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<br /> g3= iio318
<br /> i `�-- perial.lhrl lwixlor ro�{ufror. The in�ururce rurier pmvWinR the inrurrnce rh�ll bio chc�on by liam�wa�rub�x;1 tn Lenderl�
<br /> wppnwal which�II twl i�e unro�onxbly w{thheld. If Burcower failr to tn�inlMln cnverr�{c de�rihal rlx�ve,l.atufor mry.�t
<br /> l.aukrk oMiun,ubt�in cover��e tn prc�eot Le�xlerk dghtr In Ihe Pr�erty in w:ax+l�enco wi�h piuM�r�ph?.
<br /> AU ln�urunrc{x►licicK wtxl rcnowalw xhall lx Acco�tublc to Lsndrr Wtwf Kh�ll includc x Kiw�rnl muttyaYc cluuwo. l.encicr
<br /> �hall h�ve the rl�ht ta hald thc pcilicfeR wnd rot►ew�l�. If l.enJcr roquitrK,Bum�wer xlt�ll�amptiy�fvr w Lcrnlar all roceiptr
<br /> nf�wid pmmium*�nd rcncwai noticcs. in thn event af InrF,Bormwer.rhwll�{ivc prompt notiro tu Ihc inxuru�ce c�rrier�nd
<br /> - _— � l.en�i�;r. [.ender muy tiiwko prool'af luati if nat made{xamptly by kfattower.
<br /> —.-.�; - Unlcs�l.cnder and Borrowrr�therwl�e ngrce in writing,in�nrance prcxeeclx tihdl he e�liad m roxtor�tian or tepNir of
<br /> the Pmperty dumaged, if thc reetaratian or c�ep�ir is economically fwxiblc und L.enderk sccurity I+ nnt Icas�encd, lf thc
<br /> restoratjon or repuir is nat economicatly fec4aible or l.cndcrb secudty would be tescencd,thc insurancr pmceeds shull be
<br /> �__ _— upplied ta the sums sccured by this Security lnsttumcnt,whcthcr or na then due,with uny cxcesa puid to Barmwer. If
<br /> Barrower abandons the Property,or das nat unswer within 30 duys u noticc from L.ender that the insurancc currler hue
<br /> �ffered to rcttle a cinim,thcn Lender mny collect thc Insurance proceeds. Lender rnay usc thc proceeda to repair or restoc+e
<br /> — the Property or to pay aums Recurcd by this 5ecurlty Instrument.whether or not then duc. The 30-day pedod will begin when
<br /> --- the noticc is givcn.
<br /> ��°�'�� Unless Lender and Barower othenvise agrce in writing,any applicution of proceeds ta principal shall not extend or
<br /> ''� �t ne the due date of the monthl menxc rcferrcd to in ra c 1 :md 2 or chan e the sunount of the ments. If
<br /> Po• P� Y PaY W S�- S P�Y
<br /> � under purugraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, BuROwerl right to any iasurunce policies and proceeds rcsulting
<br /> � from damuge to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to tht extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> -- - Instrument immediarely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> . 6. Occupxncy, Preservatlon, Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property; Bor�owe�'s I.oAn AppNc�Non;
<br /> +�`':�-.� LeasehoWs. Bonower shall rxcu estublish,and use the Pra rt as Borrowert nnci I residence within sixt da s after
<br /> � �� , K PY� Pe Y P� Pa Y Y
<br /> �: a.��:ti��.y;`,;.. the execution of this Security Inswment Ane1 shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pri�cipal residenca for at
<br /> _ �.?+tr4_'-r�.� �.
