,�� . ,�t __.. . ..T• _
<br /> �' '- -
<br /> . 'C'• y�,.'.,�'�,.,;,±.,�•r �__
<br /> . �' . . �.,ii�V�'.- r4E- ;•. 'y��� r�• ��o�•'�'�''yyy��� .� ,. . •-
<br /> � ��}��.
<br /> y. ___.__�...__- -
<br /> � -- __. ._�_�..��a1r� •
<br /> -��---=���.;.�,,,�:� �' Barow�r m�y cw�.weM } drkuk rnd nin�tata, �a provid�d b p�p�ph 18, by awMg th� �Ifon ar proeNdNp to b�
<br /> -- -����a dsmiswd wMh R ruM�p t)MII�in LM1du's pood f�ba d�tMaiYµtlon�PndudM iwlNWn of tht BoROwK'i kltrMl In tiN Proputy or
<br /> - •-°~-— olh�r m�tNitl MnpaYmint pl th�Y�n cn�t�d by lhls S�cutUy In�lnxrnnt a UndK'���ctxky intK»t. Borrow�r�hall�so br in
<br /> ° dN�uN N 8orrawu,du�lilp th�to�n appNcatlon proc��,pw� nrtwMy I�M�ar Irwcant�Inionn�tlon a stat«nmta to l�nd�r(at0
<br /> wwd to arovid� Und}� wNn .ny m.wW inronn.non) In oo+xi.cao�wMn u,. �o.n.wd«�c.d ay ch� Na•, Ino�udlnp, bw nd+�l
<br />- - � - thr�titt ta, n�s�4i,ti eosteaedrt0 Botzex4e�'s ooeue�ne+�r M th� P�q�rty n a pindpd mkl�na. M ibb O�owNy��
<br /> � InatrunNM 1s an �,IMS�h4�d. Bortow�R sMN comply wMh �M Ih�p►oW�lons ol th� Nu�. If 8arrowK roquMM IM tltlo !o th�
<br /> �,- i�;,�.;': Rop�rty,th� N��h�id�I�d.th�fM�Uqt th�not m�rpt unMss L�+�prMS to tht m�rp�r In w�Mhy,
<br /> ;. ,.^--.:' 7. Prot�ctld,� ot 1.�t�d��s At�hb In tM Prop�Ky. N Borrowr t� to pvtorm th�cov�nts�nd�pr�nmts
<br /> � ,��: oonWn�d b lhk B�owKy haUummt. a thrn it a Ip�l Prou�dhq th�t maY tipr►Mlc�ntlY�M�ct L�nd�r'� dphtt in the Prop«1y
<br /> .. b . (tuch u a proo�`N@ k1 b�nkniPta/.P►otwt�.far cond�mMtiorl a forlMtur�a to �nforc�Mws a r�pui�tio�m).thw► Undr m�y
<br /> '� . .�.. do�nd p�y la wh�:..:r. is nwasruy to protoci tho va1u�ot tho Propsrty snd Lender'a dpht� in the Property. Londwe �eNona �- __
<br /> ��2;„,e:,',}'.xL'�:..
<br /> ,. ►,,.y tncwd. payinp r<< :ums t«und by � lirn whloh has priortly ovN this S�cudty M�tnmMnt, �pwinq b caut, p�ylnq __.
<br />- �--.�-"'N :���ri�'� rasonsbk ettomeye'Mes end Mt�on th� Ro�1y to mak�np�.Akhouph UndM n1�y Wt��e0on und�t thft p�r�pr�ph ----
<br /> �``"=��:�`-.�`-- 7, l�ntbt doM not 1►�w t0 do so.
