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�.....----- . _ _ . __ <br /> . :�.. <br /> , .�N.: . .: � -`�_ <br /> �r �� —- <br /> � ' `r d� �+ •. . +.+d "� . <br /> . �1� .�, �ol.t'-. r�t�111'.: <br /> i - _ _. <br /> • 1 ;. _ . <br /> �::� � � � - gl.- 1u8790 <br /> '�� ,; i periods[hut Lcnder rcquircs. The insurunce cnrrier proviJing the insuron��c nhull be chu:en by Bcxn►wcr�+ubkrl tu Lcnder x <br /> .�� • approvvl which shall not be unreasonubly withheld. If&wrower fuilw to muintain ruvcrugc dcKribed�bovc.Lrndcr muy,at <br /> L.endcr'r.opticxr,obtain coverage�o pratect Lender's�iRhta in Ihe PrupeAy in acc�►rduncc wlth pnmm�;�aph 7. <br /> -�� All inwrwae paliciea und nencwalx ahnll be ac�ceptable to L.ender wut�hull include u�tundurd mangagc cluu.c. LenJer <br /> ';�� "�� . shall have�he dght ta hald Ihe policics ond renewuls, (f 4ende�reyuire�.Born�wer�hall prompllyµive to Lendrr ull rcceip�s <br /> a af puid prcmiums und�newnl notices. In the event af luss,Borrawer rhull give pn►mp�notice a��he inwurancr rarrle� mxi <br /> --�y�� Lendcr. l.ender mny mokc pmof of loss if not mude promptly hy Hum�we�. <br /> Unle,s Lender unJ Hanuw�r otherwiu�ogrce in writing,imurnmr pnxerd+�hnll t+c a�lied a► rcs�arutiun or r+ep:�ir ui �_ <br /> - .:���.:,, the Propeny damaged, if 1he restorutian or rep:►ir is economicully Fe•r.ihle unJ Lenderk a��urily i. nw Ic,xened. If�he � <br /> ,�. nextorotian or t�pair is not econamically Pea+ible or Lender;ururily w�►uIJ he lc..:.ened. the intiurwxe pnxeeds ,hnll bc <br /> ..�.r:�-:• <br /> — _.-�-�,�-7 ;, applied to Ihe sumx secunKl by this Securily Instn�ment, whether or ma th�n Jur,with uny cxceti. paid �o Bum�wer. IF <br /> .,,�� , �'r'u'.° Borrower abandans the PtopeAy,ot docw nat u�swe�within �ll day+u n�xice frum l.enJer ihiu ihc in!�urnnce currier hav _ <br /> '-�"��_�.�.�.., ` offered to setNe a claim.�hen Lender mAy collcct�he inxurun�:e prareedti. Lrnder muy u�e�lu pnxeeJti w repai�or R+�torc <br /> � �=-•-�� -� the Propeny or to pay sums secuRd by this Security Inrlrument,whether or not then due. Thr 3(1-day�riod wi��beBin when �:�-- <br /> v.�...,.��.�� . a - <br /> the notice is given. -- <br /> --'��*.t.� Unlexs Lender w�d Barruwer otherwisc ag.�in writing,uny upplica�ion ot'praccnl.4 to principal�hall nnt cxtend or ° <br /> �`��` e,•�._•:� pcntpnne the due date of the monthly payment�mferned to in parugraph+ 1 and 2 or chungc thc umuunt ut'�hc payments. If <br /> -- ''"'-`- under pnrs►graph 21 the Propetty is ncyui�l by l.ender, Burruwc�± right to uny in+urwxe ��licie. und pnxc���ulting �- <br /> rs <br /> �Tr��.� from d�muge to the Propetty priar lo the Acquisition shull p,u+x�o Lender lo the extcnt uf the+umY+c�ur�d by Ihis S�wurity <br /> -° --•��s,•.z,..;�:� .,, Instrument immediately prior to�he acquisition. � <br /> _�,.-�,�;�;��` '� 6. Occupnncy� PreservAllun, Maintenance and Protec�ion of Ihe Property; Burrower'R Loan Application: <br /> �-r`-� .� Leasehdds. Borrower shull occupy,estublish,und use�he Prapeny as Borrower�principal residencr within sixry duy�after <br /> _,;�rn:. � �.;, ,._ .. - <br /> -�`r�;� .