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<br /> • 1�. Tnutor�hereb�'nc�uext s oopY of u►y crot�ue of defiult ud tiW say r�otjoo of ab h�au�d�be ayllad to Tmqon at the
<br /> �ret forth in the 6rrt paasraph of tbis Deed ot Tnut.
<br /> - - IS. '1'h�beaMici�ry maY.bY a w[iwea iasttumeAt exocv[od aa�i acicnuwlat�xi rvy�`icla.�y�maitcd ta Tns�rs�d recordod ia •
<br /> t6e County It�whkh tbe pc�operty i�loc�ted aad by othenvlse oomplying with th prwisloas of ihe spplicable I�w a[tbe Ststa at
<br /> Nebra:iw,wbatltutt a acas9a to the Tnutec namod t�ercie or�eting herauder.
<br /> 16. This 1)aed of Tn�st applia:to and inur�to tbe benefit of aM binds all pa�dcs hereto.thein c�ira.Pononal represeatadva,
<br /> aoa.tion sad aai6nc, Thc ternt"9eae6c+ar}'"sl�ll mean tl�e ownec aad holder of the aot�.whether or nat n�tnod�Benefidary
<br /> ���,_��_��� hereiu.
<br /> - -_---_— 17. Without afiocting the iiubi4ity c�f iny athcz�rr,oa!i:ttle fot tlsc paymant of an}�obligation herein nteutioued,and with��t -
<br /> - __�—.�,�,��� a�'octin$the lion or cberge of this Deed of Tnut upon any portion of the prope»y aot thcn or theretofore rsieasod�s socurity for the
<br /> — ----�,��� ,ful/paymeN of till unpaid obligations,the Heneficiary cuay,from tlme to time and without natice:(a)nlcase any perwns so liable; -
<br />�`�"—�,.,.,� (b)extend the u�anuity or altar arry of the tcrms of any cuch obligation;(c)grant other indulgenoes;(d)relcaso or ncomey u tl�e
<br /> •— Beneficiary's option any patcei,portlon or aU of We propecty;(e)t�lce or releaw airy other or addltiwwl securiry for ury abli�tioa
<br /> °— - hercin menlianod:or(fl taaice compositions or other arrangements with debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> ���� --- 18. This Dood of Tn�st shaU bo govcrnod by the laws of thc Stau of Nebraska aud,in the event any oae or more of tbe provtdom
<br /> ooutainod herein,or Wc note or any othcr senirity Instrument givcn in wnnoction wlth this uansact3on stWl be tor r�ny rcAwa Neld
<br /> -- w be invalid, illegal or unenforaable. in u�y respoct, wch inv�lidity, itlegality ar unenforceability Qhall uot atfect aay other
<br /> pravido�u of ihis Deed of Tnut,but the Aeod of Tnut�all be c�oastruod�if wch iav�lid. ilk�al or w�enforae�bk provisfoa had
<br /> __ — uever boen oontained herein or theroin. `
<br /> .- 19. My fotbcaranoc by thc Hcncficiary or 'Tcustx in cxcrcising any right or rcnuody hcrcundor, or Whctwisc atfordcd by
<br /> oppiicabie law,chall not bc a w•river of or preclude the exercisc of aay wch dght or rcmody hercundcr. Likcwi�c,tha waiver by the _
<br /> Bencficiary or Trustcc of any dciault of the Tnutorc widcr thic Dad of Tnut shail not bc damod to bc a wa�ver of any ott�er a
<br /> - �imilar default subsoqucntly occurring.
<br /> ?A. Upon the written request of ihe Beneficiary stating ihat all sums socured hereby have been paid,and upon sutrender of ehis
<br /> " Deed of Tnist and the note to the?tustoe for canoeilation and retendon and upon payment by Ttustors of Tnuta'c foes.Ttustec shall
<br /> ".���-:�'``�'' " �=`'� roconvcy to Tcustors, or the person or persons lcgally cntiticd thereto, without warranty. any portion of the propeRy thcn held __
<br /> hareunder. Recitals in such r000nveyana of any matters or facts shall be canclusive praof of ihe tnUhiulnac tberoof. Grantas ia
<br /> �; ;.�r.��, •..:,., the roconvryanoc may be described as the"person or percons legalty cntiQed thereto."
<br /> � � �;:,;�;,��.,��, 21. Iiorrower further agrees that the loan(s)securod by this jnstnunent wiU be in default should any loan proc�oeds be uced for a
<br />, : : f.�i�i�u.:{.�}t�� p►upose that will oonuibute to excessi��e erosion of highly erodiblc land or to the conversion of wetland to produce or to make
<br /> posstble thc prod�ction of an agricultural commodity•as furtt►cr e.�ptained in 7 CFR Part 1940,Subpan G,Exhibit M.
<br /> �`6�:d� •
<br /> �-—�_� `x �t+!'�i_.v�...•:�' r� ,
<br /> `� ��'���' °• � IN WITNES3 WHEREOF,Trustors have executed this Deed of Trust on the date first noted above.
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<br /> � �'�"`� ' ' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on November 18. 1993, by LEONARD SPIEHS
<br /> , ,....,.. .
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<br /> .=-�t..;- . �ad JEAN SPIEAS,husbstnd xnd wife.
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