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_ . ..�; llp •A:: 7.aM7:i:%M!•An..; �. , .. . . .. .. <br /> '_ .y,�.. %1 \YI, . � <br /> , . r . . w _... . . . � Ih . . <br /> «� . <br /> �1 <br /> � <br /> . �,..:. 193- iio�' <br /> ' '. 17.Trwncfrr uf ih�l'roperq• or a Heneticial interest in Horrower. If u!1 or any part of thc Property or any interest in it <br /> � � •• �� i�u+id�ir�rnmfrrrcJ lur if u ixixficiul intcntit in&irruwar is MiIJ crc tran.Pcrr��l und Iiorrowcr i+not u r�aturul persanl without <br /> ��'14'�-'�..`• ?�' I.ender'+ priur v�•ritt�n�unKnt. Ix��ler m;ry. ut it+ nptian. rcquirc immrdiute payment in full i�l' •rll sums sccured by this <br /> S���urity In�tromcnt. f luwcvrr, thi+��►p�iun+butl n��t hc exarciuxi by lAndcr if cxcrcise is prahibited by fi�lcr�l Iaw us of thc date <br /> �.�~�rs. :; � s;.` c�f'thh Sccurity In�ln�nxnt. <br /> • F,�„w�;.t. �F.� . 11'IxtKlrr crcrrix� Uu�u�Hiun. IAiklcr+hull givc&irmwcsr nuticc of acccicrutiun.'fhc n�uire shull Pr<�vidc a p.rricxi of not <br /> � Ic..thun zU duy�6.�m �hc Jut��hr iaNic. i�delivcr��J �u m�iled within which &�rrowcr mu.t pay �Il tiumti sccured by this <br /> 't� � tic4urity If li.m��w•rr li�il�i�+pc�y thck.utne priur ta the expirutiun a(this�xri��cf, lAnJer muy invoke any rc mcdie� <br /> ti ' . � �x�tniU.d hy ihi�k�•uni� In,nunxm wlthuut lurthc�notice or dcmrnd on k3�►rruwrr. <br /> IS. F1��rn.Wrr•�RIKht 1�� Re1iNtMt�. ll' I��rrowc� n�eets ccrtuin c�mditiun.. &+rruwcr tihull huvc the riFht to huvc <br /> _ . ' rttt'nrrcmrnt ��( Ilii+ tiit•i�ril�• In,Irumcnl dhcuntinu��l at any umr pri��r t�� thc carlicr of': (u) S days (��r wdi othcr peri��i ay <br /> � . -. upplicuhlc law• may .�xcUy Inr rc�mlutrnkntl fxti�rr ,ule uf di� t'r�f}xrty pur�uant a� any p�,wcr uf sute r��mained in thi� <br /> F_T:�y� �, k.uriry ln.truin�m: .�r�1,�cm�y��1 u�ud�mrnt rnti�rcing this Sccuriry Instrumcnt.Thutic eunditions urc thut Horrnwcr. lal Puys — <br /> �.--,.,� f..• • . • .• L��uler ull �um. wl�i��h ihrn wuidd Ix�le�r under tliir Secari►y Instrument und the Note uti if no ucceierution h:►d uccurred: (bl <br /> __— . cure�uny delault ul uo) �Nh►r �u��nanh ur u�rrrnkntn: lc)payti ull expenties incurred in entirrciug tl�i.r Security In+tru�iknt, _ <br /> �'` iucluding. hut n.N li�nitral w, �raa►tu�hir ;�iturncy.' 1'cc+; and Id)takcs such�ctiun u� I.endcr muy ru�>am•rbly rcyuire to assurc <br /> r� tha�t thu lir�i at'U�i,tictiur�ty In.t�un�ent. IAndrr',righls in thc Property und Borrawcr's c�bligution to pay thc rcums sccurcd by <br /> -°�„ . � Ihir, tir�:urity b„Iru�iKn� ►h�dl cuminur uurl�un�!ed. UEx►n rcimtutement hy Hnrrowcr, this Sccurtty Instrument anJ the <br /> ;"a' ubligud�m�krureJ h�rcF�y�hull ntnnin fully rltrrtivc�i� il' n��a�celcratie�n ha�l c�ccurrcci. However, this right to rcinstute shall <br /> .�� . <br /> �v;:' twt upply in Qx cak uf u.•rclrrunun u��lcr puru�:raph 17. <br />— �'"=' . 19. S�Ic of N��tet t'hunKe of la�wn kr��iccr. 'fhc Nute��r a partiul interest in thc Notc (to�;cther with this 5ccurily <br /> . Inctru�ncnt)nwy hc.