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<br /> 1. Rlr��Irload u�d tkl�er 1i�xard Inwrana. 9atr�nwe� �11 inwre dl improvementr an the P►t�perty�whethcr naw !n
<br /> - ezi�tence ar wbwquen�ly a+rclal. �aink rny hNx�rd�,uuwitlea,�ncf amtin�ancie�.includin�Arc, tn�which L,ader opuiror
<br /> inwran�Y. Thlr inNUn��x;o .hull be nuintwinr�l in tlw�nwwirs wwi fix the peri��Jr Ifwt I.ender roqutr+er. Borrowu �tull �I�o
<br /> inxurc rll In�n►vemcnlM�►n�hc Pn�„y.wht+111nr n�iw In rxf�ten�r or wbwequcMly croctal. ��ainst lu►r by fkx�d�to thr exlcnt
<br /> rcyuiroJ by thc Sarct�ry. All In�uran►�r�11 ha c�MoJ with cy�npwnicr�ppruval hy lxnJer. The insunux:e p��licier wd Any
<br /> renewulr�11 ba hcld hy lxmkr�1�11 f�x�fuda k►ar pry�le clwrc�io 1'avur uf.�uxi in�form�c�xptabk tu.L.endar.
<br /> In tho avrnt ot�c�. ibnuwcr siu�li �ivo Lemtcr immadir[c nutia by mail. Letrler may mdcc ptnof of lou if not mrde
<br /> promptly by Borrower. E:�ch iucu�anct cum�ny cancertud is hercby authoriud rnd directai to nwlcc poyment for such losa
<br /> dircetly to L.ende�. inucad of ta Bomower aixl tu Ixndcr jointly.All or u�y pArt of thc iruunrxx prooeeds nwy bo applied by
<br /> Lcndcr, at its optiun, eithcr(s�)to the�uclucHan af tha indcbtalness under the Note and this Security Instrument, fint to any
<br /> dclinquent anwunte�applicJ in the onier in pwrngmph 3,and thea to prcpayment of principal,or(b)ro the restoradon or rcpAir
<br /> -- - of the danwged Property. Any npplicatlon uf tho prnceeda to t}te principal shall not eztend or postpone the due date of the
<br /> monthiy payments which Arc rcferrod to in pxmgrnph 2,ar change the amo�mt af such payments. Any exceas insurer�ce proceod�
<br /> over nn amount required to pay Aii outrt�ndinB indabtodnecs unde�the Note w�d this Savrity Insttument slwll be paid to tho
<br /> entity legalty entiticed thereto. '
<br /> � � In the event of forcK:tu,ur� ul' li►fs Sc+�uiity inurument or other transfer af tiQe ta the Property that extingutshes tfx
<br /> indebtedt�esc,all ri�ht.title und interest oEBarrower in and w insurance policies in force shall pass to the purch�ser.
<br /> �:��-'
<br />:,t;�.,...
<br /> .:;��; 5. Octupwncy, Pr�cervation, Mulntenan¢e nnd Protaklon ot ths PropatY; Borrower'� Lo�n Appliaitbo; -
<br /> - i.es�seholds. Borrower shall occupy, estuhlirh,and use the Arapeny as Borrower's p�ncipal rcsidence within sixty days after
<br />-:-.,�. ��`,{;:;�,' the execution of this Securiry Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property a�Borrower's�dncipal residen��for at least
<br /> --"�: �����. ane year aftcr the date of occupancy, unlc�ss tha Socrctury determines this requirement will cause undae hardship for Borrower,
<br /> .� or unless extenuating circumstances exisc whfch are beyand Barrower's control. Borrower sFwll notify Lender of any
<br /> '`.�'�x° extenuating circumstances. Borrower shAll not cammit waste or destroy.damage or substar�tially change the Property or allow
<br /> - 1he Property to deteriorate, rcasonable wexr and tear exceptal. Lxnder may inspect the Property if the Property is vacAnt or
<br /> '�,'"� � �� ��:1 abAndoned or the loan is in default. Lender ms�y take reasonable action to protect and preserve sucb vacant or abandoned
<br /> 7� ��f's. Property. Borrower shall also be in dafault if Borrower,during the loan application process.gave materially false or inaccurate
<br />-'�''`�`�' '��`"� • information or stataments ta l.ender (or tuilod ta pravidc L.ender with any material infomwtion) in connectian with the loan
<br /> �° ---/ n1_ . . .
