'."�'_ �, _ _ y,.� : _
<br /> � .. , -�,. `_•,,:�:�
<br /> -��_ _ _ _ - - � 3- ii
<br /> TO(IEfHER WITH aU ihe improvetnaus now or hereaRer etected on the prnperty.ud al("eaemetits.q*�•�d
<br /> fixwres now or hec�a�Pter a part of the propeny. Atl rapl�amaM�► �ud additions �F�II dw be ooverod by thu Secu�ity
<br /> Irotniment.All of the foregoing is t+efemeci to in thl�Security I�uttument a the'Property."
<br /> _ — ----- bl�k�ZO�VER t�YEi�Ai.i'i'S itsat C:.trcaxr i>lawftttly s�,�zai of.1x.�c ttcrc.by rntivtycd�sd h�s tlsc ri�ht tn�rsni�
<br /> oonvey the Prc►peny and th�t the Propeny is unencumberod.exoept for encumbrances�f uc.brcl. Burrowsr warra�M�and will
<br /> dofad ger�eally ths tiUe to the P�roperty a�dnst all clwm�and denwndi.subjcet tu u►y rncumbrrnceF af rocord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRi1MBNT combina unifi�rtn rnve�wists fbr naticxu�l usc�nd non•unifw�m cove�wntr wltb limilod
<br /> ���� variationc by jurisdictian w constitute a uniform security inrtrumenc covering re�l property.
<br /> --a�-��---� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bormwcr end i.endcr rnvcnant rnd agroc ax folk�ws:
<br /> - 1. P�ymrut ot Princlpal and Iatensti PnP�Ymeat aqd I.ate Char�es. eormwe� ch�ll Pry���Y PAY Whcn dua�he
<br /> - principal of and lntercsi on the debt evidencai by the Note and nny prepaymcnt ar�d latc ch�rQea duc uraie�the Nate.
<br /> --� 2. Funds tor Tiva�s aad Inwtat�cc.Subjcet to s�pplic�ble law or to a written waiver by Lender,Buauwer shull pay to
<br /> I.ender an the day monthly payments aro due under the Nae,until the Nate is paid in full,a sum("�und�) for: (a)ycarly taues
<br /> � And asscssments which may att�in priority over ihis Secudty Instrument as a licn on the Yrope�ty: (b)ycarly le�+clwld payments
<br /> _ __ _ or ground re»Gc on tfx Property, if uny:(c)yearly huard ar pcupeny ituuru�cr premiums;(d)ycarly flaad insurance premiums.
<br /> if any; le)yearly mortgage insurwnce promiums, if any:and(� any sums payable by Burrower to Lender, in uccorJanee with
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgase fnsunuice prcmiums.These items s�re callal'Escrow Itenu_'
<br /> - - Lender may, at any dme, colloct and hold Funds in an anxwnt not ta exceecl tha maximum �mount r Iendcr far u federally
<br /> rclatod mortgage laan may nquire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Fstate Settlement Pre�cedureL Act of
<br /> __..�--�—:—�—, l974 as emended fmm time to timc. 12 iJ.S.0 Sertinn 2fi(11 ��crq. ("RP_SPA"), nnl�.a�xNher law thw a�lic�to ihe Funds
<br /> setc a t�ser arnount. If so. Lender may. at any time. collect and hold Funds in an amcwnt not to excooci the lesser amount.
<br />�:�`� Lender r►�y estimate the smoura of Fund.c duc on thc basis of cumcnt d�ta and ressonublc cs�ima�cs of czpenditures of future
<br /> I � Escrow Items or othenvise in xcordance with�pplicablc law.
<br /> - 'I1u Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are in,ured by a fcderal ugency, inunimentality, or entity
<br /> �' '�-�''�'� ' ' (including l.ender, if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federrl Home l.oan Bank.I.ender shall upply the Funds to pay the
<br /> ` ' Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Barmwer for holdiog and applying the Funds,annuully ;uialyzing the-esrrow xcount,or
<br /> • ,w_5:. .,�.;;,�;
<br /> _ verifying the Escrow hems,unless Lender pays Borrawer lntcrest on ths Funds and applicabie law permitc I.cnder to make wch
<br />�`'. a charge. However. Lender rt�ay mquire Barrower to pay a one-time ctwrge for an independent re�al estate tax reporting service
<br />_ , _ . ,,,�, usat by Lender in wmection with this Inan, unless applicablc law provick�s cxhenviso. Unless an ugreement is m�de or
<br /> �tpplicable law requircs enterest to be paid.Lender shnll n��t bc roquired to pay Burrower any interest or earningr on the Funda.
