.[,l= _ . ��.1. 1 '.__. • -__,�_
<br /> . �
<br /> -- __ _�______...,� 9�„ u�
<br /> �roaerH�w�rtt,�i�����,�oW or na+e.t►�o�eaea��e�y. .�.�i e�,c..�s�,.�a
<br /> t�zwnea now nr hercaftcr a prt of the pt+�peny. All ropl�oeuic+iir r+w �r«iiiiu�u cti�t afco t� c�vcrcd by tltt�,,Scr,suity
<br /> laslrument.All of the furcQoin�iK rcferrallo in thi�Sa�urity Irutrument u the'Property.'
<br /> HqRROW�R COVEi�ANTS th�t Borrower ix lawfully rciied of the ata�e hercby�wnveyat rnd h�x thc ripht{n gr�nt�nd
<br /> convey►he Pn�peny ancf �tu� �he Propcny ix unencumherod,except for encumbnu�ces of nxurd. Bomuwcr w�rnup4q,wrd will
<br /> - .- � d�find�rnet�lly the titk to the PropertY n8aitut all clalms arKl demrnJ�. rubjexi w rny erkumbnuurr uf rc�bnf.
<br /> ---- THIS SECUR�TY 1NSTRUMENT a�nbines unifarn wve�uuus fur rWti�nal usc mxl rwn•uniforn�cuvenwu.y with Umitod
<br /> --—_—�
<br /> vori�tiunc by juri�dictiun tu cwutituk x unifarm wxurity iru:trument cov.:rt�ir.:�1 praperty. '
<br /> UNIFORM COV�NANTS.&�rrowcr and Lender mveni►rnt and agroe rs PoOuwa:
<br /> .:�- 1. Paymeat ut PNacipsl u�d Intee+ut: PreP�3'meat sad l.�k Chtr�w. lb�rower studl prumpt�Y Pj+Y whe� due the
<br /> princip�l of rnd intercst an thc JeM cvldenoed by the Note ard any prcpayment and latc ch�ug�s duc ur�dcr thc Notc-
<br /> 2.Fund�tor Twxes iutd InsurukY. SubJe�:t to appliwble I�w ur ta u written waiver by Letxier, Born�wcr sh���pa►y tq,
<br /> - .,g_�.--,�_�
<br /> Lcndcr on the day monthly�aymcnts uc due undcr th�Nate.until the Notc i�p�id in full,r sum("Fwxis"1 fur:(u>yeurly taxa
<br /> uxi�ssessmentc which muy attain priority ove�this Scxurity Insirument as u lien on the Propeny;Ib)ye:uly Icasehuld puyments
<br /> or gmunJ rcnta on tt►e Property,if uny; (c)yearly twwrd or propeny inwnuice prcmiums;(d)ye�rly ilood insurancc pmmiut�tt,
<br /> if any; (e) yeauly mortguge insutance premiunu, if any;;u�d(4 onv sumx puyuble by&irmwer to Lerxler, in xcordwlce with
<br /> � the provisionc of p�ragraph 8, in lieu of the payment oi mortgage insurwxY premiums.Thesc items�re c�liod "Facrow,(tenu.`
<br /> l.ender may, at any time. collect and hold Funcis in An antouni ssot to etceed the m�Yimnm erncwmt a lentlrr fi�r a f.+drn+�lu•
<br /> rclatod mottgage ioan rnay require for Borrawer'c escrow uccount unJer the fedeml Real Est•rte Setdenxnt Proceiiu�ers Act of
<br /> = IQ74 as rmended fmm time to timc, 12 U.S.C.Sectinn 2fi01 ��sr�.l"RFSPA"), unlcss an�Khcr luw thet applin w tht Futxit�
<br />' set+a lesser anwunt. If so, Lender may,at any time.cullect anJ hold Fund�in an amaunt not w exceod ths Iessee amcwe.l,
<br /> I.cnder may estimate the amount of Funds due on the b�sis of cumcnt dxt�and rcx+otwble catimates of expenJitu�qf futum,
<br /> - �:; � Escrow ltems or othcrwisc in accordancc with�ppl ireblc luw.
<br /> Thc Furds stwll be heid in :ui institution whose deposits arc i�uure�l by a fc�dcr�l s►geixy. instnt:nc�t�lity,, ar ciuity
<br /> :���::' �;.i�'� � (inciuding Lender,if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Fcderrt Honx Larn Baok.L.endur shall apply the Fuix15 t��pay thc:
<br /> : Y�;� Eserow Itemi. I.ende�may nat charge Borrower fo�holding anci applyinb the FunJs,:umually:uwlyzing thr exrow arcuunt.or
<br /> � � T� y � verifying the Escmw Items,unless Lcnder pays Bonower interc�t on the Fu►xlti�xi applir;►ble!•rw pern�its Lcndcr to t►wJcc such .
