, r� . . r�_, .
<br /> '� . • ...,::�,-_
<br /> " .� •••� •';.�. '_.�_.�.:�._
<br /> �• •�^��:
<br /> ... _
<br /> -� __�__ - ..� . � �p�MENT OF RENT�IPt10ER .��� �0�33
<br /> THIS A3aiQNM ENT OF RENTS RIOER I�made and sx�cutsd thle �TH day of NUVE�1BER ��g 93 ���d Is
<br /> Inoorp�x�t�d Into �nd�h�ll b�dNm�d toam�nd�nd suppl�ment th�Mort9�ps or Desd of Tru�t,h�relnafter refernd to�t ths
<br /> _ s_ _ __�_„ "Mau►ity In�tnwn�nN',of th� �arn�data giwn by th�und�raipnW,hst�lnsfter ��f�rnd to as th� "Borrow�r". to �cur� �
<br /> lorrown'�Intl�bt�dnr��,h�ninaf2�r nf�rrsd to as th�"Note",to HOME FEDERAL SAVINt3S ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> GRAND ISLANn,ftohlnatt�r nf�rrsd to a�th�"l.�nd�r",of th�am�d�to snd covorinp ths prope�ty desarib�d In the S�aurity
<br /> .—�.--- Insltum�nl and loo�bd at:
<br /> .�- �� (ProPerty Addr�ss) _
<br /> WITNE6SETM:
<br /> ':�„ _
<br /> -'��`!�'�!� WHERFAB, brrow�r�nd L�ndar have apreed that any rents and protlts attributabte to the property ahould conttitut�
<br /> Wdltlpnai s�aurity lo th�L�nd�r for th�paymant of the Note;
<br /> —--�rs���aa�.r r-�.r;�,
<br /> __,_��n,:�.,,�,,.� NOW,TNEREFORE,It{s�prNd th�t tM 8oaurity Insirument shalt be amended hereby and deemed to inolude the foilowinp __
<br /> �,_ P►odrlom:
<br /> `,�,`"�'�,=• :'` '
<br /> 1, Asdnn[n�nt of fl�n s and Lander Rantal Coliect(on Rinhte.Borrowe►hereby absolutely and uncondltionaliy assi�ns ail
<br /> nnt�, I��u�� �nd prollts of th� prop�Ry to BeneticlRry. Lender shall have the ri�ht, power a�d authority durinp the
<br /> ��yh=�� condnwna�of Ih�8�aurlty Instrummt to aollect the rmte,lasuea and profits oi the property and of any peraonal propeRy
<br /> _ __ ___ loa�t�d th�non wlth or without hkln� po�eession of the property aftected hereby. Lender,howaver, heroby consents to -
<br /> �� Borrow�r'�coli�atlon and tN�ntlon of such r�nts,iasuea aad profits as they aacrue and becoma payabie,so Ionp as Borrower
<br /> �' ��;. �^r�: I� ��t, �t�uah tlrTM,in d�fauit with nsp�at ta payment at any Indebtedn��s aecured hereby,o�in the performAnce ot any
<br />_ ,���s.,,rt•�•.`+ aprNm�M h�quntNr.
<br /> ��'!•:': ' . 2. A000intrrNnt of R�cdwr. If any �v�nt o1 defauit in reapect to the Security Instrument shall have occurred and be
<br /> ��• • � continulnp, L�nd�r,a�a mNhr of tlpht and without notice to Borrowe� or anyone clatminq under Borrower,and without
<br /> ;�'"� ' ' '` , np�rd to tl►�w�u�af!h�tru�t��tab or th�intenst of the Bortower theretn,shal�have the rl�ht to apply to a�y court havinp
<br /> • - , Ju�l�dlation ta�ppolnt a nc�lwr of th�prop�rty. _
<br /> � :''f � ' 3. Rlaht to Poaua�lon.in an�of ddault In ths p�yment of the sald principat Note or intereat,or any part thereof,as It -
<br /> � shall matur�,or In th�cu�of taliur�to k��p or perform any ot the covenanta or apreements contalned in the Securlty Instru•
<br /> � • m�nt, th�n th�L�nd�r, It� �ucc�s�ors or ii6191f0, shall be snd la here�y authorized And empowered to take immediate
<br /> '� posNSSlon ot th�uld pnmlNS thtnin d�sarib�d and to co��0ot the rents there}rom,and to appty the proceeds th�reot to the �-
<br /> � • paym�nt of th�Not�.
