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� „ . •,:, .�. rc .t � .. . . �,fi.;.: . t . .., <br /> �.. .— r'l-ipps�•�'.N. �,� ��.�.�. ,'.': .Y�:• "`i�• ' _ <br /> � ^ � • . • - <br /> �'�^�'.��' _.._.—'_. '._ ... - - ------ � <br /> �_..���`�'. • . ._ _. . _._.. . _ ._ <br /> :�r�. i. . ' 17.Tr�asf�r of th� Pra�p�rtlr or • B�nNici�l Inbnat In Borrow��. u aM a .ny p.rt at th� Prop�ty a <br /> �'' , ;, • any int�nat In it k soW or hnnaleaAd(a N •b�ndlcW Int�tKt In 8orrow�t Is sold or kanat�rtad and Borrow�►le nW� natuni <br /> p�non)without UndK'�P►�ar w�ltan com�t,L�d�►may.�t Ns option. �puk�Nrwr�diat�p�ym�nt in IuN ot UI sum� �cund by <br /> -- ' ,�..,:`'�;--'.�: tfih°�curlty IrtaWent�t, Flmr�ra,thh atiMon ehNl nM h.�urda�d by Und�r If �x��b prohibit�l by 1�d I�w u of tht -- - <br /> ' • .'3 dat�of Ihis 8�curKy In�trum�nl, ---- _ - <br /> �� � ... . .. <br /> b M Undw�x�d�as thl�optbn, L�nder shW pN� BorrowK notiu of�ccNu�tion. Th�notkw sh�N provid�a�.«bd oi not <br /> , ,�� t�as than 30 days hpm the d�A� th� natic� It ddlvK�d or maY�d within whkh 8otrow�r must pay aN wms s�cund by this � +`_"_�= <br /> , S�writy Instruma�t. If BoRqWK 4U9 tff p�y these wms prior to Ih���Uon ot this padod, LM�d�r may hvok�any nrrl�fli�� �, ---- <br /> ; Pe�rt�itt�d by ihk 3�ourity lnrku�+Mnt wichout hxthr notkw or d�n►�nd on Borrow�. - <br /> 18. Borrowor'r Fitqht to R�inat�t�. It BarowK mMts c.rtak� concNtions. Borrowr sh�M hav� th�eiyht[o h�va � ��— --- <br /> �nlorc�nwnt of this 8++ourily �naYUma�t dbcontlnwd at any ikn�prbr to th�NHIK ol: (�) 5 days (or such ath�partod us =_ --_—_ _ <br /> , ' appllcabN law tn�r sPedh'rar rehst�tarnant) bNor•asN ot th�Prop«ty puawni to any powx or satt conhh�d h thk 3�writy <br /> - " �naWmmt: a(b)ent.y oT�JudQne+nt�nlorcinp thlt 3rcurily InttWmM�t. Thos�condltlons�r�thal Bortowar.(r) PaYs Ltndv aN ;�=�-"_--_ <br /> �•.`=_,�.. T_�,- <br />_ ' � sums whkh than wouk!be dua unda thls SautUy InsUum�nt and th� Not�a� B no accsNration had ocau►ed; (b)eu�sa eny ,�:,�,,;;�;,,�LL�- <br /> �-i*•- dthuft oi�ny other covan�nt or�yre�rrnnts: (c) paYs aY expsnt�t incumd in snlucinp this Sewrity InsUumanL k�duding,but k, � : � � <br /> i�=-,:y. f1Ql MIT11fld t0,re�son�bk� rtlameys'fees:and(d)G�kes uuch acGon as Lender may rNSOn�biy roquks to asaur�that the Y�n pt -. <br /> °.ti'�r;' thi� S�curily inattument, lender's riphta h the Roperty and BcxrowK'a obllg�tion to pay the sums securW by thla Sa�uity � -� <br />- Instrummt ahW COt1lV1UC unahnged. Upon rei�:tatement by Borrower, thla Securtty Instrument �tnd the oblip�tions secural •�!."�'��•`��' <br /> .� � hereby ahall rerrah fuYy etlucW��s N�o aec��tlot►had occurt�d. Nowwat,thls dpht to reinstate ahaN not �pply M the aae 1 �`__ �..�-:•', ' . <br /> of ucei�nttbn unda pprngnph 17. �� �rt*�rti.� <br /> � 19. Sate of NoEr; C1nng� of Loan S�rvic�r. The Not•ar a a pattid (nterest in the NoU �coycther wim ents �L�N����=_'- <br /> �rtrsr.macm�_-� <br /> Saurity Insttumant) rtwy ba sofd one or more timea wfthout prlor notks to Bortow�t. A saia may resuR in�change in the entily �-'£''`�"'�- -_ <br /> �if:;,-.M;:--��=; ;L�-_ <br /> • (known a the'Losn 3erviaer') th�t coMects monthly paym�nt�due undsr the Note and this Sacurily Instrument. 