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<br /> �__ �91- 1U8849
<br /> ;�,� s. H�ard or pmpply lawar�ntx� Borrnwa slull Iceep the improvement� now esieting or hereafter eroctod on the
<br /> -=� Pnoperty insurod nQninst loss by firo,hAVerda included within the tam "cxtended covers+ge' �d any aher hazards, includin�
<br /> --= ilooda or flooding.for which l.ondar n+nuircs inwmnc�e.Thls insurance shwll bc mainwinod in�he w�uwms nrid Por the periods
<br /> "'— ----- that l.ender requires. The insurWnoo c�rtiar pn►viding �he Insurance siwll be cha.en by Bormwer subject ta Lenckr'h approv�l _
<br /> ,-�� _�� which shall not bc unrcasonAbly withhald. Tf Borrower faik to muintain rnverage de�crlt+e�i Ahnvc, l.ender may. �t Lender's —
<br /> ` option,obwin rnverage ta prMCCt l:endnr's�i�hts in the Prapeny in accordonce wlth pamgmph 7.
<br /> ,_,� �� All inwronce policies and ronewal�.Fhail be accxptable ta Lender and sha11 include a s�undurd mortgage cluuse. I.ender T
<br /> , ,•__ __ _ ____ _ shnll have tha dght to hold�ho�Ifaies and ronewulc. If Lender requires. Borrower ahull promptly give to Lender all receipts af
<br /> paid premiums u�d mnewal nMicas. ln tha avanl of loss.Borrower slwll give prornpt notica�o the inwrunce carrier and l.ender.
<br /> �,�.,.__��;,:. I,e�er may make pmof oi loss if not mAda promptly by Borrower. _
<br /> �- Unless Lender and Barrowar c►thor�vico agt�ce in writing.insurance proceeds sha�l be applied co restoratian or repair of the _
<br /> ----_- L property damaged,ii the restaratinn ar rcpair is aconomically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.if the restoratioo or _
<br /> .:'� �.ss��1V �., repair is rat economically faasibla ot I.�ndar's secu�ity would be lessened.the irasurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums _
<br /> _ - __--="v':4°u�'�-`�' Becured by this Secudty Instrumant,wt�othar ar not tlKn due. with nny ezcess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> =-'�`�'� � `� Property,or does not answar within 30 deyu a notice from Lender that the insurance c�rrler has offered ia setUe a claim, then E-�
<br /> -- � '" l.,ender rwy co!lect the insurancn procaccl&. [xnder may uce the pr�►eeeds to repair or restore the Property ar to pay suma �_
<br /> -;�r,�'��;���,y� se�ured by Ihis 5ecurity Instn�ment. whuther or not�hcn due. The 30-day period will begin when the notice ia giv�n.
<br /> - �� -�� Unless Lendcr and Bu�mwar mherwise agree in wri�ing, any application of proceeds to principal shall no1 eatend or _
<br /> "_"- `.".n �.�,�L�.
<br /> _�~��rn�—���� pasipone the due dale of the monthly(�ayments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 �r change tha amount of tt�e payments. If _
<br /> - �n��r{iv�r���=Da;::�'•
<br /> o� -..,n;.0��ti,,,�`� , unefer para�raph 21 the Proprrty is ,tuuquired by Lender,Rorrower s r�ght to any insurance policles and praceeds resulting from �
<br /> 9
<br /> -��-='rn,�:''�;�y�;= damage to the Property Prior to tha ucquicition shall pass to Lender to the exten�of the sums secured by this Serurity Instrument -_
<br /> -`�°-�`"`"�"�`-.: inunediately priar�a tha acqui6idnn. �
<br /> .Y�j ti. �.
<br /> - f..."�;;�.:�;, 6.Occupancy.Pr�rvaHan,.Maintenance and Protection of t6e Properly;Borrower•s I.oan Appllcation;I.easeholda.