<br /> ,.l:'`."�': ,....�•. My�mauat* ditAut�d by l�nd�r undK �wa{Kaph 7 ahaM h�canM addqional d�bt of BorrowK s�cund by this 3�auity
<br /> � - Instrum«+t. Unlps Boriower �nd L�nd�r�prN to othw trtnt d paym�►t, tha� �rtwunt� shal b«v int�rat from tho dat�of
<br /> - '�zr_�_-.•.:.:�t��' di�burs�m�nt+�t ths Not�nt�and�h�N b�pay�bk,wifh intsrat,upon noUe�from lmd�to 9artow�nqwatln9 WY�+�t• -
<br /> �w:"� , �. -- 8. Martp� In�r�na�. If L�nd�r nquk�d mortq�pR Yisur�nc� a� a condttlon af m�fciny th� Ioan s�eurod by this -
<br /> .a:��_...:�x..�.�...�c g�curky InsWm�nt,BoROMY�r shaM p�y th�pr«niums rpuk�d to m�intah th�mat�pt Mwr�nc�In Nbct.H�fo►any rMaon,tht
<br /> �, . _ , _ mony�Insur�coyq�y�nquk�d by L�nd�t I�ps�s ar GMSa to 6�in Ml�t, 8orrowrr sh�ll pay the pro�rwms nquired to
<br />" - obt�k� cov�y� aublRau11i111y puNat�nt to th� matg�y�hwnna prwlousy in�fleGt. �t�t co�l aub�tu�tl�Ny �quiv�lmt tP lh�
<br /> ` • eost to BoROwa o1 the mortyap� hsunna� prwiousy In eMeW.irom an �Itrnate mortp�y� Nsunr approv�d by L�nd�. If
<br /> wb�ttnU�Ny puhr�lent matpay� inwranu cova�p�is not avail�, Bosrowr ehaY pay to L� Mah month a sum vqwt to
<br /> � on�rtwelllh of ths ywN f�9�9e Insuranc�pr�nlum b�hp P�id bY Botrower wh�n th�Insuru�a cor�ray�Iaps�d or ceasad to
<br /> ;. y� in M(ecL Lsnd�wiN+�cc�pt, use and reWn thnt p�yments as a bss rK�rve In N�u ot mal�q�insuranc�. Lo�s ns«v�
<br /> paymmts rnRy no bnqK be rpuk�d, �t the optlon of L�nd�r,N moltg�g�Inauana�cov�aq� (h ths unount and.for tho palod "
<br /> that Undr nqukaj provld�d by an Insurer approwd by LendK ay�h becomea �wMabl��nd I� obt�InM, 6orrowK shall pay �
<br /> tha premiums nquked to m�intaln mortgaq�k►sur�nc�(n ettect, or to provid�a bas r�s�rve, untU th�rpuM�nmt ta morty�y�.
<br /> hsunnco ends In+lcwrcfence wfth any writnn�yre«mnt batwaen Borrower�nd Lendx or apppubte kw. �°�_�:�
<br /> 9. Intp�Ctfq11.�endK or ks�O�nt mtY tr�k�rMSawbl��ntdas upon and insp�ctlons of th�Prop�ty UndK ahaY yN�
<br /> Borrower notic�Rt thq ilme ot or pdor to an inapectbn sp�cftylr►y reason�ble cauaa tor tha Insp�ction. °--
<br /> 10. C011d�11�i�Gt1.The procNds of any awud or cWm for d�m�y�a.dinct a conapuenllai, in conn�cUon wkh any �
<br /> cond�ibn pr othsr takk�y of any part of tht PropNty,o�fa convy�nc�In U�u of cond�m�tlon,ue h�nby assipn�d�nd =r•'
<br /> �haM b�p+�ka.to��nd�r.
