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_ . 5,�.� , y. <br /> y-� � Pt�,l4�'jc+�Al.f{ . . '� . :$;-__"_' <br /> , � ..��; , . ... . .. �� . . <br /> . . . • . - ., . . � ..�.t.-;- ---- <br /> 7 . . . - . •s' °- — <br /> .�-M1��'�G:�ti� - - ------=- _ <br /> _ . ..� . . 93_ si0�6 � <br /> ,��. . , t� <br /> ` 'r�.:;� �,,:, �. . <br /> .;,rr.�:`�r:;,. • 7. The Bencliciary thwll have thc dght.powe�and authorfry during thc oontinu�na oithis Dad of Tnut'to oollect tha renu. <br /> ��•- � t�aia and protiu of the property ar�d of any pecsonal property tocatod thcrcon with or without t�king posscscion of the property <br /> —- <br /> " " _ ati'ected hec��y,and Truttor�hereby absolutcly and unoon�itioiu�tiy iwi��,iii iurn rcnts.tssncs us�pro2lts to ehe besssli:lary. 'I'he -- -- <br /> � ��''^"�'�� �,.'"` bcneficiaty howevar,lxreby consents to Tnutori'coUection and tdcntion of such renu,i�ues uid profits,so long st Truston arc <br /> � r,'' .��. � t.l <br /> ' • - . � �� F not, et acch time. in dcfautt with re�poct to paymcnt of any indebtcdncss socurod hereby. or in thc perforniancc of any agramcnt <br /> ' ' heraundcr. lf any cvcnt of default dcscribed horcaftcr in respcct to ihis Dcod of Tnut shall har•o accunal and bc wntinuing, the ��� <br /> •�:.,pr��'".... , . .� gei�cticisry,as a maticr of r�ght and witho�t noticx to Tn�stors or anyone clalmfng undcr Tn�ston,and without rcgard to thc valuc of � ---- <br /> � the tn�st ettate or the in►ereu of the Ttuctorc therein,shall have the rlght ro apply ro any couc� l�ving jurisdiction to appoint a <br /> ?, raxiver of thc propccty ° -- _ <br /> �,.s �, � � S. Tha Bcncficiaty,or its agents, arc authorizod to cntcr at any rcasonablc time upon or ia wy part of the properiy far the <br /> ���,`'• . purposc of inspecting thc samc and for thc purposc of pedorming any of thc acts thcy arc awlxori�.cd w pedorm under thB terms of <br /> �--�=-=_ <br /> .=': � any loan instruments cxauted bl•Tn�stors. -- <br />'-`'� .�� ��' �� 9. If all or any part of thc property or any interest of Trustors is sold, transfcrred or further encumbeted without the wrytten �����` <br /> '1:, :� :, <br />;--,:s.�� . �.c•���° .:. c�nsent af the Ben�sciary, the Bene ficiary may dccl�rc all sums securcd by this Tnut Aecd to be immediately duo and payable and ��-•��-^y=-- <br /> "d'�`, �.�.�:���•�•,.,�•�,.•;. ••�•� procad to the remedies available to it under the dcfault pru��lsions containcd hercin. <br /> !'' . .:�`���•��' `'::�.� 10. My of the following events shull be dcemed an evcnt of default hcrcundcr: `�pr���R, <br /> ; , :� � <br /> �- ' '`�°�;`' �� a. Tcustors shall have failed to make paynnent of any installment of principal or interest or �uy other sums secuced hereby when __ <br /> .,Jt � <br /> duc; <br /> • b. There has oGC.vrced a breach of or default uixk:r r��y� ternti. coti•enant, agteement, mndilion, provision, repcesentation or ��`�=�-'_�-.- <br /> � .�,��-;..;��,. <br /> ` a•arranty containcd in this Dccd of Trust.Ihc ndc or any othcr loan iastrumcnt sccurcd hcrcby: r - � � -�--- <br /> � sr— <br /> c. Thcrc haL bccn a dcfault by thc Truclors iu Qic paymcnt of uny�pnor or wbecqucnt lien os cncumbrancc i�respect to ali or�ny c_,__ _ _ <br /> �,�.....� <br /> ` part af�h�:property: uuon in ls�i�cru c�� or siwll bc uc�udicutcd bai�Cru or uuolvent, or slu�ll matcc on ,�� <br /> d. Truston sfwil Cilc a ��otuntury pc M . a �T w `-��"1 <br /> w►titgnn�cnt for Qk bc�xfit of croditon�n resp��ct to tlu:propert)';or+�n actian�o cnforcc uny licn or cncumbca�uc or judynkntc �, ,�. . ��-�' <br /> a�ams��hc propcnv u conu�x��cod ,i '��:_. <br /> I 1. It►ihc c�•cnt af an��dcfault.