1 �: .. __-..____ _ . . __`
<br /> �.� - .. . �,.,,��:. ��
<br /> „ ___ . ..�.���-
<br /> , � ;
<br /> ��,�.� 91- 1t�87�`�
<br /> ���
<br /> ��. tln P►op�rty I�a tak�n or d�m�ped�L�nd�r�h�ll h�vo thA optlon.ln Ib��ol��nd abaolut�d1�cr�Gon,to�pply!pll�uAh,ProcMdi.
<br /> �.-���� Nar d�duaUnp IhK�hom�II eo�b and�xp�nM�InaurrM br It In Conn�alion wlth wah P�ocwd�.upon�ny(ndebtpd�Aiw»ow�d
<br /> ',s— � h�r�by�nd in wch Ord�r��L�nds�m11y detarmin�.or lo�pply all ouah PNCNd�,�hu�uoh deduaqpnf,to ths rA�tprptlpn ol fh�
<br /> -� . Prop�Ay upon wch conditlan�a�Londer m�y det�►min�.Any�ppllpatian ol ProeNd�to+nd�btodna�s ah�n not�xt�nd or p�pon� -
<br /> lh�du�dat�of�ny paymAnta under tha Note,or cun�ny d�f�ult lharqund[fr or har�unqer.Anr uo�ppl�ed lund�sh�110�pwid W
<br /> -;��� Trwtor.
<br /> ',,,,,�;�_� ` 6. Peloan�nc�by L�nd�►.Upon tha oaaurnnce ol�n Event of Qo1auN her�under,or II�ny aot li tak�n ar I�i11 p►qal�dln0
<br /> � ; ..s� commenced whloh materially aHacts Le�dqr's intereat In the Prqperty,l.ender mey In us own disoreuon,bat without vdl�q�tian to do �
<br /> '�' � �' w,and without natics to or dem�nd upon Trutlor snd wllhpuf rylea�ine Truslor from any obllpNian.do 1�ny aat whlAh.7nuPipr h�s
<br /> �...;,.,.,.,.'x a�rs�d but lefla to do and m�y�I�o do eny other eat It deom�nAOew�ry to prptect ths�ecurity herepl.Truitor�f1�11+1r111tl1lldi�tely
<br /> .�;.;, „, upon dem�nd lhsretor by Lender,psy to Lender sll oo�tu end expen�e���curred and sums axpended by Londer In cannfloUAn.wNh �
<br /> 4x��... � the ex�clae by Landsr of Ihs lorepolnp rlghfa,topethar wllh IMeretl thereon et th�dNoult�ate provided In Iha PWte.whiph Shall bi+
<br />- �_t•:�-•�. added to th� lndebtWrna�cur�d hsr�by. Londer shall nat inaur any OAbfllry becau�e o1�nytM�p U mpy da o�omN,ta do �r
<br /> ��-=•�•-�..�•- herounder.
<br /> "�'�'i'� � 8. Na=ardou�MN�U.Truator shall keep the Property In complianae with all eppllcable laws.ardinanaas end ragu4Htion� F
<br /> = a. -
<br /> _�� • � ° relaqnp to Induatrlal hyplene or envlronmental protectlan lcolleatively�6larred to herein as"Environm�ntpl(.aws")•Tni�lar ahpll _
<br />.- '-� -w..�.. keep the?roperly free Irom ail subamnaea d�emad to be heserdcrue or to�io under anY Envlronmental Low�(aallaatiretp.�atprred to
<br /> �;,�,, �w,� herefn ea"Hazardous Materlale").Trustor hereby warrenta and repreaenta to L�nder fhat Ihere are no Hazardou6 MAtarialg on or �_-_
<br /> ' �'i'•;;, ,�' under Ihe Property.Truetor hereby ap►eae to Indemnify and hold harmleas Lender,lla duactora,oHicera,employeea end apante,end _
<br /> � ��•; � eny succesaore to Lender's interea�Irom end epafnet any and e11 clalms,demapes,laBSes and Ilahu�Uea arislnp in aannectfon with �
<br /> �.�w='M�*II•`�� the preaenae,uee,disposel or tre�sport ol eny Hatardoue Matarlals on,under,irqm or ebout thp Prope�ty.THs FORE(301NCi
<br /> "����-.--- " .- ' BURYIVff RffGO�+l�lk�'ANCE OF THI$OBEO OF TRUST. —
<br /> �•��? '•,ti;;:r�s,1Lr�.,,�• tp, �ss{��!01 R�nls.Truator hereby esaigna to Lender 1ha renta.issues and prohts at�he Praperty:prov'�tled that Truator _ry
<br /> � shall,undl the occurrence of an Event of Defeull hereunde�,ha�e tha npM w co11ec1 and retam auah renta.iasuea and pruNts as they �s�.
