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<br /> _>�:;;L ��� �ppllcwbit IAw mwy specify iur reinrtptemcot) hcfixc tiale of thc Propeny pursuxnt to wy powc�of�wlc cuntAinod in s
<br /> ��---� --_---= °crurity fnstnsment or(b)en�ty of e,jndgtmnt enforcin�lhi�SeenrilY lnstr�ment. Tho!e co��dillons�sr tttat Borro�+�er: fs? _
<br /> pay� I,ender KII suma which then wauld bc duc under this Secudty InYttument and the Nole a� if no �cceleration Iwd
<br /> occurtrd;(b)curos any defAUit of pny aher cavrnwnts ar wgrr.eme�ts;(c1 prayc oll expenses incurred in enforcing thie+Secudty
<br /> ' Inxtrument,bxluding.but not timited to, �casonabic attomey:'fas; wid Id) takes such action as I.ender may rcsuonably
<br /> • ,;w ., , .
<br /> s ' . �,, requicc to�►ssure that the licn of this Sccuriry Instrument,Lender's righn in the Property wtd 9omowerS ubligation to pay the _
<br /> .,_ ,;,;•_.��'�`�� " cums securod by this Securlty In�trument shali continue unchanged. Upon reinstxtement by Borrower, this Security =
<br /> •' �'''"v�c Instrument and the ob11 Ations securcd hereb stwll remAin full effective as if na acceleratian hnd cecurted. However.this
<br /> ,;:.a;,,_-� B Y Y
<br /> tisht ro tcinstste:hat!not«pply it�thc ea:,c of scceleration undcr p�ragssph !?.
<br /> �'�"'�r��"'���#±±+� 19. Cak ot Note; Chsage ot Lopn Servicer. Thc Note or a panial interest in thc Notc(to�ether wtth this Securlty _
<br /> �y...���� •�•"•' • ' : - , InstrumenU may be sold one or more times without prior natice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entiry
<br /> ��-� •� i (koawn as the"Loan Servicer")that collects mon�hly puyments due under the Nate and this Se�:udty Instrument. There alsa
<br /> ,��:��t�i.'..�� may hc une or more chwnses of thc Loan Servicer uncelated to a salc of the Note. If there!s a change of the Loen Serviccr. _
<br /> ---•-�� � � Banower wiU be given wdtten nattce of the change in accordanae with paragraph 14 above and 3pplicable luw. The notice _
<br /> � ;" : " will stute thc nAmc and address of the new Loar►Scrviccr and the address to which payments should be made. The notice wilt �
<br /> — t• � 9 also contafn any other informatian required by applicable law. __
<br /> ��" . 20. Hau�rdous Srbst�ces. Borrower shaU not cause or permit the presence,use,disposul,srorage,or release of any -'
<br /> Hazerdous Substances on or in the Property Barower shall not do.nor allow anyone eise to do,anything aftecting�he -.
<br /> _ ' ' Property that is in vioi�tio�of any Enviraunental Law•. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or �
<br /> - ;Y �":;''',,,- storage on the Property of smail quantities of Hazardous Substances thut arc generally recosnizcd to be nppropriate to normxi _
<br /> _ , '��• :�.� .' . -
<br /> �;.:� , � rcsidential uses and t�mainten�nce of the Property. =
<br /> Barowe�shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,cluim.demand,lawsuit cK other action by any =
<br /> � govemmental�x regulatory agency or private party incolving the Roperty und any Hazardous Substance ar En�imnmenlal _
<br /> Law of which Borrower hns actual knowledge. If BoROwer leams,or is notifted by any govemmental or regulatory =
<br /> i � .• authority,that nny removal or o�her remediation of:u►y Hazardous Substunce affecting the Property is necessary,Barower
<br /> � shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in aceor:lance with�nvironmental Luw.
<br /> . As used in this paragruph 20,"Hsuardous Substance�'are those�ubstances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by _
<br /> . ' Enviranmental L.aw and the following substances: gasuline.kerosene,other flammuble or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> • pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents,materials containing asbesros or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As �
<br /> • �.,, used in this p,lragraph 20,"Environmental Law"meunx federal�aws and laws of the jurtsdiction where the Propeny is lacated -
<br /> that relate to heulth,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> , • �� 21. Accekration; Remedies. Lender shail give notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon tollowing Borrower•s
<br /> • • breach ot any covenant or Agreement in this Security Instrument Ibut not prlor to acceleratia�under paragraph 17
<br /> �:..;. unless Applkable Iaw provides otherwLse). The notice shall specify: la)the defaulh(b)the actlon required to care the
<br /> _-- ---;;�'"-'L;;__--= r3ttauli;tc)a datc,�at li�.�:!'has 34 da3�s fr�m!he daie ttss aQtice is gfven to Burrow�r,by w6kh!he defeult mugt he
<br /> "`'� eured;And(d)th�t faigure to cure the default on or be�ore the date specified In the notice may result in acceleraQon uf
<br /> ! . :� ',
<br /> �._ the sums secu�ed by this Security Inst�ument and sak of the Property. The notice shwli further infurm Borrower of
<br /> , the rtght to r�einstate atter acceleration and the right to bring a court�ction to assen the non-e!ci�tence of a default or
<br /> . any Mher defer�se of Borrower ro acceleration and ss�le. If the deTault is not cured on or before the date speci6ed in
<br />- the natice,Lender at i�s option may require immedis�te payment in full ot all sums secured by this Security Instrument _
<br /> without further dem�nd and may invoke the power of cale �nd any other remedies permitted by applkable law _
<br />=� ' Lender shall be entitled to collect �11 expenses incurred in purcuin� the remedies prnvided in this parAg�aph 21. --
<br /> including.but not Iimited to,reasonable attorneys'teea and cost5 of title evidence.
<br /> � . � If the power of sule is invoked.Trustee Yhull record u naNce of default in each county in which Any part of the
<br /> '"" Praperty is locuted and st��li mail copies of such notice in the ms�nner prescribed by appiicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> � ti�e ather persons prescribed by applicable law: After the time required by ypplicable law.Trustee shall give public
<br /> •}. notice of s�+le to the persons and in the ms�nnee pre�cribed by upplicable laK•. Trustee.without demand on�orrower, --
<br /> ' �; sfiU�l sell the Property at public auction to the hi�hesi fi�idder at the time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> ' the notice of sale in one or more purcels und in an3•ordrr Trustee determines. 'I'rustee may postpone sale of all or any
<br />�. � parcei of the Property by publir•rnncwncement at the time and place of am•previouslv scheduled wle. I.ender or its -
<br /> � , '. designee may purchase the Property at an�•sale. -
<br />!i . Upon receipt oP payment uf the price bid,'lrustee shall deli�•er to the purcha�r Trustee's deed com•eyin�the =
<br /> Property. The recit�ls in the Trustee'c deed shwil be prima facie e�•idence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> 'I�asiee shpll apply the proceeds of the�le in the faliuu�ln�;order. Iv1 tu�11 costs s�nd exprnses of exerctsing the power �
<br />�t,.. . r'�} ,:
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