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<br /> -- Q 108848
<br /> - 7t'aC3ETHER 11VITN all the impr�vementr now or tiacafler erectod on the propeny,aA7���emaits,apputtenmca.�nd
<br /> tixtures naw ar hercafter a pwrt of the pmpeny. AU rcplu�ements and additions siwll alcc� bo covaal by thi� Secudry
<br /> Imwmrnt.All ot the forcgafn�is rcfenod to in thi�Security Instrument wi the"Pn�perty"
<br /> -- BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowe�is lawfully rcised af�h�est�tc hereby rnnveyed wid has the right t��{rant�td
<br /> wnvey the Propeny ond tiwt thc PropenY is ur�t�cumberod,cxcept far encumbroncex of t+ecaM. Bormwer warr�ntc and will
<br /> �"���'�:� defend generally the tide to ihe Property aguiost�II claims and de�c.subJect to any encumbrances of nxurd. ___
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform cavetu�nt�for natianAl use und non-unifomi covenants with limitod
<br /> :-� ----� -__-_� verlationv by jurisdiction to mnuiture A uniform r�ecu�ily instrument rnvering real pr��peny.
<br /> — - -
<br /> � UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower end l.ender covenant and agree us Pollows:
<br /> --- 1. Payment of PrincipAl and lntere�; Prepoyment ond I.wte Ctwrges. BoRawcr chall promptly pay when due �he
<br /> - - principal of and inten�st on Ihc debt evidenved by the Nwc and any prcp�yment end late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ._�- 2. Funda for Toxes ond Ittsuranoe. Subject to applicuble law ar to u wr�tten waiver by I.ender, Borrower nhall puy to
<br /> _•-,.: Lender on the dsty monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,u sum("Funds")for:lu)yearly tanes
<br /> -- --=` ��:� and asc�vments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument ug u lien on thc Pmperty:lb1 yeurly leasehald payments
<br /> �"`'''"��-� or graund rents on the Property,if su�y:lc)ywrly hazard or praperty insurance premiums:(dl Yeurly iload iasurunce premiums. �
<br /> _ ___—_j`�.� if ony;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums.if ony;and l� any sum�payable by Hormwer ta Lender, in accordance with —
<br /> ------- the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu uf the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.7'hese items are callod"Escrow Items."
<br /> ___--�,-� Lender may. at any time, coilect and hold Funds in an atnount nat ta oxceeal the ma�cimum amount a lender for a federally �;:.7
<br /> _= ' related mongage loan may require far&�rrawer's escrow accaunt utKler the federol Real Fswte Scttlement Pracedures Act of _
<br /> :�.� 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.5.C. Sectian 2601 et seg.("R6SPA"),unl�.s anather law that applies to Ihe Funcla --
<br /> _.�.
<br /> ----- ' - sets a lesser anxWmt.'If ao� I.ender may, at any timer rnUect aad hold Funda in an Amount nm to exceed �he le.gser amoum.
<br /> ____ � ��'�� Lender muy estimate the amount of Funds due an the basis of current data und reagonable estimutes of expenditures af future `
<br /> -��—�`�"!' Escrow items or othetwise in accordance with�pplieable law.
<br /> -���.;. .,
<br /> +r>• .• The Funds shall be held in un institution whase deposits are i�sured by a feder�i ngency, instrumentality, or cntity
<br />_.�— �L�t� 35�:�.`. i —��
<br /> �_�i�,4�( . (includiog l.ender,if I.endcr is such an institution)or in any Federal Hame l.aan Bank.L.ender�hall apply the Funds to pay the v _
<br /> s-'»�• ,�?3• Escrow Items.i.cnder may not charge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds,annually unrlyzing the escmw account,or
<br /> . � Y �`= verifying the Escrow Items,unlesa l.ender payx eorrower inte�est on the Funds m�d applicable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> �-''���`� . e char e However.[.ende�muy require Borrower to pay u nne-time chorge for on independeM rcal estate tuz reporting service
<br /> a--��`�'' g ' —
<br /> .���„,{� . used by L.er�der in rnnnection wi�h ihix I�wn, unler� applic�ble law pravides ��therwi�e. Unle�ti an ugrecnunt is nmdc ��r �
<br /> •�.�„��,:r� applicuble law requires interest to t+e puid, I.cnder xhull not t►c rcyuired to puy Bnrn�wer uny inlerext or eumingti on 1hc Funcl�.
<br /> ''�'r`""�� ' BoROwer and L.ender nmy agrcc in wrfling,howcvcr,tlui� intercct shull t+c paid un thc Fu�xl�. l.enJer shull givc�o&�ROwer,
<br /> �L.'�'�r3ir..i• • ---
<br /> _ _-- - _- uishcwt cl:arge. �s s�ss►tus! m:ctxsnt4ng t!f tltc Ft��xl�. �lu�winy, crali��u�ul Jebi�� to thc Fun�l�unl �he pu�k fi�r which euch �
<br /> �?_::�+:�� debit�o�he Fundr wuti mwle. The Funds arc pledg��l a�uJditiuns�l,ecurity fi►r ull sums+ccur�d by thiv S��curity In�tn,ment.
