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<br /> _'.����'� 't'(3tiEi'HER WiTH all the impn�vcmems now w hcrcoftcr entitcd�►n the pmperry.an�i aN eosemrn�s,nppukteniuicea.
<br /> -����-'� and flrqlnGw now ar heredter�put af the propeny. All roplacememn and additianx ahAll�IYO be cove�ed by Ihl►Securiry
<br /> inwumnnt. All uf the forcgoinp is rcfertcd to in thix Secu�ity Insnumcnt as�hc"Property."
<br /> - �., ,;,, ,,:., � 8!1ltROWER COVGNAIYTS that Bormwcr ia luwfully r�eiscd uf�bc exiatn c�reby convcycd an�l has thc right Ia grant
<br /> � �' aod comroy ttx�Ptopeny anri that�hc Property i�uncncumbered,except far cncumbnu�cew nf rccord. Bornuwcr wurPanl�und _
<br /> '�'`� wlll�h+fund grncrally HM ti�le to the Pmpeny ay�in�1 all claimr and demunds.subject lo uny rikumbrnnces ot'mnsd. --
<br /> , "'°'''7��..-. Tt�iS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combincs uniform covenunts far nntionnl ncr and non-uniPcxm cavenaunF with �__
<br /> ; : limitad vuriatims by jurisdictiun to consiitute u uniform security inrtNmeM covering real property.
<br /> ,,,�_.,LY, `- - .•�_- UhqFORM COVENANTS. Horrower and l.ender covenont und ngrec us follows: c_
<br /> 'v' =.�. 1:. H►yment of F'rincip�t aad Iateresti Prepayment And LAte Clwrgcs. Borrower.r•hull pmmptly p•ry whe�►due q� --
<br /> ___ _; . ,, prinr.ip�l oi and interest a�the debt evidcnced by the Noie und uny prepAyment nnd lute chsuges due under ihe Note. _;
<br /> _„`:;;�;-�:.,�x 2. Ftinds�or'Ihxea wad Insurs�ace. SubJcct to upplicable luw or to u wdtten wuiver hy Lender.BoRawc�shall pay to _ _
<br /> __ ��-; ' Lendrr on�he day monihly payments orc dua under the Nate,until the Note is puid in full,a sum("Fuads°)fur:la)ye�rly
<br /> � ;�.�.,' l a x es A n d c►s s essments which mn y atuiin priority over this Securi t y instrument ux u lirn un Ihe Pro p ert y; (b)yeuly leusehald �-
<br /> .,•�'` �`�S,, p mants or und rents on the Pra rt if nn . (c) yenrl hazard or n insuronce remiums; (d)ycurly Ilood
<br /> y;�-_,;;�� P Y Bro Pe Y• Y' Y P� Y P
<br /> - -�,,��r. insursutce premiums, if any: (e) yearly mongAge insurance premiums, if u�y; and �� s�ny .r•ums payable hy Borrower to
<br /> • -=���� � Lendnr,in ucwrdance witb the provisions oi pnrngraph 8,in lieu of the payment of monguge insumnce premium�. Thcsc °"
<br /> 1������`": itamc ATC c�lled"Fscrow Items." I.ender muy,ut any time,colleci wid hold Funds in nn amount not ro exeeed Ihe muximum �`�
<br /> -" � �:;,,y����,� amaum a lender for a federnliy related mongAge loan mAy��equire for Borrower s escrow Accnu�t under the federal Rrul �;
<br /> .�:i•w�►. ;�•• Estnta Settlemcnt Procedures Act of 1974 ps amended from time to�ime. 12 U.S.C.�2b01 er seq.( RESPA").unless onolher
<br /> u..� �;.., •.
<br /> ,:�,1..� lAw ihnt applies to the Hu�ds sets a Icsscr nmount. If so.Lender mny.nt uny time,collccl und hold Fu s m c+n amount nat to �;
<br /> _.,--�.-i�- _ _
<br /> _ _�_�,�, exceed.the lesser amount. Lender muy es�imate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current datA and r�eu.gonyble _:-�
<br /> _- ';;;"��1J.,�. estimates of eapendiwres of future Escrow Uems or othetwise in accordance with upplicable law. at x_
<br /> � •� 4� The FLnds shall be held in an institutan whose deposils are insured by u federal agency, ins�rumcnlulity,�r entiry
<br /> � ��, (inaluding Lender,if L.ender is such an instiiution)or in any Federal Home Loun Bunk. L.ender shull upply Ihe Funds ta pay �-
<br /> - �' tha Ef�crow ltems. L.ender mny not charge Bortower for holding and npplying�he Funds,unnually analyzing the escraw �,,;-
<br /> ��_�� ���: accoant, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Len d er pays Borrower xsterex t on t he Fun ds a n d app l i c u 6 l c l uw pe r mits - __
<br /> ,,.,,�,. ' �;- �. Lendur to make such a charge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay u one-time cha�e for an independent reul �I�;
<br /> `r`''•' esWtes�ax re in service used b Lender in connection witb this loan,unless a I�cuble Inw rv�•ides otherwise. Unless nn =-
<br /> .���� �?�� t'•'�pi�'�, -= P°n B Y Pp� p =-
<br /> .;�+ �s,?"�'�; agreeinent is made or applicAble law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borcower any inteneKt or =__
<br /> -;.,���a-�%���• � • eamirigs on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,howevcr.�hat interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ---
<br /> �ic/,..::, .