<br /> became due and payable.Upon the occurrence ol en Event o(pelault,Lender may.efther in peraon or by Agenf,wfth or wlthout —
<br /> `, bringing eny actlon or proceeding.or by A reaeiver appoinlad by a cauN and without regard to ti�a adequacy of��aecurlly,enter - _
<br /> '�+�' �',•�. �-:�,`.,:�11;:' upon and teke poeaessfon ol the Propercy,or eny pa�t tharaof,in il�own name or m the nama ot the Tnistee,and do any acts which 1t �_
<br /> ��i,t, � ' ���'�;•�=;• d e e m s n e c o e s a n�o r d e s l r a b t e t o p r e a e rv e t h e v e l u e,m a r k e t e b ill ry or rentablli y of the Properry.or any qaA Ihereol or intereat therefn,
<br /> `• �1'^.: increaae the incoma therefrom or protect the securfty hareof and,w�th or �vlthout taking possession ot the Property,sue for or �`_
<br /> �3 , { f:•,.' �, __,
<br /> .,,�.;�� ..,:i�•,,.. otherwise aollect the rente,iesues end�rolfte thareof,moluding those past due and unpeid,and apply the same,less coats and
<br /> ��•^ "��;•'�'°� .�.:;:,':;. . expenaes ol operatlon and colleatian including altarneys'fees,upon eny fndebtedneas secured hereby,ell in such order as Lender
<br /> '' '���"����.. • •:r�•,:; mey determine.The enlering upon and:aklnq posaeseian ol the Properry,the collection of such rents,issues and prolits and+he �-
<br /> '�,�(:Y� '� ' '��';:�.'`�:'. epplfoetlan thereof ae aforeeald,shell nct cure or waive eny dafault or notfce ol default hereunder or Invalidate any act done in '
<br /> ���.':
<br /> " :� •,1 , "';1�,t,,:.' responee to such delault or pureuent to s�ch notice of de(aull and,notwithatandiny the contlnuance fn possession of the PropeAy or �
<br /> _� r ;;�,i1_ .u;,;���;;,;'• the coltantlon,recefpt and eppllcatlon o�renta,fasues or prqllts,and Trustee and Lender shall be enUtled to exerclse every dpht
<br /> ;.ti:,;;F - provltletl tor�n any of the Laan instrumenia vr bY iaw upon occurranta of sny Event o!�Jeleult,In�iud�ng w�Ihout limltedon the rlght ___
<br /> -��ff�' ' �� � to exsrcise the power ot�ele.Further,Lender'e nghta and remedfes under thls paragreph shall be cumulative w�th,and in no way a �-
<br /> - , J,��", . ---_
<br /> . 1;.� � Ilmllatfon an,Lander's rlghte and remedies under any ass�gnment of leasesand rents recorded epafnst the P�operty.lender,Truatee _ _
<br /> ' _�, � '� �'�; ond the receiver shall be liable to account only 1or thone rents actually recerved.
<br /> �'"•• • �.;i,:�,:'_,' 11. Er�oM ol Detaull.The toNowing shall c�netNute an Event of Delault under thia Deed o(Trust
<br /> '" •'•- ; �;t�;:�' (a) Fallure to pey any matallment of principal or interest ol any other sum secured hereby when due: ..��
<br /> ,•':�;`,i1,�'';... . . .
<br /> � (b) A brBHCh OI o�dAfault i mdar any prnvinlon contelnBd In Ihe Note,this Deed of TrusL any of the Loan Instrumenta,or eny =
<br /> ��;w�`�`�.' other Ilen or enaumbrance upon the Pruperty: `P
<br /> ,;,;:�'���;�.' . . (u) A wrlt ot execution or attachment or any aimllar process ahall be entered epainst Trustor which shall becomo a lien on �•,;,.
<br /> , � '��'t'��.� "� the Properly or any portion thereof or interest therein; �'`�
<br /> �� �;�`'-`• (d)�The��ahell be tiled hy or against Trustor or Borrower an ection under any present or luture lederal,state or othe�
<br /> ' � •;.s:;:, stetule,law or regulatlon rQlaling to bankruptcy.�nsolvency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be appointed eny truetee,
<br /> recelver or liquldatar ot Trustor or 8orrower or of all or any part ol the Property,o�the renta.issues or protlts thereof,or Truetor �
<br /> * � ,� or Borrqwer shell make any general asa�pnment for the benefit of creditors: •
<br /> .�X�:�.v'• . (e) The aele,trensier,lease,aeaignment,conveyance or further encumbrance o1 ail or any part of or any interest in the
<br /> `"• � PrOperty.efther voluntarlly or involuntarfly, without the expresa •�vrltten consent of Lender; provlded that 7rustor ahall be
<br /> • • .'��`��'•'�� permilted to exec�te a lease ot the Properly thet does not conta�n an option to purchase and lhe term ot whlch does not excsed .
<br /> . , �`.i;,.,.. . R-
<br /> � � , ,,;'; • one year;
<br /> ,�i,�_, , .
