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<br /> 7�OCiE'('HFR WITH�II the improvranetiu tww or he�rattw'erocled an the praperty,�nd dl c�sam�nts.�ppurtaw�as�.
<br /> — wd itxtut�et now or het�eailer�p�ut ot the propeny. hii r�yi�incuW Wnt in�iliiarW wS�iti xiw i,o wva�xt ty Itda Sctiur{ty
<br /> Inanunent. Al!of the fa�oin=is�femed w in this Security In�wu�t n dw"P�''nPNtiY"
<br /> BORltOWER COVFNAN7'S tlwt Bortower is l�wfuUy eeisod o!the estalo h�eroby annveyed and hrs the ri�ht to p�rN,
<br /> �nd canvey the Property�nd thu the Pmperty Is w�arcuntberod,caapt far a�cumlxnca ot crcad. �ocmwu wur�Mi ad �
<br /> '.�_°- —`. wiil defrnd gener�ily tM titk W the PrnpeRy tgdnst�I et�ims and�ommd�.wbjoc t a�ny encumMsncxs oF cocard.
<br /> THIS S�CUEtITY INSIRUMENT combincs uniform coven�nW for natiot�l u�urd na�•uniform cavrnuus witb
<br /> "'""" ---- - limited vuiaaons by jurisdictiun to r.onctituts p uniform�ec:urity In�t�ument coverin�RSl prc�erty.
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS. Bonower and l.ender covemnt u�d a�roe�r idbw�;
<br /> 1. P�ymmt o�Printiql aw!Ipterati PreWJmeat�d Late Clw�a. Bamwer ah�ll pcamM1Y PAY when due�ht+
<br /> pdnciptl of u�d inte�t cx►tho debt evldenced by the Nots and anY prop�Yment uid Iua ch�rgas ctuo under the Note.
<br /> 2, F�pd�tor'llues and I�wraace. 5ubjact to Applicablo law or to�wdtttn waiver by Lcnder.Bcxrower shall psy ta ,
<br /> L.cnder on the day manthly p�yments nre due under the Nate.until the Note is paid In full,�fium("Fundc")for:(a)yauly
<br /> wces and usessmentt which rtwy actain priority ovcr this Security Insuument �s R lien on the Praperty:(b>Yuuly leasch4kl ;
<br /> - WYments or ground rents on the Prope�'ty. if any: (c) Yearly hazard or prapaty insuruixx qumiums: (�) Ye�uly ticad �
<br /> insurance prcmiums. if any; (e)yeuly mangage insurancc premiums, if anys u�d(t)any sumc peY�bic by Ba�mvver ta �
<br /> -- I.ender.in nccordance with[he provisions of paragnph 8.in lieu of the prymrnt otmangrge insurance premiums. Tixse
<br /> items arc callod"Escrnw Items" I.ender may,at any tin'x.collect And twld Fundc in�n anaunt nat to exceod!he m�ximum,
<br /> amount�►lender fa a federaily�elated mortgage lou► may requi�e for Bomowerb escrow aocount uncler the fMernl Roal��
<br /> "`° Fstue Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 as art�ended from time to t�me.12 U.S.C. f?bOl et seq.("RESPA"),unkas�twthet
<br /> law that applies to the F1�nds sds a lesser amount. If so.Lender m�y.at�ny time,cdloct and twid Wnds in�n amoiuu iwt ta,,
<br /> -_-- excxd the lesser nmount. I.ender may esGmate the amcwnt of�imds duc on the b�u►is of cutrent data aad roasa►�Isi�
<br />-- estimates of expenctitures of futur�e Escrow Items or dherwise in�ccordw�a with ippliczbk l�w.
<br /> - The Punds sfwll be f�eld in an institution whox deposits,sua.insured by� fedarnl agency.insuumrntality, cx cntiry��
<br />-- '�`- (including Lender,if Lender is such an institutlon)or in any Ftidrxal Home Loui Ban�• Lender shn11 apply the Fi�r�ds ta p}y�•
<br /> �-'�^ tbe Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and app�ying tlx Funds.annually analyr.ing the escrnw�
<br /> �_� account, or verifyi�g the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Bomnwec intcnst on the Funds and applicabk law permlts
<br />- Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may cequire Borrawe�to p�y a one-time charge for an independeM.rcal��
<br /> `` estate tax re�oning servlce usal by Lender In connecdon with this Iwn,unless oppliable law provides othenvisa. Unhsa w,
<br /> _-- agreement is made or applicteble law requires interest to be paid,l.ender sh�ll nat be roquired to pay Borrc,wer any ir�t.s�tr.�t or�
<br /> X"' eami�gs on the I�nds. Bomower and Lendcr may agrce in wnting.however,that intrnast shall be paid on the FLM��.Lender
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the FLar�s•au�d tht
<br /> '� pwpose for which each debit to the FUnds was made, The Fw►ds are pledgod av additionrl secu�ity for all suma�sear�red by
<br /> �;r� � this Securiry Instn,ment.
