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<br /> - 93' �,1Q034
<br /> — __ -_= W�at lin� of uid �a�t Oa�-Hal! o! th� South�asti Quar- —
<br /> t�r (S1/28E1/4), a diatanc� n! Six Huadr�d Sav�nty-
<br /> Throo and Thirty-Ono Huadr�dths (673.31) f��t to th�
<br /> poiat of b�qinninq.
<br /> --�;----� BAID I�SSI(�tll�ENT BY THB UNDERSI�NED 1188I0NOR8 I�t M]1D$ 8U9J�CT �
<br /> �� TO THa FOLLQWI�Tti TERMS aDTD CdD1DITI0li8t
<br /> �'— 1. obliQation 8ecured. This 7�ssignmeat is qiven to secure —
<br /> ��� the payment of the indebtedness desaribad above and as security
<br /> for such other suins ae may be hereafter advanced by ]lssignee to,
<br /> _ �.� _, - _ -_� or for the benefit of, Aesignora; provided, however, that in the
<br /> � event all indebtednese owinq from 1►ssignors to ]lsaignee is well
<br /> and truly paid, then thie Assiqnment shall be void, otherwise to
<br /> —__,,�i:_,�;;,,� remain ia full forae and effact.
<br /> �.;�;�� 2. Future Adv�nQes �nd Exoenses. It is the intention and
<br />- ' R �I , agrsemant of Aseignors that thie Assignment sh�ll also seaure any ---
<br /> ` .,:1��;.,•.:::.:- future advanoeB mafle to As�iqnor�c by �►ssignse and any and all -- -
<br /> �.,�Y�:._� indebtedaess in addition to the amount stated above which Aesiq-
<br /> •,�.��.������,r nors may� owe to Assiqneo, however evidenced, whether by note,
<br /> ` book, accowat or otherwise. The uadereiqned alsa agree that this —
<br /> sV�;..'F_y.;ti;.,�:,''`:
<br /> 3�r°r'" �•r,;� �;;;. Assigriment ahall secure all costs, charges and s�cpenses reaeon-
<br /> �'' �'`-����� � ° � ably incurred or paid by Assiqnae, includinq reasonable attorney
<br /> :i �;����"���"r�.� fees, because of the failure of the undersiqned to csomply with �
<br /> �`��� F'�'���' + ths terme of tho Notes evidencinq euch indebtedneas or th3s
<br /> ` �, � �y` Assiqnment.
<br />__..�• . _� V.,t .
<br /> ..i. _ 4��:.i:1�'��* .
<br /> �,�r; �,,, : �� � 3. Ri�,rh* to Collection and Retention of Rents. So long ae
<br /> __ "'•.�'�'`7�'��: I�ssiqnors �sha33 nQt be in a�fau].t Qf the g�yinant� d�3A r� Aagi c�ae
<br /> `��yki..,�f_�;r1+'Fu�.
<br /> in respeCt to indebtedness owinq or in the performance of the
<br /> ' :� . . requirements of any instrwnent of security which may secure such
<br /> ,::<<..: . . , indebtedneas, Assignors ehall be entitled to collect and retaia
<br /> '� � for their benefit a11 rents from time to time acaruinq and
<br /> . � .r.�..; reaeived in reapect to the Lease herein asaiqned as security. —
<br /> �.� -
<br /> ' ' � 4. Assiqnee•s Riqhts Upon Default. IIpon default in the _:.
<br />��{;. �;r.� ��. � �. .,;,;�,, payment of any sum due in respect to the indebtednese secured u�:°-
<br /> hereby or in the performance of the requirements of any instru- ���:�
<br /> � �: . . . ' , �j1,:
<br /> ment of security which may secure such indebtiednese, Assignee may �,,F_Y
<br /> �, qive immediate natice of this assignment to the Lessee under such �y1z�
<br /> Lease and shall, from and aft�r the date of such notice, be -,-,
<br /> ' ' authorized to receive and collect a11 such rents as may there- F`�'��-
<br />�% � � , after accrue and be due and payable to Assiqnors under the terms t_,__�::�
<br /> ' � thereof. �
<br /> �`��
<br /> � � 5. t�tarrantv. Assignors represent and warrant to Assignee
<br />� . .�'"r that the assfqned Lease and rents therein provided has not been �•:_
<br />- _ previously traneferred or encumbered. '-:--
<br /> _ ;,. - r.._-
<br /> �•� •'"�� 6. Continuation of Terms of Exiatinq Lease. Assignors will
<br /> ��'''� '_�r." �� not, without the prior written consent of AESiqnee, aqree to, or ^:-
<br /> T,,. � ���� consent to, or permit any amendment, modification, termination, 4'.�``�
<br /> .�.:Z --- � - -
<br /> - � .i+�w�: y T-��
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