<br /> �� � ' ' ,,,;.,,�, Borrower shall arcupy,oslabllah,and use the Property as Bnrrower's p�incipul residence withiu sixty duys aRer the execution of ��*
<br /> _�.�'t'' �� this Securiry Instn�mom and�shall cc►ntinue to occupy the Prciperty a.ti Borrower'R principal resideace for ut least ane year ufter =_
<br />=�''�.a� ��,�,,,�..._w_,,,_ the date of occupancy. unlacs l,andar otherwise agrees in wriling. which consent shall na be unreu.tionably wfthheld, or unletic _
<br /> _1i��;`;, �'� extenua�ing circumstances exixt which ore beyond Barrower's control. &�rmwer shall not de�troy, damage ar impair �he
<br /> .J���. -_
<br /> - °'���A��F, Propeny, ullaw the Propeny to deteriarnte. or commii wu�te ��n thc P�opcny. &►nower shall i�e in defAUlt if any fi�rfciwre �,_
<br /> __-�z* i.;,.�' .;. uctiun ur pmce�Jing, whe�her civil or criminul, i�c bc�gun tiwt in l.erxle�'+g�x�l falth JuJgmem cauld rerul� in forfelturc��f�he _
<br /> __,��.*�: r • r Propeny or a�herwise materiully impuf� the lien created by�his Securlty In+irumr.n�or Lender's securiry interest. BnRUwer may _
<br /> _ __ ti��,�, , cure cucb a dofauU wxl reinswto,uK pmviJod in�amgraph IB,by cuutiing ihe action or praceeding to be dismissad with a ruling
<br /> w,,. ,��, T� •. � ilsat, ia l.er�der's goac! fa�th de!crsminesion. prc!�lu�1r�forfeiture nf thc Burrowa;r's intercst in thc Property or atMer material _
<br /> - �� impaim�ent of the Ilon craatod by this Security Instrument��r I.ender's �ecuriiy interect. Borrower shall also 6e in default if __
<br /> ��� •�Y �� Borrower,during tho Inan application pracess,gAVe maierially folse or inaccurate information or statements to C.ender(or failed
<br /> • to provido l.ender a•ith any material infomiation) in connectian with the loun evidenced by the Noce, including,but not limited �`-
<br />• ;�: � to.repre.gentAtions ooncbming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny su u principsd residence. If this Security Instn�ment is on a Frs�'
<br /> • leauhotd, Borrower sball comply wilh all the provisions of the leuse. If Borrower acquires fee tille to the Property, the
<br /> � ' y'� � , leagehald and Ihe fce title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. �„
<br /> - "�' 7.Prolection of I.cader's RI�IN�in the Properly.If Borcowcr fuils to perfarm the covenants and agreements wntained in
<br /> ' ' "'�"� �i'-� � this Security Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding th•rt may significanNy affect l.ender's rights in the Property (such as a �"�
<br /> b� � proeeeding in bankruptcy,prob�le, for conclemnation ar fort'eiture or to enForce laws or rcgulations), then I.ender may do and o,�_.
<br /> E.�;:_
<br /> ' ' �''���;;'� pay for whatever is necessury to protact the vnlue of the Prapeny and l.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> '�4"� ' include paying uny sums secured by a lien which hac priority over thi� Security Instrument, appearing in court. paying �.��.�;
<br /> �. r. � �fl,.°, `
<br /> � ,,�y�r,�;(_,�,';"`` reasonable attomeys'fees urxl entcring on the Property to make repairs. Althougl�Lender may take action under this paragraph C:;-;'
<br /> �j t, 7.I.ender does not havt to do so. �`:
<br /> �:..
<br /> . �,,� � . � My amouMs dis6ursecl by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall became additional debt of Borrower secured by this �.
<br />` ;��.-:. . . Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lendcr a ree to other terms of a ment. these amounts shall bear interest from Ihe
<br /> ;;{,:��,�,'- � ,r: date of disbursement ot the Note rate and shull be puyable, with in�erestp upan notice from L.ender to Borrower requesting -��-n
<br /> ��..: . _
<br /> .�,� payment. �
<br /> • . 8. Mortgage InsurAnee. If Lender required mortFuge i��suranre a�u condition of mnking the loan secured by this Securiry
<br />: ; ';��, . Inslrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required w maintain the mortgage inwrance in effect. If, for any reason. the �
<br /> � � mortgage insurance coverage required l�y Lender Inpses or ccases to be in effect,Borruwer shull pay the premlums required ro �'
<br /> • obtein coverage substontiully equivalent to the mortgage imurance prcviously in effixt, ut a wst substantially equivulent tu the =,�,.
<br />� ' cost to Bormwer of the mortgage insurance pre�inusly in cffut, from un alterr�te murtgu�e insurer npproved by I.ender. If -
<br /> � • substuntially equivalent mortgugc in�urance coverage is nut uvuilable.Borrower shall p�y to l.ender each month a sum equal to `}��
<br /> " , , one-twelfth of the yearly mortgoge insurancc premiurn 6eing pc�iJ by &xrowrr when the insurunce coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br />• ' be in ei�'ext. Lender will accept,use and retain these puyments a., a I��x� reserve in lieu of mongage insurence. l.os+ re�erve
<br /> ' ,. Form 3028 8180
<br /> Pap�]ot 6
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