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<br /> T(X3ETH�R WITH all thc im�xnvement«nc�w nn c�n:yfter ercctai on thc pmpeny,wtd y!1 eascments,appurtennnces.
<br /> uid tixwrc�now an c�rcaftcr u{wrt af thc prnperty. All rcplacement�atnd :uklitiats rhwll wlw be coveroci by thia�Sca:urity
<br /> _. Inctrument. Alt of�he fcxe�ofnQ!c referned eti►in this 5rcudty In�uument as the"Propeny."
<br /> — - - BORRQWER COVENANTS lhat Burrawcr iti luwfuliy scixcd of ttx estatc herrby convcycd and iw1 ihe right to grant
<br /> ���rn �nd convey the R�perty and that the Praperty is u�eocumbercd,excrpt for encumbraneec af rc.�;ord. Darower w�rrmts and
<br /> �'',�� wll!defend geixrally the tiNe to the Pn�peny r�uinst all cteimr rnd�knwnds.►ubject to any enrumbroncea of record.
<br /> �+ I I TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform cuvenunt: far natiorwt use w�d non-uniforrn covananw wiih
<br /> , limited verf�tions by jurisdictian ro constiwte u unifarm xcudty inswmcnt covcrin��cal proprrty.
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawcr and I..endcr cavcnant and agrcc s�s followc::
<br /> `��*�- I l. Payment ot Princ(pal md Interrrtt Prep�yment and I.�te Ch�rQa. Bortower shaii prompily p�y when duc the
<br /> ''"��� princfp�►�of�nd interest on thc debt cvidcnccd by the Note and any prepayment and latc chargcs due undcr thc Note.
<br /> ��'"�"'�1°�'`��=`yr^�" 2. �nds[or'Ibzes�ad Insurance. Subjcct to upplicubic!aw or to u written waivcr by Lender. Borrawer sbail pay to
<br /> --=�_��'�t{�"`�'�� Lendcr an the day monthly payments are due undcr thc Notc,until thc Natc is paid in ful1,a sum 1"Funds•")for.(a)yeazly
<br /> —=��`�'�� tucec and assessmentr which may attain priority over this 5ecudty Instrument a.r• u lien on the Property;(b)ye:uly leasehold
<br /> -_ �T-'�°"—.��� p�ymcnts or ground rentK cxi thc Property. If any; (c) ycndy haxard or property insurancc prcmiums; (d) yculy flood
<br /> � ,;�';M �'°� insurance pr�etn{ums, if any, (e) yeurly mortgnge insur.u�ce premiums, if any: and (� any sums p�y�Fr(e by Borcower to
<br /> � l.ender,ln accordonce w[th tha provitiions of parnsr�ph 8, in lieu of the pay:nent of mortgagc insurance premlums. Thcse
<br /> --_�;�4 . �•�� �- ltems are callcd"L'scrow ltcros." Lcnder may.at any t':me,catlect and hotd Fands in an amount not to exceed the mnxlmum
<br /> - = '� ' acnount a Iender for a fede�aUy related mortgage lo;ui may require for Barrower's escrow s�ecount under the federal Reul
<br /> -ei::�`� �;•R;.. • : ,
<br /> • ..,� Extate Settlement Proccdure�Act of 1974 as amendcd from time to timc, 12 U.S.C.$2601 ct seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> ";"4�:;,:_,.-•;;�1?'ir' law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. If'so.Lcnder may,at any time,wllect and hoid fiunds in an amount not to
<br /> ����•,�,f exceed the Iesser amount. Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reusonabte
<br /> .�-�-� • ••°; esdmates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> ,.,, The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits s►re insured by a� federai ugcncy, instrumentaltty, or entity
<br /> ' �' t� , (including[.ender,if L.ender fs such an institulion)or in any Federal Home Lo�n Ba��k. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> ���'''" � :.
