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<br /> ' periads ttut Lender rcquirc�. 'Tlu in�unncc currier�un�viding thc insuruncc�hall be choxen hy Boriower rubjcct to Lcndcrls
<br /> ----�-� �ppiovai wh�Ch aha!!not tx unrea.son�bly wFihl�eld. !i'�iarm►ver fsily to me�ntnln coverage de�cribcd ubove.L.ender may.at
<br /> Lenrkr's option,nbtain covemge to prottct I.cnder+riFhiti in ttue Pruperty in uccordance with purugraph 7.
<br /> All imunuxe policies and renewuls rhull he acct{vable to I.ender und shat�include u stundard mortgage c1AU�e. Lender
<br /> - xhal!tuive the right to hold thc Exdicies anJ r�newal�c. If Lc►ukr nyuims,8orrower shall promptly givc to L.endcr all rccetpts
<br /> '._� ai p�1d premium+und renewul natices. In ttx cvent of loss.Hurrower�h•rll give ptnmpt notice to the insuronro carrier:uui
<br /> ;-� I,ender. Lender muy make prouf of loxz if nc�t m•rck Ex�wttpdy by Borrowcr.
<br /> �"��°� UnkS�L�nder nnd Rormwer o�herwise a�r��e in w�riting, imuranre procecds tihull 6c applied to rextorution or repair uf
<br /> '�'r'�� ' ti�e Prupecty dsunagcd. if the rcstorution ar repair is tronamically feutiible und Lendrr's security is not Ics�oned. If the -
<br /> �`' rextarotion or repuir is not economicully feavible ot Lender: ,ecuri�y would be lessened,the insuranee proceedc shall be
<br /> �,��� appliul ro the sum+�ecurcd by this Security Inxtrumgnt, whether or nw then due,with uny excess puid ta Bcxrower. If
<br /> �I����� Horrower ubandons the Pn>perty,or daes na unxHar w•lthin 3U duys a notir.e from Lender that the insurance carrier hac
<br /> offered to settle u claim,then Lender mc�y cotlect tt�inxurance proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds ta repuir or restore
<br /> _����,�� the Pmpeny or to pay sums�ecured by this Security lnYuument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will besin when
<br /> ,.=,"�01�'_9 the notice is given.
<br /> - ���a,;�1�; Unless Lender and BoROwcr othenvisc agrce in H•riting,any application of procceds ta principal shull not extend or
<br /> ,. �:;;.�: postpone the due date of the monthly payments refetred ta in parsgraphs 1:md 2 or change the.:mount of the payments. If
<br /> uncfer paragraph 2l the Property is acyuired by L�ixitr, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the uyui�iticxt xt�atl pass to Lender to the extent of the suma secured by this Security
<br /> =— inrtrument immediutely prior to the:+cquisition.
<br />_ °�.'"�,�`��" 6. Occupancy, Preservption. Myinten�nce �nd Prutectlon oC the Praperty; Borrower's Loan Application;
<br /> i ,,,.,,.,. ..,{� I,easehoWs. Borrower shull occupy,establish,anci use the Property us Horr��wer:pnncipal residence within sixty days after
<br /> ,:�<:._.�.,��1tr�� the executian of this Security Inct�vment and shari cantinur tu�xcupy thr Pruperty as Borrowerk principal residence far at
<br /> +� �. least one year after the date of occupan�y, unk+• l.ender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> '��"..'•:�;,:. '>,'-�x:
<br /> . unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuatin�circumstun�es exist which ure bcyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not
<br /> " ��� � a destroy,damage or impair the Property,ullow the Pro,crty to deteriorute,or commit wuste on the Property. Harrower shall
<br /> tp' ;.•,,, .� +�.; .�' be in defuult if any forfeiture action or procecding,H�hether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender:s�o«I faith judgment
<br /> . ���i a� � .. ,y.;
<br /> • could result in forfeiture ot thc R•operty or otlxrw•ise materinUy impuir thc lien created by this Securicy Instnament ar
<br /> . , ...�• " '� Lender's•security interetit. Boaower m�y cure.uch a c14 tault und reinstute,ati provided in paragraph I8,by causing the action
<br />. ' � or praceeding to bc dismissed with a rulinR tfut,in l.e►xier's gond faith determination,precludes forfeiture af the Borrowerc
<br /> interest in the Property or other material impairtnem of the Ilen cmuted hy thls Security Instrument or Lender's securiry
<br /> - .�,A�,c,.:,v.�. ..:,.'• interest. Borrower shull also be in dcfault if Borru��•cr, during thc loan upplication process, gave m�terially false or
<br /> � � }�1 inaccurate information or stutement�to Lencier(ar fait��d to provide Lender with uny material infor►nation)in connection with
<br /> . . .��� ' ' `'�,"`� the loun evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to, representutionr concerning Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> _t��,�!i�ik Property us a principul residenee. If tfiis Security Inxtrument is on n Ieusehold,Borrower.hull comply with all the provisions
<br /> '� of the leuse. lf Borrower acquirez fec title tn the PrnFrrty,the le:isrhold and the fec title shalt not merge unless Lender agreeti
<br /> to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectiun of Lender's RiRhts i�the Property. If Borrower fuil+ to perform the covenants And agreements
<br /> • contained in thiti Security Instrument, c�r there i. a I�egal pr�xeeding that muy .ignificuntly affec[ Lender's rights in the
<br /> ;. � ' Property(such as a prc�ceeding in bankru�tcy.pn�tc+te,frn•condemnution nr forteiwre or ro e�force luws ar regulatiansl,then
<br /> � Lender may do and puy for whutevcr i� necetiyaq•to protect the valur of thr Property •rnd Lender ti rights in ihe Propeny.
