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<br /> .•,�;. . •'�HiS SPACE RFSBRVFD FOR RPOISI'HR OF D�DS• _---- —
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<br /> •� '' LICEN5E AGREEMENT p�
<br /> u .��� • � �-:e_�_,---.
<br /> . � � ��.;_-
<br /> ° . , � This License Ageement is made by and between the CITY OF Gi3AND ISLAND. - -
<br /> �� � . NEBRASKA, a Mun3cipal Gorporation, herein referred to as the "L3c�nsnr" and RICK S. =.-
<br /> i• � , � JOHNSON, a/k/a RICK'S LAWN CARE�hereinafter referred to as th� "Licensee". __...____
<br /> ��::_
<br /> - " 1. STA'TEMENT OF PURPOSE. The purpose of this I.icense Ageement is to set �!�="`��
<br /> � � �' ' � forth the terms and conditions under which the Licensee may construct, maintain� repair, and �`��--°=-
<br /> ,�: ��•� ;,•���,;,. � utilize the following described iwprovement which wiU infringe upon real estate wvned by the =_ --
<br /> -
<br /> �.�....
<br /> ,�� �. ., . .: , ---
<br /> � Licensor: �_'�_.�
<br /> .
<br /> :_ . �- �-� ,wy:i_::...�.2_... ----
<br /> �'y:l:.. . _
<br /> ' ' , t��.. i.}{�;, �..,�.1,:. ��i"`;
<br /> ;� ,`rAti..fi:!,i'.;.�..,t� _�....�.
<br /> •,,,. ,,:, :, ,�;..��., ;.� , ,,:`.: � � An awning structure whicb encroacbes im the public right-of-way of ,�v--
<br /> �i5i�����'''i�� ' Greenwich Street a distance of ten (10) fee�
<br /> , , �' ,•;r.
<br /> . ...,;''.: �:�n�:�;.
<br /> �. � ' 2. DESCRIPTICIN nF i.10ENSF.E'S RFAL ES'fATE. The Licensee owns the '`�'�` -
<br /> � �,.:
<br /> . following de�cribed real estate adjaeent w the Licensor s real estate to which tbis License �
<br /> , ' Agreement shall apply: ��_
<br /> ��_- - -
<br /> �,...:, .;�,... .��,�;
<br /> .',�:�;;,;�.�,:;, Part of the Northcast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 'Iyventy-one (21)� ���,�•�-
<br /> . , .;;;;;t:s;.:;:';;;':�. Township Eleven (11), Range Niue(9). more particularly described as foUows: �;as;���-_
<br /> .�. :I.tYAS!lIY.�.� ' �i^_. .__._
<br /> -•. Y.�I�Lt1I .
<br /> "}1f11 f'..',•,��,� _� � i �°Jf-".�.a= —
<br /> �•:'�' �?.������..- ,•�.;;., Beginning at a point on t6e nurth liae of Oklahoma Avenue, where sucb oint intersects
<br /> �;,.�E,.. , p �, .'".�`',
<br /> wlth the east line of Greenwich Street;then runniag aorthwesterly along and upon the east '��;���;-: ��
<br /> ,,,
<br /> �; .�����:i;,:,,t:' line of Greenwich Street,a distance of One Hundred Forty-�ve and Six Hundredths feet '�� � � `' =
<br /> �, :�e•:•;;i��:���
<br /> � � " ' (145.06 feet); thence running northeasterly a distance of One Hundred T�venty-onc and "''�� ''``�`r�'
<br /> �'� �..�_�...�.
<br /> .� ;,;, � . . 'ILirty-seven Hundredths feet (121.37); theace running southeastcrly a distance of One '��' ..�::-:�r_
<br /> . • :;�� � �Iundred Forty-four aad Seventy-nine Hundredths feet (1�t4.79 feet); to a pvint an the ���''`���� -
<br /> ._,;•, :. .
<br /> ��`��:;���';��. narth line of Oklahama Avenue; thence running southwesterly along and upan the north . � •
<br /> , �� ,.•.;,,;..�.��,, �,,•..,
<br /> , �;,,�ti�. ' line uf Oklahoma Avenue a distance of One Hundred Twenty-one and Forty-three ; � �
<br /> , Hundredths feet (121.43 feet) to the point of beginaing; �
<br /> . � ,
<br /> }
<br /> . , , ,
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> �
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