_— �..
<br /> ' -- '�` k�.� �,• .. - ..
<br /> � .�._ _.._._...:� 93• �i0�;
<br /> TO(iETHER WITH xll thc improvenxnts now or f�fter erocud un the propony, urd �!I a�ements, riahts.
<br /> ��ppuctaunce+. rcnts,royalda,mineral.oil atKi�as ri�hts�nd profit�.wa�er d�hu u�d wock�nd�11 flxtura now or haro�Qer a
<br /> -- � � -- � put of the propeKy.Ail npl�cements and additlotu Wf�li�Iw bt coverod by titii�xttrity LWruma�t. Ati ui tba f�is�aiiy'{1:
<br /> referrod w ia thi�Security lnstrument a�the•'PropeAy.••
<br /> BORROWHR COVBNANTS thst sorrowcr ie�lawfully eel►od of the euate Nereby convoycd ond hKS thc risht t�an�nt u�d
<br /> convey the PrapeRy urd that the Propeny is unecxvmberod, ezcept for encumbrux�e►uf rocwd. Bort�nwer warruuc�utd wtll
<br /> ��—_-�--_ - -� d�:tuid�encrally the title to thc Proptcty ag�!inxt al!daims uncl denwixis, xuMjat ta wny encumbrance�af re000cf.
<br /> i. Payment ot Priacipnl�Intereat And I.ate Cha�e. Borrower stwll pry when duu thJ princip�l of,�nd interrest un,the
<br /> _ debt evidenood by tbe Note and Irte chargei due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Mont6ly P�yments ot Taxes. Ios�mace and Otha' Chnr�es. Borrowcr shall includc in cacb monthlS payment.
<br /> --- together with the principal and intercst as set fiirth in the Nate and any late chargcs. an in6tullment of any(a)taxes und spaial
<br /> assessments levied or to be levied against the Property, (b) leaschold psyments or ground rents on thc Property, wnd(c)
<br /> premiums for insuran�Y requined by parngraph 4.
<br /> Each rnonthly installment for items(a), (b),a»d lc)shall equal ane-twelRh of thc annuul omount�,es reaso�wbly est'r•matod
<br /> —�---�--- by I.ender. plus an Amcwnt sufficlent to rtwintuin u�i additionu!balance of not more thnn ane•sixth of the estimated amourts.The -
<br /> full annual runount far esch item shall be accumulated by Lender wlthin e pedod ending one manth bef'ore an itcm would
<br />' ._-'� - became delinquent. I.ender shali iwlJ Q�e anx�u�us coflected tn tcust to pay items (a), (b), artd (c) tx:fon they beeomr
<br /> delinquent.
<br />.;�;, If at any time the total of the payments held by Lender for items (u). (b), and (c), together�eith the futuro nxmthly
<br />;��� payments far such items payuble to l..ender prior to the due dates of such items,exceads by more than one-sixth tho astitnatod
<br />' :�' amount of payments required to pay such items when due, and if payments on ihe Nate are currcnt, then Lender shall either
<br /> refund the excess over one-sixth of the estimatai payments or cnjdit the excess over ona-sixth of the estirn�ted p�ymantx to
<br /> �::i subsequent payments by 8orrower,•rt the option of Borrower. (f the totul of the paymente mude by Borrower for itcm(u),(b).
<br /> or (c) is insufficient to pay the ltem when due, then Borrower sht�ll pwy ro Lender any amount necessary to ma{;o up thc
<br /> -- deficiency on or before the date the item becomes due.
<br /> :�'
<br /> _T_.
<br /> ••' As ured in this Seeurity lnstrument. "Secretary" means the Secretury af Hausing and Urban Development or his or er
<br /> i ;'� designec.In any ycar in which thc l.encicr must pay a mortguge insurunce premium to tho Secretary(or any year in w•h�ch wch
<br /> 4;ti �t premium would havc becn�rcquired if the Lendcr still held the Security Instrument), each monlhly payment �hall a1t�o includc
<br /> ;:�.��°i�,�?,��s�•:.
<br /> " y� ,y��L either: (i) an installment of the•rnnual mongage incurance premium to be p�id by I.endar to thc Secretary, nr(Ii) a rrnmihly
<br /> � �� ,� ���,�,,�^..., rharge instcad uf a mortg•rge insurancc premium i f this Sccurity instrument i�held by tlia Secn:tury. Euch►mmtM�� installmcnt
<br /> � �r�i�,�«cy., .
