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<br /> _- ind�btsdns��r s�cur�d hersby as it wauld hav� but for this D��d ot
<br /> Tru�tf (j) all cav�a►aats aad agr��awnts oi Trustur ��t forth 3.n
<br /> ---�--------- this Deed oE Trust ahall be joir.t an3 sav�ral3 (k) this. D��d of
<br /> Tru�t �ba�.l b� qoverA�d by th� laws of the Stat� of N�braska= (1)
<br /> - - �� in the evsnt any ona or more of the provioions contaiaad ia thi•
<br /> ���T � D��d of Truet, or the Note or any other evaurity instruawa� qivsn
<br /> _— = in conneation with the iadabtedness hereby seaured �hall for any
<br /> rea�on be held to be invalid, 311eqa1 or unenforc�able in any
<br /> reapeat, suah invalidity, illaqality, or unenfora�ability shall, at
<br /> the opt�.on of Heneficiary, not affect any ather gr4vision of this
<br /> Doed of Tzust, but this Deed of Tru�t ohall be constru�d ao if snch
<br /> ----�� � invalid, illeqal, or unenforceable provisioa had never b�een
<br /> --� aontained herein or therein. If the lien of thie Deed of Trutot is
<br /> ° invslid ox unenforceable as to any part of the indebtadnesa hereby
<br /> seoured or evidenaed by the Hote, or if the lien is invalid or
<br /> unenforaeable as to any part of the Property, the unsecured or
<br /> � � -- partially aecureci gort3an of euah indebtedneBa shall be ewapletely
<br /> _. pa3d prior ro the payment of the reu�aininq and seaured or partially
<br /> "s aeaured portion of suah iadebtedness, and all payments isade on such
<br /> indebtsdness, where voluntnry or under forealosure or other
<br /> . x,,.r:.` enforaetaAa� aation or prxedure, ehall be aonsidered to have been
<br />- '` :�`�� ffret pa�d on and applied to the full payment of that portioa of
<br /> : �;�,,'�:�;�:. suoh indeb�edneas which is not seQUred or not fully secured by the
<br /> lien of �bis Deed of Trust; and (m) the covenante attd aqreements
<br /> contained in this Deed of Trust ahall bind, and the benefits and
<br />. �_ �y� advantages hereof ehall inure to the respective heira, executors,
<br /> �:�:� ' admit�ietrators, suaceseors aad assigns of the parties hereto.
<br />-_+ ,,.�,�' .. Wherevex uaed herein, the singular number shall inalude the plural
<br />____ and convexsely, and the use of any qender ehall be applicable to
<br /> - - .-�`;''-:'�: . all gendera. Wherever the tezza "Beneficiar�r" is used herein, it
<br /> 1 shall include the legal holdsr or holders of the Note or the
<br /> �c; �`�: �� � . indebtednese eeoured hereby.
<br /> ,-x»r.s�
<br /> .�'''.i":��i�::.,�.
<br /> k �� �r� •. : S$�TH: Upon written rec,�uest of Beneficiazy atating that all
<br /> �t��?'�'.�^"t.���:� •- amounte and iadebtedneas seaured hereby have been paid, dnd upon
<br /> - ,,�r.:, .;,., .. ;�. surrender af this Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee For the
<br /> `;��: .. - aancellation and retention and upon payment by Trustor of Truatee's
<br /> _ ":��-�=:. �-��r fees, Tru�tae shall reaonvey �o Trustor, or the person or persons -
<br /> �"- legally entftled thereto, without warranty, anp portion of the
<br /> _-�"_ " .,.�r�: ` .z''
<br /> _ ;c . . " Property then held by Trustee hereunder. The recitals in such
<br /> "�'�'�� -�� • reaonve nnae of an matters o.r facts ahall be conclusive roof of
<br /> � ,5�r«,�..�.�. Y Y P
<br />:' :;..;��.,�. .-. . the truthfulness thereof. The grantee of any reconveyanae may be -
<br />_ r . �,; desczibed as "the persan or persona legally entitled thereto."
<br />.f.a. ?��,�rcl�Oz�.
<br /> *��+ BIGH�s Except for any notices, demands, requeete or other
<br /> '���''`� aommunications required under applicable law to be given 3n another
<br /> �.�� ..
<br /> �;-�:,u , n►anner, whenever Benefiaiary, Trustor or Trustee gives or serves
<br /> *�� � any notice (inaludinq, without li.mitation, notice of default and
<br /> -,� -:;;� : notice of eale), demands, requests or other oommunications with
<br /> - �'' � -� c� respeat to this Deed of Truet, each such notice, demand, request oz
<br /> _�,,.�.='`'��J other aonwuniaation eha.11 be in writing and shall be effeative only
<br /> �,��'� • if the seu�e i.s delivered by personal aervice or mailed by certified _
<br /> � � mail, postaqe prepaid, return reaeipt requested, addressed to the
<br /> .---�^-±. � , address of the party to whom mailed ae set forth a� the end of this
<br /> ���.a�t
<br /> .. :� _'�z��:"�c�.
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