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<br /> ' '�� �'���,lkl,��1'�!!!��OIRI�!!t�1L�OO�.i�iE.�sOM.E�j Cf�4l�k!E�OCi�d11.1r1t �
<br /> ' �1�0�1011�►�10d��OO by►�G.�i 111C�IfdO��W�d ibC tl��!�Ox�����Y 0111L'l 11�#!'�1. �C� . .
<br /> n001jf Ot�}�OOL1�:�f 1Y�ZlIIdK lE�j11�1l:�IIII1f�1t7C.�I�f blq1i�11CC�1I 1ft tq�T�UO�,�It t11E alilGltllfi ill��C[t11iC�lf1o�� �
<br /> tMt Iradtr tequins.TAc irouanoe cvrkr prcXidin�tbe imutaoce s6�116e chnsen_Dy HormNtr wbjax W�'s�ppcn�rat .
<br /> Mhic6<�tull uot 6e unrrasoniibly withf�W. If�t�rrower fiifs W m�lnvin eover�a d�'bed above. I�der msy.�t I�eMer'e
<br /> - --option.cibtain ocwoiage W pdece Lender's n�fit+in the'Fsop�erty in aixardittCt wiili p�a�ph?. ` `- ` - --
<br /> � AtE imar�u�oe policks and m1�1s didl be aocept�bk to i.�eder aod'tbp�ll�irtictude s�ndud mortp�e ct�u�e. Le�rder
<br /> `'� �6d16are the ti jht to_boid the pplicies aod c�a�walss U LaMer tt�qaites.$o�o�e*ah�il proniptly 6ive w I.e�der�Ll receipts oi
<br /> � pid P�aniums sod�areMa��otiaes:tn tbt.eve�t of lou.Bon+iyat+er sb�U SWe pvmpt no�tia to the�sunooe.�rrl�r aatt t.eodrr.
<br /> � I.ender mty nnke pmot 4f laa if oat m�de promptly.bY Bo�tioM�rt: :
<br /> llda�s I.ender ana Baruwsr atherwise ipoe in writipg;it�urN�P�s s�U be applied w aatar�tioo or iepir of the
<br /> P�npe�ty d�or�ed.jf�endw�tioo.ar n�i�is eooaaaapolY�fe�s+'6b+�.�:e4'tiet's secu�ity is mt 1esx+�od.If tbe testotsbn or
<br /> �pir u not eoa�r�noicaUy. fe�►siWe or iaada's x+ariry��eoutd be kseeniod;t1�C atsura►oe P�'ooeeds sb�[!�e+PP�ied w We wm�
<br /> sect4red bS►t6is Sean`ty[nmameat. MhaAer a tiat:t4m:ilx:.with:a►y�`exoas p�d to�. If Horm�rer abrndons the
<br /> PcopertY.or�oa aat answret wit6is►3Q dsys a aatice f�ant,t.aiAe�c thM tLe in�umoe c�ttiet=b�s offened to xttk.s cLim.t6en,
<br /> Letder mty co!lact tLo insur�nce pi+aceeds. Lar�d�r mry,use,t1�C P��w�it or<testv�tbe Ftoperty or to pty sutr�s.
<br /> sowrod 6y tlas Savrity Tusaumau.�rhat�r a not t1�a�due.Zbe 3IWay p�dcd will begin wba�tbe notioe is�vea.
<br /> Uatas teader tad Bonuwer othe�wise�ee In wridng. anY��PP����P�s�P'i�P�a�ll aot e�tad or
<br /> poctpooe t6e dire d�c di tbe a�on8�ly paynieats neferrad ta in psr�sphs I �2 arch�n�ge the aonunt of the ptymwts. If
<br /> �md�p�r�t 2I�e Pr�ope�tY is ac��ired bi!IaKTer.-8atnwiePs ri�ticm ti�y i�suiiu�poti+�es�p�ocoods r�aaiitin8 fmm
<br /> � am�e t+��a Pt+opaty pnoc w me aoqaisition shalt pt�s w Lxnd�co the e�t of tbe s�s sauiea by ti�s sa�city r�um�
<br /> -. . �YFno�tc►the�xPiatim• . ,
<br /> ` f.Oon�ii�.y.lt�,M�t�te�ob�p�d Pe+a�e�tio�ai fie Rqpeaty;aore+swer's La�Ap�iiatin�;F�aRWis.
<br /> � Boesio�►a t�IWI oo�vpy.ata6lu�.�d use t�e Ftopaty as Boc�owneR's princip�l ras�deace within siicty d�ys after Wa t�ec�Rioip�;of
<br /> this Sea�ity Ins�aa�t tn¢si�ll c�oaiinoe to ooc.vpy the Ptopaty�Bott�owa's priaciptl r�sideact far at lesst oa�yesatter. ._ ..