<br /> ���, �.:
<br /> � ,rr If the Fundw held hy l.ender exrced thr umuun�s permiu�wl m he held by upplicahle luw,IAnJer,hull acrouna a�&�rruwcr
<br />-�- �� ;, for the rxcezs Fundx in ucconlarne with Ihc rcyuircme�xti��f opplirable luw. If thc unwunt�►f thc Fund.r• hrW by L.cixler ut uny
<br /> L.._ ;,.
<br /> time i��xit suflicfent w pay the Excn�w Items whcn due,l.enJcr muy xn notify Bnrrowcr in w�iling,u�xi. in tiuch rase R�►r�i�wer
<br /> — •�w^ ��:;� :..
<br /> �,,,,,,..:�, shull pay to Lender the umc►unt nece.wry to muke up 1he detiriency. Bormwer shull muke up�he deficie�xy in no more than _
<br /> ,_� x'�rt': . ' twelvc monthly payments,at L.c�xler's sole Jiscretion.
<br /> --_� '+�'�'"� `•%' Upon payment in full of all +ums sG�cureJ by this Sccurity Instrument, L.ender tihnll promptly rel'und ti� BoROwer uny
<br /> -- r,. ��, . •.:.,. .
<br />��r�F ��,,� , Fundx held by l.ender. If,under par�graph 21, I.ender shull acyuire or sell the Property. Lender,prlur to the acquisitian or wle
<br /> ��?� ,,,,LK,.. . . �_ , of the Pmperty,shull apply uny Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale uc u credit aguinst the sums secured by
<br /> • t6is Security Instrument.
<br /> � '' 3.A icaUon of Pa ments.Unless a I��abte luw rovidc�otherwise,ull a ments received b Lender unJcr Ara•ra hg �"...
<br /> ,L_ :.��', .,,, . pp� Y PP �' P P Y Y P b P � —_
<br /> _,_,��;•�__� '�` " „ 1 und 2 �hull be upplied: tint,to any prepaym�:nt churges due under the Nute: secand,to amountx payable under puragruph 2:
<br /> -_�-�"?"'" ' third,to interest due;fnurth, to principal due: anJ lust,ta any late charges due unJer thc Note. �
<br /> _ - •;,,� � --
<br /> �':�?�' ° ' 4.Chargeg: Liens. Borrower shrll pay ull taxrn,ussessmentti,charge+, fincs and impasitions uuributable to the Pruperty _ _
<br /> —.��-` '. • •� which may ottain priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrument, onJ Iearrhold payments or ground rent�. if any. &�rrower shull pay ��;�:
<br /> ''��: thesc obli ations in the manner rovided in ara rn h 2,or if rnH uid in that manner, &�rrowcr.hull n them on time Jirertl
<br /> - . �., . , ,y� B P P' R P P PY Y �
<br /> ' �".�-��t`•���,, _ , � to the penon owed payment. &�rrowcr.hall prumptly furnish to l.cndcr:�11 nalicer ot'amounls to be puid under this parugraph. _
<br /> -���:_.�-. :-.
<br /> - ---i��`• " if Borrower makes these payn�nty dir��Uy,Borrower,hull pmmpNy furnish to L.endcr rcceipt�eviJencing the p•rymentx.
<br /> �� ��,-� ;?�':��': Borrower shwll promptly disrhurge any licn whirh hati priority ovcr this S��:uriry Instrumem unless Bc�rrower. lu1 agrees in =
<br /> "� —_.,:�__-
<br />-:�=.;�ti�7:�; writing to the payment of the�obligution scrurrd by the lien in u munner acreptAble tu l.rndrr:Ib)ronlcxts in giwd faith the lien _
<br /> -__:� ' ����.,.�,. . by, ur defends ogAinst enforcement of thc licn in. Icgal pmc��edings whirh in thr lwrnJrr'� �,pinion opera�e ai prevent the ��
<br /> -_ :` enforcement of thc lien;or(c)xcure�from thr h��ld�r uf the lien an ugree�mnt wti.l'uctun•to Lender suM�rdinating Ihe lien to
<br /> • � � ' this Se�urity Instrument, If L.enJcr dclenninrti �ha� any pun of Ihc Pra�xrty i.�ubject tu a licn whi�h may ullain priority over ��
<br /> �':?�;:; . �'':
<br /> ;�.,;;, • thi�S�:rurity In,lrumcnl. Lcndcr muy gier &�rraurr a n��ticc idcntili•ing thc licn. l�,rrmvcr�hall �uli�fy thc licn��r tnkc imc��r �-
<br /> ...�'- . : more�►f the uctions set Forth ai�wc wi�hin 10 day.��f'thc�.iein��,1'ixnirc. '
<br /> ,_
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