,r,�. --
<br /> .;�p. r . • ,
<br /> � � -""�i'"^ . ' � .�... y r;.f' 'ts�:i��v.i� . -c,'•-�----
<br /> � , - . .�y.My�(��p'..-. .., _'_" c_
<br /> . - �:�� w� n �e. ny uwNig tM adion a�Proo�dnp W M
<br /> - y ' � � . Barow�r m�y cun tuch � ddwlt �nd rNn�tat�,as P►o'� drs forl�Nuw ol th�Harrow�r's int�rlrst h th�Proprty a
<br /> . dfer�Md wNh �tulinp th�t.in Und1t's yood 1Wh dN�m�nalbn.(NOdu
<br /> . oth�t rtwt�l knP+Ynwd of th�N�n�t�d by thU 9�wtUY Mstrum�nt or L�ndK's NarMll Inbnst Hortowr+�hd ako b�in
<br />-- ' — ----=,�� d�1wR a Fiarowa.�Y+y ih.to�n a�,iioafisn pra�a.�ve tr+ete+r+MY f�or NMCCixau hfa�lMn a sLN�nb to l.�nda(os
<br /> - hiNd ta provid� Undr► wNh �ny nwt«MI blomwtiot�) in conNellon wNh th�b�n aldmc�d b!f tlae MPt�.InaMidnp. bul not
<br /> - - • IYriN�d to. npns�nutlon� canc�nY+p Borroww's occup�ncy ot th� Prap�Ay a a prinCN�d.r�4M�a. If thls
<br /> , ,hf'�'A� InsUummt Is on • NuN�o1d. Borraw►.:haM wmPN 'Nki+,Nl th�pr°�'I�{°"s of th� Mas�, M RarowM+��» � �SU�
<br /> . �, '•�:.�.... .�.. . �
<br /> .. ,n RropKty,th�ls�e�hdd and the 1N titl� �haN not mKq�untens Und�r ayresa to thw n�y�r In vrdlN�q.
<br /> . :n`�=��'.. � 7. Prot�ction of L.�nd�r's Riphb In tiw Prop�rty.It Bonow.► i�il� to PMan�►.the uawnanb and aprNnwnts �
<br /> ' �:w.�,�.::�::.�:�� conwn.d h u�ts s.a�f►y �natn�nt, or tnK•ts a�.ad pt�p tn.e m.y slpr.n�o�r.W alif�a t«�1r's riglus b a,. Prop.ny
<br /> ..�.w...o..,P.� �_
<br /> w.���,,••w tsuch a�a proeatl��p h i�aniwptcy.Pruhwtr,(cx wnGwrrwiloii ar farla'turo ar!o enbrce{uws a rc�.��4tWr�s).then Lendar r»�y �
<br /> do and p�y for whaUrer ts n�aswy to prot�at th� v�iw of th�R+op�rh md Und�r's dphLS in iM R'oPertY. UndK't acdon�
<br /> ..- ov�► this 3eaNky Inshtrnt��t �PPe�9 k► court. W11�0
<br /> �: c�,:,- � ,, °''""• oyy InducN WY�O +�Y � s�cunai by � Nsn wh�ch h�s Prialq►
<br /> ---�.� ., .., attom '1ws and mt«inp an th�PrapulY to m�k�np�►s.Nthouph L�nd�r nMy Woe ution undK tNs p�rnpraph
<br /> twsom�We �ys
<br /> -- � - � 7. Und�r do�s�ot hav�to do so.
<br /> -- . � . �;� .� My.mounri dlaeunea by�enaer w,a.r p+r+�r�ph 7 sn.r become.adiuonai asM a Hortoww :ecwed b�►u,is sea,dty
<br /> - Inyhummt. Unless Barowx and Lender�pra to oth�r terma ot payment, th�a� a�nounta shW ba►intere�t irom th�d�t� of
<br /> ��• � dblwrs�nent at the Note rate and shdl be p+tyabie, with hterest.upon nottce trom Unc�to Ba+row�tr requestin�WY�� --°_-
<br /> ""��' ^ .4� ' '� 8. MOlt�a�� (IlsuMnCl. If LendK rawkr�d mort�ye Insurance as a ea�ditian d m�Gy the tan s�cursd by this
<br /> .:A; ,� ��'.° heuranct h dNr,t.N.1or any re�aon�th�
<br /> iw.j +. : � Seeurriy Instrummt. Borrowx ah�C p�y tht premN�s requk�d to m�hUh the mat9e9e
<br /> �t'� . ' "� mortp�pe inauMnc� covenge requksd by lender uPs�e w ce�sea to bs k► etfact, Borrowvr sheN paY tha prerniums required to
<br /> _ 4�lra.:.n..:i...,;:s�.,..e:.:..� obtaM► covaage wbWnti�My equivatent to th�mat�pe insurnna previoueiy in eifed. at� ct+at subauntinNy e4uh'a1M►t to th�
<br /> - ` -.� cast to 8omower of the mort�pe Insuranee praAouslY In effect, trom �u► ak�matt mongape ins�xa approved by twuiat. tt
<br /> . ; ' .,� subtlantl�liy�quiv�lant mart�y�inwrancs covenp� b�ot avaWWe. Borrow+�ahall pay to La�drr e�ch month � wm equ�l to
<br /> , "��•' . . onatwelllh of the yeaty mortpepe fnsurance peMNum bNng pald by Borrowu wh�n 1he indurance cov�a�e I�Paed ar ceised to 4 -
<br /> be In e(lect. Lender wW aeeept uae and retak� thsea paymw�ts as a bss roserve h N�u of ine�lgsg�Insunnce• Loas reaetve
<br /> � p�ym�nis m�y no lonpr be requlred, at tht optlan ot LendK.H matgape inaunnce cownqe(In tAe�unount and for th�period
