.. •,,: ... .. . . . .. n____
<br /> . . , . ,. . . .. ... .�_. , . . --
<br /> �, , . ,.�...�'�yP26alq�ry��!'wv.:,�,.. . •-;., '
<br /> )�P/��'
<br /> .. ��F� �y,
<br /> . �" .Al... '_ __-___"_
<br /> ^. • ��: �,.��',', � � •� 17.Transhr d tlw Propu'iy or • �nrflol�l I�n�t In eorrow�r. M�or any pMt ol th�Proprty a
<br /> ,+..��.�s�:,;�3;•`.;..:� ' �ny Int�nq N k is wld a tnn�h�nd(a M�bmMoW int�nst h �a�row�r Is soid or 1mtNrt�d and Barowrr M aot a rNtuni
<br /> .�`�``�.''':ii�'�: p.nor,)wMl,out L.nd.r�.prlor wrkt.�n oon..nt,l�na«m.y,�e Its oPaon,nqufr�NrMd�te a•1��h�w a NI wm...ound ey
<br /> .-�,_ :. th�r,.-asxlty hhtnln+�+t. Howewr�MM efMlon shw nei b��waM�d by Lrnd�r N�oN�M prohbll�d by Ne1W bw�s W ih� _ _
<br /> .��rra�+�=."'.— d�U d thf� 9�cwlly Insban�nR
<br /> n Una.r�c.roi�.s u�i. opaan. l«id.r oh�M yF,• eortow«eotb.a.ee.iwaaoe. n�.noua. .n.r provid.. wdod a nol �
<br /> . „ I�u lhan �O d�ys tom th� d�tr th� notk,�is dMM�nd or nMUd wNhin whbh Bartow�►must p�y at wms aoix�d by tNt �
<br /> �' .,' ' .. Seau!!y instn�msnt.fl Bortowa h�t� to pay 1Ms� sunN pb►to tht�xpk+iNon ot thk PMiod. Lmd�r n�y hvokr �n►r�m�f�t ��� -
<br /> �"`�c b thk Mstnnw►t wkhou!1wth�r noUw or dMnmd on 8arow�r.
<br /> ,R,?: : • ..,�'f P��� Y �Y �
<br /> �-� .' . 18. Borrow��'� Rlpht ta Rdttsut�. H B«tow�r mMes e«taln eondluoas, eorrow�r sh�t h�w th� �ipM to har� r
<br /> ,. � enbrc�nunt af thM S�Ny M�trummt disconiMw�d at�rry iMrn prior to th� wriw oL ly 5 days (a wch othw pwlod as °
<br /> �, appNc�bM law nMy�p�cNy for nN►st�t�nt)bMon�ol th�Pro��ty punwnt to�ny powK of saw�hh�d in thla S�+�b � _�
<br /> �,•;. Inswn,.nh «(b) .nuy of•Judornant.ntoranp tha s.auRy intwm.nt.Thos•cond�aon•ar•tnat eor►ow.r. (a)�aya L«►a..� ` _--_
<br /> :`"��fi � sums whlch thm would b�du�und�r thia 9�aidly k�strum�nt and th�Not��s M no�ad�niton h�d occurnd; (b)a� �nY
<br /> ---� ; . d�lwR ot any othK cov�nt or aptanwnts; (o) WYs aI�xP�nws IncuR�d in �nfordnp thls S�cu►kY Instrum�n� Indudk�p. 6ut � �.
<br />—�::�;1...
<br /> __.,e • not Wntt�d to,rwson�bi�attom�ys'1w�;+u�d(d)Wus wch aWor► �s L�ndw may rwsonably nquke to auun that th�Y�n oT
<br /> �;;_' this Sewrky hstru�+�nt. L�ndar's tiyhri In th� Propsrty and BarowK't obYpolon to p�y tiw eums wax�d by this S�axAy _,
<br />---�r y;;; .�'� , �3 �mtnurwnt :n� ca+Mw� uncnanQ�d. uPon re�nstat«ront ►�v eor�owK. tn�a s�cwty► �nswmw►t rxs u+R ob�qations s�ax�d
<br />_`' �I j; ;�;�`. .: ` � �i henby:hail nn�in IulAf Mvc,iv��s N no a�aWn h�d ocarr�d. Howw�►,this dpht to r�Y�t1�e1Mll oat�PPN in tt��aN �
<br />--r. ":: , .. d�CC�iritldi urKMf pirprph 1T.
