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<br /> caidemnatian or other takinQ of any part of the Propeny.or for conv�yarce fn iku ai cw�dom�utian.iuo hereby auui�nc�w�d
<br /> s1W1 be paid to Lende�.
<br /> In the event af a total taking of thc Property,the proceeda�shull he�pplicd to �he sumx securcd by thic Secudry
<br /> instrument,whether or not then due.with aoy excess ps�id to Borrower. In the event of a putiul takiug of the Property in
<br /> which thc fair mar{:et v�luc of the Pnc►pcny immediatcty lxfore the taking i�eyual ta or grcAtcr than thr,wnount oi the sumx
<br /> - �--"� securcd by this Sccu�fry Instrument imnxdiauly befarc the taking,unlcss Barcower und Lende�otherwise agree in writiug,
<br /> — the sums securcd by this Security Inxtcument shuil be crduced by thc amount oP thc proceeds multiplied by the follawing
<br /> ' _. . _.� fncti.xe t4)the tMai amaunt af the sums securcd immediutcly befure thc taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the
<br /> �-=-__
<br /> Pmpeay immediutely ixfarc the Wcins. Any baluncc shuU be p•rid to liorrower. in the evcut uf'a partia!tal;ing af the
<br /> _:�� Propc�ty in which the fair market vAlue of the Property immediutely beforc thc tuking iti Icss than thu amount of the sums
<br /> securcd immediately before the taking, unless Bortower and Lender atherwi�: agrce !n writing or unless applicable tuw
<br /> ottierwise provides.the ptoceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether or not the snms a�e
<br /> - ----- tixn due.
<br /> - --_-------- If the Aoperty is abandaned by Borrower,or if,ufter notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnar offers to make
<br /> _�.�,_��� an uward or scttle u cluim for dumages,Borrowcr fails to respond to Lemier within 30 duys after the date the notice is givcn,
<br /> — = Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,pt its option.either to astorution or rcpair of the Pmperty or to ih�
<br /> sums secuied by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borcower otherwitie agree in writing,any upplicatian of proceeds to principal shall nat extend or
<br />--• i i patpone the due date of the m�nthly pnytnents rcfemed ta in parngraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the�unount of such payments.
<br /> --_ __ ---W:� 11. Borrowe� Not Rekased: Forbearance By Lender Not A Watver. Extension uf the time for payment or
<br /> _ — modification of amortizution of the sums secuced by this 5ecurity lnstrument grunted by Lender to any successor in intercst
<br />. , - of Borrower shall not operatc to rcicaye the liubility of the original Borrower or Borrowere suooessors in jntercst. Lender
<br /> shili not be requircd to commcrtcc procccdin�s against any �uccessor in intemst or r+efusc to extend time for payment or
<br /> �� otherwise modify amortization of the sums securcd by this Security Instrument by rea�on of any demund mude by the original
<br /> ' .�K;"�,. Bomower or Borrower:s successors i� interest. Any forbew�nce by Lender in exerci.r•ing any right or remedy shnll not be a
<br /> '1`"'"'�';'�,%I•`�`r> `� waiver of or preclude the oxercise of uny nght or remedy.
<br /> ``�.'-':=''t�"�+,�� IZ. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint And Several Liabiltty;Co-signers. The covenants and agrecments of this
<br /> �e.::•- ,
<br /> • h e.• • Security instrument shull bind and benefit the successon und ussigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> "'" "��' paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants und ngreement,shall be joint �rtd several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> '` �'��'r<.•. �•��• Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a)is co-.r•igning thix Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey ihnt
<br /> �'rs1����`�•f"'�;�,7 Barower�s interest in the Property under the term�of this Security Instrumenr, (b)i�not per�onally obliguted to pAy the sums
<br /> "'tiy��tr��+�yqsc :;';, secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that l.en�ier and uny other Borcower muy agrce to extend,modify,forbe�r
<br />•�-y "���`�.��.�`� or make any accommodations with regurd to the terms of this Security Instrumrnt or the Note without that $orrower�s
<br />— �� ...,, :,., �.,.,, canse�t.
<br /> _, i�►`p t'......