���,. ., 1he executian of this Security Instrument und shull continue tu nrcupy�he Propeny as Bortuwer�c priociprl retiidence �r ut <br /> ..��_,` ' ,.�•.__.�;';� levst ane yesu ufter the date of accupancy, unles� Lender otherwi+� ngrees in writing, which contient +hall not be -- <br />-� `�`�t .}� �; k�' • unreawnably withheld,or unletis extenua�ing ci�rumstunceti exist which urc beyond Bormwer's contrul. Barrower tihull not <br />`��+^•.•� .'� •'� j;�;,;,,,Q;: destroy.dumc�ge or impnir Ihe Property.allow Ihe Propeny ta dctcriurate,ar commit��a..te on thr Pruperty. BoROwcr shull �"-� <br /> �*;i,.. <br /> ��'=----- • � t.° be in defoult if any farFeimm aciion or proceeding,whether civil or criminrl, ix begun tlwt in Lenderk g.�ai i'ui�h judgment �,,�,_ <br /> `�:;-�'�.� -�.`.. �; could result in farfeiiure of the Propeny or o�hcnvise m•rteris►Ily imp�ir the lien crealed by [his S�.�urity Ins�rumem or �.`,�. <br /> _ ----� � .,�,.•�,'"�,�'• �` . Lender s securiry imemst. BoRawer mny cure such a default and reins�utr,a�provided in parugruph 18,by rau�ing the uclion - <br />-.;:�� -..•,s:r•�'•.:„ ., or proceeding lo be dismissed w•i�h u ruling Lenderti gcad fuith de�erminution.�,+recludez fcxfeilurr af�hr Bocre+wer. __ <br /> :�,. a�,, ' intenwt in the Propeny or other materiul imp:►irment of the licn rrcutcd by this Scrun��� In+trument or Lenik�� security _ <br />-`��' � �': �+ interest. Borrower �hall al�o be in defuuU ii' Borrower, during the loun upplicution pra:exti,guve muterial�y fals� or — <br />:_A� � � �. � <br />-- � ��,`:o � , ,.• inaccurute infarmation or z�utemenn�o Lender lo�iuiled to provide Lender with uny muterial informationl in connection with <br /> ��� the loan evidenced by �he Note, including, but not limited to, repm+entation+ conceming Bo�rowrr� uccup:u►cy af' the ■�=° <br /> `�'`''_^!���'�;'��"; !'respert a�;a ssci a!residence. !f thi��ru�iry Inctrument is on o leuschold,Bormwer shull cornply with ull�hc provisionti — <br /> - •ly:� • ,,��,.:��. S' F� P -- <br /> ��;f: ;.;":.,, of the lense. If Borrowcr ucyuires fee�itle to the Propeny.ihe lea+ehold and the fee title shalt not merge unlcw�LendcK aRrers <br /> _.._. •- lo Ihe merger in writing. <br />`�'-� ` T. Protection oP l.cnder's ItigMs in the Pruperty. If Bormv�cr i'uils ta prrfartn Ihe covenunt.v und ugrcement� <br /> „ Y _ <br /> •� • • contained in this Security Insttvment, or �here i,a Iegal prnceeding thut muy tiignificuntly uftiect l.ender's ri�hts in the __ <br /> :'f'� ,:e�� • Pmperty(wch ati u proceeding in hankn�ptry,prob•r�e,for ccxiJemnution or torf'eiture or!o enforce luwx or regul•rtion.).Ihen � <br /> �• �� Lender mAy do�nd puy far wha�ever is nere+sary to pmtec�thr vuluc of the Propeny und Lendcr's Ihe Proprny. <br /> _� ' Lender's uctions m�y include puying uny sum.securrd hy u lien whirh hus priorily over�hix Scrurity In+trument,appeanng � : <br /> " � ' in caurl,paying reuxonuhle uucimey.'feez und emering on�he Pro�xny �o muke rcpainc.AUhough Lender muy tal:e uction _ <br /> � ' � ' under this purugruph 7.Lendcr dnes not huvr�a d��+o. �--- <br /> ' " " �� ' °� � � • Any umoumx dixbuned by l.cnJrr undcr thi� paragruph 7 tihall tx.