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<br /> S. ��wrd or PropatY Ina�rApce. &xrow� �As�ll iceep thr iroprovanenu now exiWnj or ���r ao lir
<br /> _ Property inwrod�dnu lose by fire, haz�rdt in�lu¢q�1 within the term "eXtended oove�e" and any other h�rarda.includiry
<br /> Aoodr or floadin�.for which I.e�dar roquirec insura�ca. Thix in��xc�11 he nuintsina!in tho s�mount�and fnr the}xriods
<br /> that [.ender roquires. The ituur�nce cwr�ie�pruvidinit�he in�N�shal! br ctwsen by Borruwer subjoct w Lender's ap�}�p�l
<br /> which shali not t►e unre.,wnwbiy wl�hhelJ. iY&wruwer fups t��.�tuijntain covers►se describal abave, Lender rtwy, Mt �ad�,'ti
<br /> option,oW�in coven�e to pcntcct l,enkr'R right�.in R1k,PropetiY in accordance with ryuagraph 7.
<br /> ---- AU incurance��licles and rcnewal�chall ix accept�l+k to I.encfer Atxl shall include s��tanl�rd m�xtgsge claur•e. l.ende�
<br /> ' _---�_--_—' stuill lwvc thc dght ta hold the policies and renewals. If I.aK1ec rcqu�.res. ilarrower r�iwlt ptnmptiY Sive to Wnder all receipts of
<br /> --- - paid prcmiums and aoewal notices.Tn the evrnt ot'Icns. Bar�Wsr.►�t�11 Rive prompt notia w tho inWr�nqe c�Wr,snc{,�,+ender.
<br /> L,ender may make proof af lass if not m�de promptly by BorrpwFr,
<br /> Unless Lendor and Bormwcr atherwisq agra in writiflg.inSpr�ytG�Pra�ds shsll be applial ta restopttiaq pr�{eptir qf the
<br /> Property danwged.if the rtstoratian or tcpair is 000nqmiC#Ily feAslb,l�pnd Lender's security is nat lesset�erl.If the,t�orya��pn or
<br /> _- rcpair is not economically feru�ible or L.ender's securi�y woul¢be lectsened,the insutanoe procoeds st�ll Ife applipy�tp tho wms
<br /> secured by this Security Instntment, whether or rwt.ihsn dw;, witl�,any excess paid to Bort�qwer. If Hnrrow4r�b�yt►dpna the
<br /> - Property. or das not answer within 30 day�s n notic�fr�tn I,endFn that tho insurance carrier hay offerpd w aettlA,R Glatim� then
<br /> Lcnder may collect the insurwue proceeds. Lrnder m�y usa the proceeds to repair or rcsto�th�Pmpp�ty ar,to pay sums
<br /> securcd by this Security Instn►nnent,whether at rwc thep due. The 30�day periai will begin whaq tho,t►a��G.c,is giYaa.
<br /> Unless Lender arKl Bcnrower othetwiss ag�cq !n writing. any applicatiun af prppeexls to Qripc,�ql shall not extend or
<br /> postpone tbe due date of the nwnthly paytr�n�s.neferrod to in pa�agraphs 1 and �ar chaz�e thq.�pqt of the payments. If
<br /> `�- -�� under pAragraph 21 the Property is acqutmd by l.cndcr,Horrowcr's right t,o any insuratK�paliaics:ind procceds resulting from
<br /> " ��'�' •�+` dartwge to tl�e Property priar to thc acquisitipm sh�ll pass to J..ender to tha extent of the swtw securai by this Security Instrument
<br /> ,:..>'r,�;,�:, immediately prior to the xquisitian.
<br /> _ ��y t;��'��:, ' 6.Oocupaacy,Arese�satipn,Mninten�nce and Pratection of the Property; Borrower's Lou�Application;LeASeholds.
<br /> • .��.. •. . Borrower sh�ll occupy,establish,and use the Propeny�s Borrower's principal reaidence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> '"��'��r�= '� ' • this Securiry Instrument and shall conti�ue to accupy the Property ac Borrower's principal re,sidence for at least one year aftet
<br /> �µ �,��y_�'F��"r�. the date of occupancy, un�,ws I.encier otherwise agrees in writins.which consent sfwll not be unroasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> _ �'E'F..,_�rk.
