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<br /> - _ �93� 1so�a
<br /> ot�Ir,�nd the Rwle,includin�the pAyment ot the 11�u�tee'e tees rctuAfly incurred,not to excted 3.0 96 ot
<br /> -- the pslnrlpa!s�mat�nt otthe aatg At the tfmr af tho ds�claralEon ot defanit,aad rea.wRe�k�tterr�yR'te�a�Qerm(tted
<br /> by IAwt!b)to all suma�ecured by thts Securtty Iru�trument;�nd fc)+�uY ezces�to the person or peraoas k�aily entitkd
<br /> to 1�
<br /> �� 22. Recanveywnce. Upon puymcnt of uil sums sccurcd by this Securlty lnstrument. Lc�dcr shall requcst 7Yustec to
<br /> � ��� rcconvey the Prupeny und�halt surcender thix Security Instrument nnd all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> Instrutnent to 7tustce. 'I}ustce.hall recnnvey the Property without warranty and withcwt chur�e to the pt:rson or pe�sons
<br /> ��;v�,���� IcguUy cntiUcd to it. Such person or pcnons shall pay any rcccmi��tion costy.
<br /> ,. 23. Substitule'IYuNee. Lender,ut it�:option.may from time to time remove'Itustes and appaint a successar trustce to
<br />-_- _= - any 7lvstc:.appai7ted hcr�uiidcr !sy an instrument mcorded in the caunry in whteh thi4 Security inctn�ment is recorded.
<br /> -=�:o,� Without c�nveyance of the Property,the suceessor truxtee shell suceeed to aU the Ude. power and dutles co��ferred upon
<br /> " ""'�"' 7lustec herein and by applicablc luw.
<br /> '' 24. Request for Notkea Borrower requcsts that copics of the notices of default And sute be sent to BoROwe�'s address
<br /> ' which is thc Property AdJress.
<br /> --- _.•„~"-,r��� 25. Riders to th(s Security Instrument. If oae or mure rlden i+re�:xecuted by Borrower nnd recorded together wfth
<br />_-- _ —_ this Security lnstrument,the covenants nnd agrcements of each such rider shall be incorporated into und shull s►mend and
<br /> , I p;; .:•;�-- supplement the covenants und agreements of this Security Instrument us if the rider(s)were a part of this Securiry Instrument.
<br />. (Cheek applicuble box(es)J
<br /> _= -- ° Q' �Adjustable Rute Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> . . �` •�i�r`''� �Graduated Paymcnt Rider �Plaru�ed Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly Payment Rider
<br /> r�•�:�,��.�.�.,:�j,...,.
<br /> ,�t,..,,;,,.. ...,, .�
<br /> . `'x,��a�l�j;;�;;�d"�':!�.
<br /> ,;,.,,...� ._.��:�,- �Bnlloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Secand Homc Rider
<br /> F'._'�,..'....." ..-� ..,,'.
<br /> ,\ - �._^'.�".:
<br /> �.�,i�,.�r,�;�� X Other(s>�specify� ASSIGNmENT OF RENTS
<br /> . : . ��,
<br /> " -,��`�'"�''.`���!!<� BY SIGNING BELOW.Borrower accepcs und agrees ta the terms and covenunts contained in this Security Instrument
<br />• ' �;�;��.,,�;.�;q�;�:�+;�: and in any rider(s)executcd by Borrower und recorded with it.
<br /> �.'��,�'�"��'-��I ,� '
<br /> , ,,,� �. Witnesses:
<br /> � _ �`�li�f.�?c���+r _ _� �/'�C_ . .._. (CPAI�
<br /> "�'� ' E E 8. WE •Ba�ower
<br /> �'ar`'�r' ;S':•�
<br /> . �'' :•��'�'� Social Security Number 506-90-6071
<br />- �--Sv:l1r;'r!il5.i'
<br /> . �,. (Seal)
<br /> - '+' �` � •Bortosver
<br /> ,. . � Sacial Security NumBer
<br /> ' , ,.. . ,... . .. ;,.
<br /> _ _,,_„__ .:.:J7 STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALL County ss:
<br /> �� . •.:-: ..,
<br /> -`°' '�' ,c On this �TH duy of NOUEmBER 1993 txfare me.the undersi ned,a Notury Public
<br />_�" ..',,���r;�'';�ti=+��� S7EPHEN B. ROWE, A 5INGL� PERSON
<br />_ , duly commissfoned and yuulificd far snid county,per+onally camc
<br />•• • ' ,to me known to be the
<br /> :� •�� identicul penons(s)whose namc(,)urc tiubscrilxd to the foregoing instrument and ucknowlcdged the cxecution themof to
<br /> '` " be HIS viiluntary act and dced.
<br /> �^`� Witncss my hand and notariul.cal at SLAND, NESRASKA in suid county,thc
<br /> • • datc aforesaid. �p�Npt�pY.Sqy Of NtOttst
<br /> , My Commission expi s: pEBORAM�-KIMBI.E � � �i'"��
<br /> _ .� �
<br /> �n�.Exp,Nov.23.1995 Nutary Wbtic
<br /> �"'•�' �.�,t� � QUESTFOR RECONVE�'ANCF.
<br />- `L��'• • • '" TOTRUSTEE:
<br /> � :S� •• Thc undcrsigned is thc holder of thr notc or notes ucured by this Dced of'Iruxt, Said notr or notex,together with atl =
<br /> ���� " �;,�:•: �J`' othcr indebtedness secured by this Dc.cd of Trust,havc becn paid in full. You arc hcreby directed to cunccl said notc or notcs
<br /> �.fi' .�' �.:' . and this Dccd af'ii�ust, which arc dclivrred hcrcby,and to rewnvcy,without warranty,all ihe extate now held by you under
<br /> �: � this Deed of'Ilvst to the person or persom legally rntitled therero.
<br /> �'- �;Y';..�t�.�� '
<br /> ' �.i.::....
<br /> ° «rc'
<br /> i�;• ' Date:
<br /> a ;,:..;�.,:
<br />-R.. -
<br /> �_ Fbrm 302A 9/90 1/�uXP 6 af A/wxex 1 _
<br /> "P-� 7.3l;:•= ;-�,: _..
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