<br /> _ . . �� ,,' �� 19. sab d Nob: Cl�y� of I.wn S�rvic�r.Tha Not� a a a p�rtivt ir�pw�st M qtR NaW (t�yallwr wiAh 1Ns
<br /> . . i S�awily Ins��U miy b�soki orte or moro tlmea vrrihout p�a++otiae to BarowK.A wia naY neuit N�;chmp�M tAe�nhly -..-_-
<br /> • • I (laiown as tM"Lan S�rviar'1 th�t coN�cts monthlY P�Y�ts dw undr tl►e I�fobP�ed tl�is SrwritY k�ahvn�nG Th�n also m�y �.:_-
<br /> a on.a ma� clwigu of th� Loa�, SKVirwr unrM�t�d to .s�i� oF ri+a 1yv�M. � �n Is a ch�np� ot eM Lan S�rviar.
<br /> 6proyver will b� yiv�n wrRhn nolke ot th�ehany�in acco►d�na with�apl+ i�4ix�re and apPMc�bM kw. Th�noUc�wfM ��'
<br /> "�' � stat�th�nam�and addaas ot tAe nwu Loan 3ervicer and tht addnss to which pvynr�i st�ouid b�m�dt Th�oatlt�wil alw
<br /> f'', conhk►�n othK hfomwilon r ksd b law. --
<br /> . i:. " Y �9�+ Y�PPNcabl� �---�`-
<br /> . ��,�; ,�',j.� ' 20. H�t#rdous Subd�nC�s. B��xrower�hNl not cause or p�nK the pra�nu. us�. dlspossl. ston�. a nlMS�ot �:.'
<br /> .. ','.''�``�� any Harirdew S�bstancss on a fn the Properb. Burower shaN not do, na�Mow anyon+alte to do,anytfiinp aM�dinp ih�
<br /> • � ' "'; -
<br /> �� .•;:.,.� P�rop�rty that b �n vioitllon a�any Envkonmmtal Law. The pneedinp two s�nt�nas shal n�t apply to the proa�nce.ute,or =_-
<br /> '.,;:.; staag�on th� Prop�rty of smaA quantfUes oi Ha�rdous SubaW�c�t that u�yenwa�y roco�nFtW to b�+PPr'�P�u to nonnN
<br /> ° ro�identW uaa and to m�inlananc�of the Propetly.
<br /> BortowK sh�N promptly phr� Und�r writhn not(c� W �ny Inveetiy�Uon. dvm, dmwnd, I�wwit o►oth�r actlon by my
<br /> govemma�ty or �eyui�tory aymcy or Wivats paRy invdv(ng the Rroperty �nd�r►y Huudous Subatance or EnvlronmmW law of
<br /> . whkh Borrawx h�s actuN knowl�dy�. I} Borrower I�ems, or Is noUAed by tny 9���LI or rspui�tory authodty. th�t �ny
<br /> = y rdnove! or dher t�tinn o! �ny H�z�rdous SubsLnoe aflecdn0 P►oP�'tY is n�Casuy� Botrow�t thaM promptiy Lke aq �'=
<br /> • q n�c�sa�ry remedlal acttons M accorduics wfth Emkonma+tal lsw. _—
<br /> 1 Aa used In thls paraprxph 20, 'Hanrdous Subatances• are those substancss dsftned as toxic or hazudou:subatanc�s by
<br /> Envkonment�l Law and the toltowk►q subatances: yasoline, kerosene, other Armrrwble a toxk petrotwm products, todc
<br /> �� pnUc7d�s and herbicides,val�tlle solvents, nxterials contaiMng�sbestoa or tomwld�hyds,�nd ndio�ctive matdWa. As us�d in E'„.