<br /> -���`'; b.'.,`, ,; nhall rve to Borrowee.wi�hout c e an annual accountin of the Funds, showin cmdi�s and debits to the Fund+:u�d�he —
<br /> ,� .�,•, g' hartx . � g _.--
<br /> ���,�;.��:; '��,�,, ,;'; pu�pase for which each debit ro the Funds was mede. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secured by
<br /> ��..__ �j . ~ �_:�..�
<br /> - - -�- ttsls'.ieeasisy lnst:vment. - -
<br />•"'��' !f the Funds held b Lender exceed the amounts rmitted to be held b a I�cable law, L�nder shall account to
<br />, ..�r., ..,�;:•�'. Y Pe Y PP� _----
<br />. '�':�i; Bnm�wer for�he excess Funds ln accordance wi�h the requirements of applicable law. If the umount of�he FLnds held by _
<br /> (; Lender at any tirne is no[suificient to puy the Escrow(tem+when due,Lender mtty so notify Borrower in writing,and,in -�
<br />' �,'' ,' `"?"�� such case Bortowe�shull pay to Lender ihe amount necessary to make up the deFiciency. Borrower shall muke up the =�_.
<br /> `�'; � " r:� • datiaiency in no more than twelve monthly puyments,at L.ender's sole discretion. _._..
<br /> ,� �• ' _:�; Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security In�uument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrow4r any �i'=�
<br /> ''i` Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lender�hall ucyuire or sell the Properly, Lender,prior to the ucquisition or �U��
<br /> ` 'i'� sale of the Property, sholl apply nny Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or wle as u credit ugainst the sums --
<br /> ' ° �.•cured by this Security Instrument. ���
<br /> "°'� _.._ _ , i. ApplknNon of Paymenls. lJnless applicable law provides aherwise, all puyments received by Lender under '
<br /> ��,., , , � parugraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:�tst,to any prepuymem cbsuges due under the Note;second,to amoun�s puyuble under �'„_
<br /> . -� '�;' pwmgmph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;und last,to any lute churges due under Ihe Note. ��-
<br /> . .���� , 4. Chargesi Liens. Borrower shaU pay all taxes, assessn�ents,charges, �nec suid impositions attribuwble to the :=..•�-
<br /> �ti Pn�perty which may attain prlority over this Security Instrument,and lensehold paymems or ground rents,if any. Bormwcr s�.:-
<br /> •' . s��nll pny these obligutions In the manner provided in parngraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,Borrowcr shall puy them an !•''
<br /> t l time direcdy to Ihe person owed puyment. Borrower ghall promptly fumish to Lender ull notices of umourus to be paid under �.�
<br /> " f'; tlfle paragraph. If Borrower mukes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> • '� Qta poyments, --°
<br /> �r' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priurity over this Snurity Imtrument unless Borrower:ln1 ugrces -��.
<br /> •'e�' in writing to the payment of the obligution secured by the lien in u munneracceptable to Lender;(b)contc�s in good fuith the �jt�_'_'
<br />. 'kr.
<br /> : flon by,or defends ugainst enforcement of the lien in,Icgal prcxeedings which in the Lender+opinion operAte�o prevcnt the W.:�±�
<br /> ;�4: eoforcement of the lien;or(c)secures irom the holder of the lien an aRreement s:Nivfactory lo Lender subordinuting the lien o�__
<br /> tu this Securiry[nsm�ment. If Lender determines that ony purt of the Praperty is subject lo a lien which may nttnin priority :�--
<br /> .,�-
<br /> �}� over thi4 Security Instrument,Lender muy give Borrower a notice identifyin€Ihe lien. Bortower shall satisfy the lien or t:+1;r ,2.
<br /> ;:s one or mo�e of Ihe uctions set forth ubove wilhin 10 days of the giving of notice. ��"
<br /> `� S. Ha�ard or Properly Insuraoce. Borrower shull kcep the improvcments now exi,ting or herc•rfter erected on the
<br /> • l� P r o p e rt y i n s u rc d s►g a i ns t l a s s b y f i r e,h a z ards included w ithin the term"extrnded rovera Fe"und an y cNhrr hazurds,includin g ,
<br /> . �} floads or flooding,Wr which Lender requircx incurAnce. This insurance shull be maintained in the Umaunts und fur the ��,:
<br /> ., ,�j.
<br /> �. ,
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