1:.. -t i r���!"' •,V ) 1/qll...v;�1�p,-n.: y.)�.f. tfVt�•:7,. .:fi.•j. . , . - 1� ! T:�LT = . _-
<br /> I 1 Hr�� �f •�;� . if y��l �F•J.%T'�� ��;• .:, '� . '('�i,r�,Y � � ..._..
<br /> , 1 t��i�3�� ��' y� �'!i't1S:). _ �i �.}� �• eSY��fS�3�:ai��{t} . . .�" .
<br /> � .J....J��. ` '
<br /> .. � �.<:�.! '
<br /> �j �.;
<br /> s .-
<br /> J�'� �. T�
<br /> �" •� ."�}���� -r .
<br /> �i ♦.A'I'4.��' _ � .• . �Y'�' ..
<br /> �� l� _ . .�� _ _ _ . --_
<br /> c ,. • 91— 1 u8'747
<br /> _� i TiWSTOR RB/1Q THIB BBFaii�81�'dt1�MG:
<br /> � Tru�W�und�ntend�IAat ihq doctullliiEt Ih�t Tru�tor I��baut to sxrcut�Iw p D�ed of Tru�t�nd eal�mo►tprq�and that Ih�pow�►
<br /> _.�: . 1 =�+ 01�14 provitl�d for In th�Os�d af TeUp/arowld�t tub�nuaNy d3HoreM►t�hq1 pnd obllpadorn to Trustor th�n Y rtloApap�in the�1IMt
<br /> ��.� of�def�ult or brNiah of pbllpqUan unddr the Deed of Trusb InNudlnp,but not Ilmibd to,lhe Lend�r'�ripht to hava M�Prop�Ay�old
<br /> ,.� ����� by thA 7rustw wllhaut any ludittlal prooe�dlnp.Truetor repr rr1u�4 th�t thl��aknowl�dpem�nt w�s�x�oubd by
<br /> _ -- - w`_ Tru�Oar bNon the e�uauaoa ol thn Oieed ol Trw� L==-
<br /> .•� '�L�" .: 8T�MA J '
<br /> �' .. - —
<br /> �,_ ".�i „��� J �-,=z
<br /> _ ��.��:�;,�;,�, . AND KAREN R PASCOE Tru�tqr _
<br /> „ ..
<br /> �,` ,��. ' � �. p�ED OF TRIOST WtTH FUTURE ADVANCES �
<br />�;� . �'_ ... � � n.e ,t89L,by and amon0
<br />+ 7 � THIS O&ED OF TRUBT. ie mede a�of the�..day of --
<br /> ,_. �
<br /> ,.w:k y . _
<br /> �'.s'••� the TruaWr, $ZEr��T.* pA�n� i ��Q KAREii R PASj�,OE +e1,.nA �nd riiq , �'��"
<br /> t��; J�� -3928 �;��-'`_,
<br /> ',•�`�. (irand I�L�nd , � �� --
<br />�"�' �`���iaF: whqa msfllnq addrqu fe l� �rst 1.�th lhareln'Trus r, w o one a morol, —�=—
<br /> .�-
<br /> esx�_._
<br />`�- � _-_-- . . !�•>�
<br /> F A �, �.:• the T►ustee, Fiv� P6�RLt ��*1e � iiQbraak�Cornoration — �
<br />�. .:•.
<br /> .� '' � whose mailing eddrqea ia P.0. 9�ox 1307 tir�ad I�land. M� 68802 �herein"Truetee"),and r�_
<br /> c ,-:,�, �, :,;, the Beneflalary. Fiv�,L�Snt� ��nit - •
<br /> v.�� `b:;�:r,� r''=°-
<br /> •..���;•, P n a�� •n�•, ''---.• •_•__'' NE 68902-1 307 (herefn"Lender'7• =_
<br /> : -�� .'�` whose mallinp addrqes ie �
<br /> � .: '�4, � FOR VALUABI.E CON81pGRAT10N,includlnp Lender's exten=ion ol credit identified horein t�dTEMART J PASCOE a"=�"`���
<br /> , -�tr�: 2`�,.i;�:,:. s��4
<br /> � -. q DCY o oi�rna ��.�..�,�.