<br /> ��%:��;��� of the mortgase insuranee premium tihall be in un amount sufficient to uccumul:tte the full an�uul mungage insuranc.�o prcmiu�n
<br /> ��..:.:,�;.,�.,:,
<br />. �;t�k^" ��:;P. '?��" with Lendcronc month prior to thc Jatc thc full unnual snc�rtgugc insurumc premium iti duc to thc S��:rcwry, ur if thix Security
<br /> :;��t:��•r�=+��. {;•, - Instrurn�nt iti hcld by thc Sccrcr,iry.cach munthly ch•rrgc xhull lx in an amount cyuul tu nn�•twclfth of�mc-half perorm uf thc
<br /> -. . r�a'.�'?'�� '�.,�,i'.c��f outste�xlingprincipal balunce duc on the Note.
<br /> -- +'p�i'�:t}-� ��i:��++ ;
<br /> �� �u�� :, ���•��• If&�ROwer tender�to L.enJer the full paym�nt ut'all �um� ururcd by thi�Security Imtrumm�t.Borrow•cr'.;kcount�hall
<br /> iu
<br />-.� �'�'::'.'"'��.- be creditccf with thc baluncc rcmaining fitt ull intitallmrnt. titt itcnt. uil. Ih1. anQ trl and uny murtgagc inwranc� pr�mium
<br /> .J�.r;.: �,
<br />° M•:: rvt��� ��. � insrrllment that Lender hu+not become ohliguted to pay t��thc Srrretury�,anJ Lrnd�r.hall prampUy refurxl•rny rx�rs>furxi�t��
<br /> u'�'t"-''•""�' Borrower. lmnx�diately pri��r tu n foreclo+ure �alc of thc ProExrty or it. a��yui,iti�►n by L.ender. Born>wer'�ur�Y�unt shull bc
<br /> ;.�:�+�11;���. . �
<br /> ,:,���„��;;;;.:;- ;�.., credited with any baluner remuining fiu all instullments tiir item.1u). �b►,arxl Ic).
<br /> : � �•,�.� .�
<br /> � ; �xia:�._-.:..:u�,�
<br /> • ,r��.°' °�t"i`•'•-�• 3.A iication of Pa ments.All a•ment>utder ara ra h.1 :►�xi 2 .hall he u lictii h L..�nJer uti fulluwa:
<br /> ' � . :.�"i�;::�:��.•� . PP Y P') P' S P PP Y
<br /> ;� :�h,,. .:r
<br />... ..a �.�.��r.,�4 rti�
<br /> , ' ,1;,�.-....�.�..,. �: Fint.tc�thc rnurtgage insurancr premium to be puiJ by L.enJcr tu thr Scrretur}•ur tn thc monthly rharge by tho Sec:ret�r�.
<br />��"�+,� :,;.�y•„�_, ., inste�id of the monthly mong•rgc in.urancr premium;
<br /> ;.°, -
<br /> ,
<br /> -<A�. ;-.:;,,•. Second, to any taxes,+perial a+k+time�it,,lea�ehi�ld p:tyment.or gruund rentti, and tirr, ticxxl a�x1 othcr Iw�►rd inwrance
<br />, �; " premiums. as required:
<br /> __ �F.I,t��f.'. ..
<br /> � :�,�p.;��^ Third,to intercst due under the Note:
<br /> �s� ��?� �� ..- Faurth. to amortitatiun of the princi}ul of the Note:
<br /> 4A �y�tY'�*•,.• • Fiflh,to lute churgc�Jue under thr Nate.
<br /> :ii ,��#�:Y:i}�,; , .
<br /> _ �u_ _•- _ �.qA1NEl P+��o�s
<br />___ '�� ;u' ,�,:'`..': , .
<br /> �� {tii,`,���'*ry��%
<br /> _1i,'f �.
<br /> '��
<br /> - -_ }�•. .-... �-.....r,e.,-ry�,r 7,_ ..__ .
<br /> —_'� c c .' . .,'`lyc... c . .i- ,,�.t..� . •.,.r����R.�..
<br /> - -�, . . 4 �'�tf .&+.� Sft0Yx4.�.�1i'ur��..
<br /> — —�?1nJ.c3:tii'� �-:i�c.rsc.ezi>>..�.�.,1.0.[,a ZL..s•3nF..�.`�� •`� ,L, ,��—.
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<br /> '•"s. , . _ _. �r,vi+veu fr ir�' ^i+T4.•�"�t+e. r. .., .
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