�om�uJditinnul drbt af Borrowcr secured by Ihis �_- <br /> a.._ <br /> ;r:• • • Security Instrument. Un�c+�Burruwer und l.rndcr a�!n�tu�nhcr tem�.of paymcnt.�hcsr amounts,hall bear intere.t from�he �,� <br /> � date of dist►u�ment ul the Nutc rute unJ shrll Ix puyuhle,wi�h interc+l,upon noticc 1'mm Lender tn Borcower rcyuesting �,� <br /> ��.. �,. Pryment. �- <br /> " � S. MoMgage Incurance. If Lrnder requimd mongugc in�urimrr:ix a ronditinn of making the loan xewRd by ihiti �._. <br /> _ �M S�:urity In.trument, Bormw�r �hull pay�hr premium�required to muintain 1hr monzage inxurancc in effect. If, for any ��_ <br /> -_.'`���, °� rea:.on. �he mnrtguge in+ur•rnrc covcrugc requircJ {�y LenJcr luprc+ or rcuu, to t+e in rffecl, Bormwcr xhall pay Ihe —. <br /> � prcmiums myuired �o obtuin covcragc wb�tantially cyuivalcnt to 1he mortgugr imurance previousl}• in el'I'cct. at a cost �' <br /> °'°`�'' subxlontiully eyuivuknt to thc cotit to Borrower�►f the mongagc intiur:mce previuu,h in effrc�. trom un ulterna[e mortguge � <br /> ; •�^�• -- <br /> `'���� � insumr appm��ed by Lenikr. If,uhsluntiullv equivulrnt martEagc inxuranrc rovcra�c i�not uvailuble.Bormwer shall pay w —.— <br />.�..,,;.. __._ <br /> � :•c�-' ' Lznder eueh month u�um ryuul to onc-iwrlfth at'Ihr yrurl� munguu�in�urancr pr�mium heing p•rid by Borrowrr a hen Ihe E _ <br />,.ir��,�„ ,_ ' inxurance coveruge IupxrJ or c�u.rJ to fx in ciferl. LrnJer��ill acccpt.usc and rctuin ihe,e puy mem.u�a los,rr,c���in lieu __ <br />-;sr„�•;;. ° of nwrtgage insurunce. l.o„rrsen•e�•aymrnt, muy nu lun�cr Ix r�yuind.ut�hc upti�m ol'Lrndrr.if m��ngagc in.ur�xe � <br /> _:�=1,r,:;,.. ° cuvemge(in the umount und for ihc�riai thut Lender myuirr�►pruvi.i�d hy un in�ur�r appnn�rd by LenJcr ug:�in lxcomc+ <br /> ."'';,;;'i�: ' .' .%. � uvuilablc wid ix obwineJ.Bormwc r 4hu11 puy�he prrmium+mquired tu maintc�in mong:�gc in.urarx�in cffrcl.or�o providc u —__ <br /> ' ; �� �.��;;`:;"' lov+m�erve, un�il the rcquiremene for munguge inrurance rndx in urconi•rncr with am Wnit�n:�+�rermenl lktwern BoROwer �^^ <br /> .;,,.:,., <br /> �, �� und 4cndcr��r applicahle law. <br /> 9. Insperlton. LcnJrr ar it+ag�nt may mal.r rca.unahlc rntrir.u�x� in,p�.•tiun,�N�Ihc I'nqxm•. Lcndrr.hull <br /> � givc Burtowcr noticc iu the tim.��f or prior to�m in+�xr�iun��krifpin�reas�mahlr rau�r tiir thr in.�xctiun. <br /> . l0. Condemnaliun. Thc pr�xeed,ut'am•uwwJ��r i I;iim 1'ur daina_r..Jirer��,r�• conncr�iun wi�h uny s��� <br /> � 1i <br /> SmFk F.��lul��-Fyll�ie\1AQ�F1'addlc�lMl'\IFf/RS11\STR1'�1F:\1� � l'm�um�l'o�cn.oll. 4i411 i�ai�r?n�n�e�er�� - - <br /> �.v��.re.�w��nne t�nm.��e • <br /> G�udr���II IdNq9:lOA.N1 I'F\r�IIH4t11•I1'il �., <br /> ----^-_---��- --_ � --- � • ' -- - • • '.— " . -. _� .-,..r , -. . �. . .,.-.,�...�v,µ,� <br /> ` , ' . . <br /> '1 ' <br />. ._'.-. �—�— �= -----' . . �. • . .. . . --- � <br /> �, <br /> . � o � <br /> � <br /> .... , + <br />- ` ii � . .. -- ---- --- <br />