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<br /> ,— � � — payments may no longar bc rcquin�d,at the option of Lerxicr. if rru�nga�e insurAncc cov�(in the amount and fo�the period
<br /> — - --- that l.ender reyuirta)provided by�n insurer npprov e d by I.e n der ag a in b a omes ava i lw b le a n d is o b ta i n o d.Borrower chall p x y
<br /> ti�e prcmiumc roquirod to mwinutin mottgage Insuranc:ln effect,ar to pmvlde a loss rcserve,until the rcquircment!or mortQage _
<br /> ___���„II,,,� inhuurance ends in accordatxe with�ny written agrament lxtwan Borrower and l.ender or applicable taw.
<br /> - � 9.Inspectbn.l.cndcr or its a�ent may malco re�sonoble cntriet upon xnd lnbpoctions of thc Property. Lender chall Qive
<br /> ;.�'�.. , Borrower ix�tice at the time of or priar ta an inspectiun cpecifying re�.wnable cxuse f'or the inspection.
<br /> 10.Condemnatlop. The proceods af any aw�rd or claim for dumages. dirert nr conseyuential. in cannection with any
<br /> : , �_._t '�••� ; condemnation or other takin� af any pert of the Property,or fur conveyance in lieu of condertuwtian. We hereby assi�ned and
<br /> R:,.�-��..�. 1 �Iwll be p+id to Lendcr. _
<br /> �.�it`' " '�'�' In the event af a tcx�l taking of the Property,thoprcxceds shall be oppliod ta the sums scxurod by this Seeurity Instreament,
<br /> _�—���� whether ar not then du�, wlth any excess paid to Borrowcr. In the event of A partial taking ot the Property in which the falr
<br /> _ �-0w�� �-�• macket valuc of thc Property immediutely bcforc thu taking is equ�l to a�grcAter than thc attuwnt of the sums secured by this
<br /> 4' ��:i��:aa� Security Instrument inu�x:diately before the tuking,unlas Borrower and L.ender otherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by
<br /> � � this Security Instrument shuU be reduced by the umount of the pcoc:eeds multiplied by the fallowing fractian: (a)the total
<br /> - � �� '� `'' umount af the sums sccured immediatcly bcforc tha t�Cing, dividecl by(b)the falr market vulue of thc Property immecliatcly �
<br /> ' ���• '' - � '- before the taking. Any balance shull be p�id to Bc�ROwer. In the event af a purtiul taking af the Property in which the fair
<br /> �'°�"w"'�'$"`"0.%����'�1 market value of the Property immediately bcfare thc toki ng is Iess than the amaunt of the sums secured inunediately before the -
<br /> �— ' �- taking, unless Borrawcr and I.cnder otherwisc agree in writing ur unless upplicablc�uw otherwise provides, thc proceeds shall
<br /> .� i"h� , , be applicd to the sums secured by this Security Instrunxnt whether or not the sumti arc then duc.
<br /> _. ...x�.•. .. , �.�
<br /> *r • ��,:s'�+ If the PropeRy is abandoned by Bc�rrower, or i f,after notice by I.enJer to Horrawer that the condemnor offers to make an `
<br /> :.,,_;
<br /> � . awwrd ar rettle a claim far danwges, Borrower fails to respand to Lendcr within 30 days aftcr the date the notice is given, _
<br /> .. '.��`�.`i. Lender is uuthorized ta callect and apply thc proccec.ls,nt it�option,either to resroration ar repair of che Property or ta the�ums _
<br /> �' =
<br /> • aecured by this Security Instrument,whether ar nrn then due. __
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwix agree in writinF. any applicati�m of proceeds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> � ,�...u-.:.,.-,._,:w.t postpone the dua date of the monthly payments referred tc�in paragrnphs 1 anci 2 oc change the amount of�uch payments. �
<br /> � � ,. 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearunce By I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> .�����,_;,,: ,, af amortization of the sums secured by this Sccuriry Instrument granted by Lendcr to uny�uccessor in intcrest of Borrower shall
<br /> . not operate to releuse the liability of the original Borruwcror Borrowcr's successors in interest. T.ender shall n�t bc required to -
<br /> commence proceadings against any successor in intcrest or refu�e to extcnd time for payment or otherwise modify�monization -
<br /> • of the sums secured by this Security Intitrument by reucon of any denwnd made by the originul Borrower or &urower's -"
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shull not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> ,,6x_,_�_,__ _ exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> - -.—� -- 12.Succcssora And A�signs Bound; 3oint and:�cverui I.ixbiiity;�v-+ik��rr�. 31�e 1:l)VCt1S1tI.l it1�l� Ub'�CCIt1CiU� ot this _
<br /> ' ' Security Instntment shuU bind i�nd benetit thc succc.v�rs und assigos of Lender �nd Burrower, suhject to the provisions of
<br /> para�rs�ph 17. Borrower's covenunts xnd ugreements shall be joint und several. Any Borrowcr who crnsigns this Security
<br /> ` '� Inslrument but do�c not execute the Note: (ul i,c��•�igning this Securiq In,trument onl�• to mortgu�e,grant und convey th:�t '
<br /> Boi7ower's Interest in thc Property undrr thc tenm otthis Scrurity Intitrument(b)is not personally ohligated to pay the sums -
<br /> � secured by this Security inytrwiu:nt;anJ Ic)agrec+thut L.ender and uny other Borruwer may agrce to extend,mrxlify, farbcur or '
<br /> muke uny uccomm�►dations witl�regurd t��the trrnu.�(ihi+Sccurity Intitrununt�ir tiie Nute without thut Borrawer's consent.