<br /> ���� (herein"8orrower",wheMer one or more)and the trust herein created, ��:
<br /> the recelpt of whlRh Is her4by acknowledped,Trustor hereby Irrevocably grante,lransfers,conveys and asslyns to 7ruatee,IN ---
<br /> TRUST.WITH POWHR OF SAI.E.for the benelit and securiry of Lender,under and sub�ect to tlw terms and condNlons hereinettor wt
<br />� � (orth,the real prope►ty. desarlbed ea bllowa:
<br /> .�--
<br /> •• . IS4AllD. IW.4 �GUILTY,li6BRASKA __
<br /> .`; �,,�..
<br /> "'�"' _ � Toqothsr wlth all bulldinpa, Improvements,ffxtures.streets,alleys,passapeways,easements,rights.privileges and eppuRe- �.—_
<br /> , .' • nanaee laaatad thereon or in e�ywfse pertefning thereto,and the rents,issues and prolits,reveraiona and remaindera thereof,end �-�.a:
<br />. ;� euah pemonal properly that fs atleched to the Improvements so es to constitute a Ilxture,includinp,but not limited to,heating and �•
<br /> � � . caoling equlpment;and together with the homestead or marital fntereata,If any,wh�ch fntarests are hereby releaeed and walved;all 4
<br /> of whlah,fnaludinp replacementa and additions thereto,is hereby decla►ed to be a part of thQ real eetetQ 000urod by tha Ifen of thls �
<br /> � � t?eed of Truat end all of the lorepolnp belnp referred to hareln as the"Property". ��;a__
<br /> � ��''�:.'� Thle Deed ot Truat shall aecure(a)the paymeM o11he prinapal sum and Interast ev�denced by a promiasory note or credit ��:;�
<br /> � r,,;ti�, I
<br /> r�• - agraement datod ,heviny a maturiry date of �--�h�r 30th 19Q� ��, v''
<br /> . �' .�,t ' ��'�`;�`:�'� �� sa 0A ,and an and all modllicetfons,extensions and renewals �
<br /> • .�+� �� in the cnginal prinGpal amount ol S— O1 Y �:�"�
<br /> :�t :
<br /> • �'' . thereof or ihereto and any and all tulure advances and readvances to Borrower(or any o1 them il more than one)hereunder . . .
<br /> . ��:.
<br /> � ������ �I'� pureuent to one or more promisaory notes or credit agreements(herein called"NOte");(b)the payment of other sums advanced by
<br /> � �.�!+�' Lender to protecl the security of Ihe Note;(c)the perlormance of all covenanta and egreements ol Trustor set forth herefn;and(d)all .�',_�
<br /> �' ��' • prosent end luture indebtedness and obligatfona o(Borrower(or any ol them if more than one)to Lender whether dfrect,fndirect,
<br /> '�;'r,• .
<br /> .,,.f �� �A�`����.�,.' . abaolute or condngent and whether arismg by note,guaranry,overdraft or otherwiae.The Note.Ihls Deed ot Truat end any and all .,.:�_:_
<br /> , . �.�,�r,;.,�.
<br /> ' �,, other docuents that secure the Note or otherwiae executed In connectlon therewfth,�ncluding w�thout Ilmftation�ueranteas,security �
<br /> . , epreementa and esslpnments of leases and rents,shall be referred to herein as the"Loan Instruments". ���
<br /> lr•-.s;e_-:
<br /> � � � • Truetor covenents and aprees wilh Lender as follows: .
