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<br /> � , xh� Stat� os ltebra�ka, �ttb�titu�� a suaa���oc or suoo�rsor� to th� �
<br /> Tru�t�� AatMd h�r�ia or aariaq b�r�un��= (o)� al�hough ths Tru�t��,
<br /> ar 6is suoa��sor or succ�saars, s�ay b� an aq�nt ot, or attora�y
<br /> __ lor, or ot��rMi�w oo�a�ot�d Witb tb� H�n�tl;oiary, �uch laat �h�ll
<br /> _ -� __ _ _ no� b� con�tru�d to disquali�y hfw to aoh R• suah Tru�t�w, nor
<br /> shail �uch �aat pr�v�nt tb� Tsust�� or S�n�Bioiary lrow biddinq at
<br /> a �a7.� aad buyiag any p�rt or all �if �h�i �rc��rty �t any sal.
<br /> h�reund�rf (d) that i� �t �hould b� n�c���a�y or appropriwti� !or
<br /> th� prot�atioa o! the saaurity h�r�by aonv�ysd or �atora�nt of
<br /> th� d�bt h�r�by a�aured, for tih� Trust�� os th� E�n�tiaiasy to
<br /> institute or b�cwre a party to any proa��d�.nc� or �uft in a court ot
<br /> bankruptay or probata or oth�r aourt of qenesnl or lisii.t�d juris-
<br /> diatioa, all expens�s and aosts prop�rly inourr�d by said Trust�s
<br /> or said Benefiaiary (inaludinq raasonabls et�torneys' f�ea) paid or
<br /> inourrac� by �aid Trustee or B�n�ficiary im m�;�ntaininq, proseauting
<br /> or defen�diaq such proaeediaq or prot�atinq thoir rospeativ� riqhts
<br /> - hereuador �hall ba ttu additional debt seauzac3 by thia Daed at Tre:et -
<br />__ - - in like manmer with the principal dsbt ho��in dssarib�d; (e)
<br /> -= Beneficiary, or it� agents, representative or workmen, ar� author-
<br /> ized to eater at dny rea�onable time upon or in any part of the
<br /> property for the puzpo�e of inspectinq the eame and for tha purpoee
<br />-_� of perforaiag any of tha act� it is author3.zed tio porfora under the
<br />�•=.��t,�� terms of this Deed of Trust; (f) any forbearanae by Boneficiasy or
<br /> --'�� Truatee in exercising aay riqht or reaedy be�reund�r, or otherwioe
<br />_- afforded by appliaable law, �hall not bs a waiver of or preelude
<br /> -- the exeraise of nny suah riqht or remedy hermunder; similarly, the
<br /> j�u;�� waiver by Beneficiary or Trustee of any detault of Truetor uader
<br /> -:;;;� this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed a waiver of any other or
<br /> _'�` similar defavl�a subsequently oaaurring� (g�, ��tenaion of tha ti:me
<br /> ��� ,� for payment or modification or amortization o� the sums secured by
<br /> - thie Deed of Trust granted. by Baneficiasy to any suaces�or in
<br /> � r.:, ° ' interest of Truator shall not operate to relaaae, in any manner the
<br /> ,�';��;;��; '""� liability of the orig3.na1 Trustor and T�ustor's successor in
<br /> � � � "��'-r�'� ;. . F interest. Beneficia shall not be re uired to conmtence roceed-
<br /> �;_,.�,. rY 9 P
<br /> ' '� , inqs against euah �uaaessor or refuse to extend the time for
<br />- ' <� r�� '"'`'�� payment or otherwise modify amortization o� the aums and 3ndebted-
<br /> �.�� �';��;�!'�4` ��� ness secured by thi.s Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by
<br /> _ �.,.�� •<. the original Trustos and Trustor's auccessor� in interest; (h)
<br />�"j�. wi�hout affecting the liability of the Truatos or any other person
<br />_-e ` liable for the paytnent o� the obligationa and indebtednese aecured
<br /> - :��r�"+��� by this Deed of Truet, and without af fectinq the lien or akarge of
<br /> •�•.{a � ,..;�
<br /> :�,�:ia���t��y�t..��` this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or
<br /> "';�`"?";.'!;,�'�` '�t � theretofore released as aeQUrity for the fu].1 amount of all unpaid .
<br /> .`�'` �.�-".,'i`� 'r`� obli atione Henefiaia
<br /> ;t ,,•.�„•:.;,,F : g , ry may, Erom time �o ta.me and without notice �
<br /> :.`` ''`'� �f�� '::�J� ( ') y pe , (ii) ex�end the maturity or alter
<br /> � �:,, �;:,�: s. release an rson so liable __
<br /> :'::�'?�� ::. - --
<br /> w.,,�,...,..._��. any of �he terme of any suah obliqation, (iii) qrant other indul-
<br /> ur,'•"„'�;• �:,,',', gences, (iv) release or reconvey, or cauee to be released ar
<br /> •`� ����+�`��"•-- reaonveyed at any titne at Benefiaiary's option any parcel, portion
<br /> � � °.�:c��°'w'�'."s?;:, or all o# the Property, (v) take or release any other or additional
<br /> ��., �-<�_°'-�: security for any obligation or indebtedne�s herein mentioned, or
<br /> ' ��' •��� (vi) make compoaitions or other arrangements with debtore in -
<br /> --��.��,.�-_ �' ,;, --
<br /> _ ,y,�,;r.;;,, , relation thereto; (i) in addition to the rights and powess qiven to r`'
<br /> ��=_� �• ,;���„ the Trustee and Benefici.ary herein, the Beneficiary shall have all
<br /> -�:�t.���:._::;- suah other righte both in law and equity for collection of the
<br /> - ---- :..��,
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