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<br /> - -- - - --� oondaruwton a o�l�a t�icln�+►f�tt}'D�ot the P1�opo�t�►.ar fur aavoyaaa�L�!ku of 000drnmtloo.inr ben�by aui�m�d a�d
<br /> �lull De pW to I.arcler.
<br /> In the event of a tota! WcinY of the Proyxtty. the praceeds .h�ll !�e applia! to tho sum� iecured by thb Sxurity
<br /> Instrwnont, whdf�er or not then cfue,with�ny exceas p�id to Bornower. !n the evcnt oi�paRitl takin�of the Pm�erty in
<br /> which the falr madcet v�lue of tha Property lmmodiately bef�rc the t�lcin�ie eqwl to cx�rcater ttw��he amount of the sutni
<br /> ^� iecurod by thu Socuriry inurument immedluety betoro the taki�s,unlea Bormwer and l.ende�att�rwi�e�roe In writin�.
<br /> the aums iocurcd by thic Secudty Instrument sh�ll Ix rcducod by the amount of d�e�xaceed�multlpliod by the folbwing
<br /> �"— --"�_�-�-- fi�ction: (�)the Wta1 amount of the wr�u rxured lmmedl�lely befae the taking.divided by tb)tbe fdr n�rkec v�lue af the
<br /> Praperty immediuely before the tatcing. Any t�lance slull be paid to Bomower. In the event af a patjal taktng of the
<br /> Pt�opeRy in which the fair market vdue of the Property immediately befaro the taking is lesac th�n the amount of the Rum�
<br /> aecuRd immodiately befcx�e the talcing,unless Bcxrower w�d Lender athenvl�agroe in writing a unleu�pplir.abk law
<br /> otherwise provjdes,the procoods sh�lf be applIed to tho sums secured by this Secu�ity insuument whether or oot the Ywns ue
<br /> tben due.
<br /> If th�P►+npecty Ls abw�dwud by E3ortuwer.ar if,after notice by Lender to Bamwer th�t the condemnor offen¢to make
<br /> su�award a seak a cl�im for d�mages.Bo�mwer fails to respond ta Lender within 30 days after tho date the notice is given,
<br /> l.encler is authorized to cotlect wx1�ppiy the pcocoods,at Its option,either to restorntion or roprir of the Aroperiy or to the
<br /> swns secured by this Security lnstrument,whether cx not tlien due,
<br /> Unlas l.ender md Bamwer ott�envise ngree in writing,any applicatian of procoeds to princlpal shall nat extend or
<br /> postpw�e the due date of the monthly payments�fertod to in paragraptis 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenu.
<br />- -- - -- 11. Dorrower Not Releaxd; Fbrbeuanx Hy L.eader Not a Waiver. Cztensiw� of U� tiu�e fur prymenc or
<br /> modificxtlon of amo�tizat�on of U�e sums secured by this Security Inshument granted by l.ender to any succeuor in inte�+est
<br /> --�- of Borrower sha!!na operat�ta release the lisbility of tht original Borrowcr nr Borrowcr's succeasors in interest. Lender
<br /> shall not 6e rcqui�ed to commence praceedings agai�st any successor in interest or nfuse to exte�d time for pxyment or
<br /> . otherwise modify unattzation of the sums secund by this Sxuriry Inswment by neason of any demand made by the original
<br /> - Barower or Bomower's successors in Interest. Any for6earurce by Lender ln exercising 9ny right or remedy shall nat be a
<br /> _ wsuver of or proclude the oxercise af any right or remedy.
<br /> ��-- 12. Suaessors�nd A�sitns Bound;Jofnt pnd Several LiAbillty;Co-signers. 'Il�e covenants and agraments of this
<br /> Security Instr�ment shall bind and benefit the successors nnd assigns of Lender and Barmwer,subject to the provisions of
<br /> _ paragraph 17. Bomnwerk coverwnts and agrcements shall be joint and several. Any Homower who casigna this Security
<br /> - Instrument twt daes not execute the Notr. (K)is casigning this Security Instrument only ta matgage.grant and convey that
<br /> - Barowrr S intarest in the Prope�ty under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is na personally obligated to pay thc sums
<br /> socured by this 5ecurEty Inspvrnent;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may egKC to extend,madify,forbear
<br /> - -- or make any accommodations wi�h rcgard to the tertns of this Security Inswment a the Note without dat Bc�rrowerle
<br /> - consent.