<br /> that Lender requlrsa)provlded by�n Inaurer approved by Lenda again 6ecome� aralable and ie ebtained. BoROwe►shaN pnY E,;=
<br /> ths praNums aquked to m�k�Wn morty�ye Inaunnp In eH�ct. or to provWe a bas r�amrQ. until the requk�nant 1ot morty�pe
<br /> y ' insur�nce ends in accordance wkh my wtilten�yreenMnt belween Borrower and Lwider or appHc�ble law. L�nder ahal qNe
<br /> 8. Inspoctl�n.Lender a fta apant may mnk�reasonable�ntrles upon and inapecUona c�f 1iu�PropeRy F.^_
<br /> Bortower nollee�t the tkne of a ptior to an hsp�etion specityln9 rwson�ble cause(or the ir►upaction• ,-�
<br /> 10. COnti�mn�tlOn. The proceeds ot any awud or dalm for damayea,dk�et a conasquential. in connecllon with any �'.•.
<br /> � condemn�Uon or other taklny of any part at the PnopMy. or fa ca�reyancs in Meu of condemt�etion, are hr�by�sslpned and
<br /> � � shaN b�pald to UncNr. -
<br /> ' In lhe event of a toWl takkig of the Prap�rty, the praceeds shaq be �p�d to the swna secursd by tMs Secudty
<br /> InsWmmt,wfi�ther or not then due.wlth �ny excess paid to 9oROw�►. In ths event ota perlfal taking of th�Prope�tY in whk,h =— _
<br /> ----- - - tht Uk marlcet wiue of the Properiy imme,JiWtatY beiara th�isR�iri� f� c4va1!o or �reeter lhnr!the+���t of the wms a�curod
<br />' by thla Sewrlly lnswment InxnedHtsly bsfore the Uking, unteaa Borrowa and Under othervrbe ayree In wrNkp. the sums _
<br /> � secured by this 3ecurlly InaWment sha4 be rtduced by the amount of the proceada mulllplled by tht tollowlny fracUon: (t) the
<br /> toUl urrount ot the auma se�xued knmedlatey M(or�the Uking, dhrlded 6y (b)lh�4tr market valus ot the RopMiy immed{rtelY �;�;�
<br /> � j 6du�the Wck�g.My b+l�nce shaN be paid to Barower. In the event of a partlat t�king ot tha PropeitY tn whlch the fak markef r�;
<br /> I value ot the PropMy h�medlately beforc the taklnq Ie leaa tlum the amount of the wms seaw+ed ImmaYately befae the taklny, �
<br />_ ' � unleas Borrowar and Lende► othe�wise agrta in wriUng a unbss appliable law otha�wlae provldes. the proceeds shaY bt i[c•�;
<br /> I �ppYed to the sums s�cured by thls Security 1nsUUmant whether or�ot the aums an then due. t��.''
<br /> � I If th� PropeAy Is abandoned by BoROwer, a if.�fter notice by Lender to Bortoww that the eondemnor otters to m�fce an r-
<br /> �y awud or setUe a cuhi tor damages. Borrower(�ita to respond to Lender witht�30 deys aftur the date 1he �otice ls yfven,
<br /> ,) Lender ia authwized to collect end appty the proaeeds, at its optlon. elthe►to reetoretbn or npek ot the PropMy or to ths
<br /> T�,� sums secured by thls Security Instrument, whethar cx not then due. �y.
<br /> �i�, Unless Le�dsr �nd 8ortower otherwise ayrce in writing, any appllcatlon of proceede to princlW� ahall not extend or �.
<br /> � postpone lhe due d�te of the monthly payments referred to tn paragnphs t and 2 or chengo the amount of such piymente, �.
<br /> , 11. Borrowor Not Ralouvd: Forba�ranao By l.onder Not a Wtiv�r.Extunsion ot the time tor payment or
<br /> ' • modiflcatlon o1 amortlz�tion of lhe suma secured by tMa Security Instrument gnnt�d by Lendar to any successor in tnterest of
<br /> " Bortower ahdl not opxate to release the 11abYiry ot the otiginot Borrower or Bortower'a suacesaors in Interest. Lender shdl not ��
<br /> � be requked to cornmance proceedings agefnst �ny successor in Interost or refuse ta extend tkne ta payment or otherwlse
<br /> ' � mpdity�mortizaUon o1 the sums secured by lhls Security Inatn�nent by reason of any dertwnd made by the orfglnal Borrowe►or
<br /> ; Borrower'a successas in Interest. My tarbearw�ee by lendtr ln exerGafny my dgM w remedy shall not be a walver of or ,
<br /> . I precWde the exereise of eny right or remedy.