<br /> In th�,wa�t of a totat taklnp ot th� PropMy, the procwds shtU bs appAed to the am� secured by thls S�curity
<br /> InsUU�w11t.s�rhether or not th�n dua,wkh any exeeas paid to Bortowa. In th�avent of a partW taWny of thr Prop�uty in wtdch
<br /> ths i�ir m�V'Fcd vaiw of tha Ptoparly knmediately belae the t�kiny is equal to or yre�ter than th� �mount oi th�sums s�cuted
<br /> - --,-� -- Dy tb�,9ecutlN� lQ�IR!lqdlt N10�1tdltt�ly M!fMA thw ��kin�, unl�ss RorrowK and Lenda otherwlse agte� kt wrk(nq. th� sums --
<br /> ascure�by this Secu�ity InstNment shaY be reduced by the amount of the procseds rtwlUpAed 6y th�tolbwiny hacUon: (�)the
<br /> toqJ emaµnt ot tha suma aeeured immedtately before the taWng,dividad by (b) the lair maket v�lue ot tha Property Imm�diately -
<br /> befqrq tha taWnp. My ba4ncs shaA be pald to 8ortower.in the went of s partial talJng of the Property in whbh the i�k rtwkat �-
<br /> value.af the Property knmedlately 6etore the tak(ng is Iess than ihe amount of the tums secured immedlately betore the takiny. �_�-
<br /> unb�a BoROwar �nd Lender othetwlss agree in writing or unqss appAcable law othenvlse providrs. th� proc�dt shaY b� �:
<br /> q�.
<br /> appliqd to the sums s�cured by thla Security Instrumw�t whethsr or not the auma are ihan due. :• �r
<br /> If the F'roperty Is abandoned by Bortower, or 8,after notice by lender ta Borrower that the conder►nor otlers to make an �•:_:'
<br /> award or aettie a ctaim tor damapes. 8otrowor laiis to respond to lender with(n 30 days a8K th� datt th�notic� is giv�n. �,
<br /> �• � Lendsr is sulhorized to coAect and appiy the proceeda, at fts option,alther to restor�Uon or npair of the Property a to the �-.
<br /> � sums aecurod by thia Secu�(ty Inatrument,whether or eot then due.
<br />; , Uni�ts LendK and 6ortower otherwise aflree in writiny, eny appAcaUon of proce�ds lo prinelpat sh�ll not extend a —
<br /> , postpona the due dete of the monthiy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 a change the amount of such paymenta. ;°�.
<br /> 11.Borrowar Not Rolo��d; Forb�arano�By i.�nder Not a Waiv�r.Ext�ns�on ot tho tk�x tor payment or -
<br /> m-�-
<br /> modiAcatbn oi emorlization of the suma aecured by this Security Instrument yranted by Lender to any sueeeasor fn interest of Y,�;.
<br /> � BoROwer ehall not operate to release the IlabUity of the odginai Borcower or Bortower's successors In int�rest. Lendx ahaQ not ___.
<br /> be requked to commence proceedings aga(nst any successor In interest ar retuse to extend tim�tor p�ymmt or otherwise �-
<br /> modl �mo�tlat(on of the sums secured b thia Securi Instrument b re�son ot an demand m�de b the o 1 Borrow�r or ��t
<br /> y Y �Y Y Y Y � � �
<br /> Bortowe'e succeasors in interest. My torbearance by LQnder in execisinq �ny rlyht or remedy ah�tl not bt a waN�r of or -=_'
<br /> preclude the exerolse of any dght or remedy. � �
<br /> 12. Succossors and Aasigns Bound; Joint and Sevoral Uabiltty; Co-siqnar�.Th• covenants and �t�' �-�
<br /> � ayreem�nts of th(s Secudry Instrument shaA bind and benefii the succ�essors�nd asslpns of Lender md Bortower, subject to ths F="
<br /> .„ I provisions of para�nph 17. 8ortower's covenants and agreements sheN be Joint end seveni. My Bonower who co•aipna thls '-�
<br /> ,--� .,,�r" S�curity Instrum�nt but does not execuU the Note: (a)is co•signing thb Securiry InaVummt ony to mortgage.gnnt and convey ` °'�.
<br /> ' that Bortower's intKest In the Property under the tertns ot this 3ecurfty Instrument; (b) Is not persomlly obYpated to pay the .,.