�I►c&ucfir�an�nui�dcclurc nll mdcbtcd�kss sccural hcrcby ro bc duc and paysblc und thc samc �;;�;���- <br /> slwll�hereupon becouu due and payable without un}•presentn�ent.den�a�xl.protest or notice of any kind. Thcre�tier,the BeneGciary ���-�=���" <br /> ����; , <br /> �„�y � .'�_�.. -_._ <br /> a. cithcr in person or by ngent, w•ith or a•ithout bru�ging an}• action or proca�ding. or by rexci�•cr appointod by a wurt and ;•� <br /> ' without regurd to thc:ufcquac5'of any�sa�urity�,entcr upon and takc posscssion of thc property.or any part thcrcof,in its awr� ` ., ,;.,.z� <br /> namc or in thc namc of the Trustx. and do uny acts u•h�ch it dxms necessary and desirablc to prescrvc the valuc. ��� _-' <br /> mar3:ciabili�•or ren'tsbility of th�p�operty.or Qan thcrcaf. or interest therein,incrcase the income therefrom or protcct thc r�� t_.�,.:_:' <br /> sccurity hcrcof and.«7lhout taking po P P�nS� � ~ <br /> sscssion of thc ro suc for or othctwisc colloct Uxc rents.issucs and profits thcrcof. �•,:`���••:• -�; <br /> including thosc past duc and unpaid, and apply thc samc. Icss costs and expcnscs of operation and collcxtion, including �;;��s,;l�_ <br /> attornep fees,upon an}•indebtedness securcd hereby.all in such order as the Beneficiary rteay detertnine. The entenng upon ;•�� � .''' .�jr <br /> and taking possession of the trust estate,the collection of such rents.issues and profits and appliption thereof as aforesaid ; � � r�; <br /> � shall not cure or w•ai��c any default or notice oC deCault hercunder or invalidate any act and in response to such default or � <br /> 4 . pursuant to such notice of def:�ult and not«•ithstanding the continuance in possession of the propecty or the collection,receipt �, „ =° <br /> � and application af rents. issues or profits.Trustee or the Beneficiaq�may be entitled to exercise every right provided for in any j �;;, <br /> �� + of thc loan inslruments or b�•la���upan occurrcixc of:im�c�ciit of default.including thc right to c�crcisc thc powcr of salc; <br /> ; . • b. commencc an �ctian to foreclose this Deed of Trust as:► mortgage. appoint a recei�•er.or specifically enfo�ce any af the � •?:. <br /> � , •,'' '. ' co��enants hcrcoL <br /> ' � c. deli��cr to Trustcc n «ritten dccluration of dcfault and dcmand for salc. and�►�ritten noucc of default and eicction to causc <br /> Trustors'intcrest in thc propcm�to bc sold.��•hich noticc Trustcc shall causc to bc duly filcd for rccord in thc oHicial records . , . <br /> . of the county in n•hich the propem•is located. <br /> � 12. Should the Beneficia�}�elect to forcclose b}�exercise of the po�rer of sale hetein contained.the Beneficiary shall notify Trustee r. �• •�+ ��i, <br /> and shall deposit«•ith Trustee this Deed of Trust and the note and such receipts and e��idence of expenditures made and secured r <br /> hereby as Trustee may raluirc, and upon requcst of thc Bcnefician•.thc Trustce sl�all causc to bc recordcd.published and dcli�•ercd � . <br /> to Trustor such Noticc of Dcfault and Noticc of Salc as thcn rcquircd bc la��•and b��this Dctd of Trust.Trustcc stu�ll without demand � • � <br /> ' on Trustor,after such time as ma}•then be required by la���and ai'ter record�tion of such Notice of Default and after Notice of Sale . • <br /> '' having bcen gi��cn as rcqu�rcd by la�+•. sc11 thc pcopcm•at tlic timc and piacc of'salc fixcd by it in such Noticc of Snlc,cithcr as a . <br /> � • wholc, or in scp�ratc lots or parcc(s or itcros as Trustec shall dccm c�pcd►cnt. and in such ordor as it may dMCrnunc, at public , � <br /> ;. ,�:,.