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<br /> epppc�ble U�w rrµy�pocify for roituauentent)befaY�ale of the Property punuant to�r►y power ot�a1e cont�lned in thi�
<br /> - - --—� 3s:aritp!naln►sn�:or(b>�+urY af,�Judgmmt antorc(n�t thl�Securlty In�trument. 71a�c candUtom ue that&xrower: (a)
<br /> p�Y� I,endei dl �urt� whfch then wuu{d be due un�or thi� Secuclty Inurument u�d the Nde u ii na�ccelentlon h�d
<br /> occurrod;(b)cura any defauit of�ny otl�er caven�ntr or�;roements;(c)p�Y�dl expenKS iacurrai in enforcln�thl�Secu�lty
<br /> ln�trument,lncludin�, but not Umited ta,ce�uo�u�ble ottnmey�'fra;+ind ld)uke� such k�ion t� l,ender tn�y rcaombty
<br /> reyuirc ro u�ture th4t the lien of thi�Security In�teument,l.endcrl�ri�hts in the Prc�peny aid Bcxrower5�oblia�►lon W pay the
<br /> wms secured by thiR Socu�ity Imtrument shall contlnue unchu��ed. Upon reinat�toment by Bortowec, this Socu�ity
<br /> I�trumrnt�nd the obN�uionr�ecured hercby:lull rcm�in fWty effective�if no accelentlon h�d accu�red• Huwever,thl:
<br /> — d�ht ta reimt�te ahalt not apply in the c�se of Acceleruion under prragraph l7.
<br /> 1!. S�le o�Nafei Cb�o�e o�La��Sawkw. Tho Note or a parti�l intere�t in tha Note(togethcr with thi�Security
<br /> In:trumenq tnAy be�Id ate w more tlme�without priot noticc to Borrower. A�Ic may rcrult in�clungc in the entity
<br /> (known�s the"L,om Servlcer")th�t collectc monthly pnymenta due under the Note and this S�curity Instrument. There also
<br /> m�y be one or mare ch�nges of the L.oan Servicer unnel�tod to a sale of the Note. lf thorc ia a chat�ge of the[.om Servlcer,
<br /> Bomower wfll bo given wdnen notice of the change jn accordance with pazag�ph 14�bovo and�pplicable law. The notice
<br /> will:tau the natne and�ddress of the new l.out Servicer nnd the uldrc�s to whlch payments should be made. The notice wlil
<br /> �'��f� alco contRin u►y other infonnacion cequiral by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Huardaw Substaacea. Borrower shall not cause or permit the prcsence,use,disposil,storage,or release of any
<br /> Ha�.�rdous Suhctances on or in the Property. Borrower shell not do. nor allow anyone else to do,anythtng affecnng the
<br /> "— Proparty that ia in violation of any�nvironmental Law. Tho preceding twu sentences:hall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> starage an the Property of small quantlties of Hazardoua Substances that arc generally recoQnized to be eppropr�au to normal
<br /> - recidendat uses and ta maintenance uCU�u Fiope�ty. -
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim.demand. lawsuit or oiht:�action by any
<br /> govemmental or regulutory egency a pdvate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental
<br /> ,.':� Law of whlch BoRawer has actuul knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notified by �ny govemmental or regulatory
<br />_ __ _ '�1� authodry.that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is nccessary,Borrower
<br /> shall promptly take all ne�essary nmedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br />-���,�:� As used in this puragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardaus substances by
<br />:'�T�ti;: Environmental Law and tha following substances: gasoline,kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products.toxic
<br /> pesticides and herblcides. volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and radioactive muterials. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20."Envlronmental Lew"means feders►11 laws and laws of the jurisdlction where the Property is located
<br /> -- that relate to health,safety a environmental protection.
<br /> ��� NON-tJNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and L.ender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> � � � 21. Acceleratbn;Remedies. I.ender shnll g[ve notice to Borrower pr�or to acalerAdon tollowing Borrower's
<br /> t: i
<br />'�?��?��. breach af any covenaot or agrcement in this Security Instrument(but not prlor to acceleration under ps�ragraph 17 =�
<br /> '�� '� unless appUcAb14 Is�v provides otherwtse). The notice shAll epecity: (a)the detaulh,(b)the ection required to cure the
<br /> , � ,4`� �,y',�`����'r`:• � dafxuti;(c)a duEq riuE irar ii�aii 30 dsys iiom the�tai2 the tsoiEtc#�gtrcg!o Borro�er,!�y wh�h tht defellt muct I�e .
<br /> •-�,ti c.�';�ti. �;�:•�t,< cured;and(d)that ts�ilure to cure the default on or before the date specifled io the notke mAy result in Acceleration of
<br /> Y~y�� ''`�°'•.`�"�'�'°;• the suma secured by thia Security Instrument aad ssde of the Property. The notke sholl further inform Borrower of
<br /> ��1�... .- � ,
<br /> '`''''�'i•-�°'t+�'�� the right to rei�state nfter Acceleratbn and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or
<br /> { t �'a•�..i_L�..�K'F —
<br /> ,�.,:,-�•:,.,�-.� ;�. any other dePense of Borrower to acceleration and salQ. If the defnult is nut cured�n or before the dAte specified in
<br /> ,nt��:i,�a#;�•:�F th�nodce,Lender at its option mAy require immediute payment in full of all sums secured by thts Security Instrument
<br /> °X' ���''`�'�='`� �� without further demand and may invoke the power ot sale Ynd any other reme�iies permitted by s►pplicuble law _
<br /> l.ender stwli be ent(tled to coilect pll expenx� incurred in pursuin� the remedies provtded in this parpgraph 2l.
<br /> a. ,��F,. inetuding�but not Itmited to,re�sons�ble Attorney+'fees vnd custs of'title evidence.
<br /> _ � ��1 It the power of sAle i�invuked,'I�u+tce chs�ll rrcord u m�tice of defAUlt in each cnunty in whivh Any ps►rt ut the
<br /> — ���� =Y�: Property is Iocated��d shAll mail copies uf tiuch nutice in the munner prescribed by applicpble taw to Burrower�nd to
<br /> -�.•• the other persons prescribed by s�pplicAbte IAw. After the time required by +�pplicable Is�w,7lrustce shall�ive pubik
<br /> � M 4�� �"��' notice of sale to the persons�nd in the ms�noer p�•escribed by applic�ble IWw. 1lruslee,withuut dem�nd on Borrower. _
<br /> ��w;�zix�;,;:�,�_��'. shall sell the Property at public�►uction to the highest btdder ut the time s�nd piace and under the terms desiR�ated in _
<br /> .,:�,,.:,,.:: . � , the notice of sale in ona or more parcels s�nd in uny order 71�ust��e determtnec. Trustee may postpone s�le ot all or�ny �
<br /> pArcel of the Property by public annuunceme�t at thr time und ptace of�ny prevbusly scheduled sale. Lender or Its
<br /> ���"=�:� designee muy purchase the Property s�t uny sale. —
<br /> ? rz..y,�.�:•. ., ;, -
<br /> • ; Upon receipt uf pt+yment uf the price bid.lYustee shuil de�iver to the purchuser'Itustee's deed conveying the
<br /> .n �� `�''.'` property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shs�ll be primu facie evidence of the truth af the statements mude therein. -
<br /> ��F�.' ,����,{:,;::��;�;. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in tbe following arder: fa)to all costs And expenses of exercising the power E�'
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