<br /> ;'._l� ' j��.` T yy��y.r evjda��e�i by ti�C I�UtC. (t���Utjl�lg. t111t�Ntt �I1111IN.t1 I11� iCp�rarttialiwt�cutkeruiug BurruwCr�a u:•cupuucy ui'iile ��erly as a `
<br /> ,!•�'' �.; � '"1:' priocipal residence. (f this Security Incuvn�ent iti on a leasehald, Bc�rrower shall comply with the pravisions of the lease. If
<br /> �e
<br /> �'���• &►rrower arquires fce title to the Property,thd Ic�fiold and fee title shall not be merged unless I.ender agrees ro the merger in
<br /> w�1�rc;,�r'�;` writing.
<br /> . . �� �
<br /> "'�" ����. . 6. Ctwrges tu Borrc►wer And ProtuMiun of I.ender s Rights in the Property. Borrower shall pay atl govemmenwl or
<br /> . . W.�IA�/Y-'�.1..!�'�.Y
<br /> ..1� �. .�.�,. .;t;_.: municipul charge�, finer and impositions thrt •rr�not includul in p•rrusraph 2. Borrawer shall pay these ubligations on time
<br /> - �' directly to the entity which is��weJ the pupment. If fuilure to pay would•rdversely affect Lender's interest in the Propeny,upon
<br /> � :,,:., ,.. ::.
<br /> _ � Lender's rcyuest&xr��wer shall prompNy f'umis,h ta i.encicr receipts evidencing these payments.
<br /> _ ;�r ui'.ii11ti+F�i.
<br /> "� ' •�''"Qi''""�"` If&�rroW�er fuils a�muke thc,c�a��mcnt�.or the puymem�reGuir�tit by p•rrrgraph 2,or fails to perform any other covenants
<br /> , ..-^- und agreements contuin��l in thi.Security In�trument, or there is a Icgal pnxeedinF that may significxndy affect Lender's rights
<br /> � � _' in the P�operty ttiuch a�a pr�xecding in hankruptcy, tiir condem��rtion or to enforce taws or regulations),then L,ender may do
<br /> , � �;;';;, . '�;• a►Ki pay wh•rtevcr i,nece.ury• tu pmtfrt thr value uf ihe Pri�perty •rnd Lender's rights in the Property,includiag payment of
<br />_ : ,, .;,�,�,..,;+;� tuxes.hw�rd insurunre und other items mentinned in parsgrrph 2.
<br /> y;t.�r: .
<br /> • �� Any amiiwitti ditihur.cd hy Len.lcr uncler ttti�paraLraph�hal� lx�ome an aJditional debt of Bormwer and be securod by
<br /> •"�^.���•LL this Security Imtrumcnt.Thc�e amc�unu.hall bcar intcm,t irom thc datc of disbursement,at thr Note rate,and at tfie option of
<br /> - ����= •;'�-• ''
<br /> " l,;j,�,ati:. ;' � l.ender,shull be immediatcl�•due and payahle.
<br /> - ,. �'1;�r1V.. H. ..
<br /> ',;T,
<br /> �•'`�'��`���' 7. Condemnation. Thc pr�kccds�if an�• au•ard ur rlaim ti�r damageti, direct or contiequential, in connection with any
<br /> � rnndemnanon or othcr taking of un}•part of thc Pmperty, or ti,r rimvcyuncc in plarc o!'rundemnation, are hereUy a.csigned and
<br /> �° shalf be p•rid a�[xnder tu th►extent uf thc fu11 umaunt�rt'the indcbtcdncss that remains unpaid under the Note and this Security
<br /> # � "i'i�`.� � . Instrument. L.cnder.hull a�+l� �uch paxr��i.tc�the raluctian ot'thr indebt�tiine�s under Ihe Note and this Security Instrument,
<br /> :�,.,.� -,-... .. -.
<br /> �`:`•'�� fint to an delin uent •rnHwnt+ a lieci in the �ttdrr r�n�ickd in ,�ra r.� h 3, and then to r� r ment of rmci al. An
<br /> ��,�` , Y 9 PF'� F' P' @ �p P 'P'Y P � P Y _
<br /> �� �,:•__.,��.`, applic•rtinn i�f the pnxceeis t� the prirk+�ul tibsll not exte�J ur ���tp�mr thr due clate of the monthly pryments, which are =
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