� � auction to the highest bidder for cash and shall deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed to ihe properiy sold,consislent <br /> ' '"< with the law then in cffect. Recitals in thc Trustce's dced shxtl bc prima facic c�•idcnce of�hc truth of thc statements madc thcrcin. <br /> �� � Tcustoc shall apply thc procccds of thc salc in tlic follo���ing ordcr.(u)to all rca.sonabic costs and c�•pcnscs of thc salc.including but <br /> ; � not limitcd to Trustcc's fccs of not morc than 2%�of thc gross salc pricc.rcasonab(c attornc}•fecs and costs of titic c�•idcncc:(b)to all <br /> � � sums secured by� this Decd of Trust: and(c) thc c�cess. �f an}•. to the person or persons Iegall�•entitled thereto. Any person. <br /> � . including thc Bencfician�. rna�•purchasc s:►id propert�•at s:ud s��lc. Trustcc ma} in thc manncr providcd b}•law•,postponc salc of all <br /> �� or any portion of thc pmper►}'. ' <br /> ' . " 13. Tnrstx and the Beneficiacy.and each of them,shall be entitled to enforce pay�ment and p�rformance of any indebtedness or <br /> 1 }�. obligation cccured heccby and to cxercis.:aq rights:�nd poa�crs undcr this Decd of Trust or undcr any loan instrument or other <br /> '•� agrcement or any laws nor on c�rcaRer enforccd naa•ithstandiug somc or ull of tlie�ndcbtcdness and obligations socurcd hcrcby <br /> '-'�' �� which may now or hercaftcr be othcnvisc sccurcd,��•hcthcr by mortg.nge. dced of tntst.pledgc,licn, assignmcnt or othen�isc. <br /> � . <br /> a�.,n....�. Neither the acceptance of this Docd of Tntst nor its enforcemcnt.�chettier b�•court action or pursuam to the power of sale or other <br /> �-•`�' '� :-r•. :.; � powers herein contained. shall prejudice or in an}• nk�i�ner aQect Tcustce's or the Benefician•'s right to realize upon or enforee an�• <br /> _+5�:_ __�._.,...,n,..wa�a ti.,Tn�ctro nr�he Benefician�. it beinst�xra;d that Trustee and the Beneficiary, and each of <br /> - _ " - OUICI iGtiYttty��V'v�v�w.w.•..• ..�'��� " <br /> •E� '' them,shall be entitlod to cnforcc this Deed of Trust and an}•othcr sccuriri•no��•or hereaftcn c�ld by the Beneficiary�or Trustcc in <br /> --�_ `�'°"'�' °=� • such order and manncr as thcy may in thcir absolutc discrction detcrminc. No rcmcdy�hercin confcrced upon or rescn�cd to Tmstoc <br /> — . : ' or Beneficiary is intendet!to be exclusi�•c of an}•other remedy hercin or by law•pro�tidod or permitted.but each shali be cumulaGve <br /> ;�'ia�w:su�:�t{:;;.; and shall bc in addition to evcry other remcdy gi�•en hereunder or noa�or hereattcr e�isting at law or equity or by statute. E��cry , <br /> ,?�-r.-•;d:t.,. ..;,,.,< <br /> ; ,:..�_•,.,;;.,;�,�¢•.:, power or remedy givcn by any of the loan instruments to Trustcc or the Beneficiary or to which either of them may be othonrise <br /> � ��;�•��''��� '��<?� � entitled may be excrcised, concurrentiy c►r independently,from time to time and as oftcn as may bc deemed crpedient by Trustee or <br /> r'�� `j`������I�'. Beneficiary,and either of them may pursue inconsistent remedies.Nothing herein shall be constnxd as prohibiting the�enefic�an• <br /> "` ' "� d�.r��:;.:,;', � <br /> �.� ;, �;,1.,�.�c ,,, , from seeking a deticiency judgment against Trustors to the c�tent sucli action is pemutted by law•.. <br /> � ,• �..t�.,�^;: �. <br /> '`� �����1�'.f � <br /> —,f�„�.r,+�r�o�!;��.. � , <br /> �,�,.�• •...., ... <br /> - ;.. <br /> _.�..w.z.�Yr,t;-r�W,�.t,►�::;� . <br /> �'—" - �. s. .,�.. � <br /> . , ,. <br /> . .. . <br /> .: r.q•, �....- . <br />