<br /> �- - — ii the FuncL,hcld by L.C�kic� a�cc�d ii� ar�wan� pc�itt� to trt htls3 by app3icable law, Ltn!�r s1.�1t���;cM���o
<br /> Rorrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requvements of applicabte i4w. If the amount of tht W+r�held by
<br /> ��,, , .•. I.ender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when dne,Lender may so not�fy Borcower in wcitia�,smd.in
<br /> • �+':= ,,;�::;,� such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the�cicncy. Borrower stwl! tt�ke up the
<br /> . 1•, r
<br /> __- �► . �}.4r1;�:""� de�ciency in no more than twelve monthly paymems,at l.ender's sole discrction.
<br />- > '���`•'����'::�'• Upon payment in fail of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lendershall pmmptly refund ta�aTOwer any
<br /> �l`� `�"1°�'"'""'•'"�"�> Funds held b I�nder. If,under ara ra 21, l.ender shull ac wre or seU the Pro rt Lender, rior ta tlxr ac uisition or
<br /> "1;�1.�'�eH,-• .. �r.�� . Y P b' Ph 9 � P� Y� P a
<br /> " '�w• � • �- sale of the Property, shalt apply any Funds held 6y I.ender ut the time of acquisitfon or sale ac�crcdit against the sums
<br /> ���`Y �� " � secured b this Securi Instrumcnt.
<br /> - : :': .c�,5x'..���:u y �
<br /> .:,;_;,.,,4 , , i•,_ 3. Applicalion of Payments. Unles� applicuble law pravides otherwise. all payments received by I.ender uoder
<br /> ... ����,�._, paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to nmounds�payable under
<br /> �`*�� ,:,,}•,:,�:..:,,� ,-.,;r;, p a r a g r a p h 2;third,to intercst due;fourth,to principal due;�nd last,ro any late charges due under ttKS Noto:
<br /> �.'��` ' :�. 1�'`"� .- 4. Charges; Liens. BoROwer shall pay atl texcs, assessmencs, churges, fines and imp4sidone attributable to the
<br /> � '�'`�``� Propecty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leusehold payments or ground rents,if any. Barrower
<br />_ �; _ . _�
<br /> . . . ' shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in ihat manner.Botrower shull pay them on
<br /> , � ��,, ;.. ta time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lenderall notices of umounte to be paid under
<br /> �.,,: � r, , .. this paragraph. If Borrawer makes these payments directly.Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to Lend�r meipts evidencing
<br /> ,� ��=: . • the payments.
<br /> '•�•.t'- Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priarity over thic Seeurity Instrument unless Boaower:(a)agrees
<br /> . . in writing to the payment of tfie abligation securcd by the licn in a manner accept�ble to Lendcr,(b)contcsts in good faith the
<br /> ;;�: , lien by.or defends asainst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedingy which in the Lender s opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secares from thc holder of thc lien an agrecment sat isfactory to Lxnder subordinuting the lien
<br /> �' ` �Y' t to this Securiry Instrument. if Lender determin�s that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> �. �•.
<br /> ..-� S:: `� _ over this Security Instrument.Lender may sive Borrower a notice identifyrog the lien. Borrower�hall satisfy the lien or talce
<br /> -�- '"'�'�"'`s�° � ' one or more of the actions set forth above within !O duys of the giving of notice.
<br /> ��' ,.;" S. Na�rd or Property Insurance. Borrower shall kecp thc improvernent s naw existing or hereufter erccted on the
<br /> ` •� � Property insured against loss by�re,hazurds included within the tecm"cxtended coccrage" and any other hazards,including _
<br /> �.... �d.�;4_ ,,. floods or flooding,for which Lender Mquires insuru�ce. This insurance shatl be maintained in tha amounts and for the
<br /> �:, r�.:........ --
<br /> �...• j.. •: . .
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