<br /> R - ° I3. Lurn C�ea If'the toan secured by t6is Security lnstrumeot is subject to n Iaw which sets marimum loan `
<br />.=,',, charges,and that law s finally interpreted so that the interc�st or ather laan chArges collected or to be mUected in conneetion
<br /> with the lou�eaceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan chruge shall be reduced by the amount necessury to rcduce
<br /> the charge to the permitted limir,and(b)any sums Alreudy coliccted fmm Bomower v►•hich exceeded pem�itted limiGS will be
<br /> '• nfimded to Borrower Lender may choose to make this rcfund by reducing the piincipa�e�vtd under the Note or by making a
<br /> - `�� direct puyment to Burrower. If n refund reduces princlpal,the reduction will be treated as u partial prepayment w�ithow any
<br />•� i��*.,+.,
<br />,.�� proptqyment churgc undcr thc Nate.
<br /> �� 14. Notices. Any noiice to BoROwer provided for in this Srcucity� instruinenr,hr�31 be given by delivering it or by
<br />� mailing it by fi�st class mail unless applicable law requircs use of anotlxr metiod.7'Ox nnaiee shall be directed to the F'�ropecty
<br />, - Addrcss or s�ny other addmss Borrowe�designutes by n��ti�e to Lender. Any noticr tp Lender shall be given by first clxss
<br /> -,:,,:i mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other uddress Lender deyignutes by notice tt�8�rrower. Any notice pro�iekd for
<br />_ ,...,i.'<;;. in this Security Instrument shAll be decmed to have bern given to Bnrcowcr or LerYJrr when given as provided in this -
<br />__ ����
<br /> r f" .: IS. Coveroing L�w; SeverabUity. This Security Instrument shall bc govemed by federal law and the Inw of the
<br /> ,�;�, ��`" urisdiction in which the Pro n ��located. In the�vent that un rovi.ion or clauxe of thiti Securit M:uument or the Note
<br /> 'i�►•��.:�;: � 1 P� Y� � Y P Y __
<br /> ��, canflicts witt�applicable law,such contlict�hull nix affi•cc �xher provi.ions of thix Security I�strumem or the Note which enn
<br /> ��+;,��� be given effect without the conflicting provixion. Tu trii�end the provi.ion.of this Sera�riry (nstrument and the Nae am -
<br />: �� t.° ,; ,,,.
<br /> , � E; .` declared tobe sevcrable.
<br /> �����•�� = ' 16. Borrower's Co BoROwer.hall bc �rven on����n!anned co v of tix N�xe:uxt of this Securit} instrument.
<br /> s�:•.•., ... PY b� P.
<br /> _�? �=�..�; 17. 71�nsFer of the Propertv or a Benefirial lntereu in Borrow�er. li ail or:my purt of the Pro�xrt�or any intercst in
<br /> �:.t'.5:..."'
<br /> ,. -� it is sold a transferred(or if a beneficial intcrest in Borrowcr iti suW or tr�mfrrred and Borrowrr i�no�a natural person)
<br /> '' without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may,at it. �+tion,myuire immcdiate pay�ment in full of ull sums secund by
<br /> ;�::.;�. • . this Security Instrument. However_this option shall not b�rxerci.cd by Lcnder if exe�ci.e is prohibited by federal law ati of -
<br /> '\ "'t ''�"''�� the date of this Securiry lnstrumcnt.
<br /> �1.:• If Lender exerciseti this option.Lender sh•rIl Fivr Bixn,K�er noticc af accelrratiun. Thr notice xhall proviJe a periai of
<br /> �.=_• .
<br /> _,;_�;�,"��,,.:, not loss than 3D days from the dute the noticr ix dclivrrcd or mailed within�ti•hirh Borma•er mu.t pay all.um.serumd by this
<br /> _� ,u� • Securiry Instrument. If Bormwer fail. to pay ttk.r wm.prior to thc expiration of thiti period. Lencier may invokc any
<br /> `����• remedies pertnitted by this Scrurity Imtrument w�ithout fu,�her nutic�ur Jcmand�►n Bormwer.
<br /> �. 18. Borrower•s Right tu Refnstute. If Bnm,MCr rncet. rcrt�in ronditions, Born�w��r shall havc thr right to have
<br /> =�--�;;�
<br /> ___� � — enforcement of this Security Instrument di.runtinued at:�u��� timr prior to thr rurlier ut: 1:►1 S d•r�,ror such other period�,
<br /> -. ,:, . �
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