7t�en dso mny ����f.�'.�=���= <br /> ba oae or more cfi�nfles oi the Lan Servlcer unrel�t�d to a aai� ot ths Note. 1f thxe is a chanye of the Lon Se�vfcer, �: ~.' . .�;,�.:,__ ' <br /> Bortowr wYl ba given w�it�n notice of the change(n accordance wRh ,puaynph 14 �bove�nd applic�bte�w. The noUae wtN � ,��`" <br /> stat�th���ma and�ddrass of tha nwv Loan Servicer�nd th�addnss to whk.h p�ymmts should b�mad�. The notlaR wIN aiso � •1 ��" <br /> contaln�ny other iniarmwtion requkad by�ppYcabl�law. '��,��-_ _ <br /> {'�� • - <br /> � 20. Hua�ious Subahnaes.Borrower shaN not cause or permit the pres�nce, use, disposal, storage, or rdease of pr �;:. _ <br /> any Hai�rdous Substs�eaes on or in the Property, Borrower shall not do, nw aAow myone etse to do, �nything aBeating the ; ,��� -••;-_ <br /> Prop�ty thal is in vtatdtipn ot nny Envkonmuntat lsw. The preeedkiy two sentences shaY not apply to the presance, uae, or , <br /> atorage on the Praperty ot sm�Y qwntities of Huardoua Substanc�s that aw yeneraUy rscoynized to be approptete to nartwl <br /> � f! �. - <br /> , raaidenUal uaes and ta rr►pntm+nce of the Property. �+ 1• •:°•�.� <br /> • . Barower sh�Y prampl►� ghe Under written noUce of any InvesUqtlbn, ctUm, demand, iawsuft ar other action by any � ! -� <br /> ' yovemm�ntal or�ayubta�+agency or prN�te p�rty InvolvinQ the Prope�ty+nd any Hazardous Substance or EnvkonmenWl Iaw of "_``� <br /> . wt�ich 8ortawer h�s aa1u�1 fviowledge. If Barower le�ms. or is notiGed by�ny yovemmentai w regutatory authority, that any : ,•� <br /> . ' rcma�ral ar oth� sC�*�.�st4^n ai any H�z�nlaia 3ubatance �ttsding Property is nacsssary. 8orrower fhtll P�PrV �e aq — _ <br /> n�saary remQdlal actione In accord�nce with Envlronmentai l.�w. ; <br /> As used in this p�rayreph 20. 'Hanrdous Subatances'are those subsUnces defined as toxic or hazardous substences by � <br /> 1 owk► aubste�us: soGne, kerosene. other 1lammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic �� _ <br /> � EnvironmsntY law and the dl g 9a � <br /> pQStkides and her6iddes.volatite soNents. moterkis containhg as6estos or tamaidehyde,and rndioectNe materiais. As used In ' � <br /> , p�r�graph 20. 'Environmeniri L�w" means tedKai laws and kws of the Jurisdiction where tha Property is bcated th�t relate to . ;'�,+ <br /> htalth,safety a envitonmentat potection. �, � <br /> ' , !�°, <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower�nd Lender turther covenant and�gree as foAows: :;,Y.�� <br /> } � 21. Auaeleratio�; R�mediea. Lender shall �iva notice to Borrower prior to acceleration '�' �« <br /> ;;. <br /> iollowiny Borrowar's broach of any covenant or ngreemvnt in thi� Socurlty Instrument lbut not ��' •� <br /> �'I • prior to acaelerati�n under parayraph 17 unloss applic�bl� law provides otherwise). The eotice ��; `.i <br /> ' shall apec(fy: (a) the dehuk; (b) the �ction �aquired to curo tho default; (c) a date, not lass than • <br /> 30 days from the dato the notice i� giv�n to Borrower, by whtch the dotault must be curad; �nd .