<br /> .����;�.-�. . (Q Abendonment of the Properly:or
<br /> - ;cr�;`t,�1'� (p) 11 Trustor Is not an indivldua�,Ihe Isauance,sale.Iransler,asslqnmeM,comeyance o�enqumbrance of more then a total
<br /> �y �ii,� • ti
<br /> i..�r
<br /> „C����.; . r..__....
<br /> � ol percent ot(il a corporation)its issued and outstanding atack or(d a partnerehlp)a total of _perCent of W.�.:,,
<br /> ,, :�;;:;.. pertnership Intereats during the period thls Deed of Trust remains a Ifen on the Property.
<br /> � r�•• 12. R�m�dl�s;Acc�t�ratlon Upon WIadL In the event of eny Event ol Delault lender may,without notice except es required by �L�
<br />" ' � law,declare atl Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shell thereupon become due and payabte
<br /> �''� �- •� • wllhout any presenUnent,demend,proteat or notice o�any kind.ThereaRer Lender may:
<br /> � •�:(� � (a) Oemand thet Trustee exerCise the POWEfi OF SALE gramed herein, and Truslee shall the►eafler cause Truetor's � y
<br /> ����.' ' Interest in the Property to be sold and Ihe proceeds to be distrlbuted,all in the manner prov�ded m the t�ebraska Trust Doeds
<br /> „ Ack ��.
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and a:l nyhts p�owded tor m any ol the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of ��
<br /> ' Defeu�t;and f
<br /> �..... •• (c) Commence an act�on to loreclose►his Deed ol Trust as a mo�tgage.appo��1 a recewer,or specd�cally entorce any o!the
<br /> s.,,�.
<br /> �. . covenants hereol.
<br /> i:�;:`�• No remedy hereln coMerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s intended to be excluswe ol any other remedy nerein,in the l:.+,
<br /> Loen Instruments or by law provfded or permitled.but each shall be cumulatrve.shall be m addltlon tc every other remedy gfven '
<br /> � �;1•'� hereunder,in the Loan Inatrumenta or now or hereaiter exisling et taw or in eqwty or by statute.and mey be exerC�sed concurrQntly, o-
<br /> , ���;��':; ; independently or successwely.
<br /> 13. TrustN. The Trustee may res�gn al eny t�me w�thout Cause, and LPnder may at any t�me and w�thout cauae appo�nt a �
<br /> euCCe88or or subetitute Trustee.Trustee She11 not be I�able to any porty,mcluding w�thout hmitaUon Lender.DOrrOwar,�rustor or eny ,
<br /> ' purChaser of the Properly.lor any loss or domege unless due to reckless or w�lltul m�sCOnduct.and shall nol be r6quued to teke eny ,
<br /> � aCtion �n connecUon with the enlorcament of th�s Deed of Truat unle9s �ndemmfied. in writing, for all costs, compensat�on or
<br /> ...�.i..ti...e..b�o•nn�atnA Ihnrwwllh in addition.Trustee mav become a purchaser at any sale ol the Property�udicial or
<br /> . ... . ""'- owj.u:ua,�.............� ....-----�-'--� - - �
<br /> � t , under the power ol sale granted herem�:postpone the sale ol all or any poruon of the Prooerty.as prov�cleq oy�aw.or seu cne
<br /> Properly es a whole.o��n separate parcels or lots at Tr�stee's discreNOn
<br /> t4. FN�and Exp�nsh.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerC�se ol powe�of s81e.Trustee shall be entrtled to apply
<br /> • . any 8tile proceeds Qrst to payment ol all costs anci axpensea of ezeras�ng power ul sale,mclud�ng a�l Truatea's leea.and Lender's
<br /> 8
<br /> and Trustee's attornev's leea,eCtuelly�ncurred to extent permitled by appl�cab�e Iaw In the event Borrowe�or Trustor exerC�ses any
<br /> �" rlght provlded by lew to cure en Ever�t ol Oelault.Lender sha11 be entitlod to rec:....• ....�7rustor�II costs and e�pen5es actunlly
<br /> , �nCUrred as a resull oi Trunlu�'b delautt.+ntludinp w�thOUt�imitati0n all TruBtB�9 9^d clttorney�8 fees to the extent oermitted by
<br /> ' eppllCeble law.
<br /> ' 15. Futur�Advanep.Upon request ot Borrower. Lender mey. at ds option. mako addd�onal and IuturQ ativances and re-
<br /> advancea to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,w�fh�nterest thereon,s►+all be secured by Ih�s Dee�o�Trust At no t�me shall
<br /> � the prfncfpal amount o1 the�ndebtedness secured by this Oeed of Trust.nq�y1���ns advanccd to protect the securin�01 this
<br /> " Deed ol Tru�L exCeed the orlyfnel principal amount ateted hereirt.or$__ _____. whichever�s greater
<br /> � .
<br /> —J - - - - - -
<br />