<br /> . ,.� •�
<br /> , • �''� �• - 13. Loan Charges. if the loan secured by thiti Security Instnmunt is tiubject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> � -- r.•.�i���.�.� r=-��1:� charges,and that law�s t�na�ly mterpreted so that tbe interese or other ioan charges wiirctrd or tv i�c cuilc�ic.1 in connect9un
<br /> "�" ° � ' ` with the loan exceed the permiaed limit�,then: (a)any such Icwn charge shall be rc:duccd by the umount necessary to reduce
<br /> "`` .' " the ch�rge to the pem�itted limit:and(b)any tiums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limitK will be
<br /> �. � refunded to Bonower. Lender may chaose to muke thix nGmd by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> • .;;; ; ,_ , • dircct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduce.principal,the reduction will be treated us a partiul prepayment without uny
<br /> . � , . prepayment charge undcr the Note.
<br /> �'�;•..� ' 14. Notices. Any notice to Barrowcr providcd for in thi+Security In�trumcnt shall bc givcn by delivering it or by
<br /> ' _ , .. ,Y �, moiling it by first class mail unless upplicable law nyuire,u�c of unother methcxi.The notire shaU be directed to tha Propeny
<br /> _ ,,,,, . `� . Address or any other address Borrower designates b�• notica to Lcndcr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fint class
<br /> '_ ,y.r„ .. mail to Lender's•addretis stated herein ar:►ny othcr addre»Lender designatrs by notirc to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> =;�• .�. ., � ' �"=^ • in this Security ln.trumem shull fk deemed to have txen �ivcn to Barrower or Lcndcr whcn given u� provided in this
<br /> —��,'•� 1Y►�^e:.:�.:�. •...� !
<br /> !� . paragraph.
<br /> F . IS. (;overntng L�w; Severability. Thi�Srcurity In.trumrnt tihall bc govrmed by federul law and thc luw of the
<br />� '"��'i�.: •�� jurisdiction in which the Propeny i�located. !n thr evrnt that uny provi.ion or clause of thi,Security Imtrument or thc Note -
<br /> • . - contl icts with applicable luw,such conflict.hall not at'f'ect uthcr provi,ion,af this Securiry Imtrument or the Note which can -
<br /> . ;. f -• �� • *� begiven effect without the conflicting provi�ion. To thix end the provitiionti of this Security lnstrument :►nd the Note unt
<br /> •^�-^^� . • -� : dalaredtobeseveruble.
<br /> ' � ' � . ;;°;�� 16. Burrower's Copy. Borrower.hull tx�given une contomied cc�py of the Note und of tl�ix Security[mtrument.
<br />' • '��^'}' 17. 7Yanster of the Property or a lieneQcial Interest in Bormwer. If�ll or uny part of thc Propeny ur any interest in
<br /> rt;SN;c...�- - .. . ` I —
<br />_ • it is sold or transferred (or if a heneticial intcrest in Borrowcr is sa1J or tramfcrred und Borrower i,not a nutural penon)
<br /> - . '�`"'` "k' without Lendcri prior writtcn conscnt.Lcndcr ma��,at it+option,r�yuire immediate payment in full of ull sums sccurcd by _
<br />:.��,� ,�,,.� .""`"� � this Security Instrumcnt. Howevcr,thir optiun shull not be exen iaed by Lrndcr if exercixe iti prohibited by federal luw us of
<br /> � � ,;;;;;,,,�,�.,;;, I the date of this Security Instrumem.
<br /> �- •� �' �- If Lender exercises this option. Lender rhull give Borrower notic�of acrrlerutian. 'I'hr notice shall provide a period of
<br /> �T� �� � M na less than 30 duys from the datc the notirr is drlivcred or mailed within which Borcower mu.t pay all tiumti secured by this
<br /> ' . Nl�+r.aaa,�,.•
<br /> r.-••. , Sceuriry Instrumrni. If Barrowcr fuils to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thix period, Lender may invoke any
<br /> '•�.-j44�� • -• remedics permitted by this Security lnstrument without furthcr notice or demand on Borrowcr.
<br /> �� :'y=;�"'�""�` �' 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. [f Bormwrr mcct� rcrtain amditiom. Bor�owcr .hall havc the right to have
<br /> i" � �" % I enforcement of this Security[nstrument dixcontinucd at •rny time pri<rr to the carlicr ot: (at 5 days(or surh other p�rial n�
<br /> �.s;:� '";;ti,•' ',,;,ry; ; �
<br /> — "'�`,s'.� „''r' � Sinpk Family-•Eannie D1ae/EYeddie Mac l'NIF(1RM 11LtiTRUMENT--Undorm Covenants 9190 Ipuge4 rjA�w,�r.+�
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