<br /> :' ;� Borrower and L.ender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall give to Borro��er,
<br />`��•' ,,�`�� � without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds,showing crcdics and debits to the Funds ond thc purpose for which each
<br /> �'' � dzbit so the Fussds s��.:r:i:sde.The Fs:�s are pledged�:additiona!�s�y fc:�M.�?sums sxesm!by lh3s Smer4t;Instri�nr�e+!
<br /> .•,r.--*.,rir•; '.
<br /> ••-r,•.••� If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amountc permittai tn be held by:ipplkable 1•rw. l.cnder sh�ll ucttwnt[o Burrower
<br /> ' `' ''' ' far the excess Funds in xrnrdance with the rcyuirenxnts of applirable law. It'che amount of the Fund�held by L,endcr at any
<br /> .s;�_,;�,..:aw..:.e,;�a
<br /> . � .:�;�; � time is nat sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when duc,l.e�xler may so notify Borrower in writing,und,in such ca.c Bor�uwcr
<br /> "'+` ~" ` `' �� . shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to m►kc up the deficier►c�. �urrower shall make up the deficiency in no more ttwn
<br />- � � � ��' twelvc monthly payments.at Lender's u�ie discrction.
<br /> . � _, Upon payment in full of all �;ums scxunxt by this Security In,trument. l.rnder tihall prompNy refund to Borrower any
<br /> ' ' • ' ' Funds held by Lendcr.If, under paragrsph 21,Lendcr�hall•rcquire ar�eU thu Praperty. I.rndcr, prior to the urquisition or sale
<br /> - � •'� of the Property,shall apply any Fundti hcld by l.cruicr at the time of ucqui�ition nr wle uc a credit againu the sumti sccnred by
<br /> � 'M�/1'. •.a.. ihaW'y� '
<br /> !�� h��, ••.,_.,.... :;.r^ • this Security instrument.
<br /> ��� '�.,..���� � : �''��`� 3.Applic�tion of Paymentc.Unles+applic•rblc law pruvides i�thcrwi�c, all paymcnt�recciv��i by Lcncfer undcr p:►ragraphs
<br /> • 1 and 2 sh•rli be applicd: first, to•rny prepaynxnt ch•rrgcs duc under the Note; x�:uru1,tu umounts payuble under pur�r.iph 2;
<br /> � ' � third,to intercst duc:fourth,to principal duc:and la�t,ti�uny latc chargc�due undct thc Notc.
<br /> ' ' ' ' ''F'• 4.Clwrges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay aU taxcr, a.�ctitimentx, ch•rrgc�, fincti atxl im�►�itiom attribut�ble to the Property
<br /> .,,;,,: .,.. ,,.,,..
<br /> � • ,;;�.,,'�'?;�,, which may nttain priority over this Security In�trunxnt,anci tra�hc�W pa�•nxmti nr gmund rent�, if any. &�rrower shall pay
<br />�' "� �;_`� "�°°`�` ��` thcse obligations in the m•rnner pr<wided in puragraph 2,or if n�u paid in that manoxr. Borrou�er+h.ill pay them on timc din�cdy
<br /> �' ' to the pc�n owai payment.Borrower�hall prompNy fumish to Lender•rll nodre+of umount�to ix paid under thiti p•rragruph.
<br /> _ � �'�+'��� � `• If Borrower makes thcsc payn�ents direcNy.&irrower tihall promptly furni.h tu I.�ndcr rr�ript�cvidctx�ing thc payments.
<br /> �' � Borcower shall rom tl dixhar c an ticn which h•r� norit uvrr this 5ecurit In�trument unle.�&�rnwer: ta1 a r��s in
<br /> '��-.. ,�� P P Y 8 Y P� >' Y F
<br /> _ ' writing to ihc payment of thc oblig•rtion k�cureJ by thc ticn in a manncr acccptablc to l.cnd�r: th1 comc►ts in goal faith th�li�n
<br />`-x, M�-;_��° by, or defeixis against entorcement of thc lien in, Ic�at prix�x•dings which in the Lerxlcr'� upinion operate t�� prcvent the
<br /> cnforcement of the lien;or(c)kcurcc from thc hutd�r of'thc licn an a�rccmcnt ratisf�ctury t��I.crxlcr aubnrdinating the lien to
<br /> ��'`'""''""'� � this Security lnstrument. If[.cnder determinc�tlut any part uf tlx Pr�iperty it tiubjrct a�a lirn W�hirh may :�ttain priurity over
<br /> „p _.,.".:�;,` .
<br /> � +��w::.,�:Y this Security Imtrument, (.ender may givc&�rrower A notice ida�ntif�•ing thc lien. &�rrower tih•rll wtitify the lien ur ta{ce one or
<br />-�:, �'���..:,�..`? - more of che xtions set forth abnvr w�ithi� 10 days�if the gi�ing of nuiirc.
<br /> �. Form 302t 91�0
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