<br /> �. ,., __ .�.��_'`^L~:.;�;:,�, a cMarge. However, Lender cnay rcqui�+e Borrower to pay a one-time churge fiv an indepa:ndent rcal e�tate tax reporting aervioe
<br /> - .�V�F'r^rT'�
<br /> . ��.�t�s's�:�.,.�- used by l.ender i� eonneetian w�ith this loan, unless applies�le luw provides cuhenvise. Unlecti an agrcrment is macle c►r
<br /> � ;. ,:1,.»,._ ..,...
<br /> .,. .
<br /> �:'�rt^�'� applicablc law rcquires interest to be paid, I.ender shull not be required to pay Borrower:u�y intcrest or c:unings on the Funds.
<br />:-' ___ � — _� Horrower and Lender may aRnae in writing,however, that interest sl�ll be p•rid on the Funds. Lcnder slwll ytivc to Rurruwee,
<br /> ��. witlwut charge, an annuul accounting of the Funds, stawing crc�lits arxi dcMit,to the Fundc u►xl the purpuu:foi•which�;ich ,
<br /> . � . debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged u.ti additional+ecurity fiir ull sums secured by this S�YUrity Instrutne nt.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be held by applicuble law, L.encier tihall arcuunt to Bonuwer
<br /> , for the excess Fundy in xcordance with the reyuirements af applicable luw. If the an�►unt of the Funds held by Le��ler at;u�y
<br /> � time is not sufficient to pay the E�crow Items when due,Ixixler mxy x� natify &irrowrr in w�iting.anJ,in su�h c:�w&inowac
<br /> • shall pay to Lender the amount nc:ce�sury to nwke up the deticiency. Bc�rrower chaN mukd up tl�e deficicncy in tlo mon thui�•
<br /> � �, twelve monthly paymcnts,at Lencier's sole di�cretion.
<br /> . Upon payment in full of all sumti ti��urcd by this Sccurity In+trumcnt. Lcndcr shall prompdy refunJ tu F3�urower an,y
<br /> ; . Funds held by L.ender.If,under purugraph?1.Lender.hatl acquirc or xrU thc Propert}'. l.erxfer,prior to the acyuixitiiin or tiale
<br /> L,• - � of the Propeny,sh•rl!apply any Funds held by Lender at thr time of acquitiition or�ulc a�a creJit�gain,t thr sums c��ureti by
<br /> ' this Security Instrun�ent. -
<br />�''3� . ' 3.Application of Payments. Unlc,s applicablc law proviJc.othcrwix.all payment.rcrcivctil h� Lcrxlcr u�rl�:r paragruphs �
<br /> . 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to uny prepaymcnt churge�Jue undcr thr Notr:xrunJ,1u umount�pa��uble unckr puagraph 2:
<br /> ' third,to interest due;founh,to principal duc:and last,to any lat�char�rs due undrr the Nole.
<br /> ' �.Charges; Liens. Borrower sh�ll pay •rll taxe,.�tixtitiment,, chur�c.. tinc,and im�xn,itiun.attributablc ti� the Property
<br /> which m:►y attain priority rncr this Sccurity Instrum�nt, unJ Icarchuld paym�nt. ur grau�xt rents, if•rny. &��rn►�cr�hall pay
<br /> these obligations in thc manner proviJcd in paragruph 2,or if'not paid in that mann�r, Rorrowrr tihall pay thetn cm timr directly
<br /> ; ro the person oweci payment. Borrower.hall promptly fumish tci [.cnJer al�nutirr,��f amuuntti t��ixr paid une!<r�hi.paragruph. -
<br />� _ r_ If Borrower maket these payments dirertly.&�rr�iwer tihall promptly furni.h t��l.�ndrr recript.evidenring the p•rynknt,.
<br /> ., !�'C' Borrower shull promptly discharge anp lien which ha�priuriry�wer thi�Securiry In�trument unleu&�rr�►war: (u1 a�trec�in -
<br /> ,�,,,;. . writing w tl�e payment uf the ohligation ururc�l My thc lirn in a mamxr acceptahlr tu Lender, Ihl cuntr�tti in g�xd fuith the lirn �
<br /> _ •�+�' • by, or defends against enfarcemcnt ot' thr licn in. Icgal pr�xcrding> whirh in thc Lcndcr'. upiniun op�:r:►te tu prcvent the
<br /> � �*'°' �• cnforcement of the lien: or(c)scrures from thc hi�IJcr of thc licn an a�rermrnt,ati,tartar�•tu Lcnd�r subordiruting th�licn to _...
<br /> " . � *,;,.;.;:,,, ,� . this Security Instrument. If Lendcr deterniine�thut any part of the Prnpr»y i++uhjrrt to a licn whirh may attain prioriq�uver "
<br /> � � this Security Instrument, L�:nder may give&wrower x �xxirr identit\int� ihe licn. B��rrawer tihall ,ati,fv the licyi or�akr onc ur `
<br /> — .��'�"•" .""'s"�" more of ihe actions set forth abave within 10 days of the gicing��f n��ticc.
<br /> -- w�'„a�:,:..
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