<br /> ' 13.I.oan ChvrRes. If tlic loun ururcd by thi�5ccurity Inticrumcnt i.subjcct w a law which scts maximum lo:�n charges, -
<br /> - and thut law is finuUy intcrprcted �o that the imerest or uthrr I��an chargc�r��IlertrJ ur to be collecteJ in connection with the °
<br /> ' loun exceed the permitted Iimits, thcn: (a)an��+uch loan chargr shall tx reJuc��I by the am�wnt necestiary to reduce the churse °
<br /> � to the permitted limit: and (b)any.ums ahcaJy c��{I�wted froin Burrower uhich exreedcd �xrmitted limits will be refunded te�
<br /> � . Borruwer. L.cnder muy cha»r to mukr thi. rcl'und hy mduring thr principal awed undcr the Note or by making a Jircct
<br /> ;,� � payment to Aorrower. U' a rcfunJ reducrs prinripal, the reductian a�ill lx: trratcd a. :1 pJI'II�I prepayment without any
<br />. • � ,,. prepayment chargc under tlie N�itr.
<br /> 14.Notices. Any notice tu Borruwer pru��id�d (or i n thiti Scrurity Instrununt �hall hc�ivcn by d�livcring it or by m•riling
<br /> it by fint rlu��muil unlc�ti applicuhlr law rcyuin�u+e o f another meth�xl.The notirc+hall hr directed to the Property Address
<br /> . . � or uny othcr addres+ I3�rruwrr dctii�natc� hy n�Hicc t�� l.cndcr. Any nuticr to Lcndrr tihall bc givrn by tirst clu,s muil to
<br /> , Lendcr's addresr statcd hcrcin ur uny uthcr addres� Ixnder Jr.ignatc� by nuticc tu B��rruN•rr. Any nuticc providcd for in this
<br /> � . . Security Inslrument xhall be decmed tu havc hccn�ivcn tu&�rr��wcr ur I.rndrr whcn�i��cn ax pnwidcd in thi�paragruph. _
<br /> """� 15.Governtng I.aw; tieverabilih•. Thi� S�curitv In�trumcnt .hull hc g�n•crncd b}• I'cdcral luw and thc law of thc
<br /> �,' �u� � jurisdictlnn in which thc Prop►:rty i� I�kat�J. b� thc cr�nt thut any pr��vi�iun or clawc uf thiti Sccurit� Instrumcnt or thc Notc
<br /> ' ' ' conflicts with upplicablc law. �uch cimflirt.hall �xit uffcct nthcr pruvi,iun.�it'thi.Scrurity In.trument ur the Note which can be
<br /> i�. : �%.:=r•' »
<br /> ;1� . . givcn cffect without the contlicting pmvision.To thi�cnd thr pruritii��n,uf thi.Srcurit� Inatrument und the N�itc are declurcd
<br /> � +�..:..... . to be severablc.
<br /> 'f ., 16.Borrower's Copy. Burruwrr�hall bc givcn one conti�rmcd rupy o(thc Notc and uf this Security In+trument. _
<br /> ��
<br /> � Form 3028 9/90
<br />.--'' �,�. ;� P�pnlotG °.
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