. . _ ... . 4a .� . . . ,.. ;N ..�
<br /> + . +�'!`�"t a.rr. .:)L• . .'r..�.^ �. � . .,..i ���nq.�..�..�--�-� --•—�-�--�.,_.... .-•..ia,i"` .
<br /> • .`+,� . . tm•�... .. . ..5�
<br /> � . . : • :�.�„a,,,. .. .._
<br /> ...� — `.X.'.4W;�►iCL:c.�� ,,,.�.� . . . . -- --
<br /> � .. . i, • eo�row« m.y «,n wen a d.ault .nd nh.au, as povkNc+ h p.r.pr�pn 16� by cau�lnp ►n• aala� ar proo.eanp a b.
<br /> ''- •':- •' • ' • da/af�ilun of th� 8arown's Intu�at in th�P►op«ry or
<br /> : , �Y/NIfA.1,r�•...,�: ' dMtrast�d wNh a iuMnp ibal, la L�nd�r'�pood Wlh d�twmMatfon� Pndu
<br /> " �ir�'"'u� Wh�r md�l bn�wlrm�nt ol tM N�n an�t�d by thM B�owMY instnurwit a Und�rY s�arlty Int�t. 8arowr�t�al Yso b� In
<br /> �� 'n;�:;�:��f.;�,� dNMril M Bartow�r,durirp th�ioan�tion proas�,O�v�nwt�MNy We�a kwccurat�htormatlon a stat�rtMnU to Und�r(a _
<br /> , -. ,. .�..,.:y. „.... MMed !o proYld� le�edef !4!t!f eny tR3jCiIil �iiS3�i�IrS{Gllf III CGINIrGIIOfI YY►�Ul IIIY S{!WI ividi��tw� by th:fYut'v� :ft���, �ut a�t G�"'i
<br /> •;'� iNt�d to, ��tWoe� oonaminp Bonoww's onaipanay of th� Prop�rty as � qNdpd ►Mldrno�. N thi� 8�arky C�
<br /> ' . • .r;6'• In�trum�nt it on a Inahald. Bortow�r aFW cornPN with�N th�proviabnt of ih�IMw. II Barowrt aoquins fN 1M� b th�
<br /> �. :'1i; . , Prop�rty,th�IMS�hotd ufd iho iM INI�th1�M nW n�q�utflMt LMIdK�qna to th�tr�q�►h wfltlnp.
<br /> ;i,.�..� . . 7. Prot�lon of I.��d�'s Rlghb Ict!h�Prop�rty.t�srn►ower 1a�s to palorm the eovensnb md Rpreem�nb � -.--
<br /> .x, . . � oonwn.d In tnis a.a,�ty inssmm�n�. a tn.n Is �laq�i proc..dlno thac m�y .qnllk-..ntly �tNd l«eda's rlyna b uu Prop�tr
<br /> ... ��� � (such as a proc«tW�O h b�nWuPlcy, Prob+d�,fa cond�rwiatbn or torbitun a to�ntaa t�ws a rpul�tbnsl,th�n L�nclr may �
<br /> 1 do�nd p�y 1a wh�twK is n�o�swy to probct tht v�iw ot th�Proprty and UndK's dpM� in th�PrWHrty. Und�'� adions ...�°
<br /> ; � , ' ' �� may Indud� PaYlnO any wtru uaund by a Wn whioh h�s prioriry ovM this S�w�ily Inibum�nt, aPP�O � �• PH�O �
<br /> „� � n�son�We attom�ys'IMS and�ntrinp on th�PropKty to rt� np�M�.Akhouph L�nda my Wu acdon und�►thb par�pnph
<br /> .�-Ni.� � • --
<br /> -. • 7,Ur►dK doM�ot hav�to do so.
<br /> =;'=-'?�' Any �nwunb dlsburs�d by Undar undar pu��aph 7 shall b�com� additbnal cf�bt ul Borrow�r sacund by thh S�ourity
<br /> '"''=' ' In�hum�nt. Unles� BortowK and lendx�y►ea to othx twnu ot payrn�nt, theso amounts�hali b�v inw�el tan th� dn� of
<br /> �a+��
<br /> -�� . M ,,•. � dfstw►s«nent at th�Nots ate�nd�M�t b�pty�bt�,wkh Intsmt,upon notfc�irom Lendrr to Borrowu�qwalnp WY��
<br /> _..`t, � 8. MortQa� InsursnG�.K l�ndr raqufrsd mort�ps Insuranoe as a condqbn d ��th�lo�n s�ar�d by thb ---
<br />,���,� j S�curky Insdum�nt. 8ortowK shY p�y tM p►�n�Iums requind to mdntdn th�morty�q�bux�wv h MNd.Y.tor�ny n�aan�1M
<br /> ' naAy�p�inswana covwape nqut�d bY���tl�r M�ps�s or ce�ses to be in ell�,i.Banowv sh�Y pRy tM Pr�ni�w�s►�4uhd W
<br /> ,.u• , � .. a0t�in cownq� wbstanti�ly �quivN�nt to tM maty�ps Inwrancs powlousy irt cind. �t a coat wb�t�ntiaMy�qtawJr�t to th�
<br />- f . , coat to Bortowa o1 th� mort9�y�hauwne�Pnvbu�ly h Mt�ct. from an aaertwM mort�0� i�aunr�DDrowd C�) Lrsdr, fl ---
<br /> . . wbst�ntwlly equp�la�t morty�ya insuranw covKaye ii not avWabb. Bonow�r xh�ll pay to I�KNr ewch mot►Ih� sum equel to
<br /> ' ' on�-twNRh of the yMrN�9�SN hsunuic�P�«nYrn beinp PUd by BorrowK when ths insunnc�eavope MpseO or ewwd to
<br /> ' be in el(act. Lender wi accept. us� and nttin these paymaite ae e bss resenra in N�u of�ar1�g�insw�wit�.• Lou m�rv� _ _
<br /> payments may no lon�er be requked, �t the option of Lend�,M mortq�ye tnauranee covxap� (in tAe arhount and 1or iha p�riod _
<br /> that Und�r�quket) provldsd by�n inwrar approved by Lend�r apsin b�ooma avafl�Ws uid is oW�ined. 8arowK sfrt pay _.
