,� r...� r' .... -.,-- -:�--
<br /> _ `:1�.-
<br /> �W _ _ ..�......� �93- `
<br /> 7�OCiBTHER WITH ail the icnprovements now or horeatter r.rocted an the property,and�II eaKma�t��ipp�t�r� aad
<br /> --- -- -- fixtures now ar betrafter • pttt �f the pruperiy. Atl rcpirucn�di �ii,u' iriJiiiv�u� riw11 airu E+v wrraa3 Gy tu3; �asr�ty
<br /> � InWrument.All of�he foregoina ii rcfemed to in tFiis Socurity irutrumrnt u the'Property."
<br /> ; AORROWSR COVENANTS thtt Bornuwer ix I�wfuily�ei�od af the erute hercby convcyed ud tus the riQht to Qr�nt a�
<br /> ocmvey the Pcoperty and that the PropeRy ia unencumberod,except for e�cumbnncea of rocard. Bormw�r wuranti aid wfll
<br /> — defeixl generally tlx titfe tu the Property a�ainst all clximc�nd ckmsmds.wbjat to�ty encumbrar�ccs of r000rd.
<br /> THIS 5ECURlTY INSTRUMBNT�mbfne� uniform oovcnuMs for rutional usc uiJ non-uniform coverwus with limltad
<br /> _-4 - _— taristlon.:by juris�icti�n ta:o;utItutc a u�iifurnt su;urity i�u.iwnu;i�i wvuing tu►i p��ity.
<br /> __ UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr ard Lendcr covon�nt uKl��rre�s followc:
<br /> #. 1. P�ymeM of Princippl�ad IotenaRi Prep�Ynxat u�d I.�te Chu�a. Borrower slu�ll promptlY p�Y when due the
<br /> ,- `' principal af and intenest on the debt evidencod by the Note a�xl any pccpnyment urrd lato clwrges due uncler the Note.
<br /> 2.Fund� for Taxes�d /nRttraace. Subjecc to applic�blc law or w x wrinen waiver by Lcndcr, Borrower shall pny to
<br /> =_.��i Lender on the day monthiy payments are due undcr tlk Note.until thc N�te is pAid fn tull, a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeuly taxa
<br />_ Aa A ___ � ����nts which may attain priority uver this Security Insttument us a licn on the Property;(b)yc�rly le+�sehuld Ewynxauo
<br /> or ground rents on the Property,if any;(e1 ywrly hazard ar propeny insurnnce pnemiumc; (d)ye�rl y ticxxl insurance premfums.
<br /> v����''"' if an .(e) yearl mort a e insurance remiums, if an ; and(�on sums able b Borrower to Lender, in uccordana with
<br /> Y' Y 8 fi P Y Y PzY Y
<br /> ���� the provisions af Ewragrnph 8, in lieu of the payment of martgagc inwrancc pr�miums.Thase items are callod "Escrow Itcros."
<br /> A L.ender may,at any time, mllect and hold Funds in nn amuunt ncx to excca!the maxfmum amount a lender f�r a Pedere!!y
<br /> �:�. related mortgage loan may rcquire for Borrower's tscrow account undcr the faicrrl Real Estate Settlement Procedurcs Act of
<br /> —._;�� ��"�� ; 1974 as atnended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Sectio� 2601 ��seq. ("RESPA').unless annther IKw that applies ta tha Funds
<br /> �� ; sets a lesser amount. If so, L.ender may. at any time, callect and hnid Funds in An wnount not to excood the Iesser amaunt.
<br /> "'E�;x;�'�='`�,���, Lendcr may estimate the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current d�ta and reasorwblc estimates of exry�nditurcr of fi�tu�
<br /> • , _r�,��Y:• y r
<br /> ,;„��-.i�' F.scrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable luw.
<br /> . .n"`=:: •.':.` � The Funds shall be hcid in an institution whasc deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, o�entity
<br />:..�, :.;�:�:. ,`':* ;
<br /> .�:;;;,;,.�; . ,� (including I.ender.if I.ender is such an institution)or in uny Faleral Nome Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> '" `'�""�'''' Escrow ltems. I.ender mu not char e Borrower for holdin+and 1 tn the Funds,annuall ansil �m the escrow xcuunt,ar
<br />;:`,.� ';<.;.<;t,;..�,�.,,.,r a� Y s b aPPY� s y y'' g
<br /> .�,� '''S�;��. verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on thc Funds end applicuble luw permits Lendcr to makc�uch
<br /> '�...r�;:,..,,;��?;y� a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay u one-time charge for an independent real estate tu r�eporting servlce
<br />. ,;:9�.4- _`�•, .�,�,.r used by I.ender in connecdon with this laan, unless applicablc law provides otherwise. Unla�s an agreement is mxfe or
<br /> `'��-•• ' � r�'•� ': applicablo law requires interest ta be paid,I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or carnings on the Funds.