<br /> • � least o�e year after the dute of occup�ncy, unless Lender otherw•atie agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> " ��'. ,,r!+' ' � � ' unreasonabl�•withheld,or unless extenuAtin�circumstances exi�t which�ur beyond 8orrower�caxnrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> �"p,;�;�f���'.�{��+�`ti����„y'.;;�5��• destroy,dumnge or impulr the Property,allow the Propertv to deterlorsite,or commit waste on the f'roperty. Bortowe�shall
<br /> � ,ai_=_.: �.•
<br /> f r����•>;.;:. f�. •�'#f" be in defuult if any farfei[ure nction or prceeeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender�gond faith judgment
<br /> . .+°�r`1.�i?::;;:;;�' could result in forfeiture of the Pro or otherwise materiall im ir the lieti created b this Securit Instrument or
<br /> - • ;,�rY��•�, �,,• ,i!�,".`'aM.. PertY Y, Pa Y Y
<br /> ' �� ;��,Ssf�;:�':;;;'�'.,,{�,;�j; Lender's security interest. Barrawer may cure such a def�ult and remstate,as provided in paragraph IS,by causing the nction
<br /> _! �i�,.;: 'a"r`i�'1y_�"�? � . �'�;','.� or proceeding to be dlsmissed wlth a ruling that,in Lender's good falih dete►mination,predudes forfeiture of the Borrower s
<br /> .' `+�� �.��;�:r:�v,,�'`•':" �:;'�`Y;?j;' intemst in the Property or other material impairment of Itie lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender'.s security
<br /> �f�;;;,�;ti����"•;�;�s:;';'.f}�� interest. Borrower shall also be in defuult if BoROwer, during the loan application pracess, gave materiaUy false or
<br /> ��`��;,�;��i�'�'�%��,.��lX' inuccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material information)in conncction with
<br /> ,'rc t- y '7C'.'?'"p;"',.,, iiie lo;ui evidcnced 'uy me rvote, incjuding, but nut lia�iird iv, rcp[nacuiaiiva� uuiwcrni��g B�rwwe�a a:���am:y of ihe
<br /> '�'.�'f'•`'�'�"{�t �',�•��`''�•� Pmperty a.s a principal residence. If this Securiry instrument is on a leasehold,Barrower shull comply wlth aU the provisions
<br /> ,,....
<br /> ' ' '" ' ' ����' of the lease. If Borrower ucquires fce title ta the Property,the leasehold and the fee tiUe shall not merge unless Lender ag�ees
<br /> , to the merger in writing.
<br />• •. • � �. � 7. Protection of Lender's Rightx In the Property. IC Borrower fails to perfocm thc covenants and agrcements
<br /> . . contained in this Security Instrument, or therc ix a Iegul proceeding thnt may significantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> ,. ', '. Pmperty(+uch us a proceeding in bunkn�ptcy,probate,for candemnutian or forteiture or to enforce luws or regulutions),then
<br /> . , '_ Lender muy do and pay for whatever is ncce.s•rry to pr�tcct the valur of thc Ropeny and Lcnder�rights in the Propeny.
<br /> I.ernicr:uctiom may include paying any wms securcd by a lien which hati priority over this Security Instrument.uppearing
<br /> � in raurt,paying reawnablc attomcy+'fees and cntrring an the i'n�perty to muke repairs. Although Lcnder may take action
<br /> ` . utxicr this paragraph�,Lender docx not huvc to do.w.
<br /> ��u. : • . Any umount+di�bursed by Lender under thi,paragraph 7 ,hall becomr �uiditional debt of Borrower tiecurcd by this
<br /> =- - ' Securiry Intitrument. Unless Borrower and l.ender agrec to other trrtns of payment, these umounts,haU bcar intcre,t from the
<br />"_� `��'";.'".''"`�`'�"" d•rtc�if disbursement at the Note rute and shull be payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcyuesting
<br /> . - paymcnt.
<br /> - 8. Mortgage Inwrance. If Lender reyuir�d mortgagc inxurance ac a condition af making the loan.r•ecwed by this
<br />- . Security In.trument, Borrower+hall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgagc in�urance in effcct. If, for any
<br /> reason, the mortgage insurunce coveraFe rcquircd by Lender lapsex or cea,es to lx in effect. Borrower �hall pay the
<br /> , prcmiums rcyuired to obtain cover.igc �ubrt•rntially eyuivalent w the mongage insurunce prcviously in effect, at a cost
<br /> �- subtitantially eyuivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mongaEe intiurance pn:viou,ly in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br />� • � �• irmurer approved by Lendcr. If substantially cyuivalcnt mortgagc insurancc mvcrugc is not availahle.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> - � �--} Lender each m�mth a sum eyual to onc-tweltih of the yearly mnrtgage intiurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br />