruue�ace pmoeedings agaln�t anyr su�eessor in intetsst or nfi►se to extend dme for paytae�x or ott�erwise modify amoiti�tion
<br /> � _ r" 'of the sarns savmd by this Sen�rity�nstrnment by reason of.any dea�and made by the orig�nal BoROwer or Bormwer'a
<br /> � sucoessors in interest.Aay for6arauoe by I.ender in exeaising ap��ight or nmody shall not�6c a waiver of or prednde'3he
<br /> eaertise of arry right or ranodp. . .,,::� , .
<br /> � 1Z. .�C'R�O�S ir�/�f�ri `I�(Iipl�di �M!Od SEYq��t1i CO�OlfB. TIIC COVCI1aTlts lild 1$tbdlleIIts of 1�S
<br /> �'�Sowrity Instrumrnt stu�U fiir�an}1 Tienefit the �sso�s and assigns of l�ender and Bormwer. subjoct ta.thc pmvisi�as�of
<br /> .;.:,patagtaph 17. Bomoaer's'oovemnts aad ag�eements shaU be laint and sevetat. My Bortuwer who oa signs this Se�viiry
<br /> � � Instnaner�c:but does not e�cavte tYe Note:(a)is co-signing tbis Seeurity InsEniment oNy to mortgage.gr�tc and cofn��tuu
<br /> Bormwer's interest in the Paoperty ander the terms of tLis Secacis��Insuument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay it��ims
<br /> savred by this Security Insuument;and(c)agrces th2t Lender�d�iy other Borrower may agrce to extend,�pd'dy.E: `, � ar
<br /> make any a000mmodations with regard to the terms a��ri.�s Secau::y Inshumeflt or ttie Note wittaut that Bom���"s,�.
<br /> 13.law Char�es.If the toan secumd by this S�siry Tnstrument is subjoct to a law which sets�un`x�a c#�rSes.
<br /> and t1�at law is finalty iuterpreted so titai the iraerest ur other toan charges collected or to be eolle�ed in contiectiva�,isj�the
<br /> loan exaod the pemtitted limits.then:(a)any such toan charge��be reduoed by the anwant neoessary to i�iooe thc:�'ge
<br /> to the permitted timit and(b)a�+sams already collected from Sortbwer which eacceded pecmitted limits will be re#ani�i��to
<br /> Borrower. Lender m�y cisnose-tp make this refund by reducing the principai owed under the Note or bY•makiag a dind � ,":�
<br /> payment to Bonower. If a'refwid reduces principal. the reduction will be.�reated as a partial prepa}-ment without any '
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. � , ,. ,,r• '., , �
<br /> 14.NMkes.At►y notice tu Borrower providad for in this S�a�r.ii:v lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or�y�,rri.�,i�ing '
<br /> it by fi�r�r��nss mail unless applicable law require�use of anotii�r�v3�.od.TAe notice shall be directed to the Pr�tpectg.Ar3�'n.,�s •
<br /> or any �i{�' :�ddress Borrower designates by notioe to Lend¢�=.,�y notice ta l.ender shall be given bp�Tr.�clacs i�,;�4 to ,
<br /> ' ��.�`Lender s�8dress stated herein or any other address Lender�i�,�ss hy notice to Borrower. Any notice����ded for ia this
<br /> Savrity inummtnt shall be damed to have bcen given ta Borepa�:�i?-lander when given as provided in thi5 paragraph. .. . `
<br /> 15.Gov�rni� Law; Sever�biR�t,y. This Security Instiuria��st�shall be govemed by federal law .whd the law..►;ttlt$ :: .,.';'' `''
<br /> Jur3sdiction in which the Property EQ,I��.�atod.ln the event that c�.�.�+isian ar clause of this Savriry Instrument or the 1�Iote•� � . �•:;'..
<br /> oonfFicts with applicalit�l�rv;,sua�:a.a-�C:�ict shall not afFect other pte;risions af this Security lnstrument or the Note which caa be
<br /> given effal without the��rac+rft`s��tia$pmvision.To this end the p�ovisions of Ihis Security Instrume��t arid the Note are declared '
<br /> to be severable. ' . " . ,,`
<br /> 16.B�rtro�re�s Copy.Borrower 3'L�all be given one cunfotnta3,copy of the Note a�of this Security Insttuntent.
<br /> � iorm 30m 9/90
<br /> ' , P�ge�o18 .
<br />