<br /> _- �'0i"'"�`'`''� '};;��:�;� Borrower and L.ender may agree in writing, however,that interest shall be id�n the Funds. Lendcr shall
<br /> . . _.i���'+T�.l:i:
<br /> p� give to Borrower,
<br /> - 7, witi�uut�hac��. dii itifiUBl B�tJUi1II►i�ur tllC Fw�S�, .i�uwing credics and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> � debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged ac additional xxurity for all sums secured by this Security lnstrnment.
<br /> .�; If the Funds held by I.ender excecd the atnaunts permittod ta t�e held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amcwnt of the Funds held by Lender at aoy
<br /> . `���' time is not sufficient t�pay the Escrow items when due. I.ender may�notify Borrower in writing,und,in such case Borrower
<br /> , • ` shall pay to Lender:he amnunt nccessAry tc� make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the def ciency in na moro than
<br /> ':'i, twelve monthly payments, at l.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> "''`•' Upon payment in full of all rums �ecured hy this Security Instrument, Le;nder sh�ll promptly rcfutxl to Borrower any
<br /> _ , t: '� Fund�held by l.ender.If, uncier paragruph 21.I.xndcr shall acquire ar scll the Pr�perty,I,cnder,prior to the ucquisitian or sale -
<br /> �, �:, of the Property,shall apply any Funds helq by I.ender at the timc of acquitiition or sale ns u credit against the sums secured by -
<br /> '�.;��'� this Sccurity]nstrumrnt.
<br /> ° 3.ApplicAti�n of Payments. Unlc.s applir•rbic Isw proviJc,otherwise,all paymrnt�rcticivcd by I,cnder under paragraphs
<br /> � 1 unJ 2 shall bc applicd: first, t<�uny prcpaymcnt rhargr�duc undcr thc Natc:second,tn:�mounts p•ryable under parngrnph 2;
<br /> third, to interest due; tiiurth,to principal due: unJ 1ast,tu any latr chargeti due under the Note.
<br />•.,;} � 4.Charges; I.iens. Borrowcr�hall pay all trxcs, a.cc.�mrnt,,charrcti,finr�and imEx,sitionc uttributablc to thc Properry
<br />" •.`�., 1 which may attuin pri�.riq� over thi. Srrurity Imtrumrnt, and IeasehoW paymenta or ground rentti, if any. 8orrower shall pay
<br /> � these ohligatiom in thc manner pixrviJed in puragr:�ph 2,or it'nut puid in that manncr. &�rruwcr tihall pay them on timc directly
<br /> to thc person owcd p•ryment. Borrcia•cr shall promptly furnish to Lrndrr all n��tirrs ot'umuunt.to he paid under this paragr:�ph.
<br /> ,;�` If Borrawer makes thcu paymenh dirertly. Bcrrrowrr shall prompQy furni+h to Lrndcr r��ripts evidencing thc payments.
<br /> , r-` &�rrower sh•rll prampdy di�rhargc any lien N•hirh ha,priurit�• over thi�Sccw•iry in.trunxnt unlesz Bormwer: (u)a�rees in
<br /> ' . writing to the payrncnt of the obligation�crur�Yi hy thc lien in u manncr acrcptahlr to I.cnder; Ih�rantc.ts in gcH�d faith the lien —
<br /> �"�� " �� by. or dcfrnds ugain�t enforcemcm uf thr licn in, Icg:�l pr�xrcdings which in thr I.enJrr'� opinion i�peratc to prevent the
<br /> �#R+""`c .%�;. enforcrmcnt of thc licn:or(c)+ccurcti fram thc huldcr uf thc lirn an ugrecment tiati+l'urtun•tu LenJcr suhordiouting the lien to
<br /> ` ' ''~ - this Security imtrument. I1'i.ender Jetermine�that any part ut'the Pr�,ixny i..uhject tu:t lirn N•hirh may uttuin priority aver
<br /> � ' � "`' `� this Securiry Instnanknt. [.cnder m:ry giv�&irrowrr a nutir�:idrntifying th� li�n. Ii�irru�c�r�h;dl �atitif'y the licn or takc one ar
<br /> �.; .,.,•.
<br /> �' . .
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 Juyti of the giving c�t'n�nire.
<br /> �i• Form 30Y8 9/80 "
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