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<br /> condemn�tian cN aher alcin�{of�ny put at'�he Pn►pcKy,nr for wnvey+uxr in lieu oi'cw�lemiwdon�ars hercby+irtil�{na1 wd
<br /> __ _ �ha�l be ptid to i,encier. _
<br /> In thc even!of� taal taking of thc PropcKy. �he proceedx sh�l1 be applircf tn thc xumx«ecurcd by thf� Secudty
<br /> In+trument. whether ar nnt then due. wlth wny cxcesK{wi�1 w BotsuK-cr. In �hc cvcn� af w{+�rtiul�okin�oP tF�e Pro4xrty iu
<br /> - ---- which thc fair murket v�lue af the Piropeny immedirtely t+ctixc ihr tuking iti�wunt to ur greatrr�hwn the�nxwnt nf the�umx
<br /> ������ µ.Yu�ad by thi� Se�wity Iay!-umcnt immcdiatcly tnfbrc the laking.unle�+liurn�wer u�xl I.rr�k r c►tt�rrwlse u�erce in w�iting,
<br /> ,..— � — thc sumr securcd by this Security lnsin�mcnt xhrll bc rcduceJ by thc unx►unt uf ihc prcxeeds multipUcd by thc fallowiny
<br /> -�-----_- fraciinn: (n)�he tMUI anxwnt of the xum��ecured immecfiutely bcti►re the tukinF.dividcd hy(b1 thr fuir market vuluc of the
<br /> ,�=}� Pmpeny immedi�►tely hefarc thc trking. Any bulurn�.huli tk puid to Rorc��wrr. In thr cvent of u purtin! teking ot'thc _
<br /> Property in which the f�ir nwrket vulue of ihc Property immediutely bcforc thc tuking i. Ie,s thun the um�wnt of thc xums
<br /> securcd immedis�tely bcfnrc the taking,unle�x Barrower unJ l.cn�kr�Hherwix ugrec in writing or unlcxr� upplic�bic luw
<br /> — otherwi�e provides,the penceeds�FwU be+�p�lir.ci tu the suma xcun.�d by thic Security InYtrununt whether or nd the xums arc
<br /> then due.
<br /> If the Propeny i�ubu�doned by Bormwer.ix if,ufter �xNicc by l.en�kr to B��mnwcr th•rt thc ax�demnor affcrx to mukc
<br /> ,_:,- �:��,;,� en awurd or setde a claim for dAmagex,Rumnwer fails ta rcspond to Lendcr within 3(1 dayx aftcr thc datc tho nuticc ix given.
<br /> - --' Lender is authorizod to collect and upply the pracecdx,•rt it�c aptian.either to re�:tnrutian or rcpair of tho Proprny or to thc
<br /> — sums securad by this Security Instrumcnt,whether ur not then duc.
<br /> Unless Lender and Aurrower atherwise ugree in writ ing,any applicatian of pnx�Yds to principui +hull na cxtcnd or
<br /> � postpone�he due date of the monthly puyment+�cfcrrcd to in para�raph� I und 2 ur chunge thc umount of xuch paymcnts.
<br /> �-����� I1. Borrower Not Rekascdt Forbearam�e By l.ender Nut � Waiver. Extcnsiun of thc timc far puyment or
<br />,;;-�.r�� modification of amortizution af the sums sccured by this Ssxurity lnstcument grunted by Lender w uny+ucc��aur in int�rest
<br /> of Borrower shall not operate to rclea.�c the liability of the originul Borrower or Borrowerl+ucrcztion m Mtercst.Lender
<br /> . r•..p•'��
<br /> �,.,;;,,r,�,�;.i',-::.. shall not be rcyuircd w comnieiKe praeedingc aguinst any succe.r•wr in interest a refuse to extend time fix payment or
<br /> ' :s;�::•��N••-••v r otherwise madify amortization of the sums secumd by this Security Instrument by reawn of uny demand mude by the originol
<br /> . , �r'� ���"�-�_���'r• Bortower or Borrower's wcceswrs in intecest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisiag uny right or rcmedy shell not be w
<br /> �•���, ,�.:, • � waiver of or preclude the exerci�c of any right or rcmcdy.
<br /> ��'p;;,�;,�.,�.; ��t � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint pnd Severat Liability:Co-stRners• The covcoants und agr�eemcntti of this
<br /> .. •r.�: . " Security Inswment shall bind and benefit the,uc�eysora and atisigns uf Lender and Burruwer.�ubj4-ct to the provisions of
<br /> ` j;�°°`^''•'�.^"�'�' "� p3ragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agrcemenly shall be jnint and sevcral. Any Borrower who cu-sigm this Securiry
<br /> �-,::�:: .. ,...a!t�.n,�zh:- .�,
<br /> � �* � • • '- • �' '• Instrument but das not execute tlu Nae: (u)is co-tiigning this Security In�trument only to mangAge,grunt and ranvey that
<br /> � ;;�.�•.s.::..�.;-.:.•.-
<br /> a�;.� •:. �,• � Borrower�interest in the Araperty under the temis of this Security Instniment; (b)is n�t pr:nwially��ligutcd tu pay the�ums
<br />_ � ;�,��y�_� secur+ed by this Security Instnimenr,rnd(c)usrees thut Lender and any other Borrower may ag�ec to extenJ,modify.for6ear
<br /> ' ��` or make uny accommodxtians with regurd to the tem�s of this Security Instcument or the Notr without thut Borrowert
<br /> _ 1-'-.�± . -� � . •^ r,�
<br /> . � .�-. �• COIISOIII.