<br /> . � '-�.,;a• the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applyins the Funds, annually analyzing thc escrow
<br /> •`•�`'"" - nccount, or vcrif m ihe Escrow Items,unless Lender a s Borrower intercst on thc Funsls and a I�c�ble luw rtntts
<br /> ..,,�,ry,,�� Y 8 P Y PP� Pe
<br /> ;�,t;•';:,.�•r� .,,, �� l.ender to make such a ch;irge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> • �"•' '� estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless upplicable luw provides otherwise. Unless an
<br />- ,;:� • :.� ' ;� �F: agreement is made or applicable law requircs lntercst to be paid,Lcnder shall not bc rcquircd to pay Borrower suty interest or
<br /> "'-�;,;:� ��.,• :..�, :`;�.: cunings on the Funds. Borrower ar�d L.ender may agrce in writing,however,that interest shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lendcr
<br /> '_ c�z 1:;���,�;� � shall give to Borrower,withaut charge, an unnual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debit�to the Funds end the
<br />-�� _, _____��d�d�'�_•.�i=��`• purJx�se far which each debit to the Fl�nds was made. The Funds ure pledged as additional security for all sums secured by
<br /> j.�;"'`;�°+�'�'r� • this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> .�•�..
<br /> ��'=• If the Funds held by I.ender excecd the amounts permi[ted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to
<br /> 4 . , Borrower for the excess Funds in accorduncc with thc rcquirements of applicable law. If thc umount of the Funds held by
<br /> , ,..;;,.ti. [.ender at any time is not sufficient to�uy the Escrow Itcmx when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> ,,. ; auch case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amuunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br />. • deticiency in no more than twelve monttily payments,ut l.ender's•sole discretion.
<br /> � �� Upon payment in full of all nums secuned by this Security Instrument. Lendcr shali promptly refund to Borrawor any
<br /> + .,• -- • Funds held by Lender. If,under parngruph 2I,I.ender shull acquire or sell the Property,L,cnder,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> sale of the Propeny, shall apply any Funds hcld by Lendcr ut the time of acquisition or safe as a credit against the sums "
<br /> _ f • � � secured by this Security Instrument. _
<br /> '�� . _ 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicablr luw provides otherwise,aIl payments received by Lender under -
<br /> _ � , paragraphs I and 2 shall be applicd:fint,ro uny prepnyment charges due undcr thc Note;second,to amounts payable under
<br /> _,�. ; • , pazagraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,ro prineipul duc;and 1•r,t,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, a�sessments, charges, fineti and impo�,ilions attributable to the _
<br /> " • Propeny which may attain priority over this Securlty Instrument,and Ieasehold payment.or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> ` � � � ���.:;.. . � shall a these obli ations in the manner rovided in ara ra h 2,or if not aid in that manner,Bortower shall a them on
<br /> t . ,:.,. �, PY 8 P P S p P PY
<br /> ' , time dimctly to the person owcd payment. Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to l.ender•rll noticcs of amounts to be paid undcr
<br /> ,; , ';r". this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments direcdy.Bonower shull prompUy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> • the paymcnts.
<br /> � �' Borcower shall promptly discharge nny lien which hat priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrument unless Borrowcr:(a)agrees
<br /> _ �`, +� in writing to the payment of the oblisation secured by thc lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> ' '�" lien by,or defends against enforcement of the licn in.Icgal praccedings which in thc Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> • � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ugreement sati.r•factory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> '�-,aR• � to this Security Instrument. if Lender deiermines that any part of the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> A���. � over this Securiry Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyin�thc lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> �� one or mom of the actions set forth above withtn 10 duys of the giving of notice.
<br /> � .� . 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall kcep thc improvcmcnts nuw cxisting or hereafter erected on the
<br /> ��. �• � Property insurcd against loss by fire,hazuds included within the tcrm"cxtcnded wverage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> '� •��'�• � ,•;. floods or flooding,for which I.ender requires insurunce. This insurance shall be maintamed in the amounts and for the
<br /> �� � ?eull�t6-ir:. � � -.
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