<br /> sums secured by thia Secudly Inatrument; and (c) apreea th�t lendK �nd any other Bortow�r may agroe to extend, modify,
<br /> , torbaar or m�kf any aecomtnodaUons with regard to the tertns of this Security Instrument or the Note wlthout that BortowK's i .
<br />'i: `. � consent. �::
<br /> ,. 13. Loan Chs�rq�s. If the losn secured by this Secudry instrument Is subject to A Iaw which sets mtxknum Io�n �'�'R
<br /> _ . charpes,and that kw la finally Interpreted so th�t the Interest or other�oan chvyes coYected o� to be coliected in connecllon
<br /> � }. with ihe ban�xc�ed the permitted Iknita.then: (a)any such Iopn charge shaA be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce ,. .
<br /> [. ths charge to the parmitted Amit: and (b) any sums akeady collected hom Borrower which exceedecl permitted Iknits wiN be ,
<br /> . � � • `: refunded to Borrower. Lend�r nwy choose to mak�thia refund by reducing the pnc�ipai owed under the Note or by maWnp a ;�;,,
<br /> -. �`^'� � � �. dkeet p�ymant to Borrower. Ii n retund reducea pdnctpel, the reduclbn wiN be treated as � padMl prepsymM+t wfthout u►y
<br /> � '. pnpayrtwit chvye under the Note. ��'
<br /> __ ��' ?•, 14.NotIC��.My notke to Bartower provided tor In this Secutity Inatrument shaY be given by deilvwiny it or by m�ilinp ft
<br /> =-�-•} �t��`'"'•lf�`'ti �''•� " by tkat d�sa maN unt�ss appllcabie law requkes uee ot anolher method. The notice ahal be dkecUd to tha Roperty Addrsss �
<br /> -...:." ,�.:;i:�..�".+:: ._ ,
<br /> --=- �+.,,� .��,�� or �ny other addresa BoROwer ckalynatea by not�e to Lender. My not�e to Lander shaY be glven by first d�ss mail to
<br /> �t+`�� ' Lend�r'a addnas stated hsnk► or any other addraas Lender dealgnates by notice to Bortow�►. My norice prov{ded tor fn this
<br /> --'S:'� ,::�.: ... .+;, ,
<br /> - �'���•� o�.....iw.N.r.uw.r.e d.�Y Fu rirm�rl tn hav�hrn n�v�n tn Ctevrnwn►nr��nrlwr whr��vr��e evnvi�Lel In th{a ru►arranl� �����
<br /> . .._�� ......�...�...���..�.._.._.__ _'-...__ ._ .._.- ----. �..--. _ -"'-'--' '- --' -- ....--��--" -- ��---" -" ' -- �-._�.T... �..,..
<br /> ' ,., ��' 15. Go+r�mtny t.aw; S�wnbf111y. Thfa Security inatrum«tt shd! b� yovemed by fQdctd I�w �nd tha I�w of tho �, ;
<br /> y :�`"�4''"'',".`'" ' Jur�sd�tlan in whiah the PropMy ie locst�d. In th� event thal�ny provfslon or clwse of thia Searity InsVumtnt or tha Note �r ,
<br /> �� conAlatt wkh y��Yc�bi�I�w, wch contNct ah�ll not attact othK provislona ot thls S�cwiry InsUum�nt or th� Not�wh�h can be ��
<br /> yiwn N(�ct wkhout the aonlYotlnq provteion.To thla end the provlalons of thts S�cwity Inatrummt md th�Noh�n dec�r�d to
<br /> b�swM�bte. �
<br /> �'�"�h 1d.BOr►aM��'s Copy.BoROwK sh�N be qiven on�contortn�d copy ot the Not��nd of thla Searity Inatrument. F.,r,:
<br /> �::��
<br /> P1st�.UACi t11/73l P�p�3 ot 5 . -�11J �� .
<br /> � — �"'
<br /> . ---� 93�63.UM
<br /> ___. .�
<br /> _ —'"",-14 . . .e+N
<br /> •- " '� __ _ _ _ - --- --- --�-
<br />