<br /> ,�p'g�,.�;:xe;.::�i�t6K.' 13. I.oAn Cluuges. If the loan,ecured by thi.Security In�tn�ment iti,ubject to a law which sets muximum loan
<br /> - ' charges,and that Inw is finally inrerprcted w thut the mterest or uther ioan ci�arges coiirctrd or tu i�r witecie.i in can�ctios�
<br /> � with the loun exceed the pemiitted limits.then: (a)any such lo;u�charFe tih311 be reduced by thr umoum�uceswry to redure
<br /> • the churge to the permitted limit;and(b)uny sums ulrcady callected from Bortower which rxceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> ':.,,; refunded to Burrower. Lender muy chwsr to make this refund b��Rducing thc principal owed unAcr t he Notc or by mak ing a
<br /> direct pa�•ment to Borrower. lf u retund�educes principal, the rcducti�m will be tmutcd us a p:utiul pnpuyment without any
<br />. '�;; , ��,� prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> e, � ��'''`:' 14. Natices. Any naticc to Barrowcr proviJcd fur in thi. Security In�trument shall tx given by dclivering it or by
<br /> � ';�;;� mailing it by fir:st claxs msiil unlesz applicable law reyuirex u.e of annthe�mcthai.The noticc�hull be dirccted to the Property
<br />— �` Address or any other address Borrowcr dcsignatc�by noticc to Lendrr. Atry nuticc to Lendcr tihall hc given by fint cla+s _
<br /> ' .,..•. � mail to Lender s addretis titated hercin or uny othrr uddreti,Lender d�signateti by nutic�to Borma•er. Any nntice provided for
<br /> _�'t'�'�; • " in thi� Security Inxtrument ,hall he deemed u► huvc Ixrn�:iven ta Bf�rrower or Lrndcr when given a,pruvided in this
<br /> -�: , , p:uagrnph.
<br /> - . �, 15. Governing Law�; Severs�bility. Thiti Scrurity In+trument tih•rll lx guvemed by 1'edcrul law urxl the luW of thc _
<br /> :'} jurisdiction in which the Propeny is lacuted. 1n the event that any provi�ion ur rluu,e uf thiti Security Instrument or the Note _
<br /> : '��< ::� confliets with�pplicuble law,tiuch contlirt,hull rn�t uffect uther provitiie+m of thi�Serurity In,trument or the Note which can ;''
<br /> ,,;.. _
<br /> � , :. ; �..r be given effect without the confliciing provi.ion. To thiti end the provi�ion.ot'thi. Security Instrument und the Note;ue
<br /> �;r;�:;�`, declared to bc severable. _
<br /> �� •` 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall be�;ivrn onr�untittmed cop�•of thc Notc and nT thi,Scrurity Inxtrument.
<br /> " , ,��'"` 17. 11�ar.ster oP the Property or a Beneficiul[nteretit in Borro��•cr. I t'ull ur uny part uf thc Property or uny intcrest in �
<br /> � it is sold or trunsfrrrrd lor if cs lxnefici,d intrrc�t in I3orrc�w•er iti s�ild��r trun+fcrred :uid Borcuwer i�not a natur:�l prnon) '_
<br /> �r": without Lender's prioc written conzent.Lendrr muy,at it. e�ption. reyuirc intntrdiah paymeN in full uf all tiums xecur�d by
<br /> �°:��;.:;, �M :, :.;i;� this Security Instrument. Howrvcr, thi+option shall not l�cxerciscJ by Lendrr if cxcrei.r is prohibitrd by federal law as of
<br />_� M�'•';�"' " •''��? the date of this Security Instrumcnt. -
<br />_ " ` If Lender exercises this option. Lender�hull givr Born�wcr noticc of arrclrration. 'Thr noticc shalt providc u peri�xl of
<br /> 1.,,,;, �'� not less than 30 days from thc dutc thc noticc i.drlivcrcd ur mailcd�vithin�vhich Bur�c•��cr must pay:dl�amti.ecurcd b�thi+ -
<br /> ;j��*''.... ._,;'r�:,.
<br />— -�� �` _.
<br /> `,y;Y;,,. .,� • Security Instrumcnt. If Borcowcr tail,ta pay thcsc �um�prior a�thr expiratiun at'thix peric�.Lcnder muy invoke�u►y f
<br /> r �„ �:...+�, �+emedies pertnitted by thi+Security Instrument with��ut further noticr or dem:uid un Borruwrr. _
<br /> ��r • � 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borruwcr meet� certuin ronditium. Borruwrr ,hall huve thc right to have
<br /> f�_..: ;�:.�.,�,. ,. _ .,.;�;
<br /> �,�: i -„_ . ,.,,,:�;' enforcement of thi�Security Imtrument discontinued ut any time priur to thc carlirr of: lal S dny�(ar such other pc:riod a+
<br /> ,;�. .;.,. . . �
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