<br /> ��t�4�::.�<+� extenuatin circumstancec exist which are be ond 8orrower's control. Borrawer shall not destro da e or im r the
<br /> :;`��•,,�„ S Y Y• �8 P�
<br /> +� �-�,;;�',"-,;', Property. allow the Property to detcriorate, ar comrnit waste on the Property. $orrowcr shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> � ,��.�:i' �� action or proceoding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's goad faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> " �,�c �y%`�� Property or otlxnviw materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or i,ender's security interest. Borcower may
<br /> .v'� ___ . �� '"•' rure sach 3 det'auls:»d seiassute.ss pravided in paragr�ph 18. by raqsing lf�e action or gsoceecling to 6e dfsmissed�vith a rulino
<br /> :•,•�;;;i.,,•:,, ••
<br /> ;;:+.;" . that, ln L.ender's good f�ith determination, prectudes forfeiturc of the Borrowcr's interest in thc Property or other material
<br /> impai�mcnt of the IiGi creuted by this Securiry [nstrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall Also be in defautt if
<br /> �,;;^� � � Borrower. during the loan applicntion process,gave materially false ar inaccurute information or statements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> " � � to provide Lender wlth any n�aterial inforniation)in connection with the►aan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br />'� "` . to, rcpresentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Praperiy as a principa!residence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> � '�'::� � '� leasehold, Bc�rmwer shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. if Borrowar acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> . leasehold and the fcc title shall not mcrgc unless Lender a�rees to the merger in writing.
<br /> . 7.Prot�cNon of I.ender's Rights in the Property.if Borrower fail�ta perform the covenants and AgreemenGc contained in
<br /> �,,; , thic Security Instrunknt,or there is a Iegul pr�xeeding that may significuntly affi:ct L.ender's rights in the Pruperty (such:u a
<br /> • � F '. • • proceodi►ur in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnatian or tarfeiture or to enforce lawti i�r regulations),then L.ender may do and
<br /> F�"• p•ry for whotevcr is neces5ary to protcrt thc vuluc of ihe Propeny und Lendcr'c rights in the Prapeny. Lender's uctions may
<br /> includc paying any sum� securai by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> ��� ' "� ' rcasonabte •rttorneys'fces and entering on thc PropeRy to make repairs. Although lxnder may take action undcr this pnragraph
<br /> r,� . ; � ' • 7,I.endcr doc�twt havc to do so.
<br />±; , Any amounts disbursetl by Lendcr under this paragraph 7 shall buomr •rdditional debt uf Borruwer secured by this
<br /> :�" ° � Security Instrument.Unless Borrower and I.�:nder agrcc to other tcrms of payment,thcsc amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> • '. date of disbursement at the Note r+ita und shall be pay3ble, with interest, upon notire from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> �rt , payn�cnt.
<br /> - ' � 8.Mortgage InsurAnce.TY Lender required mortg��*,c insurance as a cemdition af muking the loan secured by this Security
<br /> ,�"` � '` � Instrument, Barrower shall p•ry the premiums required t��maintain ihe mortgage intiurance in effect. lf, for:ury reason, the
<br /> '��' #�'�*��� mort a e insuranee cover� c re uimd b Lender la ses or ce:ises to be in effec[, Borrowcr shall thc remiums re uired to
<br /> - y E B S' 9 Y P PaY P 9
<br /> _ •. obtain cover�ge substantially equivulcnt to the mortgaRc insurance previously in effert, ut a cust substantially eyuivalent to the
<br /> - �; � �, �_ ,. _�, cost to Rc�rmwer of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from un altemute murtgagr insumr upproved by l,ender. If
<br /> �'y � substuntial ly equivalent mong;�ge insurance coveruge is nut avrilable, &rrrower�hall pay to Lender each month a sum equsl to
<br /> ��" �'..,
<br /> ��" '��: • � . . ona•twelfth of the ycarly mongage insurance prcmium bcing paid by&nruwcr when thc insur:uue cuverage lapx�l ur rc:�i to
<br /> ._ .a`Y,"59...�.. .
<br /> J . •
<br /> be in effact.Lender wiN accept, use and retain thex�payments a� a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss mscrve
<br /> `_A Form 3028 8I80
<br /> ._r._.�. ._ — .
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