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<br /> 93- �03�8
<br /> -- candemn�tlan or iMher wkin�of�ny pw�t M ihe�'roperty.or for catveyrnce in iieu of cundemnation.�ce hercby«.r{r�x��nd �-
<br /> rhxli be p�id ta l,end:r.
<br /> In the �vant oC a twAl iWlcin�of the Property. the proceeds shall be npplied to the sums xecured by this Secudty
<br /> lnxirument,whether oe nat thr.n due,with any exccss puid to Borrower. ln the cvent of a Nurtiul taking of the Property in
<br /> which the fair mwlcet value of the Pmpcny immediately befare the tnking ix cv{ual ta ar grruter than thc amount of thc sums
<br /> securod by this Socudty Lisuument immediutely beforc the taking,unlexg Barrowcr and I.aader otherwise agrce i�writing,
<br /> �--�----_u-��-� the aumq securcd by thix Security Intitrument thall he reduced by ihe am�wnt uf the praceeds multlplied by the follawing
<br /> � fraction: (a)the total iunount of the sums rccurcd immediately bcfore the toking,divided by(b)thc fsir market value of the �
<br /> - - i'roperty immecfiately beturo the tnking. Any balance shuil be puid co aorrowcr. In the e��ent of a partiat trJcing of the `
<br /> PropcRy in which the fair maricet vuluo of the Pmjxrty immediately befare thc tuking is less thun thc amount of the sums
<br /> '" cecu�d immediately before the takinb. unlcss Horrowcr und Lcnder otherwjsc ngrec in writing ar unlesc uppltcablo law
<br /> -_=--- aherwise provide�,the pcoces�s shall bo opplied ta tha sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or nat the sums nro
<br /> —� then duc.
<br /> — -- If the Praperty is ab•rndoned by Bortower,or if,aftcr noticc hy l.ender to�orcowcr that the candcmnor affcrs to mnkc ___
<br /> -- an awsrd or settle n claim far dsunages.Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days nfter the date the notice is slven,
<br /> _ Lender iF authorized to collect and uppty the praceeds,nt its aption,eitber to�storntion or repuir of the Praperty or to the
<br /> -�� sums secur�ed by this Security[nstrument,whecher or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and BoROwer othenvise agree in writing, any upplicution of praceeds to princlpul shatl not extend or
<br /> -- - _•--� postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in pnrag�aphr�i nnd 2 or chnnge the umount of such payments. ___
<br /> -- - 11. Burrower Not Rekased; ForbearAnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the ttme for pnyment or
<br /> .•ra� j modification of amortization of the sums securcd by this Secur�ry Inti[rument sranted by Lender to uny successor in interest
<br /> , ��,�.� •, of Bornower shall nat operate to�eka,e the liability of thr�xiginul Boirawer or Borraw�r's successon in intcrc�t.Lendcr �-
<br /> - ?�: tb;{ shall not be required to commence p�oceedings against any surressar in interest or refu.e to extend time for payment vr =__
<br /> ° � ' ;� ' othenvise modify amonizution af the sums secured by this Security lnstruro�em by�rar•un of uny demand made by the originnl --
<br /> . ��.
<br /> '!•,-;s; �••i.' � � �a : Borrower or Bormw•cr's success�ss+n inrere.t. .any forbearunce by Lend�r in exrmising uny right cx remedy shail nat be u �
<br /> �.
<br />'-=�`;'r; c•"' � w•aiver of or precludc the exercise of any right nr remedy. "-_`
<br /> ,;(,`� �, 12. Successors and Asslgns f3ound;Jnl�t and SeverAl Llabflity;Casigners. Tfie cm•en�nts nnd agreements of this =_..
<br /> , . �� ,-1 ,' � Security Instrument shall bind and t�enefit the xucce�sovs nnd ussigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> � .. . ��:'.:';<• -
<br /> _ < ��t �..�Y:, paru�raph 17. Borroweri:covenAnts and agreements shall be jolnt und several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Security ��
<br /> _ ' ,� r ,,.:.;C , ;� Inswment but dces oot execute the Note: (al is co-signing this Security Instrument oniy to mortgage,grunt and convey tha[ �
<br /> - �'�{��;;,;�.�; B o r ro w e r's i n t e r e s t l n t h e P r o p e r t y u n d e r t h e t e r m s o f t h i s S e c u ri t}•I n s t r u m e n r (b)i s n n t p e r s o n s�l l J•o t�l i g.�t e d t o p a y t h e s m n s
<br /> ` ,�•' �.�. ��'�.^.: securcd by this Securiry Instrument;and lc)agrees that l.e�der and aoy other Boaower may agree to extend,modify,forbear �
<br />_-_ �+���.j!p i J'`:���;'';,. o r m a k e a n a c c o m m o d a ti o n s wit h re ard t� the terms of this Securit• lnstrument or the Nate withaut that Bonowe��s -
<br />-:,;..�. �r��5,��;:r,• consem. Y 8 Y j,��=
<br /> , (i.{t�';,�; 13. i.usm Chacqes. If the loan �ecurrd by thi, Security Imtrument is sub,iect to u law w•hirh sets maximum loan =
<br /> ��,, f�.,c t.,,-�.. -
<br /> ...,,�,��� � ,,�,; �
<br /> ;�.;tt�kZ"��<<��F^r�,,fj���,�.,;. , charges.and that law is fi�null�•interpreted so that the�terest or other�n rharge.r•collectey or to he coUeaed i ryonnection
<br /> f wlth the loun exceed the rmitted limits,then: (a>un �urh laun chur e�haU be reduced b the amount necessa to reduce
<br /> � •''�S:`"i�:'"r;;'�' ''� t he c harge t�t he penni t te d limi t;an d(b;n n y s u m+a l rc u d y c o l ie c t e d f r o m B o m o we r w h i c h e x c e e d e d p e r m i t t e d l i m i t x w i l l b e
<br /> ���� � rcfunded to Borrower. Lender may choosc to mukc this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Notc ar by making a
<br /> - r�.s:a�r+h�:..>..,.,,a�..:
<br /> �i'`"'�� " `"'"� dinect payment to Borrowec If u refund rcduces principul,the reduetion will he trcuted a�u purtiul prcpayment without any
<br /> ' : •'�'"•'="' '""`•� I prepuyment charge under the Note.
