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<br /> � 11 '�r -- , �,.,,r; s,a:�_,.
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<br /> tls�Prop�rtY is�o Wan a d�rnaq�d,L�nd�►�hNl lww tlw opYon�in IMi�oM�nd dNOk�M dlwrNlon,M fr�ppl��rooN�M.
<br /> ._ -- _ — �iNr c�uu�i�it,:�trt.rst:i!e��d cxpetr.a Irsct�nsd!�k M QomNal�in wl�h w,oh P►oo�MtM1.upon�nY N M��
<br /> I��by�nd kf wch ordK as I.�nd�r m�y dNKmin�,or b app1Y�II�uoh ProcMd�,HMr�uah d�duoNon�,b!M tMWrNlon 011h�
<br /> �.rodw aw a a�ny v����Nwi.o�►c��:y�s��+M�r«a�a��h�r Io«xbK.nd,�u�n.p�pll�.d' fu�na.�Niau e.v�•�w to
<br /> T��t�e�e�by I.�nd�r. Upon 1h�ocaunenc�o(�n Ewnt ol ON�ult 1Nrwndw,a 11�ny�ot w I�lun or INNI iNOOMdMp
<br /> - cornmsnosd whioh rr�t�tl�llyif[�cts L�nder'�InNrat In the Prc�rty,l.�nd�►m�y In ib own dl�a�Mbn,bW w�thout oblfpolon 10 do
<br /> � u` w,�nd wNhout nodc�to or tNmsnd upon Trustor�nd without rNM�lnp Tru�tor trom any obilprtlon,cb�ny w;l whtch TacWr has
<br /> � apn�d but laila to do�nd m�y alw do any othK aot It dMm�n�a�snryt w prW�ot th�NowUy h�r�o1.Tru�tar�hall,Imm�dIaONY
<br /> upon d�m�nd th�rMor by L�ndsr.paY W Und�r dl aosU�nd�xp�nsN Inourr�d�nd wms�xp�n0�4 by L�ndM In con^�ot�w�
<br /> add�d tai��ind�bo�dn�s �i�cu�id h��►iby.�L�indK �Ih ot�lncu an�I�Wlltydb�oaus��aeYthkp It maY do� 9h'oml b�'d0
<br /> _.__ h�wnd�r.
<br /> �_..,,,;� 9.►br�rdow MaNrIN�.Trwto��heii kesp th�Prop�rty in oompllanc�wlth all�ppllcabi�I�ws,adln�ncq and�puiadons
<br /> �• re�etinp to Ipdu�trial hyr�ien�or anvironmentei prot�cUon(aolleativaly��farrad to hK�ln u"Envlronment�l l�ws'9•T�u�tor shall
<br /> — kasp the P�apertyire�hom�II aubttanc�s deemad to W harardou�or toxlo und�r any Environm�nul L�ws(oaaoav.�y�.��.d+o
<br /> h�rNn a�"Ha�rdous Metp►I�Is"),Truator her�by w�rnnta and r�pr�Nnts to L�ndsr thRt th�r�an no Has�rdou�M�ari�lt on a
<br /> und�r th�Prop�rty.Trustar.hereby aflreea to Indamniy md hqld harmNw L�nd�r,Itt dlncton,ollic�n,�nploy«s and�nb,�nd
<br /> thi pns�n ,wruN Ispowl or�t enep rt of any�Hazardou�Materiai�on,�nd�i�tr�abo�ul th�'P o t+pM'ty TH FOREQ a
<br /> - - ----- --, rovld�d that TruNOr
<br /> 1p. 11w1pnnNnt d R�nu.Ttustor hereby�folpn4 ta Landar the rants,issuss snd proNtt ol th�Prpporty;p
<br /> shpit,untll th�ceourrenae of an Event of Detault henunder,hov�the ripht to coitact and ntaln such��nu,i.w...na aaia u a�.y
<br /> bscoms due and ps�yab(e.Upon the oaaurreno�01�n Evsnt of DNault,Und�r m�y,Nth�r in p�rwn or by�ant,with or without
<br /> _-- - brinpinp�ny actlon or prooeeding,or by a rsaoiver appointed by a court�nd without r�ard to th�ad�qway of its acurity �niK
<br /> -° upon and t�ke po�sa�elon otthe Property,or any part thereof,In Its own name or In ths nam�ol tM Tru�tN,and do�ny�ala wbich It
<br /> — d�em��ac�stery or desirableto preservs the value,markofnbitity or nr�tabllly of the Prop�rty,o►�ny p�h th�r�of or IntNNt thKNn,
<br /> - - increa�s the income theretrom or proteat the eeaurity horaof end,wlth or without takinp passKSlon ol th�Prop�rty w�to►or
<br /> - othsrwise coliaat the rents,lisue4 and profits thereof,Inaludinp thow pstt dus and unpaid,and�ppty thf Mm��IKS cat+�nd