<br /> - , 1. Paymtnt ol Ind�bt�dn�s�.All indebtedness aecured hereby shell be pa�d when due. � '�� �
<br /> • 2. TUI�.Truator Ia ihe owner o1 ihe Property,has the nght and authonty to convey the Property.and w9rranta that the Ilen
<br /> • created hereby Is a Ilrst and prlor lien on the Property.except for I�ens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor In wrltfng and
<br /> dellvered to Lender befure exeCUtlon of thls Deed of Trust.and the executlon end delivery of th�s Deed of Trust does not vfalate any ,
<br /> COntraCt Or Other obllgotion t0 whlCh Truetor is SubJect
<br /> ��� •,� 3. T�x�t,Awotfm�M�.To pay belore delinque�cy au taxes,speclal assessments and all other charges against Ihe Property .
<br /> now or hereafter levled. ,
<br /> 4. In�uraneY.To keep the Property�nsured aga�nst damAge by I�re,ha2ards�nciu 9ad w�thin tha term�'extendod coverage".and I •
<br /> suCh other hazards as Lender may requlre.ln amounts and wrth Compemea acceptabie to Lender,naming Lender as on adddlonel
<br /> �.�;,: named Insured,with loss payeble to the l.ender.In case of loss under such policies.the lentler�s authonzed to ed�uat,collect and
<br /> eompromise,a�l claims thereunder and sliall heve the opt�on ol applymg all or part ot tne insurance proceeds(4 to any�ndebtedness
<br /> � eeCUred hereby and In such order ae Lender mey determine.(�Q to the Trustor to be usetl�or 1he�epelr or restoratlon ot the Properly
<br /> . or pii)for any other purpose or ob�ect sat�s�actory to Lender witnaut aHect�ng tne I�en of tn�s Deed of Trust for the lull amount secured
<br /> � hereby before such payment ever took place.Any apphcat�on of proceeds to�ndebtedneas shall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> dale ot eny paymente under Ihe Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder
<br /> ._ ' - • _ _ .. .. . ... .--'-- �°•-•---�_��......�..�.......,. ........►,..,��..n. �o i o.,.��.ma�fIAC1AllAIH ¢uH�r.�wnt
<br /> -- b. GCmw.upon wrmen aawarw uy�o�wo�. ��va.v..,��a�.r•,�•,•••••••••••.••...••.•......_...... _--' -' -• --- o - -
<br /> suma to enable Le�der ta pay as they become due one or more ol the foilowing:(i)all taxes.asseasmeMa a�d other cnarges againat
<br /> the Properly.(il)the premiums on the property insure�nce requ�red hereunder,and(�iQ the premwms on any mortga9e�nsurance
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. Malnt�n�nc�,R�p�ln and Canpll�nc�wlth Law�. Truator snall keep tne Property in good aondit�on and repau:shan
<br /> _ {frnm�n,!1� .��,�ir.Or re(+��ce 9ny Improvement whfch m6y be dameged or denhoved. sha11 not commd or permd any waste or
<br /> deterforation o1 the Praperty;ahall not remove,demollsh or substant�ally alter any of the improvements on the Property.shall not
<br /> commlt suNer or permit eny act to be done in or upon tne Propeny�n viotauon oi any law,v�d���an�a.ur re9ulation,and snalt pay and
<br /> promptly dlscharge at Trustor's cost and oxpense all tlens,encumbrances and cha.yes lev�ed.�mposed or assessed eqamst Ihe
<br /> Property or any part Iherept.
<br /> � 7. Emin�nt Dom�ln.Lender Ia hereby asslpned all compensat�on,awards,demages end other payments or rel�el(heremalter
<br /> ' "Prxeeda")in conneCtfon w�lh condemnelfon or other tek��g of Ihe Property or parl Ihereol,or 1or conveyance�n lieu ol condemna-
<br /> tlon.Lender shall be antltled at�ts opuon to commence.appear�n end prosecule m �ts own name any act�on or proceedings.and
<br /> shell al90 be enldled to meke any comprom�se or settlAment i�connect�on with si�ch tak�ng or damage In the event any port�on ol
<br /> .. NA[�4671NaaPKUnw��O»a�b.10 Ie
<br /> • �1fqNN�enNYlNdtO��c��ruauWSn�np�Atwt��t�on l�ntoM M�Dr�Y�
<br /> ' t I !_- _ _ _'._ . _._.
<br />