<br /> � ' • the prernfums nquked to mak►tatn mortq�ye insuru�ce in ef(act, or to provide a loss reserv�, unt�the nqukeir►an!fcx matp�� —__.__
<br /> . inwnnce ends in acoordance with�ny wrtttun�pr�rw►t MtwNn 8orrowx�nd Lender or applicable I�w.
<br /> • • '. 9. Insp�otfOfl.lendar or ftn ayant mty m�k�rwsonsbls�nWea upon and hspa�lon�oi the Prop�rty. I.rnd�►�frl qiw _
<br /> � . . � ' Bortower ootie�at the tkne of or pdor to an h�edion sprdyinp n�sonabl�aau:e for the In�peaUon. _
<br /> �. 10. Cond�mnatlon. Th.proca�ds of iu►y awud a clalm fa d�may�s.dirsct or conseqwntlN, in conn�cUon wMh u►y
<br /> cond�Uon or otha Wdn�ot any put of th� PropKty,O►I01 C011VhING kl NMl of aond�mnatb�,u�henby +ssqn�d and
<br /> . shaN b�patd to L�ndrr.
<br /> in th� went of a totat takin� of ths P►oprty, th� procasds ihaN W applisd to the sums =ecund by thb 3�owily
<br /> Instrum�nt,wh�lher or not then dw. with any axcesa pald to BoROwr. In the�wnt ol� ytttLl t�kinp oi the PropKty i�whlch
<br /> th�hk mutcet vtlue of the Property Immsdiataiy before the Wck�p is �quai to u prs�tx th�n the amouni ot ih�wmt skut+�d
<br /> _ . by thi� Seauity Usuumant unm�wtery baforQ ths takiny, uni.ss 8orrow.r rn�i twafw atherwlra a�iraa tn w�itksp,ttsa:urr� •
<br /> !�� � aeoured by lhis Securily Instrument shaN be redueed by the�maunt of th�proceeds mWtipA�d by tfie taMowinp Incfion: p)th�
<br /> � toUi �mount of the sums seeured Nnmeciiietely belore the taWnp, dhrldW by(b)the fak market value of th�Roputy inn�tMy
<br /> e
<br /> �. before the takk�g.My ba4nce s►W be pald to Ba►owK.In the avent of a p��Wt Lkinp of Ihe Roperry in whbh the hir muk�
<br /> vaiue of the Property tnxrw�i�tMy before the t�kkiy is bas thm th� anwunt ot the sums secuted knmedtatNy bdore lha Wok�y,
<br /> unissa Borrower and Lender oth�rwlae agne in writh� or unkss appWc�We I�w othxwls� provides, the procMds shY b�
<br /> " appited to ths aums sacured by thla 3ecurity Instnunent whQthar a not the aums aro tMn due. _ _
<br /> r I(th�Proprry la tbandoned by BoROwer, or if, after noUce by Lender to Barower tFut the condemnor oMsn to rnke an •
<br /> awud or setlle a claim tor danwpes, Borrow�r taAs to respond to Lender within 30 d�ys afta the dst� the noUc�is yNen,
<br /> Lendar is authorl��d to coliect and appy the proceeds, �t ilt optlon,aith�r to natoration a ►�pnk oi th� Property or to ttw �::�;:
<br /> � wms tecund by thls Secu�ity Inatrument.wh�ther or not then due. j�"
<br /> .1 r • j Unless Lsndor end 8ortowa otherwise ayroe fn writinp. �ny appNcaUon of proceade to prindpai stuiY not txt�nd or F "':
<br /> postponQ the due date of the monthly payments referted to in parayrophs t and 2 or change tha amount of such paymenU. .
<br /> 11. Bwrowor Not Rotasod; Fo�boArancf By Lond�r Not a Wa iv�r.Fxt.nsion of the t k ne tor p.ymint or ',_. .
<br /> modlflc�Uon of amortizaHon of the nums eecured by this Security Instrumant yranted by Let�der to�ny successor in hterest of .
