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<br /> app�icablc law nuy �pecffy For rcipuxtement)beforo s�le of the Property purnus►m tu my power of r�le conWned in this
<br /> -- __- °;,cur�ty Is�strumcnt;or(b)enay of a}udgTnesst�farcinQ this&ecurity IInstre�ment. Th!►se caM�tlona ere that Aorrower: (e)
<br /> p�Y�I,ender �Il cu� which then would be due ander thi: Securiry In�tcu�eX�����n en rc nce�kralio�nuh�d
<br /> occumed;(b)curcs�ny default of ar�y other covnrunts or agraments:(c)p�y pe � Y
<br /> Insmunent, inctuduig.but not Umiud to,re�son�ble +►ttomeya'[as;and(d1 take�such Mction a Lender may ro�wx�bly
<br /> — ----- -- ca�ulr�to a:stue thQt t!x lien of th�s Srcu�ity Incmiment,f.�ndec:c rfghtv In the Prc+peny and&�m�wer�abligat�on to pny Ihe _
<br /> � — wm: securcd by this Secur�ty InsuumEnt shatl continue unclungcd. Upon rcfnst�tement by Borrower. this Security
<br /> �� — Tnsuument and the obligetions secured hereby shall rcmain fully effectivt is if no�eeeleraUan had occurred. Howover.this
<br /> �� riQht to reinstate shall not apply in the cuse uP acceleratlon under p�uaYrwph 17.
<br /> 19. Ssk ot Note=Ch�a�e ot Loan Sawkw. Thc Notc or a Wrtitl inrereat ln the Note (toyether with this Security
<br /> — Inst�ument)msy be sold one ar morc times wlthout prior�wtice ro }brrower. A s�le may rcsult in�clu�nge in the entity
<br /> __-- (known its the"l.o�n Servicer")that cotlxts monthly payments due w►der the Note and this Securiry Inswment. There�Iso
<br /> may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer u�rel�ted to a sale of the Nae. If ttxte ia a change of the Lan Servicer.
<br /> Borrower will be given writun notice of the change in accordance with puagraph l4 above and applicable law. The notice
<br /> ------- wiU state the nAme and addrcss of the new Loan Servtcer and the addms to which payments should be made. The nodce wllt
<br /> - �i� `- ' `� alao contain any other information requiral by applicablc law.
<br /> — — 28. Hssprdous SNbatitaace�. Borrower shall not cause or pemnit tNe presence,use,disposal,storage,or nlease of any
<br /> � . Haa.u+dous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, na albw anyone else ta do. anything affecti�g the
<br /> Prope�ty that is in violadon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> stw�gc on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances ttmt are generally recogniud to be sppropriatc to normal
<br /> -s" residenaal uses and to maintenance of the Properry.
<br />� � Barower sh�ll{momptly give Lrnder written notice of any investi�ation,claim,demand,lawsuit or ott�er acdon by any
<br /> govemm�ntal or rogulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> 'i . 'Yr����""' Law of whtch Barowa has actuAl knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is notifiad by any govemmental or regulatary
<br /> Y �M y.
<br /> _ y�:; authority.that any cemoval or aher remediation of any Huardous Subsiance affecting the Propeny is necessary.i3arower
<br /> " . �r.^ �-�� shal(promptly take stll necessary rem�dial uctions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> � '��� � �«,. ,,�•� � As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazurdous Substances"arc those substances defined as taxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> . F� � , n , Environmental Law aind the following substances: gasoline,kerosene. dher flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> ., ,±�,r�t�':'.�.:
<br /> �'"'"'� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,matcrials containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde,and radioactive materiais. As
<br /> , ^ .. ._ •., used in ihis paragraph 20,„Environmentul L.aw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Praperty is located
<br /> u'�.�r;,;�,s:.,;;;�.;,. itiat rel�te to health,safery or environmental protection.
<br /> "-• '_ :;;... NON-UN[FORM COVENAN7'S. Bortower and Leuder further covenant and agree as fallows:
<br /> -, �'ir�:�Aa::�-,� �' 21. Accelemtiot�;Remedks. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower pMor to Acceleration fdbwing Barrower's
<br /> �:I. " °� f,M�a• • breach of any covenant oc agnement in t6is Securlty Instrument lbut not prior to acceleration under paragraph 17
<br /> �•�. L.;;'. .
<br /> t `���•.,�,�� �r unless�pplicAble bw provWes otherwise). The notice shall specit'y: (al the default;(b)the acNon reyui�ed to cure the
<br /> ,y,-„,,,. ;,_ dstassli;(c)�sl�tr,stc!!e�lhast 34�sys frosss!!st sletr the n9lke Ig give�!to�►rrower,by which the defAWt must be
<br /> .�.�, ' cured;and(d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date specited in the notice msty result in acceleration ot
<br /> ". � the su�g recured by this Security Instrument And sale of the Property. 'I'he notice shall further info�m Bur�ower of
<br /> � ' • !he�tght to reinstate after acceler�tbn and the right to brin�a caurt acsion to assert the�on�existence of a defauit or
<br /> �� ' ' Any ather defense af Burrowe�to accelerAtion and sale. [f the default is nat cured on or before the date specified in
<br /> � .:� :� -� the notice,I.ender at its option may require immediate payment ln full os a�l sums secured by this Securit�•Instrument
<br /> , .. wlthout further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law
<br /> I.e�der shall be entitled to cullect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provlded in this paragrAph 21,
<br /> ' '' " including,but oot limited to.reasonable attorneys'fees and cosGs ot title rvidence.
<br /> - • � , it tMe p►wer of sale is invoked.Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part af the
<br />'�' � Property is tocated and shall mail mpie�of such notice in the manne�prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> �„>: �r . � , ••�.. � the other persons prescribed by appliruWc law. ARer the time reyuired by s�pplics�Ble law.'I�ustee shol!pive pubiic
<br /> notice of sale to the persons and in the munner p�escribed by applicublr Iyw•. 'Itustee.without demand on Borrower,
<br /> , shs�ll sell the Property at public auction to the hiRhrst bidder at the time r�nd plare vnd under the terms desi�nated!n
<br /> , the notke of sale in one ur more parcelc and in any orde�7Yustee determines. 7lrustee m�y postpone sale oP all ar any
<br /> • parcel of the Property by pubiir announcement at the time�nd pluce of�ny pre�•iuusty scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> ';' � desi�nee may purchase the Property�t s�ny sale.
<br /> ;;, -,. Upon receipt ot payment of ihe price bjd,7Yustee shull delt�•er to ihe purcbaser'I1�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ��. Propertv The recitnls in the Trustee's deed sh�ll be prima fi�cie eeide�rr of the truth of the sts�tements made iherein.
<br /> ,f Y;� "• 7Fustee shAll apply the pracreds of the wir in the futluwing urder. ts�l tu all custs and expenses of exercising the pox�er
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