<br />- � Lender c actiom muy inciude puying any+un».ecured by a licn which ha+priority over this Security lnstrument,appeuring
<br /> in court,paying reawnuble attomey�'fec+:►nd rnaring on the I'�a{xny to make rcpairti.Although l.ender may tuke action
<br />- under this parugraph 7,LrnJcr d�x.not h•rcr►��do.u.
<br /> • • � Any umountti di.buned by Lendrr unckr thi. parngraph 7 shall txcomr additionul debt of Borrou•er tiecured by this
<br /> '�'� � - Sccurity Instrument. Unlcss Borrowcr and Lcnck r a�;mt�tu other tcrni��,f paymrnt.[hctie amc,unts shall t►cur interest tiom the
<br /> �4i
<br /> h •,;:,.., , . , date of disbursemcnt at thc Notr rute anJ tihall hc payablc.with interr,t,u�xm notice from Lender to Borrower reyuesting
<br /> ":��. . paymcnt.
<br /> � 8. Mort�afie lnsurr+nce. If L.rncl�r rcyuimd nwrtgage in.uranrr a. a runJition of muking the loan secured by thir
<br /> l.:?'} :.� Serurity Instrument,Borrowrr .hall puy thr prrmivai. rcyuimd tu mainr,�in th� ntcxcs�.�ge insurunre in effert If, for s►ny
<br /> . • mnson, ihe mortguge in�uranre cuvrragc rryuired b�• l.endr� l;ip+c� or ce:ur� to hr in effect, Barr��wer shall pay the
<br /> �� � premiums r�yuired to ubtuin ruv�ra�!r �uh,tantially� c�yuivalrnt tu thr nturtgagr in+urancc previausly in effect,at a cost
<br /> .' ,,,�; SubstantiaUy equivalent to thc rost to fiorn►K�r uf tbc mortgagc imurance prcvioutily in effect, fmm an alternute mortguge
<br /> • . . insurer upproved by Lrndcr. If+ubstantially cyuic.�km tnc�rt�u�:e in+urancr ro��crage iti not uvuiluble.Barrower shall pay to
<br /> >t ° '� Lcndcr cach munth a�um ryual to cxir•tuclfth�,f th�:�•carly munfcagr in.ur:inr�premium txing p�iid by Borcowcr when thc
<br />- ' •.. imurunce covcrugr lap+ed or rraud t<�t+r in�•ficct. t.rnder w ill arcrpt,u+c and rrtain Ihc�r payments u+u loxs re,ervc in Iteu
<br />`"�^ � � of mortgagc insurance. Lotis re�ene pa}mcn�. ma��no langrn c�nyuinJ,ut thc��►iun i�f Lender,if mortgage insur:uue
<br /> �'' � ' covcrage tin thc nmount and fi�r thc�xricxl thrt Lcrx.l�:r rcyuirr,l pru�•idrJ hy an inwrrr approved hy Lendcr again bcmmes
<br /> '�` avuils�ble and is obtained.Borrowcr tihal I a thr n mium.rc uircd t��mainwim m�n .���insurance in rffect,or to rovide a
<br />_- �,a, . P"� P ' 4 �•.,• p
<br /> u � loss reserve,umil the requirement ti�r rnongagc inwrunrc end.in uccordunr�witli uny N�rit[rn agreement between Bormu•er
<br />- ;r �i.4�e . �. and Lender or•rpplicablc law.
<br /> r __. . 9. Inspection. Lrnder ur it,agcnt may maAc�rawnahle�ntrir�u�xm and im�rtinm of thr Prupeny. Lender sBall
<br /> —�' � give Borrowrr notire at thr timr af c�r priur to an im�xetion.}xrit'��ing rrawnahle cau.c ti�r the in.Exctiun.
<br /> ..>� .� _ ,
<br /> � 10. Condemtwtion. Thc pr�xcrdti nf an� award ur rlaim tiir damagc.,dimrt ur camequential.in conncrtion with :u�y
<br /> �5� ' �.
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