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<br /> rnr.r�T � ]LSIC-NM�l1T OF I,l.�91!
<br /> ��_ - FOR 1�iD ZN CONSinERI►TION o! thQ sum of Threa Nillio�n Thro�
<br /> =— Aundrad Fifty T�iou�and and No/1o0 Dcllara ($3,380,000.00) lcaned
<br /> .��— to tha und�raiguod, aw ovidenced by a Construction Lino of Credit
<br /> Draw Nota dat�d Novembor 19, 1993, and havinq a stated maturity °
<br />_ -- -_ - date of 11pri1 1, 2014, unla�e a call option shall e�rlier be
<br />-:_ '°�'��° e�ercised, ERNEST J. THJIYER and Jl►NiCE M. TH7�YER, Huebend and
<br /> ������ Wife, 2307 staqeaonch Road, c3rand Island, Nebraeka 68801, here-
<br /> _���� inditer referred to as "Assignora", do hereby sell, assiqn and _
<br /> _.�� ISL�►ND, P. O. Sox 1009, Grand Islnnd, Nebrnska 68802, herein-
<br /> �� after referred to as "1►seiqneeN, all of their right, title and
<br /> - �;:�,�,�;�,��� interest in and to a Lease dated March 1, 1989, together with all
<br /> -""�°""�"°� renewals and Qxteaeion� thereof, with Riverside Lodge, Inc. as
<br /> � ' Lessee, which includes the land, improvements and parkinq facili-
<br /> �'` ties located at 404 Woodland, Grand I�It�nd, Nr�braska 68801, --
<br /> G�;u:Yf'�'� .
<br /> ^.ty,, .. ��,;� legally doscribQd aa. _�. .
<br /> %�°;`:? �� ` ' A tract of land comprfeinq a part of Lot One (1) on
<br /> r.�.. i:;,�':�%;.`•;-.�:���_
<br /> � : :,,4���1 , . Island and part of the Southeast Quarter of the South-
<br /> _K .:'; �.,.,;.:-'„^r�';;. aast Quarter (SE1/43E1/4) situated in the East Half of
<br /> � -� the Southeaet Quarter (E1/23E1/4) of 3ection Twenty-
<br /> '�-?%-:y.��"� �`:�'���� �A Eight (28), Township Eleven (11) North, Ranqe Niae (9)
<br /> ,�;�,��;;��.�} West of the 6th P.M. in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> .�._,: �: �.. ;.1.�„f County, Nebraska and more particularly described as -
<br /> � follows: Beqinninq at a point on the West line of said
<br /> ,�� ��.��� � East .One-Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1/2SE1/4),
<br /> __ :�.r�.�.r�::�.�.,.. ..t� said point being one Thousand Three Hundsed Forty-Eiqht --�-
<br /> ..::: ,.-. ��--;,
<br /> .T.�... ---
<br /> � and Eiqhty-Five Hundredths (1,348.85) feet oouth of the
<br /> :�4� �..;;�;�� � northwest corner of R. W. Raamusaen 3ubdivision; thence -
<br /> . easterly a distance of Eiqht Hundred Ninety-Seven and "`��
<br /> :.� K�, :
<br /> ' ��`;��� " .� Fifty-Siu Hundredths (897.56) feet to a point on the _ -
<br /> i •``�'':` • •
<br /> � west lins of Woodland First Subdivision, said paint .
<br /> ' being Thirteen and Thirty-one Hundredths (13.31) feet
<br /> � north of the southwest corner of Lot Four (4), Waodland ...
<br /> Firet 3ubdivision; thence southerly along and upon the h;;._
<br /> � West line of Woodland First Subdivision, a distance of .u'ti•
<br /> 3ix Hundred Thirteen and Thirty-one Hundredthe (613.31) •,
<br /> feet to a point on the north line of Woodland Drive; �ry��
<br /> thence westerly along and upon the north line of Wood-
<br /> land Drive a distance of One Hundred (100.00) feet to � � �
<br /> i � ~ the northwest corner of Woodland Second 3ubdivision; �:;'�;
<br /> � '� �� thence southerly along and upon the westerly line of ( ; �
<br /> � Woodland Second Subdivision, a distance of Sixty (60.0) _
<br /> .�. „ . feet to the northwest corner of Lot Seven (7) of Wood- �;���"�
<br /> -�-.•-� . land 3econd 3ubdivision, also being a point on the
<br /> . },' ..:,;. � . �.__-
<br /> south line of Woodland Drive, thence westerly along and
<br />-,,;,;�'.� ;��u_ .� . �..`''�i upon the prolongation of the south line of Woodland �
<br />��__,.;. ;�r,. • ;;,j� Drive, a distance of Seven Hundred Ninety-Seven and +'.�••-
<br /> , `�k::;,� �- Siuty-Nine Hundredths (797.69) feet to a po3.nt on the � �
<br /> •;'���;;;� . west line of said East One-Half of the Southeast Quar- -.
<br /> t� � � � �. ter (E1/2SE1/4); thence northerly along and upon the '•":'
<br /> -- �IN'�tF.'l�4-�/j _
<br /> _ ,'._
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