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__-_ ..,, _ ''iu��ij`�;�:it,� .,,'::.. ~�. '`' ,_.�-.n,. <br /> , � '• i,v �t ' � �7: <br /> A.. I � Y 1 :��w +� <br /> . rr.(I•5.' <br /> - -' IC .. .-- -. .._.__�_ <br /> `-��.�...� � <br /> ACKNOWLEDOEMENT OF DEED OF TiiUBT 93� u�46 <br /> TRUiTOR READ TFIIS BEFORE�113NIN0: <br /> --_-- - � 7n+Mo►�that tiw�doawn«�t M�at Truebr 4�about b wxeAt�fe is a E�+ed ai Tru�t u�d�ala morir�g�and tlwl tIN pOwK _ <br /> ot sal�provid�d tor in th�Owd of Tru�t provide�wb�tantlaly difNr�nt riphb and obtipatlons b Truaor th�n a mortp�p�In th�w�►t <br /> of a dM�uit or bn�oh ot obfiQati�on ur+d�r th�Da*d ot Truat,inctudlnp,but not Ilmit�d to,th�L�nd�r'�ripht to hav�th�Ptop�rly�oid <br /> .,.' by th�Tru�Ms wi�haut any Judiolal procMdinp.Truslor npra�nts and war►ants that this acknowt�dp�m�ttt wa�x�ouNd by <br /> -. T�uNa bNon tlN�x�autlon M 1h�D»d of Trwt <br /> , '�-�'"`'�—�. �QGt�� -- - <br /> �,� ry Pnlli� Tru�wr Hwb�nd ` <br /> t e« � <br /> `� J L llin� Truawr Mit� <br /> -�--� � OEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES <br /> THIS DEED OF TRU8T,is msd�u of fh��� ot lbv ,19�3,by�nd smOnp � <br />- ,� th�Trwtor, „J'�rry P�tl�e� t 7cy�v L- Aullin� � h�5ind and rii� , <br />--�a�.��..� whow maiUnp addnu is 1�23 A. Yhe�l�r Avanur tirand i�lan�reln"TrusTd�"v�Tiet�ia on�or mon), ° <br /> th�TruttM, Ri v� Pninl� Bi*��' a V�Lr�,lt� Cer�ratien , <br /> ' ,-'�'"�• whost mallinp addre9s ls P•0. Box 1507 tirand Ial�Tid. ME 68882 (hereln"T;wtoe"),and <br /> � -• `,�-�`". - <br /> � :.�t-.:� ."�q-r.• fl'18 8m�ffol�ry�_._.'�Y� Anin�� iiink , <br /> �'.+ y� �� <br /> W110M t11i11111Q addleit�i �1 S Y_ Arn�elr�t 1 tina� 1�1�ed� YR_ 6AB02-iSA7 (hOr��n"u�1d��'�. <br /> .A. +1��...�. ..- ,:�.,� � <br /> �`�°��� "�r��•���.'• FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERATION,Inctudlnp Lender's axtention of arodit Id�nUfled horeln toT�lrrY Pullins <br /> .N.i�{� <br /> ���'r i - g (herein"8orrower",whether one or more)and the trutt hereln creat�d, <br /> �.•,:.;. � feL1 t_ Pullin: <br /> ' .. ' .�` '? <br /> �F .., the reafpt ot which Is hereby aoknowtedped,Truator hereby irrevooably�rents,tranafers,convays and assiqna to Truatee,iN <br />- ' � ,;v;�.�'�::?�,'-;',: TRU8T,WITH POWER OF SALE,tor the benefit and seaurly of Lender,under and wb�ect to tha tarms end eonditlons hereinafter wt <br /> L ^���"".;;'° :�``: lorth,lM�MI Proparty,de�crlb�d as(oliows: <br />- - — ✓ !`"- LoL Fl�1e I�?, Hlo�� T��nty-r±r �26?, Rueael Mh�l!r'• #ddition to th� City of <br /> , �'+^'. , . Ciraad islaad, Hall County, lieDra�ka. <br /> `.:�.,:.. <br /> � .J h . <br /> y�J- . . <br /> . i .i,t"'.. � " <br /> ,�.�.:�", � •�,M,?,� <br /> � � .. Topether wltb ali buildlnpa,improvemente,fixtures,streets,aileys, paesapeways,easements,riqhts,priviieyes and appurte- <br /> � '': ; ' nancee located thereon or In anywise pertaininy thereto,and the renta,issues and prpflta,reversiona and remainders thereof,and <br /> .;+� : ' . auch personal properly that la attachad to the Improvements ao as to constltute a tlxture,Inciudiny,but not ilmited to,heatlny and - <br /> ,. . . . coolinp equipmen�and topethar with the homeatead or marltal Intereats,if any,which intereats are hereby reieased and walved;all - <br /> :r.,,,,�w�,,,,,,, ,;�,;; of whiah,Inciudlnp�epiacements and additlons thereto,ia hereby declared to be a part of the reat eatate secured by the Ilen ot thl� _ <br /> " ���,.�,+ . y��. D�ed of T�ust and ali of the torepofnp belnp reterred to herein aa the"Property". ! <br /> ,;;��.,;,;� _� � Thit Deed ot Trust shail secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and Interest evtdanced by a promissory not�or crodlt =- <br /> �•'� � = •�;�•� �qr�nt dat�d ��+�,ti �qq� ,havinp a maturiry date of , - <br />- r ..