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<br /> caidemnwila�or ottxr talcin�of�ny p�rc of th�Prupnrty.ur for amveyxnce in linu uf'�:undemnxtiw�,wne I�aby�rl�nod wr�d
<br /> � —_ - �il be p�+id to Lende�.
<br /> ! In the cvent of a total twking of the Prapeny.thc pnxccci. Khull t�r applied to the xumN �rurcd by thiK Saurlty
<br /> Ins�tn�rnent,whether or nd�hcn due, wlth rny ezce�x p�id to B��rn�wer. In thc cvcnt of�purti�l twkiny uf the Pmperty in
<br /> which thr f�ir market vxlue of thc Praperty immediutcly hrfcxr�he tuking i�eyuul ti�ur yreAter 1h�ui thc um�x�nt uf the rumx
<br /> _ Rrcu�ed by thia Security Inatrumcnt immediutely t+cfi►ru�ik tuking,unlc�x Bum►wer u�xl I.c►xirr�»herwl.r uyree in wnting,
<br /> - � the�umr cecur+ed by�his Security Inzirument �hall bc rcducr�i by the unxwnt of the prc�reeds multlplicd by the followinQ
<br /> '� • fr�cti��n: (a1 the tcw�t�►maunt o!'thc xums xrurcd i�nmufiutrly brfom thc taking,Jivided by(b)thc fuir mi►rkat vuluc af thc
<br /> -�
<br /> '.-,�• ��y� Propetty imme:diwtely befare ihr t�king. Any baluncc *hull be putd tc� Horrower. In the event uf u puniul tuking ot'tlx
<br /> ,�� li �_� `,��f,��� F'roperty �n which the foir markci vaiue af�he Propcny immed�atety betore thc tuking iw Icsz thun�hc umount ot thc sumx
<br /> _ A'J� r.�curcd irnmediately before thc taking, unlesx Bormwcr und Lcndcr c�therwise ugnee in writins or unless upplirubic tuw
<br /> _�,�.,.�p.�� othenvlr,� provtdes,tha proceeds shyll lx upplird to the rums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument whether or nat tho sums ur+e
<br /> ��' thcn due.
<br /> If the Prapeny is abandoned by Barrower.or if,ufter notice by Lcndcr to Borrower thut the condcmnar offers to make
<br /> ��—�`� `•� �n uward or settle u clnim for damages,�armwer fuits to mspond to Lender within 30 dnys nRer thc dute the noticc is givcn,
<br /> --�` `�`-�n"w� Lender iti Authodud to collect und upply the proceeds,at its optian,either to rcstoration or repair of the PropeRy or to the
<br /> -�„_�-: "^'.
<br /> - — -...:,. ; sums�sccurcd by this Security Instrument. whethcr or nat then due.
<br /> " Unless Lender und Borrower otherwise agree in writing,uny applicution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dute of the monthly paymentti refcrred to in puragr.�phn I und?or chunge the umount af such payments.
<br /> - =•�°�.'L•� I1. Borrower Nat ReleASed: Forbearance By I.rnder Not a WAiver. Bxtemiun of thc timc far payment or
<br /> �� �.y modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instnrment granted by Lender to uny successur in interest
<br /> °. � �`���' �•:'::�.� of Borcower shall not operate to retease the liability af the ariginal Borrowe�o�Barrower�s�uccesson in interest. I.ender
<br /> �.�''':' � ''' shall not be required ta commence proceedinos a�ainst any successor in interrst or mfuse to extend teme tc•r payment or
<br /> � ? otherwise modify amortization of the sum�sccurcd by this Securiry Instrument by Rason of any demanc�macie by�he original
<br /> �� . Bortnwer or Borrower's successas in interest. An�•furbearance by I.ender in exercixing any�ght or remedy shall �ot be a
<br /> �: waiver ot'or preclude the exe�cix c,f'am'riSht or remedy.
<br /> • .. t ,� ; 12, Successors and Ascigns B�wund;Joint and Severs�l I.iability;Ca-sigae�s. The co.cnants suid ugreements of this
<br /> ,.. • Securiry Instrument shull birxi an:l tKnafit the successon and ussign�of Lender and BorrnKrr,subject ro the provisionx of
<br /> • „_;.;�,. ,� � �� ��'��'i. ~ � paragrnph 17. Bormwer's covenants and ugrcements tihult be jaint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> ' ; :,', � ' � Instrument but does not e�zcute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry[nstrument only t�mortgage.grunt and convey thut
<br /> _ :�;.,,,�� • � Borrower's interest in ti►�Prupe►ty w�der the term.uf�his Sccurity Inxtrument, ifi+ia not prr.oi2ally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> . ' . � secured by this Security lnstrument;stnd(c)ugrees thut Lender and:►ny other Borrower may agree to extend,mudify,forbear
<br /> ;;.,,;.,.,:: ' • � or make ��y accommodations wi�h rcgurd ro the tertnz of this Security M.r•trun�ent or the Nute without that Horrowert
<br /> � consent.