<br /> ! 12. Succ�ssors and Assigns 8ound: Joint•and Several U�bllity; Co-siqn�rs. rne covenants and
<br /> �.. �� - � agrcementa of thfs Security Instrummt shaM bind�nd benefit the wccessors and assigns of Lender and Bortower.subJect to the •
<br /> �- provislons of paragr�ph 17. BoROwer s covenanta and ayreemenu ahall be Jofnt and several. N�y Borrower who co•algns thls
<br /> • " Seairfty Instrumant but dws �ot execute the Note: (�) Is co•signing tAis Seccwity Instrume�t only to mortgaye. yrant �nd convey •
<br /> � � � tfiat Borrower's Int�rest tn the Property under the terms ot this Secu�ity Instrun+s�+t (b) is not personallY ob1l9�ted to p�y the
<br /> ..,.:�.
<br /> � ., � ' sums seaued by thla Securiry Instrume�t: and (c)agrees that Lender ar►d w►y otha Bdnower may agree to extend. modiry,
<br /> forbear or make any�ccommod�UOns wRh repard to the terms oi this S�c�uity 1r�sfruma�t or the Note without th�t Bortowers
<br /> �:�. , � COIItM1. .,
<br /> � �; 13. LOlM Ch�ryas. If the ban sewred by lhis Security Insttumatt is sub)ect to a taw whbh sets maximum bm
<br /> charyes, and that taw Is finallyr interpreted so th�t the Interest or other Iwn cha�ges coNected or to be cotected in connectlon � '
<br /> � with the loan exceed the pertdtted IirnMs. then: (�) any such loan chuge shaM be reduced by the amount necessary to redua .
<br /> - ,' � �: the charpe to the purnitted limit and (b) any sums akeedy coYected hom Bortower which acceeded permitted Wmits wiN be
<br /> =� �•- refunded to Bortower. lender may chooae to m�ke thls relund by reducfny the principat owed under ihe Note or Dy m�king�
<br /> ;�• . � . d'rect pnynxnt to Barower. It a refund reducea phc�►al. the reducUon will be hoafed as a putW prepayment wilhout �ny
<br /> `, pr�paymw►1 charye under the Note.
<br /> _,�^�� �� 14. Notic�s.My noUce to Bortower provlded tor in th(s Sewrity InsWment shaN be qiven by delireriny it a by rn�ilin9 A
<br /> .�.�..�;`. .,�:�-.'. --:-. by lfrat dass m�Y unkss y�pNcabN taw requira:use of another mKhod. The noUOe �har be directed to the Prope�ty Addnss
<br /> � ar�ny other �ddras Bortower desl9n�tes by notic� to Lender. My noUce to Under shaM be glven by frst d�ss mai to
<br /> �J�J�l�vr �.......w.��.. o....wWr �nu nntiri eroYidld 10r kt tNt .. .
<br /> -::�rf-; ..::� s ' LlIW�fO �OQesS sttis0 n�twt w a�r vii�a iaw�vao�wu.w w�....... ..� ....��.. ��.._..�. ._. . _ . , .
<br /> -_�: �« - S�cwity Instrument sh�N be deNned to have ber�giv�n to BoROwer or Lrnder when yi�er��s+prorided in thk pra�aph.
<br /> ��`:��it�r• " 15. OOWrt1111� L�w; SW�ability.Thts Securily Instrume�t sfW b�povemed by federat I�w �nd tht I�w ot the
<br /> _..�� 1{�:::w..; : �yon in whieh th� PtopKty b located. In ths event that�ny provlslon or dws�ot this Secu�Ily Instrument a th� Note
<br /> � - cd►�h with appKab{�Vrr, such coMYd shtJl not�Macd otha provlsfo�s of fhis S�curKy Mtbument a the Note whlch un b�
<br /> =— ,"`-,e;.x� d a
<br /> -- qiwn�Ifat wkhout th. oa►tlictlnp pror�sion.ro Ihis md th�provlslons of ttis S�ritr Inscru+rKnt�nd th�Not�w d�drvd to
<br /> �. b�s�vanbN.
<br /> �.�. ,�,`�;• � td. 8offow�r's Copy. Bort�ow�►sh�N bs yMan one eonlormW copy ot ihe Nols and ot tNs S�c�ritY Instrum�nt
<br /> E
<br /> Fuu.u�w r+�s� P,o.a o�s � V� ..
<br /> ���— `� �.
<br /> --"-_—�.4: �
<br /> ___ .--}._E.e.�:.� ����.�
<br />