�dd o�k ur nNrrc�ia�rti wiiliuut priur tintirc to&vrowcr. A salc muy result in u change in thc cntity lknnwn <br /> : ux tha "L,uun tir�•viccr'I thut c��Uert�munthly puy�ncu�r duc utxlcr thc Notc:�nd this Security Instrumcnt.Thcrc ui�n muy bc one <br /> � ur morc chungc���(thc I_uan Srrvic�r unrelnt�d tu u wlr al thc Notc.lf thcrc i+u chungr of tlie Luan Scrvircr. Hurruwur will t� <br /> given writtcn ixui�ti.�f thc ct�ungc in u��rurd+uKr witl��ru}raph 14 atxive unJ�pplicable law.The notice wiU statc the n�me and <br /> addnss of lhc ncµ• Lnar� kr�•iccr utul thr:ui�lrr��tu whirh puymentti shonld be made. Thc neitice will nlui c�ntain any nther <br /> intiirmuti�m rcquind by uppliruhlc luw. <br /> 20. Hp�rd�w�tiul�t�ne�x. li��rruwrr +hult not ruu�e ur{krmit the presence, use, disposal, starage,or releuse of any <br /> H:irardouti Sub�taiuc+c�n nr in thr Pr�►�xrty. linrruwrr .hull n��t d�., nur allow anyanc clse to do, anything uffccting thc <br /> Pri��:rt�• thut i� in vinlatiun of uny }a►�•ir�mnkntal l.uw. 1'lir pnrcding two sentences shall not upply to the presence, use, ar <br /> �turage on the Pnqx:rty nl'.n�ull quuntiUr��►I'IlaiurJau� tiuh�wnce�thut are�enerally recogni�ed to be appropriatc to normal <br /> rc+iJcnti�d uuy utul tumaintcnancr ul thc Nru�xrty. <br /> Burruwcr �hall pu�mpdy givc Ixnd�r writtrn nuticc ul'uny l�wc�tigation, claim, demund, lawsuit or othcr ection by any <br /> • � g�ivcrnmcntul ur rcgulutury ugcixy ur privut�purty nrvalvinp tl�c Nmperty and uny Hnznrdnus Substuncc or Environmentul Luw <br /> t�f which Burruwcr hati acwal koowlcJg�. If Hurruwer le;u�m.ur i�notifiecl by any governmentul or regulutnry authority,that <br /> uny renurvul ur uther rc�n�diutiun��f uny fluiurduu+tiuh�tuncc ullcrtin�the Property is necessary, Borrnwcr shall promptly take <br /> ull ncrc.wry rcnxyliul acti��n�in nccorduncr with tinvironmenlu! <br /> A�ukd in thiti p•rru�ruph ZII. "HuinrJuu� tiuh�tunrr�"urc tDuw wbstanccs dcfincd as toxic or ha�ardous substances by <br /> -- �::i�•irc:nn:cntal !au• �n�3 thc tititl+su•ittig •,uh;tazirr•.: �;s•.c�li:ir. krrc�•xs:r. c�ther !l:zmmxble nr tozic petrolcum prodacts, toxis <br /> pcsti�idr,und hcrhicidc���rnt�.mutcriul.runtui��inE n�lx.a»or tiirmuld�hydc,anJ radivactivc matcrials. As usal in <br /> thi�purugruph ?II, ..Environmrntal Law" meuo. f�drnd luw•. mkl luw.��f the ju�iuliction where the Property is lacated th�t — <br /> rclutc to hculth, wfct}o�•rm�irunmrntul prutrctiun. <br /> NON•UNI FOR M11 COVIiNAN'I'ti. linn��iwcr inxl I.cndcr li�rthrr r�nrnunt und agrcc ati fi�llows: <br /> y 21.Acccler�ti��n; Rcnndl��. IAnder�liull ul�c notice to Burrower prior h►s�cceleration foUowinR Borrower's breach <br /> � of rny rovenwnt or rurttnu�U fn Ihiti ti�YUrlh InN�u�ucnl Il�ut n��t prlor to acceleration under para�raph 17 unlesc <br /> appllcablc luw pmvid�w��therwlK).'I'hc noNr�'�IINII��KV�if�i lul th��dcf�ult: (b) the action requlred to curc the def4ulti <br /> �., (c)w date. nat I��s thun�11 du�ti f'rmn tl�e dute Iln uutlre 1�ui��m to IGrrn��•hlch the default must be cured;und <br /> �" (d)thut failure tn cur�thc def�ult ou or Ixfirr��Ihe �lu1c��Krllled in 1he nntice ma�• result in acceleration of the sums <br /> ;° x�cured by thl+krurit� b��trument und Wile uf tl�c 1'ru�K�rl�. '1'he noUce�hull further inform Borrower of the right to <br /> .