<br /> � ' 13. Loan Charges. If ihe loan secured by this Serurity In,trument is suhject to a law which xets maximum loan
<br /> - - - - - I ehurses,and that law is 3�naU��mterpreted xa tfi�a�the incerest or oeher iuun chutge�coiirctrd i�r tu Ue caNectcd in connection
<br /> ' with the loun exceed the Exrmiued limits, then: la)any tiuch loan rhurge shall be reduced h}•the amount necessary to rcduce
<br /> , the chargc ro the permittFd limit;und (b)any sumti ulrcady rollected fmm Be�rri�wer which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> " refunded to Borrower. Lende�muy�chcxne to m•rkc thi.rcfund by reducinF the principul owcd under the Note or by malcing a
<br /> I direct payment to BoROwer. If u refund reduces principal,the reduction will he treated as a panial prepayment without any -
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � ,, 14. Notices. Any nocice to BoROwer providcd for in this Security ln.trument shull bc given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first clusx muil unlcs,upplicuhle law rryuirc�use of another methnd.Thc nolice shull be directed to the Property
<br /> �. ' � I Address or any other•rddres, Borrower dctiignatcs hy notirr to Lendcr. Any notice to Lendcr shall hc given by first cluss
<br /> � Imail to Lender c uddre�s stated herein or uny other addrr,ti Lrndrr dctiignutes hy nocicr ro Borruwer. Any notice provided for
<br /> � in this Securiry Instrnmcnt tihall tx ckemed to havr bccn given to Borrower or Lender when given us provided in this
<br /> ' � ,�:;: : paragraph. ..
<br /> �. � ,' , . � 15. Gove�oiag L,Aw•; SeverubiUty. This Security In�trwnrnt ,hall he g�»•erned by fedrral I�w and the law of thc _
<br /> t ".'�4��;' juriuliction in which the Prorerty i+locut�d, In Ih�rvent thut uny pr<�vi+ion��r clauxe of thi.Security Instrumenl ar the Note
<br /> � �'•��" ��� � conflicts with applicuble law,sunc�onflict chall nut uftrrt uther pruvi+ion�af thi�Seruricy lnstrumen�or the Note which can
<br /> � '''�%: �• , be given effect without the conilicting provi+ion. To this rnd the provisie�m of this Security lnstrument and the NcNC are r
<br /> i�,.:; . decl:ued tobe�everable.
<br /> ;�. ',�:``I 16. Borrnwer'c Copy. Borruwer+hull tk given onc conformed copt•�if thc Note anJ of thi.Security In.trument.
<br /> � 17. 11�unster of the Property or a Iieneficlvl Interest in Borrnwcr If all or any part of the ProExrty or uny intercst in
<br /> . , .
<br /> g ?• it is sold cx tr.+nsferred (or+f a Ixneticial intrrc+t in Burcuwrr i.,uld ur tramferred and Bor�owrr i,ncu a nutural person)
<br /> :i:�' , �: � : without l.,enderz prior writtcn romrnt.Lendrr may,at it.i�ptiun,reyuire immrdiatr paymrnt m full of all wm�securcd by
<br /> `,;�;,., . , „ -=. this Security Instrument. Howevrr,thi.optiun,hall not Ix exerci�eJ b�•l.ender if rxrrcix� is pruhibitcd by feden►1(uw us of
<br /> ',•r:,." '' the date of thiti Security In.tcument.
<br /> '"''` If Lender exerci�cx thix option.Lender�h•rll give Burruw•cr notice uf uccrleraiiun. The nuticc tih•rll provide•r periai of
<br /> 1��'` �:�'-��"�'" not less than�0 dayti ftnm thc datr thc n�►tirr i.dclivrrcd or mailyd�vithin K hirh Horro«�cr mutit puy:�II sum..erumd by thi�
<br /> �•" ' '��'`�� � � Securiry Instntment. 11 Borrowcr f'ail�to pay thrs� .um+ priur to thc cxpiration af thi� peri�xl. Lender may invoke :my
<br /> � �^' '"� remedies pemtided hy this Securit} ln,trutnent without tiirthcr nutice ur d�m•rnd un borro«�er.
<br /> � ,^ � '� . 18. Rorrower's Right ta Reiast�te. [t'Burruwrr mr�h rrrtain condition�. BurruHrr .hcAl huvr thc right tn huve
<br /> � � enforcement of thi.Secunty Instrument Jiuontinucd ut any time prior to thr carlier uf: (�1 S duy.(ur surh uthrr period uti -
<br /> _ �' ' �i Sm�l.Frmily-�Fr�nnk�ladFhrldk Mac CNIFOR�f I�tiTItCMF:�T--l.'mtl,rm Co�rnmt� 9/90 I/x��;cJ.gA�rgey) ,
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