<br /> � puapraph 20,'Envlronmentd L�w' ms�ns tederal I�ws and I�ws of the juriadiction wh�r�tha Property is bcatM th�t �el�t�to �-
<br /> � ' ' hedqh,tafety or Mvkonmental pratecUon. � �'_
<br /> , �-c•=-
<br /> { ; NON-UNIfORM COVENANTS. Borrowur and Lender fuAher coven�nt and ayree as tdtows:
<br /> 21. Accelersition; Rom�diaa. I.�nd�r shall giva natice to Borrowor prior to acc�l�ration F•
<br /> � � � fdlowinp 8orrovNar's br��ch of any covensnt or �gr�ement in this S�curity Instrum�nt (but not �
<br /> �t ' prior to acceloration undar p�ra�raph 17 unloss applicabto law providos otharwi�). Tha notfc�
<br /> � shall spocity: (p� tha dofault; (b) tho action �equirod to curo tho detauit; (c) a dat�. not I�ss ttun
<br /> • � 30 d�ys irom tho datQ tho notico is givoo to Borrowor. by which the dofauk mud b� cur�d; and ,
<br /> (d) thst f�flu�e to cur� th� dsf�ult on or b�fon th� dato spoctfiod in tha �oRic� may rosult In
<br /> � occol�ration of tha sums wcurod by this Socuriiy instrument and sal� of th� Property. Th� notico
<br /> � shall iurtfwr inform 9orrowor of the ripht to roinstatQ aftor accal�rsition and tho ►lyht to briny a
<br /> � • court �ction to ass�rt tho non-axistonca of a d�fautt or any other dofonae of Borrow�r to
<br /> accetoration and aalo. If tho dohutt i� not cured on or baforo tho dato apoctfiad in th� nottca.
<br /> Laedo� at its o�tion may r�qulro immodi�ta paymont in full of all surns �ocurod by this Socurity
<br /> � Instrumont without furthor damand and may tnvoko th� powor of sata and any oth�r r�m�dias
<br /> parmittad by applicablo law. L.ondor ahall ba ontitlod to collact all oxpon�os incurrod in purauing
<br /> � tiw nm�dtos providod in this puapr�ph 21, inctudtn�� but not limited to� r�asonabl� attomoys'
<br /> ! ' f�s�nd costa of tklo ovidanco.
<br /> ' If tho powor of �alo ts invokad� TrustoQ �hall record A notica of dofault in oach cwunty in
<br /> � � which any put of tho Proporty Is locatod and shail mait copios of such natice in tha manner
<br /> , � } pnscrlb�d 6y applics�blo law to Borrowar and to tho othor po�sons proacribed by applicabl� law.
<br /> f' Aft�r tho tima requirod by appticablo law, Trustao �hall givo pubUc notico of sato to tha porsons
<br /> Q.' I and tn th� m�nnor p�escribad by appiicabl� law.Tru�ta�, without demand on Barowor� shaU satl
<br /> r . th� Propety at public auctlon to tho ht�host bidder at tiw timo and placo �nd undar tho tarms
<br /> r ' ,� � d�aipnaMd in tha notica of aalo tn ona or mora parcats and in any ordar T�ustoa dat�rmin�:.
<br /> . TrustN ma�y postpoe� sa�o of all or any pa�c�t of tfw Proparty by public an�ounc�m�nt at thv
<br /> �., . � ' ; tim� and plac� of any pr�vlously �chadut�d �al�. L�nd�r or ib dosl�nN msy purchaa� tiN
<br /> � ' Prop�KY�t any sai�.
<br /> _ � . � ' � Upon r�cNpt of paym�nt of Hw pric� bid, Trud�o shall d�liv�r to th� purchas�r Trus�'s
<br /> ` '`,. �i dNd caw�yin� th� Prop�rty.Ttw ncitats tn th�TrustN's do�d shall b� prima faci� �vid�nc�af
<br /> _ --- tiN M�of th� dat�m�nb m�cla thonin. Tru�t�� sf�ll sppty th� procNds d t1w sa�n In tha
<br /> ._ �1 toitowin�ord�r. (s) to �il cosb and �xp�ns�s ot vx�rclsinp the powar of sal�. and tiw d�,
<br /> ~ ••a°�� includin�tha paym�nt of th�Trud�o's b��actwilly tncurr�d, not to�xcwd thrN
<br /> `,i°' .� .., . %of tl� principal �unount of th�
<br /> ��..�.., � .
<br /> .=, . „ . not��t tM tim� of th� drelanilon of dNwk. �nd nssonsbl� attorn�y's fws as p�rmitt�d by I�w;
<br /> �� � _�� ; _ (b) to NI wms t�cund by thls S�curNy Indrum�� �nd (c) �ny �xc�ss to th� pa�aan or p�rsons
<br /> � Ipalh►�ntitl�d to R.
<br /> �.. .apr.. .�•,�
<br /> t.:.� . ���`L� �.�_
<br /> r F11/i.WO(YA7) P�q�4 of S 1.�
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