� , relnstnte after acc�leruHon und th�riuht to I�rl�iu u cow•t uclton to u�Krt the non-existence of a defAUlt or any other <br /> defenu of&�rroNrr tu arceicrution und .ulc. If Ihe d�•fNUlt i+ not cur�yl ou or f►efore the dAte specitied in the notice, <br /> I.ander. at Its optiun, mu�• rcyuirc immctflut� pu��n��mt lu fuU ol'ull +um+.arur�d by this Security ln4trument without <br /> fucthcr dcmund und mu}in��okc t8c�wN��r oi'.ulc und iun olhcr rem�vU�r�xrmittcd by upplicablc law. I.cnder shAll bc <br /> • entlttcYl to coll�tit ull ez�xn,�w Incurrcd in pur.utn�;lh�i•em��dltw pro�ided in thiti put�Rraph 21,includin�,but not Ilmited <br /> to.rrvronaMe:►ttorne�•�[��w end co�tv ot'Illk c�ldence. <br /> • If the p►�►�er ��f tiule is imuked. '1'ru,t�ti �hull �•�y��rd u rn�tice uf defuutt in cuch countv in which any part of the = <br /> � Praperty is I�Kahd und 5hu11 muH copi��of�ueb n��Uce In Ih�� munner preuril►ed b�� applicable law to Burrower and to <br /> theother�xnons pr�,crilK�d bc upplic+�bk luw.:�ftcr tl�e Ume rcqufrctl IN i1�Ij1IIl`QI)Il'IAN�Trustee shall fiive public notice <br /> • uf wle to thc penons ustd In the munncr prexrilkd h� uppllruhle lu��. '1'ru+t�r. aithout dcmund on Bnrrox•er,shall sell <br /> . the Propert�•at puF�Uc uuction to the DiKluwt biddcr ut tl�e tlm�•�md pl��cr nnd��nder thr termti desi�;natcd ln thc nodce oP <br /> �Ie in onc or mnr�ps�rccls und in un� nrder 'I'ru�t�Y dctcrmiu��. '1'ru,t�Y�m��� �►N�xme svlc nf aU or am�parcel af the <br /> ; y . .. I'roperty by puhlt� ynn�iuncemcnt ut thc time und plu�•c ul'an} pri��lou.l� K•I�.ytulcd.ulc. Lendcr or its designec may <br /> i � pumlwse the Prupert} ut an,v w(c. <br /> y. : , <br /> ° J_ <br />. ,�,' ij <br /> � fr �, Fam 3028 8/80 - <br /> _ �•,,..,. � <br /> �J` �� .' . <br /> ,1 <br /> 5`;�".�. }.��,Y(�.`,�(�' , .• • <br /> _';''. ' �j• . . �. <br /> ~�t±i' ,��••�,•, •�I.�_.�� ';�"�1 � ' .- . . . T'^"�+f:F <br /> �f�::...�ti .P.IS[,: � �.'G;ii.. � � . � . <br /> _-.'`��r :Z1GF..S.+Y�J'L1''ii,. .'!'.: . .J:..�...•��..!_ .. . .. <br /> y. �.� .r;;., `�:. <br /> � . k . �y�•p,� ���y• _ -"- __ - _- . _ _.. _' _ ' . _ . _""" _._.. .-_ � - . --- . ..- . -. . .. . <br /> �,,`�.�%;__i_`L'4�^.�'+'F'RC'•.1�♦ <br /> 1.� �MEI'���V'.:i . __ ___ _ . _'" _ M1, � ' . <br /> ./� <br /> - 1 ^� :�'s'�.�.R�_.:�� . � . <br /> � <br /> ;�.6. '7 ' ' .. <br /> �.r. , . <br /> �.r:.S:�,:..".y... . ..� � . . . <br /> � .�a.i;w . . _ . <br /> ��'w...•9R...�: .-�r� � .+ .. . . . . . � � ..!r-,.'� �•.�.- <br /> f�M. . ,l • .. ..<� . <br /> "t' '.1:. dtl ' . ,. . . � . . .. _'�i..:6� ' ar . <br /> _'- '•G°' ' ' • + ' �+r. <br /> -� � � . , . - �+ . �v.a-�. <br /> .;t-` . , .�.-� . �� �, ' � <br /> .. . <br /> ,i ., . . � .. p•�� . _ � . .. � . <br /> _... <br /> �Z��� ��.�.�� . . . . ., .i:. . ' _'' . . _ ' . <br /> - y xY- . ,�.-� , <br /> . . . <br /> . . <br /> . ,� . ..� ,..,�,..,M � �' <br />