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<br /> �pprov�l which�11 na be unrea�onsWy wfWieW. if Homower fd4 to m�inpin cover�e deacn'i�eo�bove. �o.r..t _
<br /> L+a�der�optlan.obtain oovcra�o to p+otect Laider'�djhts in the Pnopaty in�cca�d�nce wiih pa�niph T.
<br /> All imur�nce polk{a�nd rrnewals�hall be acoeptable to I.ender�t�d�ball include t stx�dad mo�t�age clw�e. L,a�der
<br /> __ shall have the ri�ht to hold thc policks�ued renewal�. tf Lender roquircs.Bonowa�U prnmptlY�iva to Le�der dl noeipts
<br /> of p�id promiumi�nd ronewd nutioes. ln tha evait of lat�.Bamnwa�Il jive pe�ampt nodc�e w�he Imur�r�x c�r.kr aad
<br /> _ Irender. Lender rru�y m�ke proof ot'lou if nat made promptlY by Barower.
<br /> — ----- Unkss Lencier�nd Horrc►wor ahe�wlre agroe in wridng.Luuranoa pcoceed:�li be applied to reaontia�ar rep�ir of
<br /> the Property d�n�ed, if the nstaatlon a rep�air i�ecawmicapy feulbk and I.enderlc �ecurity ia not leuenad. If dx
<br /> neuoration or nep�ir i:not economically faasibb a LeMerlt axurity would be lasened.lhe insuru�ce qoceod� stall be
<br /> appiim!w the sums securod by thi�Socwity Inapument,whether or not tt�a�due.with any excess paid to Borruwea If
<br /> Bomower abandans the Propetty.or doa not answer within 30 daya a notice from l�ender thu the insurarrce caurier has
<br /> oflerod to seale a claim,then Lender m�y collect the i�curance proceeds. Lender may use the pcoceeds to rcpair or K�ta�e
<br /> the Property a to pay wma secure�by thi:Securlty Instrument�whether a not tha�due. The 30day period will be�in wbai
<br /> the nolioe is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barower dhatwise Agroe in wridng,�ny appUcuion of p�acada w principal shaq rat eatend or
<br /> pastponc thc due date of the monthly payments nferned w jn paragnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymenq. If
<br /> under puagraph 21 the Property is ncquircd by Lender.Borrowarh right to any insur�nce policia and proceoda rewldng
<br /> frnm damAge W the ProP��Y Prior W the acqui�ition�hall pasc to I.onder ro the extent of t6e suma secnrod by this Socurity
<br /> -- - - Inctc+►mca�t immcdlatcty prior to thcacquisition.
<br /> 6. Occup�acy. P�+eservatioa. M�(nteaance �sd Protectba ot the Pwperiy: Borrow�er"s La�s Appikatioai
<br /> _��__ Le�eholds. Barmwer shall occupy,ea�tablish,and use the PY�q�erty ac Bormwerk�inci�tl residence within sixty day�aRer
<br /> tho execution of this Securiry Insuumene uid shall coneinue to occupy the P�erty ss Borrower's prjncip�l nesidence foe u
<br /> least one year after the date of occupu�cy, unkss Lender otherwise ag�ees in wrlting, whkh consent shall not be
<br /> unrcasonably withheW,or unless extenuat�ng cincumstances ez�st which at�e beyond Borrower'r control. Borrower sh�ll not
<br /> destroy,damage a impair the Propetty.dlaw ihe Rope�ty to deteriaate.or commit waste an thc Prope�ty. Bocrower shall
<br /> be in default if any forfeitune action or proc.�eeding,whether civil or criminal,is begw thrt in Lender�good fiith judgment
<br /> could nesult in forfeituc+e of the Property or aherwise mauriatly impair the lirn ce+eated by this Securiry Insuument a
<br /> I.ender�s secudty intercst. Borrower mAy cuc�e such�default uid rainstate,as provided in paragnph 18,by cansing the ution
<br /> or procading w be dismissed with a ndinQ thnt,in I.endu'�good falth determinatlon,precludes fafeiture of the Borrower�s
<br /> interest in the Prnperty or other mnterial imppimxnt of the lien c�eated by this Security Inswment or Lenderk security
<br /> intecest. Borrower sh�ll also be �n default if Boaower, during the loui appUcation pmcess, gxve m�terially false or
<br /> inaccurate infocmation or stxtements to Lender(or failed to provide I.ender with any maurial Infotmetion)in connettirnt with
<br /> the laan evldenced by the Note. including. but not limited t�, �+epresentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> _ -_ - _ Pm�rt3'a�z princi�sa!residcac�. !t'tlits�ccuaty Ir�cuu:�t is oa a i�etwld.�iOWci SIiAII GUiflplji WitJi il�I ZIiC jiPavVLi�OiLS '
<br /> "� of the leasc. If Bomowcr acquircs fa titic to the i'ropetty,the leacehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender a¢reec
<br />''.�; to the mnrger in writing.