<br /> , Boaower shaA not opw�tt to�aiaee the IlabWty ot the afpkwi Bortoww or 8ortower's suuessors in intKest. Lender shdl not
<br /> + be requked to commence procaedings agalnat any successor in interest or retuae to exlend ikne tor payment or otherwiae
<br /> � modity amo�UtaUon ot the sums saured by this Seaurity Instrument by reason of�ny demand made by the oripY�ai Harower or
<br /> BorrowK's succasors in interest. Any torboaranca by LendK in exxdsiny any right or rxnedy ahNl not b�a w�hru of or � �
<br /> �
<br /> pnciude the exerdae af any dght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�w�ora and A9signs Bound; Jaint and Sovo�al Uability; Co-ai�nar�. The cownanta wnd �
<br /> �. . ay►eementa of thls Securtry lnatrument shaQ bind md benefit the auccessoro and�ssipns o}Lender and Borrower, aubJ�ct to th�
<br /> . proviaions ot pua�aph 17. Bortower's eov�nanta and ayreements sh�N be joint and seveni. My Borrower who caaiyn�this
<br /> Security InsWm�nt but doas not exeoute the Note: (a) is co•sipning thls Security Instrument ony to morty�pe,yrant and tot►vay
<br /> j � .• • ihat Borrower's intorest ia the Property under the terms ot this Security Inatrument: (b) ia not p�raonaNy obliy�ted to p�y th�
<br /> , suma securad by ihis Security Instrument; and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bartower rtwy+�yre�to extund. modity.
<br /> r, fotbear w mako any accommodaUons wilh roqard to the terms of thls Security Instrumant w the Not� wfthout that BortowK's
<br /> � � , consent.
<br /> � �' 13. Loan Chugas. H the toan secured by this Security inatrument is su6Ject to a law whkh aeta ma�Yr►um loan
<br /> � T ,, . , " chwrqes. �nd that Iaw is Analy interpreted ao th�t the interest or other �om charges coNected or to be collectad h connection ,
<br /> = r. , wRh the loan weceed lhe petmitted Ilmils,then: (a) any such loan chorge shaA be redueed by the amount necessary to roduce
<br /> � the chuys to the pemiltted litnil; and (b) any sums olready collected from Borrower wNch axceeded permitt�d lirdt�s wW be
<br /> �'} �� ''�` ntund�d to Borrower.Lender may choose to maka thls retund by reduciny the princ(pU awed under the Note or by rtWtlny a '
<br /> �, ;� dinct payment to Bortower. U a refund r�duus princlpal.the reducUon wiU be trv�tad �s a parVai prepayma�t wqF�aut any
<br /> a�, • • pnp�yment char9e under ihe Note.
<br /> __ � � . 14. NONC�i.My notke to Borrower provided tor In this Security Instrument shaA be piven by deliu�rk�y N a by m�Niny it
<br /> '�.^s_. .: . ^• , - by first d�ss m�i uniesa�tppWc�bie kw requkes use oi�nother mathod. The nWice ahall be dkscted to the Rapaty Addreas
<br /> - „ : , or any Whx addross Barrower dtalynates by noUc� to Lender. My noUce to Lender shaN b� 9M�n by ikst cdus m�Y to
<br /> _��� Und�r's addres�stat�d henk� a�ny other�ddres�c Lvnder desipnates by notice to BorrowR. My notice provid�d lor h thit
<br /> _ __� ,� ' . „ ; S�CNIfIY InstruMMlt att�f be tleM11W to t1�ve ONn yivw� to na�ower or��ndar wnwt yiven a prwid�d in iiiw Pn9�+4�•
<br /> �, � 1b. OOV�rt11q� Law; $�v��ability. Thia Security Inatruma►t alwN be�ovKned by lsderd t�w �nd the kw of the
<br /> -�:�-:�"�::� • • �. Jtuisd{ctlot� tn which th� Prop«ty b loc�t�d. �n th�ev�nt th�t �ny provl�fon a d�us�of Ibls S�xxlty MstrumKet a tM Nate
<br /> .. •a `•"�-. '` • conpkq wRh appic�ble I�w. wch eonlNct shaM not atlsct othK provt�Ions d tAis Securky InsUum�nt a th�Not� whkh cv► b�
<br /> " '� qlv�n M(�ct wiHtout th� aonliatlnp provldon.To thls md th�provkfont of this S�cu�ily InsWm�nt�nd th�t8ot�an d�dr�d to
<br /> �,..
<br /> b�s�v��bie.
<br /> ` ``'�.y" td. BoKOw�r's Cvpy.BoROw�►shall b�piv�n on�caniorrmd copy of th• Not�md ot 1h1a SeauMy In�trwnnt
<br /> � /f�i //
<br /> . Msw.wo cMw� pw•a w� �` L
<br /> �-
<br /> .�.,..a,.,.-
<br /> _ _a�. �.�°:'s�
<br />�.,�,�i,
<br /> _�__ ,'� a��ao.ur (
<br /> - ., -r -- - - -- -- --.
<br />