<br /> - w�-��:A,�-��•w�<• I 14. Notices. Any noticc to Borrowcr pmvidcd for in thi. Srcuriry In�trumrnt +hall bc given by dclivcring it or by
<br /> a- _..�••. ... � . maiiing it by fint clus+mail unic�y•rpplir.�hlc luw rcquinti utic uf unuthrr meth�xi.Thc nutirc tihall bc dimctcd w ihc Pr�{xrty
<br />_ •Y�I/�At9G:Y r •H.>�•. Address or:my wher uddre..8��rcower de.ignat�+by nutic�tu Lendec Any n��ticr tu Lendrr�h•rll Me givrn by tir.t clu+ti
<br /> � � mail to Lcndcr's addms.titatcd hercin iir any uihrr uddR.�I.rndrr dctiignat�.hy noticc to sorr�wcr. Any nuticc pruviJcd for
<br />_�;+ � v in thi� Security Imtrument .hail he Jeemrd to huvr t+rcn given to Borrow�r ur LenJer when given as pr�wided in this
<br /> ..�.:....
<br /> f"`� 'er�'b.�.. .. � paragraph.
<br /> '''�'��•'�'�" I5. Governing Lxw: Se�•erability. Thi. Scrurity In.trument �hall hc govcmcd by fcderul law and thc luw ut�thc
<br /> " Y,� ' jurisdiction in which the Property i+I�xat�d. In the rvent tha�any provi��n�or clau.c of this Security Inatrument or the Nate W__
<br /> :.;`� ,;,;�;�;,,:;�., .. ',;R,, conflicts with applica6le law,such cantlict shall not at�fect other provi,iom oC thi.Security In.trurrknt or the Note which can �•__
<br /> •��--;..�. •. • be given effect without the conilicting provi,ion. To thi.end the provi.i�m.of thi.Secutity Imtrument and the Note sur
<br />:;:;, :'�,-�-':,^;,:.:�;,,_:' •, declued ro be severuble.
<br /> - •�•+�-•�' �'` 16. Borrower's Copy. Boaow�r+hall be given onc ronfonned copy uf the Note und of thi�Security inctrumcnt.
<br /> . �%���;;=�?.��:':�'.. . (7, Transfer of the Property or a Benefici�l Interest in 8�xrowe� ]f all ur any pan of the Property or any interc�t in =
<br /> ,(;;:: t:,;;::�
<br /> ..� ,,,,�_ it is wld or tran�ferred(or if u lxncficial inten+t in Borrower i. +old or tramferrcd and Burrow•cr is not u natural person)
<br /> '- P n`•:: without Lender's nor written ronxnt. Lcndcr ma u it.o tiun.re uirc immrdiate a mrnt in full of all sums secured b
<br />-� ? �:^.�. r .�,� P� Y•� P W P'Y Y
<br />_-��": •�';:�y� ,_,,,., this Security lnstrument. However,this option.hall not tk exerri.ed by Lendcr if cxrrci�c is prohibited by federut law a�of
<br />- ' :�`';r'�'`r• the date of this Securiry Intitrument.
<br /> �`�� If Lender exercities this option.Lrnder shall givr Barmwer ncNicr��f urrrkr.�tiun. Thr nuticr.hall provide:t period of
<br /> .•w� ri•�.�� not less than 30 duys from the datc the notice i.delivrnd or mailed within ahirh Borr��wer mu,t pay�11.umc.ecured by thir
<br /> *'" � `"��" � Security In+trument. [f Borrow�r failti to puy thc+e .um, prior to tlx cxpiration of'this period. Lender may invoke :u�y
<br /> i'� ' ��,,;'+;',r;�.�;.,•' remedies permined by this Security Instrumcnt widiout furthcr notirr ur drmand un Bormwcr.
<br /> � ,,;,....;...
<br /> �,,,..>�.:ry...;::. 18. Borrower s Right to Relnstvte. It'Burrowrr mrets ccrt:+in runditi�m., Bonnwer �hall havc the right to hare
<br /> �• . �z�T�����s„r' enforcement of this Security In.trument disc�>ntinucd at•rny time pri�,r a�tlx earlwr of: la)5 dayx(or.uch atkr periad•rx �
<br /> � .,. fJ��:�;j����^ Singlc F:unily..Fwnk Nx/Freddk Mac l:'VIFIIRM 1\STRI�S/F.�'1'..Umfwm CovcnuntK 9l90 �lvrg�4��/A�wgea! `�`-
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