<br /> �u_•-�-T� � 4. AQ011�ntlor„�f�ens�_IRRle�ep,�Pro!lte.!!t!rent��flllected by l.ender ar thc rccclvar�h�!!bc appited firs!!o psymen!
<br /> ' of thr costs of man�p�mmt of th�prop�rty and coitactton of rents,i�c�udirp,but not Ilmited to,recetvePs fees,premiums on s-
<br /> ncdv�r's bond�and��asonabl�attorn�y's fNS,and the�to the suma secu�ed by the Security Instrument. Lender and the �'
<br /> '� r�cdvsr�hall M Il�bl�to account oniy tor thos�rants actuatly received.
<br /> 5. Conatruapon of Provlefone.E�oh of th�provisions contalned In this Aasiynment of Rents Rider and the Securlty Instru-
<br /> . , ment shait, unl�sa othsrwi�� sp�clfloally nQulnd, b�construed In accordance wlth Nebraska law,and in the event any
<br /> • , provlNon h�r�in or th�nin cont�in�d shal�W dsNrmin�d by a court of cornpetent jurisdiction to be unenforaeable,the same
<br /> . , �hall b�constrwd�s thouqh such un�nforc�abi�provlslon were not a pad hereof or thereof.
<br /> �' •� 8. E�ct o}RI d�r.Exc�pt as sp�clflc�Iiy modltisd by or tnaonsistent wlth thls Assf�nment of Rents Rider or by any other _
<br /> � . appllcabl�Nd�r,all of th�t�rms and provtslon�contalned In the Security Instrument shali continue in tull force and effect. L_
<br /> � • IN WITNHSS W HEREOF,Borrow�r has�x�cutW tht�Assiqnment of Rents Rider on the date first noted above. r`.,
<br />-��• �'`{YYt►yy�rt.� " �+ ._ I', � �--.
<br /> , ;',� S P . Borrower �
<br />�;�• -
<br /> �r`, - --
<br /> Borrower -
<br /> "" . `,�-• . (bs: _.
<br /> `t�;`;�` . • ' COUNTY OF HAL l ) �
<br /> 30TH NOUE�IBE:R 9.3 ��
<br /> �` '���� On this d�y of Y.___... ,19 bet4rs m ,the und r�1gned, NoIfl[y Publlc duiy commissloned and '
<br /> �- qwllfi�d for sald county,peroonslty aam� �T��'�EN N. R�WE, A ��NGLF �ERSUN e
<br /> p�_, : _ - - ---
<br /> �. ' � • ----.- ,to be the Identical person(s)whose name(s)IaJare subscribecl f.�
<br /> ��'�r� '•` �,� to th�forepolnp Inttrum�nt,and hN�hdth�y�cknowl�dpe the�x�cutton thsreof to be hlelhedtheir voiuntary ect and deed.
<br /> ,�":h+'r,...,.::: �..
<br /> ' r''.. -. .r�•,..�......::�.�x., F'-..
<br /> � "-�'��'' GRAND I5LAN0, NEBRASKA
<br /> - :�.,��'•. •• Wltnss�my h�nd and Notarlai 5ul at =-
<br /> .- � �e. . �... .�. —
<br /> _ ""�:�;�;�� - �-- - �n��►q county,thedate aforesaid. �.
<br /> ^'z'�::='•�::� �1A�Y�SIM/M NIMIW ��%/� /�� �/ � ,
<br /> �`�"�: � KIMYLE ���!�'! t �.f�..� `-_.
<br /> ...;� `��Fr� ��IIIY��.1991 Not��y pubuc =-
<br /> - - ---- AAy Commisslon �zp . —---• -- -- _ °
<br /> �� __
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<br /> — r:�
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<br /> L.
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