<br /> the d�te oE 0000p�o�y.wilas L�eader at6avvlse ag�oes ia writFng.whic6 c�onsant s1�aU aot be tmreason�bly withluW.ur miiess
<br /> �um�cii�noes wdst which a�6rya�d Bormwer's cun�nL_Boaower ahall uot destioy, dam�Be or imp�ir the . ,.. .
<br /> FnopertY.s11ow ttse Pr+npeity w dcterionte,or commit waste on tbe etopat.y.Bornoaer st�11 6e in ckfault if af►y forfdt�n ,
<br /> actioa or pouomding,wliether civil or crimio�l.is begun that in I�der's gi�od f�ith judgment could�+esoIt ia fodeitun of tlx
<br /> Pmpaty or otberwise m�taially impair the lien crated by dtis Seeuricy Ia�tcument or I.ender's soatrity inta+est.Borrower way.
<br /> . ane suct�A default and teinstate,as providod in puagraph 18.bwcausing tlie actioa or prncee�iing to be dismissod witb a tuting
<br /> that, ia l�xler's goad faith detem�in�tion. Pr�lades fodeitune of the BomnwePs intecrst in tbe Pmpe�ty or aher mnteriat
<br /> . imp�imrcnt of the 6en c�ptod by this Sowiity [nst�umeat or iei�der's securiry intenst. Bormwer shaR also be in defaWt if
<br /> Boitower,durin�tt�e Yaaoa application praass,gave matcrially false oi inaoduatc Wom�ation or siatemttUs to I.ender(or failod
<br /> to pmvide Isoder e�c�y m�teri�l infurtnation)in oonnxtion wrt6 d�e Man evideacea by the Nae.including,lwt not limito8
<br /> W.trp[�sentacions poaceming Bom��er's oocupuxy of the Pmpe�tg as a priacipal residenae:if this 5avrity inswmeat is on a
<br /> teaxlwld. Borrower s1�a11 camply with all the provisions of ti�e.te�e. If Bocrower acquiiaes fee tiUe to the Properiy, the
<br /> teasehold aod the fa utle shap tat merge unless Lenier agees to the me�r�es ia writing.
<br /> 7.Ptotectioa o[I.ender's Rjghts in the Prope�ty.If Borrowef fai,ls oa�erform the oovenants and agreenKnts contained in
<br /> this Soairity Instrnmait,or there is a tegal pmceeding that may signifcc�tiy,afl'ect Lender's rights in the Propecty(such as a
<br /> procoading in baakruptcy, probate.for caudemnadon or forfeituce or tv art`arre laws or regulations),then Leixler may do and
<br /> paY foe vylmtever is neoessary to pmtect the value of the Pcopertg aed�end�r's rights in the Property. l,ender's actions may -
<br /> include p�ying ang�.ssams soeured by a lien wfiich has priarity.o�er risis.Security Instrument, appztring in court. payinS
<br /> teasomble attomaps fees and entesing on the Pr�petty ro maice repai�s.i���iii�l.ender may take adiAn:w�der ihis par�graph
<br /> '7.L,ender does not have to do so. ' ' -
<br /> Any amonnts dis6ussed� L•rader under this paragraph ? sha11 1ie�im�a�ditinnal.debt of i�iii��er secvtEd�by this _
<br /> Socurity Inshmmen�iJnless&+rn�±�and Lender agree to other terms of pa}�nk:u:.du�e�rro:uies sLis3l�(�ear intetti�t fi.um the ,
<br /> datc of dis6ursemer�t:at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest,ap6n noticc'("na�Ler��e��Borrowei�ieqnesting _:
<br /> WYmrnt• , . , . :,:. ' , -
<br /> S.Mo��L�aa'tnoe.If L.ender required mortgag�'insurance as a oonditiorf of making the loan sa,�ured by this Security _
<br /> instrumen�Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maimain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason. tho =
<br /> mortgsge ituurance ouverage requiced by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effect.Borruwer shall pay�the ptt�hiums requirod to -
<br /> oDtain ooven�e substantially cquivalent to the mortgage inwrnnoe previously in cffect.at a mst subst�ntialty equivalent to tho _
<br /> cost to•Borrower of the mortgage i�surance previously in effecl. from an altemate mortgage in5urer approved by l.ender. If _
<br /> sn6st�ntialty equivatent mortgage insurance coverage is not availnble.Borrower sha11 pay to l.ender eacb month a sum eq�al to -
<br /> ono-twelfth of the ytarly mortgage insuranoe premium being paid by Borrower when the iacurance coverage lapsed or ceased to _
<br /> be ia ef�'�ct.Lender will xcepl.u_�e and retain these payments as a toss reserve ir�. ties� of•mortgage insuranoe. Loss reserve =
<br /> , .' iam 3025 9190 , � =
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