� . ,_ <br /> (d) th�t faituro to curo the defauit on or beforo the daie spacified in the notice may rasult in � <br /> ' . pcaeleration of the sums secured by thi� Socurity Inst�umont and sale of the Property.The notico ^�' <br /> � ehpll further intorm Bo�rowor of the rigM to roinstate aft�r accelo�atio� and tho right to bring a <br /> � court action to assert the non-oxiste�ce of a dQfault or any other defanao ot Borrowar to rS <br /> � accoteratlon and sato. if tha defautt is not curod on or befora the data spocjtiad in the notice, � , <br /> i L�nder �t its option may roqutre immediate payment in full of atl sums secured by thi�Security <br /> , Indrumant without furthar demand and may invoka tha powor of sale a�d any othor romedies �, <br /> � permitted by applicable law. l.ondor ahait bo Qntitlod to colloct �II oxpa�ses incurcad in pursuing <br /> � ; tho ��mediaa provlded fn this paragraph 21� inaludinq, but not limitad to, raasonabia attorneys' 4-,� <br /> ` ' � faa�and costs of title ovidanco. '�" <br /> � � ; If th� powor of sal� is invokod. T►ustao �hatt roco�d • notico of dofauit in oacb county in <br /> � . • • , a which any part of the Proporty is Ixatad and shali mail copies of such notiae in tho rr�anner <br /> ' ` � � pro�cribad by applicabl� law to Borrowor and to tha other porsons prassribed by applio�bie taw. � <br /> � ` � � Aite�the timo r�quir�d by appticablo taw, Trustao ahall givQ pubtic notice of sala to the persons <br /> =� ' and in tho mannar qrascribQd by �pplicablQ taw. T�uateQ. wtthout domand on Borcower.shall sell <br /> - ` t tha Proporty at public auction to thQ highQSt biddor at tho time and place and undor tha torrna , � <br /> :;� � doaiynaitod in tha notico of aate in one or mora parcds and In a�y ordor Tru�teo dotormtnes. ' <br /> • � Trust�� may po�tpone tal� of atl or any parcot of tt�v Proporty by pubUc announcement at tho <br /> �: . tim� snd placo of any proviously schodut�d sato. Unda� or its d�sl�no� m�y purahaso thQ . „ <br /> y`°. Prop�rty�t any�alo. <br /> . =�;` '""" ' '""��' Upon ncotpt of paymont of tho prico bEd. Trudo� shall dolivar to tlw purohas�� T�ustao's <br /> -°- d..d conwvinc tho Proaort�►.Th�rocitsis in tlw TrustM's d�od shall b� prima hci� avtdanc� of <br /> --: th� tnith af thv stat��nts mtd� tiwr�in, Trust� shall �pply th� procoods of ttw s�l� in th� <br /> r^' l� followinp ordor. (a) to all co�ts and �xp�nsos of ox�rctstn� th� pow�r of sal�. snd th� �al�, <br /> �� .''�;,,L,L,.��, a includinp tho paym�nt aF th�T►ud��'s f��s �ctuslly tncurnd.eot to�xcwd thr�� <br /> --- % of tM princip�t amount of th� <br /> �.• . <br /> �v� �� � < not��t tFN tim� of th�d�cls►�tion of d�MuR.and nssonsbl�attom�y's b�s ss pormktod by taw; <br /> M r : �` (b) to sll wms s�cund by thit S�curity indrurn�t� and (c► any �xc�ss to th� p�rson or p�nons <br /> . IpNly �ntfti�d to it. <br /> ::-Y:. <br /> r <br /> — � .. ��Y.L <br /> F1711.t110(ltl0]) ��t�� <br /> y � �" <br /> �.T,..:S''.w..q%n .1. <br /> •.�• L'..,�; . � <br /> W[3•�� � <br /> e. u...���t.�,...t-� 13!1_lM <br /> ��` '•+-'-'- <br /> .R1{{r�.H.•.! . <br /> � .'Cl.:d.��� .. _ . .. '__—. . <br />