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<br /> app��� I�w rruY:pecify fa roinctatemrnt)lxfore sale of the PropertY purwant to�ny powu af sale canafned in thi�
<br />. ---= Security Instrument;or(b)entry of�jucl�ment u�farcin�this Security Insuumeat. 't-nose con�litions are ti�t Aorruwer. t•)
<br /> pays L,ender pll wms which then would be due unda�this Secudty In�trument uid the Note �s if no acca[ecuion hd
<br /> occumed;(b)cnre:�ny defalt of�u►y aher coven�nts a�graments;(c)psYs dl eapea�e�incurted in enfa+cln�thi�Secur�ty
<br /> - lourummt,including.but not limitod to, reaconable stwnxys'fas: and(d)lakc�such action�s I.ender may raeonably
<br /> - roquirc to assuro th�t the Nen of this Securlry Insuument.Lenderk rights in the P�+opecty and 13orrower's obligation to p�y the
<br /> ,�,:.�----- sum� securod by this Secudty Instrument shall cont�nue uneiwtged. Uport rcinsutement by Borrower, this Securlry
<br /> � _ --� Instry►►xnt and the obligations secured hercby stWi rcmain fully effecttve�s if no ucdemtion tiad accurred. However,this
<br /> _�;����--�� ri�ht to reinatate shall not apply in the case of�cceleration under paragraph I i.
<br /> 19. Sak o�Note;Chan�e ot Loaa Sen'lctr 'I'he Note or A Putld intereu in thc Nou(togettrc�with thi:Secu�ity
<br /> �,�e Inswment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Barrower. A sale may rcsuit in a change in the entiry
<br /> „�,�,�.�� (known u the"I.oan Servicer")that collecu monthly payments due under the Nau and this Security Instrument. 71�ere sdso
<br /> -�—,�� may be one or more changes of the Lo�r►Servlcer unrelated to a s�le of the Note. if the[e is a change of the L.oan Servlcer.
<br /> -°'-='-��� �� Borrower will be given written notice of ttie change in xwrdance with puagraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> �''��''-"�'=�'""� v►ill state the name and address of the ncw I.oan Se�vicer and the Address to whkh paymenu should be made• 'Ru notice will
<br /> �`}=r-�-�� `M also contain any ochcr information rcquired by applic�ble law.
<br /> �'�°=�`� ?A. H�rdous Subst�aces. Bomower shali not cause or permit the pnxnce,use.disposal.storage.or release of any
<br /> � I ' Hazardous Subst�nces on ar in the E'mperty. B«rower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do,anything affcjcaing the
<br />- Property tlwt is in violation of any Environmental Law. The proceding two sentences shall not apply to the pnsence,usr.or
<br />- storage on the Property of smalt quant�ries af Hazardous Substacrces that ue generelly rrcoSnized�o Me appmjxiace to�wnnal
<br />°_ ^ ��'� residential uses and to maintcnarice of thc Propercy.
<br /> , , ;r,� ,.�,_,�.,.. Barawer shall pmmptly give l.ender written notic.:of any investigufon,claim.demand,lawsuit or other accion by any
<br /> '���•,,. . --� � govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Propeery and any Hazarda�s Sul+stance or&nvjmnmental
<br /> ��,��,Y:�. ,; N F Law of which Botrower has actual knowledge. If Bocrower learns,or is notifled by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> V' � , authoriry.that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substence affecti�g the PropertY is necessary,Borcower
<br /> '� , shall promptly take a l l necessary reme di a l a c t i o n s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h E n v i ro n m e n t a l L aw.
<br /> ?�'•;';; � As used in this paragraph 20."HAZardous Substances"are those substences defined as toxic or hazarduus substances by
<br /> . ..��,�t,�ia�'
<br /> '�,�, �'� � Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other tlammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> ',�,x�;.-�.�;�,T'°-+�, pesticides and herbicldes.volatile solvents, mate�ials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive materiats. As
<br /> �• � ,� used in this pazagraph 20."Enviro�m�n.al Law"means federal laws and lows of the jurisdiction whera the Property is lacated
<br />- �. .. `. ''� thu relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> , , � ', NON-UN[FORM COVENAIVi'S. Horrower and L.ender further covenunt and agree as follows:
<br /> - � 2 1. A c c e l e r n t i o n; R e m e d i e s. L e n d er shaii give notice to Borrower prior to AccelerAtion idlowing Borrower's
<br /> • � '` " brcach ot any rnvensud or agreement in thts Security Instrument tbut not pr(or to accelemtbn under paragraph 17
<br /> �,'�`��,'`��,-__:_:_ untess applicable law provldes otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)tMe defAUlt;(b)the action required to cure the
<br /> - --- de!'�ulh(c)a date.not less than�u days from tbe date the noiice ia givrn iu 8ui�i�ow�er,b3'�hk:�tlt2 tkt�nit nsns!br
<br /> ' cured;nnd(d)that iailure to cure the defautt on or before the date specifled in the noUce may result in acceleration of
<br /> .;.j,,:,�;� the sums secured by this Security I�strument and sate ot the Propeny. The notice shall Purther inform Borrow•er of
<br /> �,�.r�•. the right to reinstate af�er acceleration and the right to bring a court Action to assert the non•existence of a default or
<br /> �`:•�� • any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before!he date specified in
<br /> , '.;�,'-'�;%���: the notket L.ender at its option rnay require immediate pay�nent ln full of�II sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> ! .'� without further demAnd and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicabie Isw:
<br /> Lender shall bz entitled to cuUect all expenses Incurred in pur�uinR tMe remedies provided in this parAgraph 21.
<br /> � � including,but not limited to.reasonable uttorneys'fees and cosGs of tftle e�•idence.
<br /> "� ' If ttie wer of sate is im•oked,lYustee shall record a notice ut defauit in eACh county in whkh any part of the
<br /> , �.�,:.,.- ; po
<br /> �w ����� '� - � Property i.s located and shall m�il capies of such notice in the munner pre�cribed by�apptic�ble law to Borrower and to
<br /> - t•��� ' �• ' the other persons prescribed by epplicable law AfYer t6e time required b�•appiicable laK�,7lrustee shall give publk
<br /> �`, ; :1�"�`,, . notice of sale to the persons and in the m�nner prescribed bv applicable la��: 'Ilruscee.without demand on Borrower. -
<br /> �� ' shall sell the Property at public auction to the hiRhest bidder at the time and p1ACe and under thr terms designAted in
<br /> the notke of ss►le in one or more pArcels s�nd in�ny arder'IYuuee determines. 7lrastee may postpone sate of vll ur any
<br /> • , � parcel ot the Property by public announcement yt the timr and ptace of any previously scheduled r�ale. l.ender or its
<br /> s desigaee may purch�sr the Propert,r•at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,71�ustee shall deli�•er to the purch�ser'[Y�ustee's deed com•eying the
<br />_ ' Propeny. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prfm:►fi�cie e�•idence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br /> 'Ilrustee shall appiy the proceeds af the wie in the following order. tal to all costs and expenses of exercising the power
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