<br /> '�?;;c,
<br /> 7. Protectlon at Lender's Rights in the Propertr If Borrower fails to perfotm the coven�nts and agroements
<br /> 'A • �-y; contained in this Security Insttument. or therc is a legol praceeding that may siamit"�candy afFect Lender'�rights in the
<br /> .��.����' Property(such as a praccxding in brnkn►ptcy.probue,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or ttigulations).then
<br /> - Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.
<br /> !"� Lender's actlons mny inctude paying any sums secured by a li�n which has prio�3ty over this Secu�ity Instrumen�appearing
<br /> �'Ci! in coun,paying reasonablc attomcys'fees and entering on thc Property to make rcpairs.Although i.ender may t�ke xtion
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender dces nat hsve to do so.
<br />� _ Any amounts disbursed by� Lender under this paragraph 7 shalt become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> " , Security Instrument. Unless Borcower�nd I.ender agree to other terms of puyment,these amounts shall bear interes[from the
<br /> date of disbur.sement at the Note rate and shall be payable, wlth interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> "x` �.� payment.
<br /> •:� � � ;�;�;;�,�. 8. Mortgage lnsuranee. If Lender requimd mortgase insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by tFtis
<br /> ���+: " ��". Security Instrument, Borrowcr shall pay the premiums reyuired to muintain the mortgagc insurancc in effcct. If, for any
<br /> '� ,}�{;�'�� .�'`••, �.�- reuson, the mort a e insurnnce covera e wred b Lender la ses or ce:�ses ta be in effect. Borrower shall the
<br /> z,,,.,.'�,;,'. .• S 8 S �l � Y P P�Y
<br /> �•'�' .E•-'�,,,`-�'��„�� premiums requircd to obtain coverase substantially e9uivalent to the mortgage insurrnce previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> �- • substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the moctgage insurance prcviously in effect,from an a►temate mortgage
<br /> *.• �4i,,;=4; insurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insura�uc coverage is not availablc,Borrower sh�ll pay to
<br /> - '^:;;` • � Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower when the
<br /> .fi:��• . �
<br /> ,•��•� insuranre coverage lap.sed or ccased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and mtain these payments as u loss reserve in lieu
<br /> l-� " �'`�' � of mortgagc insurancc. Loss reserve paymenu may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mongage insuruue
<br /> �;,�. +�.,, -
<br /> � coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lendet requims)pr�vided by an in,urer approved by Lender again becomes _ -
<br /> -- � ' ���"`�: available and is obtained.Borrower shall a the remiums rc uircd to maint:�in mort a e insurnnce in effect,or to rovide a
<br /> <... P Y P 9 8'L P
<br /> � . ��' loss resen•e,until the mquirement for mort�age insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Bomower
<br />_ . `t `�' and Lender or applicuble law. --
<br /> '�'�� � ' ��=4, ° 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make masonable entries upoa and insprctions of the Pn�perty. L.ender shall
<br /> � give Bocrower n�tice at the time of or prior to an inspectian specifying reasonable cnuse far the inspection. "'`'
<br /> � � 10. CondemnAHon. The prcueeds of any aw;ud or claim for d�unages,direct or consequenlial,in connection with any
<br /> �'.�` I Sm�k Famity--Fynak M�elFYeddb N�c UNIFORM INSTR�MENT••Unifo�m Crnenant. 9l90 (ptRt 3 ojb pag�.rl
<br /> �� i4,`:A --
<br /> .�, crat�,►e e.rs vmr.i�c.Y —
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