�=,.r Q'• = <br /> 9 � in ths ori�inal principal amount of S Z�13s � ,and any and ait modlficatlons,extensions and renewels �_ <br /> �'��'•''"~" th9reof or thereto and any and all future advancet end readvancea to Borrower(or any ot them ii more than one)hereunder =- <br /> • ',�;�, • . ,;:;;�� pursuant to one or more promiaeory notee or credit apreements(hereln called"Note");(b)the payment of othe►suma advanced by =_ <br /> °;,:;���,;, . �;„�,,; Lenderto protect the security ot the Note;(c)the performance of all covenants and ayreementa ot Trustor sQt torth harefn:�nd(d)all �_ <br /> •^� ' present and tuture indebtedness and obilyations ot Borrower(or any of them B more than one;to Lender whether direct,indirect i� <br /> � � abwlute or contin�ent end whether arialnp by note,quaranty,overdraft or otherwlse.The Note,this Deed of Truat and any and all <br /> �i??nc' '�- <br /> ,� � .,��. •� o olher docuents that secure the Note or otherwise executed in connectlon therewith,inc�udiny without limttetion guarantees,seCUrity = <br /> � • .�*r�-L �9reemente and assl�nmenta of Iea�es and rente,ehail be referred to hereln as tha"Loan Inatruments". f-_ <br /> • Tru�tor covananta and aprees with Lender as foliows: <br /> = �"'• ��' 1.Pa�nt M Ind�bt�dn�ss.AII indebtedneas 4ecured hereby ahali be paid when due, = <br /> ���xµ` 2.Tiq�.Trwtor ia the owner of tho Property,hss the ripht end authority to convey the Property,and warranta that the�I�n � <br /> :� ..--1'y�, craated hereby Is a fir�t and prior Ilen on the Property.except tor Ilens and encumbrancea set forth by Truator in writinp and ' <br /> ''" ` dslivered to Lendor betore execution oi thia Daed of Trust,and the execution end de�lve of this Dead of 7ru�t does not violate an <br /> _, iE',�w�.�. :t:.,.. ►Y Y <br /> -""" ��1::;;„.:' .: Contr�ct or othar oblipeti0n to whfch TruatOr la SubJeat ' <br /> _ �'''�"�`'''`'"- 3.TaxM,AWn�m�ntt.To a before de�in uenc ali texea,apecial easeaementa and ali other char es a ainat the Pro e <br /> •;r::::.. . P Y 4 Y � t! p MY �_ <br /> � ., ..:.�� now or here�iter Ievled. <br />- • 4.I�ua��n.To keep the Property insured ayainst damage by fire,hazards Included within the term"extended coverepe".end - <br /> � `� '`��,_� � tuah oth�r hazards at Lender may require,in amounts and with companfea acceptable to Lender,naminy lender aa an addttional - <br /> named insur�d,with iws payable to iha case of loss under such policies,the Lender Is authorlted to adJus�colisot and <br /> compromise,ali ctalme thereunder and shali have the optlon of epplying all or part of the Insurance proceed�(1)to any indebtedne� - <br /> t�cund henby and in�uch order a�lender may determine,(Ii)to the Truator to be used tor the repalr or restoratlon of the Properly <br /> or(iil)tor�ny oth��purpose or object eatiatactory to Lender wlthout aflectiny th�11en ot thia Oaed of 7rust for tM tull emount secured .- <br /> - � hK�by b�tore euoh payment ever took place.Any applicetion ot praceeda to indebtednesa shaU not extend or postpone the due <br /> — daM d��y paymsnb und�r ths Note,or oure any dsiau�t therounder or hereunder. ,_ <br /> � S.iaerow.Upon written demand by Lender.Truator shett pay to Lend�r,In auch mennQr as Lend�may de�iqnate,suNielent <br /> wms to�n�bts LMd�r W pay a4 thsy become dua one or more of th�toitowln�:(i)ai!taxes,as�esamK►ta and other oharqss ayaln�t � <br /> - �Propsny,(u►m�pnm�ums on tn�propeny insura�c�rpwrw Mreuno�r,ana(m)au prem�ums on any mo�aps insuranc� <br /> rpuk�d bgLend�r. <br /> 8.M�MMMnw�R�pair�and Compiianc�wNh Laws.T�ustor�hali k�ep th�PropKty In�ood conditlon and repalr;shtli - <br /> — promptly �p�ir,or npl�ct any improv�m�nt whioh rtuiy be d�map�d or d�stroyad; �hall not commit o►psrmit any waste w . <br /> d�Mrloratlon ot tht Prop�rty;shaii not removs,demoiish or�ubetantlNly�Iter any ot tM improvem�nts on ths Property;sh�tl�ot <br /> commit,w1Nr or p�rmN any aat to W dcn�in or upon the Prop�rty In viotatlon of any law,ordkf�nc�,a ropulatlon;and sh��i pag and <br /> p►ompNy dl�ch�rp�at Tru�tor's cost and�xp�n�t ail It�ns,encumbmncu and charp�s Iwbd,fmpos�d or a�saiod apalnst ths _ <br /> PropMy or anY D�K tMnof. <br /> 7.E�MMKM DaNNn.L�nd�r 1s h�r�by�s�ipn�d ait comp�nwtion,swuda damep�t and other pe�ymsnb or rNi�f(hereinaRer <br /> "Proo�wds")In conn�otbn wifh condwnn�Uon or od»�t�kinp of th�Prop�rty or paR thenof,w tor convoyana in iMu of cond�mna- <br /> Mon.UndK thtli be�ntltNd at Ib optlon to comm�nc�,appear in and pro�scut�in 14 own namo�ny aation or procwdinps,�nd = <br /> �hali abo b��ntit�d�o m�k�sny comproml�or�ttl�nt In conrnodon wtth suoh takinp or d��.In��i1�pt eny portion ot - <br /> wc swtw�ww+rN a.�a.aon� _ <br /> O 1�MMrIrW WtM Gr�wwT�1�M i«IewAr�qW�n LAwY�N�rMy <br />