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<br /> . I
<br /> (
<br /> ' Sil--- i O8743 --��-=
<br /> � �` �' ' ' More commonly known as 721 South Greenwiah Street� Ciraad 1�land. HaU County,
<br /> ; ;, �, r a
<br /> ' Nebraaka.
<br /> . ,
<br /> . ,. ,,: _.... ----
<br /> • ... � .,
<br /> � ;�pt!����,r�,'?,: -. � ��_: ..
<br /> • 3. GICENSEE S DUTIFS AND RISKS. It i�uaderstood aad agreed that the __
<br /> � -_:_:
<br /> _.. :-_• � ' ' : • Licensee may consWct, maiutain� ropair and utilizs the above described improvement at �...:::::-_ -
<br /> � . • the License�'s sole rlsk. 1'he Licensee hereby walves any claim for damagea against ti�e �s_-_s_
<br /> , � Licensor. its of8cers,employecs� ageats and independent contractors for any damage or =� ___
<br /> _� injury that may result to sald improvemenk If t6e Licensor, in its sole dlscretion, __ _
<br /> �� , determines tbat any part or all of the impravement must be removed or is damaged by the ���
<br /> Licsasor,its em lo ees,a enis.or inde endent cantractors workin for the Licensor durin �����:��-_.._.-
<br /> ,;�, P Y � A S S ..<_�=
<br /> • �.�;.! the course of their employment or duties wiW the Licensor, the Licensee agees to assume �T.-,�..__
<br /> . � , ��::'.�;; and pay all costs relating to the replacement or repair of the i�nproveman� ---.
<br /> •.--�:--
<br /> � .��.. �---=.
<br /> . 4. EFFECI'IVE DATE. This license agreement shaA take aff�ct on the d�te j �-----°�--
<br /> �"'�`'.
<br /> �: •� ;>� it is executed by the Mayor of the City of Grand Island as dated below. It shall continue . '��:='=
<br /> - ' � ������� for an iadeCnite term untii such time as�t�e torrnmated as provlded hereafter. ��-- ��
<br /> ;.,,:.;,; „ �f;.,,., � '; ;t::•��`��..z='_
<br />�,�.��,�.'�..,'` � :lrj,:�.':.;�. . -•���� -
<br /> ��,�° : ,';��;�,;'�l� . � 5. TERMINAT'ION. 'Ifiis license agreement shall terminate uFoa one ar more f��:r,;�.
<br /> �� �`�;:�;�.`�-
<br /> ,,;..�.. , •;l�y-::���' � � of thc followiag occurreuces: __ --
<br /> ' •:;,., . .',,;, .
<br /> ,
<br /> ;1,. �.;�.:e�,;;--
<br /> . � .. a. 1fie service of sixty days writt�n notice of intentIon W tewinate by any m°.y_.�..-R.,°°,._
<br /> „ '�-
<br /> � ��',; party upon the ot6er party. ,.
<br /> �4^ ,
<br /> ;;�, ��'•°
<br /> ;,�,;�; , _�._�-------
<br /> . ��:' . .� ; b. The Licensee's application for a permit to alter .aa���=
<br /> , � said improvement or any part thereo� unless sa�d permit is far work duo to an �--==--=�-
<br /> �:�,r..�==
<br /> �� ��;:'�::;.• occunence as descn'bed in Paragraph 3 above and said work haa tha prior wrltteA �,�;� �,•�'»��'�_�
<br /> �``�+'� . approval of t6e Liceasor. Q '+���`'.,:�A:-'"
<br /> ��—
<br /> ,. —,.:�t,�:.�.W
<br /> �' c. The Licensee's construction or installation of any structure ar `���
<br /> „ improvemeat of any nature upon the real estate owned by We Licensor excapt that �� �_ .. .._ -_
<br /> � � described in Paragraph 1 above. _ —_
<br /> ' Upon the termination of this License Agreement, the Licensee shall be required�and ��;=�;;;_-�.
<br /> hereby agrees, to remove said improvcmcat fran the Licensor's real estate at its awn "�'��"�
<br /> ;.,;.::��:��..
<br /> , '° expense and without cost to the Licensor. Said removal to occur no later than siYty days �'`� ' =_-
<br /> after reeeipt of the aotice of intention to terminate or any of the ot6er occurrences set k::�,. , 'c=:.�
<br /> - forth in Paragraph 5 above. Should the Licensee fail to do so, the Licensor may remove ��,,�.; ��.�
<br /> . � or cause the removal of said improvement from tUe Licensor's real estate and tbe Licensee � ..;�:��'��'`
<br /> � ; agrees to reimburse the Licensor for all its casts. °"�":
<br /> ' " , �._.
<br /> 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agreeraent shall be binding upon the �(•��
<br /> � parties hereto, their suocessor and assigns. ` '��
<br /> f`�' , � . ..--
<br /> � �
<br /> � ' ?:��.�.�, �• 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This license agreement constitutes the entire ,
<br /> :;ri'::"� agreement between the parties notwithstanding any other oral or written agreements to the ��.. �
<br /> contrary. This license agreement shall be ameaded only in writing executed by all parties. ,
<br /> !
<br /> ! 8. CHOICE OF LAWS. Tbis licease agreement shall be copstrued in
<br /> i ��� •
<br /> � '�
<br /> �
<br /> � '
<br /> ' 4 f � - -- - - ' -_
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