<br /> - � ma�dstermini�7 e�eMer�in�ue ote end takln q ouesilon of th P operty,ths collrctlon ol•ah renu,a�law���nd p�1u a�i
<br /> - appticotlon thtrsot as afore�iNd,ehall not oure or walve any dofautt or notice ol delau�t h�nund�r or InvNlda��ny aat don�In
<br /> �� r�nse to auah defaultor pursuant to auah notlae of defauit and,notwithaundlnq th�conunu�nc�1n posa�sbn of th�Prop�rty or
<br /> :,,,m�� ths cdi�cdon,rscelpt aad applioatlan of renta,Issuas or proflu,and Tru�tes and L�nd�r shtll b��nut►�d to�x�rclN w�ry rlpht
<br /> - proyldedlor in eny�(thp Laen Inatruments o►by law upon occurrence ot any Event of D�hult,Inciudlnp without Iimltation th�ripht
<br /> :�,` � to�xercla the powe►of�le.Further,Lander'a rfphts and romedies under this p�rayr�ph sh�tl b�oumuanr�with,sno in rw w�y s
<br /> j IlmitaGon on,Lender's riphtsand remedios under any e�sisnment of leaae�and renu naord�d swlnstUU Prop�rry.L�nd�r,TrusiNi
<br /> and th�receiver shall be 8ade to acoount only tor those renta actually received.
<br /> .,. � 11. Ewnb of OM�uH.TAe follawinp ahall conatitute an Event of Defauit under thii Deed ot Truet
<br /> .� (a) F�I�ure to pay any instaflment of prinolpal or Interest of any other sum eecured heraby when duo;
<br /> �, :, (b) A breaoh of or default under any provlslon contalned in tha Note,thtt Dead of Trutt any ot th�Loan InsGum�nts,or�ny
<br /> • '�'��,T��,=;''�r� othN Il�n or enaumb�ance upon the Property:
<br /> �' "•` (a) A wrH of azecutlon ar attaohment or any slmilar process sheli be entered apainet Trusto�which shalt b�aom�a INn on
<br /> , � Uw Properly or eny poAW�th�reof or interest therein;
<br /> (d) There shall be illed by or apeinst Truetor or Bo�rower an action under any present or tuture tederal,state a other
<br /> �„ SWtute,Iaw or refluiadon relatiny t0 bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliet tar debtors;or there ahail be appointed any trutte�,
<br /> ,4.F �... recelver or Ilquidator of Tru�tor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Property.or the rents,iaaue�or profib thnsof,or Trutta
<br /> ' ,�,�,: ; ,:� � or 8orrower shAll mAke any qenerai acsiflnment tor the benefit of creditors;
<br /> �4�r. .. �.. (e) Th�eale,t►ansfer. ieose,assiqnment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of all or any pan ot or any interatt In the
<br /> ,yt Ptoparty,eithar volunUrity or Invoiuntarfly, wlthout the express written conaent of Lender: provided th�t Trustor s�ali be
<br /> ��t��• permitt6d to ezecut�a lea�e of the Property that does not contain an option to purchase end tha torm of whfCh das not�xcNd
<br /> �;,,�_...:.,.. �,, on�year,
<br /> �,,,,,�. ,�°� (n Abandonm�nt of the Property;or
<br /> �qc,��: (q) If Trustor Is noten indlvidual,the iasuance,sate,transfer,aesipnment,conveyance or encumbrance ot mon th�n a total
<br /> -- = _y�;'�' of percent ofpf a corporatton)ita Isaued and autstanding stock or(if e pertnership)a tota�of p�rc�nt ol
<br /> y.�,� �. � paMershlp Interests during the perlod thla Oeed ot Trust remafns a lien on the Property.
<br /> =--�;�:,-�_: 12.R�m�dNs:AceN�Uon Upon DN�utt.In the eve�t ot any Event ot Default Lender may,wlthout notice except as nqufnd by
<br /> �e;,,,,,,, taw,doclare ail indebtedneas aecured hereby to be due and payable end the same ahali thereupon bacome du�and payable
<br /> ���: = with0ut any presentmint demand,protast or notioe oi any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> �,. (a) Demend that Trustee exercl6e the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Truatee shali thereafter ceuse Trustor't
<br /> �� � IntKest in the Propa►ry lo bo soid and the proceeda to be dlajributed,ai1 In the manner provided In ths Nabrask�Trutt W�dt
<br /> :a�.�:..:M:��, Acx
<br /> �;,",-:-�r,,� (b) Exeroise any and all riyhis provid6d tqr In any ot the Loan Instruments or by taw upon occurrsnca of any Evrnt ot
<br /> D�faul�and
<br /> (c) Commenc�en action to foreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortpafle,eppofnt a racafvar,or�cifically�nforca any of ttu
<br /> " � - covenAnq hereof.
<br /> �, No nm�dy hereln oonterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Ia intended to be exclusive ot eny other r�medy h�reln,in tM
<br /> Loan Inttrumenta or by law p�ovlded or permltted,but each ahall be cumuletive,shall be in addltlon to every other rem�dy y�vsn
<br /> -- hKwnder.in the Loan instrumants or now or h�re�ft�r exlatinp at law or In equlty or by statut�,and may be ox�rcis�d concurnntly,
<br /> --- Ind�p�nd�nay or sucCeasiveiy.
<br /> -- 13.TrwtN.The Truatee may retfpn at any time wHhout cauae,and Lender may at any tlme and without caus�appoint�
<br /> wCC�sar or wbstitute Truflee.Truttse ahat�not be Ii�ble to any party,inciudinp without Ifmitation Lendsr.Borrow�r,Truttor or�ny
<br /> purchaWr of th�Property,lor any losa or damape uniesa due to recklesa or wllitul miaconduct,and shall not be rpufrsd to Lk��ny
<br /> aotion In conn�ction with Ihe enforcement of thl� Oeed of Trust unleas tndemnifled, in writln9,tor alt cosq, comp�nauon a
<br /> �xp�nps wMCh m�y be a�ociatQd therewith.In addltion,Trwtee may become a purcheaer at any wb of th�Prop�rty QudIOIW or
<br />. _...._�___... ....1.a.�+�.,.�.u.•n...��tl1r
<br /> unWr u►�power ot taie yranted"nereinj:Posipone ine yaie 6i aii 6r uiry NO�ii'v��v�u�•�...��y.«i•:••..---—s•---•-• -- -
<br /> Prop�rry as a whob,or in feparate parcela or tote at Tru�tee's discratlon.
<br /> - t�,f�and Exp�ntN,tn the avent Trustee sella the Proaerty by exerclfs ot power oi sale,TrustN�hall bo�nGtlb b apply
<br /> �ny taN procMds Nnt to prYment of aII coste�nd expentea of ezerclslnp power of eale,Includlnp�II Tru�te�'s i�,�nd l��r's
<br /> �nd TtwtN'�altorMy'�fea,actually incurred to�xtent permlped by appllcable I�w.In the sv�nt 9orrow�r or Trustor�x�rcl��ny
<br /> Mphl prpvld�d by law to curo an Event ot Dstautt,L�nder shall be enUtted to recover trom Trustor�II cosu and�xp�nas�ctually
<br /> InOUrt�d Nf 11 rMUlt of Tnator't d�hult,IncludtnQ wlthout timlt�tlon atl TruttN's and attorn�y't iwt,to th�ucMnt pam110�d by
<br /> �ppNo�pl�i�w.
<br /> 16,�yWn AdwneM.Upon raqu�st ai Bo�row�. Und�r may,at lu optlon,mak�addlUortal�nd tutun�dvancN�ntl r�•
<br /> �du�ncN b 6ortowK.Suth adwncss and re�dv�nc�a,wlth int�rest thsreon,shatl bs wcund by thl�ONd of tru�R At no tfm��hatl
<br /> If�p�N�plp�!�niountof tMlnd�bt�dness 8scured by thls Ossd ot Trust,not Includlnp tums advAnc�d to prot�ct tt►�Ncur�ty M thl�
<br /> DMO d TrtNt,�oMd tlw ai�l►ud prinClp�l�mount ttat�d h�reln.or t���- whlch�vK Is yrM ,
<br /> � � �: • i�•
<br />